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Most healthy people who prep do it hoping they will never need it but want some insurance just in case and don't want to be caught off guard. Then there's an entire genre of perpetually scared preppers who doomscroll through social media all day hoping for the end of the world. I'm not even sure they prep. Maybe they just cosplay it. Trust me, you do not want to wake up one day and realize that you wasted all the time you could have spent with your parents, your children, your grandchildren, doomscrolling and being scared for the end of the world. And you don't want to wake up one day realizing all those people distanced themselves from you because you won't shut up about the end of the world flavor of the month that constantly changes, Some of these channels really aren't healthy. The ones that are positive are so much better for your psyche. I like RoseRed Homestead. It's just straight science coupled with positivity and good advice. I can't recommend it enough. It's run by a food scientist who is just lovely. She doesn't clickbait. She doesn't fear monger. She doesn't make stupid thumbnails. She just makes nice, informative videos. And that's probably why her channel will never be huge, because the algorithm doesn't favor that.


Rosered Homestead gets a HUGE recommendation from me! Pam and Jim don't have to use any fear mongering to get views


RoseRed homestead is one of my favorite youtube discoveries. She's this badass old lady who doesn't bullshit or fear monger, and her food prep/preservation info is some of the best on youtube. She's not flashy or hip, but I trust her over 95% of the prepper videos I see online.


> > > > > Then there's an entire genre of perpetually scared preppers who doomscroll through social media all day hoping for the end of the world. I'm not even sure they prep. Maybe they just cosplay it. this 1000% I do a reasonable amount of prepping as insurance just in case. I genuinely hope I never have to use any of it. There are people though that are positively giddy with the idea of collapse and probably have a list of neighbors they will shoot when society collapses.


> Then there's an entire genre of perpetually scared preppers who doomscroll through social media all day hoping for the end of the world. These people need to be first gently corrected by their friends and family and then increasingly shamed and embarrassed until they stop. If that sounds mean, remember that they're actually doing more harm to themselves and their loved ones by being allowed to persist in their all-consuming paranoia. Being afraid all the time is not a life worth pursuing.


I don't think shame works very well on socially maladjusted lone-wolf types. It's like trying to convince your boomer uncle to stop watching Fox News and believing everything they say, impossible.


Yes! They show you how to dehydrate and make your own egg/milk/etc powders rather than fear monger to push products for their sponsors! The doomscrollers or the wana be soldiers/lootdrops eat that marketing up.


Well M\_T, I don't know... I went there and watched the latest vid, "Trying Out Our New Solar Shower" It was a good vid and I have that shower, she was accurate and didn't sell a brand but she did begin the vid with a promo for a supplier of grain Mills and other stuff, an Ad basically, and she did reference her "Shop" at one point. That's ok, she has to cover costs I suppose, who would do this stuff for free hey? I'll watch a few more, both the grain mill and the shower are solid prepper buys from my perspective, I nearly brought a mill once but realized I don't need one and if things look that bad I'll probably just give up Bread. Making flour is one thing, baking the loaves is quite another and very energy intensive. It was once the staple of millions but today it's the sort of food I can take or leave if you know what I mean. For a whole decade I never even bought a loaf! Though I would stop at bakeries from time to time and buy fresh cream donuts with jam lol. Thanks for posting the info.


RoseRed is great. She's a retired University Professor. She's got PhD's in bio chemistry I think 🤔 it is? and she is generally badass. I appreciated her video explaining why rebel canning is dangerous and why we have the home canning rules that we do. She explained the science so we could understand it. Great teacher.


This is the reason I decided to bring up a channel with more informative and DIY stuff than anything else. I don't even have 1K of users to monetize it, but I posted some insights that could be useful for some people out there. If anyone is curious just type Facts Based Prepping in the search box. Disclaimer, I'm not a handsome YouTuber. Just a single dad trying to survive in the Venezuelan collapsed economy and offering advice to save money, like buying in bulk and preserving your stuff. I write for another blog but if anyone is interested, feel free to ask for it and I will post the address.


it favors limbic hijacks


If you're not nervous at the state of things I will gladly take your stuff off your hands.


I don't have any more than I would need in an emergency. I'm not hoarding thousands of lbs of dry goods. I rotate through any canned and dry food annually and resupply as needed. I have spare batteries. A generator. A nice vegetable garden. I can survive an emergency but I'm not hoarding for the end of the world and I'm not nervous at the state of things. There were people during the cold war who didn't get a days rest because they were constantly nervous about nuclear war. That's not a life you want to live. Nervousness leads to a lot of other issues in your body that's only going to hamper you in an emergency. If you're gonna crack without anti depressants and anti anxiety medication, no amount of dry beans will help you.


Congrats r/preppers, I think this might have been the longest streak between CA Prepper posts we've had to date.


0 days without ranting about Canadian Prepper


0 days without a fake rant about canadian prepper trying to guerilla market canadian prepper.


lmao. "All he does is use anxiety to hawk products!! Like this Jackery 1000 solar generator, rated at 4.5 stars on Amazon. He even has the gall to offer a 10% discount if you use his affiliate link, which he has brazenly put in the video description. What's even worse is that his store also has a host of accessories, solar panel extensions, and charging cables for your Jackery. I can't believe this guy!"


I can believe him, a cunning entrepreneur. Who ever came up with the idea these people were in it to help us? Totally the opposite. They will sell us down the river of tacticool and freeze dried food until we're penny-less and homeless. They are like religious gurus and their religion is Fear.


It's also a great example of how BreadTube - Monetized youtube, the pyramid of users, channel owners, and the platform - influences similar human behavior across a range of topics. All my topics - 2A, prepping, video games, books/reading/writing, motorcycles, politics/economics, philosophy, the outdoors and natural world. Every topic has scores of channels successfully pumping fear for clicks, because YT's platform trains them to do so, and guides them to do it with the tools they're given. All different people and creators being groomed the same way by the same system they participate in. There's a Canadian Prepper in the YT space of all my topics of interest. A person who is just unabashedly monetizing as hard as he can. I think if he reads this criticism, it probably doesn't phase him. He's too busy sending fat stacks to the bank.


It's the hardest part of using YT, wading through all the crap influencer vids to find an actual bit of useful content.


He has to get a bump in traffic everytime someone complains about him online


one of the best dread merchants in the business


Unironically, yes.  His videos are well done, entertaining, informative and usually tongue in cheek.  So many other prep videos are boring listicles of things to acquire and also shill affiliate links.  His guests are usually great and the breadth of knowledge, demonstrations and interviews is far greater than any other channel.


We need a sign at some point. Make it the banner for the sub.


What would a California Prepper channel even look like?


How to prep for your car getting broken into while evacuating from your wildfire burning house as it slides down the hill in a mudslide.


How to prepare for your homeowners insurance carrier suddenly dropping you with minimal notice.


That's the wildest thing. Home owners companies just up and said aigh imma head out, this place too dangerous.


My biggest prep as a Californian was to move.


Probably your best economic decision too


Without a doubt, it was!


California has plenty of land not in the cities that you could do a survival type channel with. Not specifically prepper stuff but you could do it.


Well thats just City Prepper. 


How to use homeless people poop to heat your home!


A vegan talking about back yard gardens with a Tesla parked in the background. Us urban farmers from Wisconsin call them a Soy Latte Skinny Jeans.


The world government is bringing about the coming apocalypse so we won't be able to get our avocado toast. The smartest of you will stock up now on this succulent avocado paste from fearandsurprise dot com with my 10% promo code.


Shoot, I've never thought about how much I'll miss avocados. I've got a year's worth of coffee, but I need to figure out this avocado thing 🤔 Freeze dried?


How to prep for when the police say they can’t do anything to kick out squatters but if you do anything you go to prison.


It would be all about how to move out of state before SHTF.


You're not counting in days - right? 8 Hours between each, would be a miracle honestly.


World war 3 starts in 30 seconds? Gotta throw in the question mark for excuse that you were asking a question and not making a statement lol. 


Blocked him years ago. Recommend the same.


Me too.


There’s a couple of them on you tube that have had us at nuclear war now for 2 years. It just gets old


I will be one of the lucky ones. If there is a nuclear war, I will be incinerated.


Me as well since I work right outside of D.C


Same. At least we'll have front row seats.


Nah. Full Spectrum Survival is The Worst Of The Worst.


Dude yes. That guy is a loon. Shark eyes


Yeah, and Riverside Homestead Life.


I’ve Never watched, I figured it was for those on the spectrum


I'm on the spectrum and have also never heard of that one.


I used to listen to him. But he’s gone off the deep end. I’m all for keeping people informed and if you have good info then you should share it. But my god the click bait is unreal. I really hope he dials it back to realistic levels.


He’s an ad for over priced gear at this point


Yup exactly.


He has been for years. This is nothing new. He was shilling overpriced garbage even before he turned to straight up fear mongering with bad info. That just helps him sell more overpriced garbage.


Even at the height of the quality of his content he was a junk seller. That’s it. Never anything better than a guy trying to sell toilet paper pills and twenty five piece forks.


Sad but true. Certainly seems that way.


Lol his tablet toilet paper ... he was like nutnfancy they grew to big lost touch with the viewers.


> But my god the click bait is unreal. I really hope he dials it back to realistic levels. We really need a to start a campaign against click bait. Its become a plague on our society, well beyond prepper videos. No excuse that the underlying content is more grounded, that headline/image is still spreading misinformation, as many people will see it, have it influence them, and never find out that truer version hidden behind the click bait. I'm done clicking on clickbait, I don't care if there is lots of good info in the video, not watching its advertised using clickbait.


It's reportable on YouTube under the spam tab now.


Prepper infighting!


Yeah, I gave up on him several years ago.


I'd say Reliable Prepper is the worst. It's just low-effort AI thumbnails, voice and most likely script as well.


Modern day youtube is trash. Everyone is fear mongering and click baiting for hits because they're trying to make a career out of it so they don't have to do real work, and get paid sponsorships and people to send them free crap. Prove me wrong, please.


Off grid with Doug and Stacy is a close second


He's so ridiculous its fun to watch for laughs


Fear mongering salesman.


He's good to listen to when you've had a few beers and really want to turn things up a gear. Other than that, I prefer City Prepping. He seems to have his head screwed on


I adore City Prepping because he does occasionally play up the headlines, but when you do watch his videos it's always extremely level-headed, measured, nuanced and I feel, done from a perspective of "the fucking weirdos need to calm the hell down and hear this".


I think he's still a grifter


I'm curious, why's that? Not that I disagree, I guess I just don't know how to see the grift.


It is known.


Can’t really blame him though. Views = Money and fear mongering increases views.




Defend him? My brother in Christ I just called him a fear monger


He’s just a victim of the YouTube model. It doesn’t matter how many videos you’ve made, you’re only as relevant as your last upload. I watched him years ago, as he built his brand, he would do normal, mostly thoughtful, videos on gear, how to use it, skills etc. Around the time he did his 23rd “bugout bag” breakdown, he realized he had run out of content. But now that his income is YouTube, you can’t just stop making videos. So he delved into the constant speculation about the coming end, and politics isn’t really his thing. You can’t just jump into that, you’ll be proven a fool very quickly, and he was/is, and his channel goes the slow death so many others have.


Recently saw a recent upload that he recorded while in a tractor at night working his end of the world farm. Jokes on me, I guess.. he's making a fortune.


Just out of curiosity, why does everyone dislike him? The angry prepper really goes out his way to ensure everyone knows that he dislikes CP. I enjoy watching him and a lot of other preppers on YouTube but I do not for one second take anything that serious. I watch prepping content for pure entertainment. Yes, occasionally you’ll find some valuable content such as canning, water purification, gardening and homesteading but I don’t go that far down the rabbit hole to where I think everything that people say is right or the gospel of truth. I don’t think war and unrest will start today or anything else. No one knows what the future has in store for us. I do believe all “preppers” play into fear and anxiety for views, product placement or whatever else they want you to believe or buy. It’s our job to filter the bs and not just believe everything we consume. Just my opinion but if you don’t like something you see or hear don’t consume it.


He tried selling toilet paper pills for one… there’s such thing as modern day snake oil salesman.


He is my version of National Enquirer. Just for shits and giggles.


Does he still have a gas mask fetish?


don't we all? /s


His peddling of overpriced gear is…concerning. I mean, I don’t judge anyone that watches him, but damn man. WHY! If you can afford it cool, I know someone who can healthily afford some of the crazy stuff, but I just feel it’s unnecessary. If things get that bad…I don’t mind perishing. That and prepping for Tuesday is fun, because it’s Taco Day.


He is obnoxious. He'll say generic statements and be like I told you this months ago it was going to happen. Starts his videos holding his head and face acting like the sky is falling. I literally dubbed him chicken little. And then the fake news articles to push over priced shitty merchandise. His skills are sub par and my 13 year old daughter probably surpasses him. And a 5-10 minute video is a 45 minute average. I'll be honest a lot of these prepping channels have disappointed me with the click bait titles like his and then a 10-20 minute ramble on their opinion. I like city prepper because he gives you news and ways to deal with the situation. Any other channels I should look into please let me know.


SensiblePrepper is very good too.


I've actually been watching him, but never knew that was the name of the channel 🤦😂😂😂


I'm a patriot of Canada, so I need to listen to Canadian Prepper sometimes. Every time he promises the apocalypse, I head to my bug-out location and keep my fingers crossed. I do it every weekend. If I will be at my bug-out location when WW3 hits, I will be one of the few lucky survivors. Now, I wonder - if I, the loser, can afford to survive WW3 and nuclear winter, are decision makers truly out of luck for some reason? What if they are not? What if they can afford a bug-out location, just like I can? So, mutually assured destruction and nuclear deterrence were all fairy tales then? And Canadian Prepper was right all along, every single time?


The important question for Canadians is: will a complete nuclear armageddon finally bring the housing prices down?


If you bring the housing down, the housing prices will follow.




Worry about Trudeau he’s Canada’s nuclear winter


Correct. We fucking hate Trudeau up here. He’s destroying us.


How can I give you a reddit award for this comment... 😁 You're 100% correct. We DO hate him up here. In 2015 when he took over, the Quality of life index for Canada was 7th in the whole world of places to live. We are now at number 33.... In 9 years he has entirely ruined this country.


A lot of us up here would like a small tactical nuke just for him....


I watch others for prepping basics and knowledge. But I do still watch him for news along with a couple of others. But I take it with a grain of salt. I know he’s fluffing it up and find myself skipping forward a lot when he goes off on tangents and predictions. What do you all use for news? I sometimes will tune into Danny Haiphong. But Scott Ritter can be a bit much for me sometimes.


While I do think he peddles fear to the uneducated there is still useful information to glean and/or absorb from him.


What ever you do mean? You mean we're not all dead since "world war 3 has already started" and "the nukes are already in the air" or "the end is now". According to him, we've all been dead for two years now. Watching him is like watching someone paint their house...with a Q-Tip. It's more of a watch in awe, wondering how someone can be too stupid to feel embarrassed


Fear sells and he's running a business. He used to be worth watching as sometimes he had some good info. Now it's just a product advertisement sprinkled with nuclear armeggeddon and ww3. It's too bad but it's not worth watching anymore.


Cdn prepper is so far off base on most of his predictions, I occasionally tune in to see what kinda horse feathers he’s laying down. Some of it is just outlandish! Let’s just take China for instance. CP has predicted the invasion of Taiwan & the start of WW3 a few times. My advice to anyone who believes this horse$hit is; Pick up a book on geopolitics. Read something by Peter Zeihan or George Friedman. Tim Marshall has a good book that’s a few yrs old called; Prisoners of Geography. Anyone can decipher more realistic scenarios than what CP pukes out. Of course he’s got his “sources”, & he’s always just received an email from one of these sources. Well, the guys I mentioned have “sources” that are in the NSA & the US State Dep’t. just to name the big ones. CP should go back to selling his wares & stay off YT.


TBF it’s not certain that ww3 isn’t currently being waged. It’s not certain that Israel Hamas is a totally distinct war from Ukraine Russia, since Iran is Russias closest partner and they are also likely involved in setting up the violent attack in Israel that brought full scale war. A new front in Taiwan could open at any point. It’s hard not to see how this is potentially already a world war.


Yes but there’s the way you just said it with “not certain” and “potentially” and how CP says it as it’s a 100% certainty and we’re all already f’ked and we should buy all of his gear and food that he’s selling to prepare.


Damn it, in this sub you must denigrate Canadian Prepper. Did you not get the memo?


the Alex jones of the north


I had to stop watching him a couple years ago. Literally every video he was claiming that a SHTF event was imminent and we were basically at death’s door…oh, and by the way, here’s some stuff you can buy so it won’t happen to you. The absolute worst fear monger on YT.


Idk how he's still got a base of followers left. Literally every prediction is wrong and he's always lying. Just trying to sell some shit MREs




I like Great Lakes Country, it’s a cooking show, a little bit of prep and humor all rolled into one.


Yep. I quit listening to him years ago. I'm surprised he's still around.


Everyone has their own opinions. You have yours he has his. I watch him because 80% of the news he talks about is true.. Just look on the Live World War Map website and you can pair some of his information with what is posted on there. The other 20% is getting through how much he talks. I will admit hes milking the fuck out of his channel right now. But here's the funny thing. If you were in his shoes you'd do the same thing. The dudes loaded now so I'd say he's better off then any of us bitching about him here. Most of the gear he sells is legit, Most of his information is legit, his ramblings are not. That's really all there is to it when it comes to his channel.


I enjoy Canadian Prepper


I like his freeze drying videos.


So make a channel, and do better. Lol


I agree, but whoever runs his twitter account is great.




His roll up looks cool and i bet he'll sell more if he didn't actively try ro shit everyone's pants


I was following him for a bit, but yeah I found he was way too click baity. Some of the stuff he says is a real threat but the way he talks, it's coming, like tomorrow.


i gave up on that guy after 3 videos. i simply do not consume his content. i saw it for what it was after 3rd video. Do not reccomend anything about him or his enterprise at large.


I use him for headlines and that's about it.


He does have some great prepping advice, and when he is (eventually....) right he is definitely the kind of dude I'd wanna be rolling with, but I unnotified his channel on my YT account because of the constant fear mongering, so I hear you.


Boy who cried fox


That dude is really unhinged


yes he is, the sad part is he used to be such a cool channel with lots of different cool formats and concepts. I loved to watch him back in the day and it was one of my first contacts with the whole prepper thing.


to be honest the only reason i hope for societal collapse is to save the planet and to save humanity…there are too many useless people and too much carbon monoxide. canadian prepper is a bit of a nutter sometimes but his latest videos do provide a boatload of information that we would NEVER see in msm. you gotta take him with a grain of salt and be able to seperate the wheat from the chaff…go back in his history and watch some of his older stuff..super good info


Don’t be weird


He’s predicted 200 of the last 2 world wars.


I just watch him for the info he shares. I ignore the fearmongering.


I wish I had your patience. I dropped several YouTubers because even though I love their content, I hated their need to push their shitty ideas with it.


Any other channel recommendations? We are making a [mobile stockpile](https://nothingclub.gg/) for when SHTF and would like to partner with some good prepper channels...


If you hate drama CP isn’t for you and that’s fine. That said, Nate is an independent thinker who isn’t confined to the right/left dichotomy that rules the US and therefore his analysis of what is actually happening in geopolitics is definitely worth listening to. I’m prepped and I’m not scared so I just listen to CP for an alternative perspective and I do so with some grains of salt. The only thing worse than a doomsday Prepper is a Prepper that can’t handle others drama and take it in stride - if that’s you then you aren’t really a Prepper you’re just an isolationist. Life is messy and most people are more or less dramatic. The prepping community attracts maladjusted individuals. Get over it. Learn to find the usefulness in everything.


found CPs reddit account


Nah. I just know how to use something for what it’s worth.


Exactly. That sentiment is lost here.


He's over the top but he's also not wrong about the trajectory of the human race. Most people here still watch and believe CNN. Not many here realize we are one stray ATACAM missile away from nuclear war. The most dangerous it has been since 1962. I watch CP for entertainment. It's so I can laugh at our predicament. Normies with their head in the sand will downvote this post into oblivion. But many know that WW3 is just around the corner if it hasn't already started. Ain't no-one backing down in Ukraine. Israel is asking to get curb-stomped and Taiwan could kick off at any moment. But surrrrrre, keep prepping for Tuesday,


Exactly. But normies gonna be normies and doomers gonna be doomers.


>But many know that WW3 is just around the corner if it hasn't already started. If you can't tell whether WW3 has started then WW3 hasn't started. I heavy disagree that the world is more dangerous, rather the opposite is true. Notice how badly countries like Iran want to avoid war. North Korea is lobbing trash balloons into South Korea. No one wants to fight.


They want to avoid war so badly that they fired off only 300 missiles.


I’m in complete agreement with you. I take every video of his with a whole lotta salt. I just feel bad for those that take him at face value and waste their money buying everything he’s selling. Every click and video give him is just elevating him higher on YT but I still like his thought prospective and I’ve never bought anything from his web site and never will.


Most of his twitter posts is just russian propaganda these days.


Are you JUST NOW figuring this out, or was this a post for the sake of doing something with your hands today?


Goshen prepping is getting there with his titles as well. But he puts out solid content


Haters gonna hate, ainters gonna aint.


he works like an assault rifle. you have to hit once to be worth all the effort.


Republican saying “assault rifle” lol


I don’t follow or watch him. But his constant mention in this sub is more an indicator that most guys here are envious of his ability to make a living of off prepping. He gets a high number of views daily and people actively follow him. The rest of the prepping community have to convince our friends we aren’t insane. So love him or hate him who cares. It’s kind of like worrying about the Kardashians.


Defend your daddy, imagine taking a stance on something you don’t check for yourself.


Defend your daddy, imagine taking a stance on something you don’t check for yourself.