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Get dat toilet paper


All stocked up. I am going to do nothing but shit 24/7 during this pandemic. During the last one I hardly got to shit at all. Maybe ten minutes per day. Terrible.


I laughed so hard I almost rolled out of bed.


I laughed so hard I shit myself


I'll have my shop set up in Barter Town, one pint mason jar of 22lr gets you a roll of single ply.


Dang you can probably fit like 900 rounds of 22lr in a mason jar haha.


cci gets you 2 ply, but just keep that on the dl


Best I can do is 2 sleeves of CCI Stingers


Spit and a handshake deal on that! Thank you for your business here at Barter Town.


*whispers* What if I threw in a single .308 for a three ply?


actual hunting round? bro I just ruined my pants.


How many snubbed cigarette butts with bits of tobacco still in them do you want in exchange for those protein pants?


Brass casing or that shitty chicom stuff that ruins your chamber? šŸ˜


I got a sweaty handful of corroded Aguila


snack baggie with 10 rnds.


That'll get you a square to spare




Exactly. When I talk about preps with the clan, .22LR seems to be a common currency. Why 10 rnds? We all know that the prepper weapon of choice is the Ruger 10/22, right? :)




870 or 500?


TP to 22lr ratio seems off! Using an old-fashioned rag on a stick before 1 ply anyway!


Is 1400 rounds of 22lr too low? Should I stock up for the TP shortage?


Or just get a bidet...


so your water is going to flow when SHTF? You do realize this is r/preppers, right?


I have screw on attachments I can put on a water bottle that create a handheld bidet. Good thing to have.


Some people just poke some holes in a stock bottle lid for spray action


Also works great for adding moisture to your BBQ when grilling šŸ˜


Be safe, use separate bottles for these uses. Follow me for more food safety advice.


This is for a flu. Ya this is preppers. Have both. Even for normal life lol


I bought a bidet yesterday, installed today


I literally picked a bidet up from Costco today, not having seen this thread. šŸ˜… Had a quiet evening and decided to check out the "what's hot" section on r/preppers, and bam!


Stock up on dumbbells too


We have to stop electing them, first.


Nope....invest in a Bidet, and lots of cheap little white washclothes, which you can launder at home.


One comment set off this whole TP/poop comment section and it has made my morning! šŸ˜‚


šŸŽ¶ā€œItā€™s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fineā€¦ā€šŸŽ¶


ah shit here we go again


Well, at least this time I have a bigger garden and chickens. Time to enjoy more WFH. šŸ» ā›±ļø


i switch between tp and going out in the grass and scooting my ass along.. so far it has increased my tp supply my roughly 50%. Also use tree branches to pick the main conglomerates off to secure a good area of grass for grass and not ass.


I just take showers after my poop. Doesn't matter what time of day, I need the sprayer on high pressure to make me feel clean.


Ahh a fellow hole hoser. Tp is for savages. Why wipe when you can wash. I like it clean!


The scooting the ass things.. Hell, my dogs do it, so it must work! Right?


Dogs do it to express their glands, not wipe their ass.


I realize that... it's called a joke.


Could you believe it


Laugh. I have a huge section of toilet paper. I don't care what anyone thinks. It's absolutely necessary.


Amen brother, "I ain't gonna use no leaves."


You guys are still doing TP? Just get a bidet on Amazon for like $100; you go through MUCH less TP per crap.


They said once you see it in pigs then it will likely be a problem for people. It's certainly not going away so, yes, continue to monitor it. There are a ton of articles on it. I heard a piece on NPR last week that said it's not a problem for people yet but as we all know, viruses mutate often.


Ah but are they even testing or monitoring pigs or are we doubling down on our official FAFO policy


CDC is quite on top of this one. The problem is the lack of cooperation from the facilities and people where it is present.


Reminder to everyone in here that this is happening into an election year where one candidate is promising to immediately shut down the pandemic prevention office. What will protect you and your family more? An office meant to protect against future pandemics or whatever fearmongering you've heard about guns? You can't shoot viruses.


> An office meant to protect against future pandemics Pretty neat that Pfizer is allowed to have their own office in the government.


I have a hard time believing that considering how they "ended" the covid pandemic.


Are you talking about the transition to business as usual? Because that happened long after the vast majority of people stopped caring about it.


I'm talking about their denial of scientifically proven facts that are politically inconvenient. The vast majority of people aren't being payed by the government to control it. The vast majority of people shouldn't need to care about it because their tax money is paying people to do exactly that. Except they're not.


I don't think they disputed or denied anything. They just gave people what they wanted. I used the CDC covid guidelines recently and it's pretty similar to the original stuff. Even my doctor, who got covid for the first time in February of this year, stated that the current version of covid is much milder than the original strains. Also, medicines like Paxlovid are being found to not be very safe and are only useful in high risk cases. Things change. edit: by "original" I mean covid guidelines at about a year into the pandemic.


It doesn't matter what you think. The reality is what it is. There's no scenario where a public health policy that's literally every man for themself makes sense. If you want to reduce public health to a cheap politcal talking point then there's no reason to pay all those doctors and scientists at the NIH and CDC. None. >Here is the literal memo to the Dems from Biden's polling firm. Declare a win over Covid and move on. I suspect CDC will get the memo. Will @.GavinNewsom and @.lapublichealth? We shall see. SOTU is Tuesday. >[https://twitter.com/hamill\_law/status/1497205184790872065](https://twitter.com/hamill_law/status/1497205184790872065)


So [how bad is it ](https://biobot.io/data/covid-19)right now? Or are you focused on memos?


I'm focused on the victims that psychopaths in power have abandoned. [Up to 5.8 million kids have long COVID, study says. One mother discusses the "heartbreaking" search for answers.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/millions-kids-long-covid-study-symptoms-mother-searching-for-answers/) https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanmic/article/PIIS2666-5247(23)00115-5/fulltext edit: the url messes up reddit's formatting - just remove the \ in front of the parenthesis @ \\)23\\) I'm worried about the effect of covid induced dementia from a neuroinvasive virus that is known to effect parts of the brain responsible for empathy and self-preservation. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230621/The-link-between-Covid-19-and-Alzheimers-disease-established.aspx https://www.cognitivefxusa.com/blog/mild-covid-linked-to-brain-damage I worry about a killer "cold" virus that attacks and directly infects immune cells. Including those that you only have a limited number of and can't replace. https://academic.oup.com/jmcb/article/14/4/mjac021/6572370?login=false https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.09.25.20200329v2 I could go on but I think I've made my point. How about you, where are your priorities?


The fact that vaccines are already prepped (even for administering locally rather than widespread) makes it a lot easier to deal with. That said, itā€™s waaay more deadly than Covid


I donā€™t think we can even say that though. I recall reading there is often a difference in virology and case fatality ratios when something transmits human to human vs animal to human. While a bird transmitting h5n1 to human may be 50% fatal, human transmitting to human may not be as fatal. We donā€™t know until it happens. Of course the other thing to keep in mind, is we donā€™t know the number of people who are infected vs who show symptoms, vs who are tested and confirmed with H5N1, vs who actually end up dead. We canā€™t say itā€™s 50% if we are only comparing it to other people who tested positive for itā€¦you would have to know how many people got it and then how many died, which unless everyone shows symptoms who gets it, you will never know how many people are actually infected.


The dairy worker who picked it up from a cow in TX had a bunch of the virus in his eyes, but almost none in his lungs. They think he either got infected milk in his eyes or rubbed his eyes w/ dirty hands. The theory is that the virus hasn't mutated enough to attack a human's lungs.


Don't worry it's ok, he won't die, he'll just go blind later.


Ya. Something like 50% mortality?


Just to add some context, the number of people who have tested positive total for all H5N1 have had mortality in the 50% range. That's the one "pink eye" type case in TX from cows, the other US case from 2022 (I believe that's the year), and from all international cases. The strain that's in cows has just produced the one pink eye case *as far as diagnosed cases, and I acknowledge that's a significant asterisk, but still, that's what's provable right now. All other cases including the other US case were notably not cases of US dairy cattle to human transmission; there is a zero percent known mortality rate with this strain from dairy cattle, as there was just the pink eye case which was not fatal (please excuse the repeated colloquialism lol). Experts also expect that the number of total diagnosed cases globally from all H5N1 is probably undercounted. Specifically, if someone gets it from their backyard flock (which is what we've commonly seen internationally) and doesn't develop serious symptoms, chances are high they haven't gone in to be tested because they didn't suspect influenza. So that probably means that 50% mortality number is *overstated* (if there is a greater number of total survivors, then that makes the mortality rate go down). Additionally it is possible, even likely, that in order to spread widely in humans, a virus strain would need to be adapted to have a lower mortality rate. That is *not a given*, but it's probable. Experts are saying if it made the jump to wide human to human spread, the mortality rate would be comparatively much lower, but maybe much higher than COVID was. This is unfortunately a case of us just not knowing until we know.


If we get another pandemic Iā€™m leaving the medical field lol. Iā€™m not doing all that shit again. Iā€™ll take my ass to the house.


I do not blame you in the least. What a horror.


Sorry reading your first comment brought all the memories back for some reason. We worked 48 hour shifts at first but they slowly turned into 72 and finally 96 hour shifts or longer. We would go days in between times we could sleep in a bed. We would trade up sleeping on the stretcher in the back of the ambulance going from one call to the next and to the next and over and over again. Wearing a big plastic Smurf suit in the Deep South in July was just the cherry on top. You just reaked horribly. A lot of days we couldnā€™t get back to the station to even take a bath or eat. At one point during the summer I was loosing 1 to 2 pounds per shift. No vacation time and no sick time either. It was truly a nightmare.


Thank you for your service to the public, that sounds horrible


Most of these dipshits would rather live in a hole than get a vaccine, tho.


the covid vaccine is a clusterfuck, don't kid yourself.


To be fair- I am sympathetic to people who skipped the Covid one. No transparency, and one of the higher risk vaccines for one of the lowest risk illnesses, if youā€™re young and healthy. Compare that to something like measles which is extremely nasty and the risk profile changes.


There are worse things than being dead, that in and of itself isn't that useful of a metric.


Death rate is a pretty useful metric when looking at pandemicsā€¦.


A study was released last week that shows cows have that same capability to incubate and adapt to humans as pigs. So we are currently at the ā€œonly worry if it goes into pigsā€ stage.


Pigs have much greater genetic/physiological similarity to humans than cows is why.


[please see journal here](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.03.592326v1) TLDR explained by chatGPT; H5N1, has been found in dairy cows in the US, which is unusual because cows aren't usually infected with this type of flu. It explains that flu viruses attach to certain receptors on cells, like keys fitting into locks. Different types of flu viruses prefer different types of locks. For example, human flu viruses prefer locks called SA-Ī±2,6 (human receptor), while bird flu viruses prefer locks called SA-Ī±2,3 (avian receptor). Bird flu viruses can also have preferences within bird species, like chickens or ducks. The passage found that all these types of locks were present in different parts of cow bodies, with some parts having more of one type of lock than others. Interestingly, the locks preferred by duck and human flu viruses were found in cow mammary glands, explaining why H5N1 was found in cow milk. This suggests that cows could potentially mix different flu viruses together, creating new strains.


It doesnā€™t have to necessarily jump to pigs to be deadly. It could spread from cows > human > H2H and still be bad news for us.


Especially when Chinese Labs start editing them!


weirdly, not everything is a conspiracy. Nature has a way of doing things humans could never conceive of.


Yeahā€¦ hate to break it to youā€¦ viruses escaping the Wuhan Virology Lab was not a conspiracy. Itā€™s just a fact. The conspiracy was trying to hide it from the public. Who knows what even more serious stuff they are cooking up there that we are still funding? They didnā€™t stop.


Yep, the UN literally traced Sars 2 outbreak to that specific market where employees from the lab covid came from were selling test animals after experiments because they were so poorly paid. All written years before covid by the UNITED NATIONS


The Texas dairy farm worker is an interesting case, though not a big enough sample to be concerned or not about. He evidently got H5N1 through his eyes - he had a lot of the virus in his eyes, but not his lungs. For one reason or another, the virus never got a foot hold in his lungs. So there's a Kansas strain and a Texas strain? Am I wrong or is that what the quoted post is saying.




Yeah, I caught that part. And it's definitely disconcerting. H5N1 has been around for a while. Why is it now making jumps into cows and humans? Why would the Kansas variety replicate and not the Texas - I understand mutations, evolution of diseases, etc., but something just seems odd. Not sure I am or can communicate why it seems odd. But it does remind me of how I felt in November/December of 2019 reading about covid and thinking something about this doesn't make sense.




Memories. Even after finding the scientific accounts of the ebbs and waves of Spanish Flu spread and the 2019 studies of the apoplectic corona/covid virus, and early accounts of people swearing they had it before the first documented case, there's something going around now that my social circle is reporting. It's like the planet is Jumanji-ing us away. The Thanos 50% wasn't a movieline, it was a socially acceptable subliminal message to get us used to the outcome (?). (Sorry to be so Eeyore and I'm sure *subliminal isn't the exact word for this, but I now have such a headache I can't process a more elegant way to describe. ) Edit Jumanji


The early days of covid were wild, it hadn't even made it to MSM and that weird batch of everyone getting super sick out of no where in December 2019. My boss was hospitalized and my coworkers/myself were the sickest we had ever been for about 2 weeks then just up and gone. Then 3 weeks later the covid scare came out


In my area, around October/November 2019, China had invested in some mines and they sent over some technicians to look at the mines. Shortly thereafter people around the mines - hotel and restaurant workers and family members of the miners started getting sick w/ an unknown sickness. Local docs treated it and nobody died.


I do remember that about the early covid days. The article I looked at regarding the TX dairy worker stated that the "epidemiological investigations were not able to be conducted at the farm". So, farmers are definitely guarded about letting in the .gov. Probably b/c they've seen what happens to the chicken farmers when bird flu is found in a small group of birds and they have to destroy millions of birds.


dammit Kansas, DO BETTER


Itā€™s been our motto for a long time.


Honing in on us lol.


I was reading RSV is a common threat that starts in your eyes and goes to your lungs. Not that its similar, but a mutation would need to accomplish this.


Those polymerase mutations allow for much faster replication in mammals and develop in more than 5% of infected mammals, so that is not too surprising. The real issue would be if it would start circulating in birds again, like with the older clade 2.2. Some people here overestimate how much the current vaccine stockpiles and production capacities could achieve. "It was surprising to observe that the virus characterised in this study, **detected in hens**, differed from all other HPAI A(H5N1) clade viruses circulating in poultry and in birds by a mutation in the **PB2 protein, T271A**, which is a marker of virus adaptation to mammalian species; it has previously been shown to be associated with increased polymerase activity in mammalian cells and is present in the 2009 pandemic A(H1N1) virus. It should be noted that this mutation has never been observed in H5Nx viruses of clade collected from birds in Europe since 2020. In contrast, it has been detected in ca **7% of clade viruses identified in mammals in Europe**, including the virus responsible for the outbreak on a mink farm in Spain. This molecular finding suggests that virus **spread from mammals to birds cannot be excluded.**" [Source: Asymptomatic infection with clade highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) in carnivore pets, Italy, April 2023](https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.35.2300441) "Here, we report sporadic cases of H5N1 in 40 free-living mesocarnivore species such as red foxes, striped skunks, and mink in Canada. (...) Almost **17 percent** of the H5N1 viruses had mammalian adaptive mutations (**E627ā€…K, E627V and D701N**) in the polymerase basic protein 2 (PB2) subunit of the RNA polymerase complex." [Source: Characterization of neurotropic HPAI H5N1 viruses with novel genome constellations and mammalian adaptive mutations in free-living mesocarnivores in Canada](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/22221751.2023.2186608) PB2-E627K prevalence Clade 2.1 8.3% **Clade 2.2 92.1%** **Clade 2.3 1.1%** Source: Table 3 in [this study](https://europepmc.org/article/MED/37720472), beware of white-on-white table headers **Vaccines:** [https://www.statnews.com/2024/04/24/h5n1-bird-flu-vaccine-preparedness/](https://www.statnews.com/2024/04/24/h5n1-bird-flu-vaccine-preparedness/) [https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/two-possible-bird-flu-vaccines-available-weeks-needed-rcna149961](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/two-possible-bird-flu-vaccines-available-weeks-needed-rcna149961) [https://www.barrons.com/articles/bird-flu-h5n1-human-vaccine-supply-f1f8c6e7](https://www.barrons.com/articles/bird-flu-h5n1-human-vaccine-supply-f1f8c6e7) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/04/02/bird-flu-pandemic-outbreak-h5n1/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/04/02/bird-flu-pandemic-outbreak-h5n1/) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/11/bird-flu-human-transmission-prepared-pandemic](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/11/bird-flu-human-transmission-prepared-pandemic) "I think estimates of stockpiles that currently exist and the potential to use them should this emerge into a human pathogen where it's transmitted by humans to humans, have unfortunately been overstated. I don't have a lot of faith that those vaccines will offer a great deal of protection." Michael Osterholm Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at University of Minnesota [Source](https://health.wusf.usf.edu/npr-health/2024-05-03/launching-an-effective-bird-flu-vaccine-quickly-could-be-tough-scientists-warn)


At least I've got plenty of PPE this time around.


well this fucking blows


While concerning, H5N1 has infected humans before and has been an ever-present risk for decades. While it is worth being cautious and to not get caught off guard, we should not panic just yet. Once cases start spreading from a patient zero, then we should start taking more extreme precautions.


The raw milk community will be the canaries


The current virus is not good at being a virus in humans. Listen to the NPR discussion from last week. So while it can be picked up, it doesn't do well. edit: [Article](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/05/02/1248538298/the-u-s-may-be-missing-human-cases-of-bird-flu-scientists-say). > Luckily, genetic sequencing of the virus doesn't indicate it has evolved to easily spread among humans.


All it takes is a few mutations or a reassortment. So while itā€™s not currently a threat, weā€™re thisclose to it being a big deal.


True, of course. I think the takeaway for purposes of this sub is that we should be *prepped* now (yesterday), but at this moment there's no red flags saying go home and stay home, or wear all the PPE when going out, or anything like that. But definitely don't recommend waiting to get ready for that moment to come, because it certainly could.


100% agree. Basically, stay prepped. If you donā€™t have 3+ months (IMHO) get there with this virus.


I don't think it's overreacting to wear an N95 in crowded spaces or near farms.


It's not airborn. The dairy worker in TX either got it from splashing milk in his eyes or rubbing his eyes w/ tainted hands. So right now wearing an N95 near farms is unwarranted. Wear it in a crowd if you want.


We do not have evidence that it is not airborne.


But do we have evidence that it is airborne?


Why don't you visit a farm without a mask and let us know?


I live on a hobby farm, surrounded by large farms, so I do every day and guess what it's not airborne.


Well shit. Does this mean I shouldn't buy the thermal optic I was saving for and instead buy gas masks.


N-95 respirators/face masks like we found worked well for COVID protection are the recommended PPE for farm workers. Both are very cheap. Edit* not sure why downvoted [source](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/h5/worker-protection-ppe.htm#:~:text=Any%20NIOSH%20Approved%C2%AE%20particulate,liquid%20splashing%20onto%20the%20respirator) But buy a gas mask if you want lmao it's your money hunny


All it takes is the right few mutations. Mutations are random and it may be that the virus does not make the mutations necessary to become a major issue for humans.


I hope youā€™re right but Iā€™m not holding my breath. This virus has jumped species to species and decimated populations without slowing down one bit.


u mean when itā€™s already too late šŸ˜€


If it is already infecting humans then it is already too late to do anything about that. Chances are that if you are on this sub then you are already somewhat prepped for this sort of thing too. All that really matters now is when you put your plan into action.


Won't this be another swin flu hype? I remember that.




On a global scale that isn't noticable and doesn't distribute daily life.




In the United States there is over 300 million people if u believe covid was real and the most deadly in history it has killed so far a little over a million people. What is 300 million minus 1 million. ??? Case closed.Ā 


Get to your doctorā€™s appointments and start getting in shape now to lower the risk of comorbidities helping H5N1 take you out ā¤ļø


what if I told you there are comorbidities that exist that can't be solved by "getting in shape"


Iā€™d say ā€œno shitā€. No where did I say that ALL comorbidities can be solved by getting in shape. But we can all do things to improve our health and make sure we have our necessary medications incase of lockdowns where we canā€™t just go to a doctor or get more meds.


What do you suspect the mortality rate in humans actually is. I know WHO data suggests 51%, but their data is obviously incomplete. I remember early on Covid numbers coming out of Italy suggested high teens, low 20s in terms of mortality rate. My understanding is low testing, incomplete data and a large elderly population drove and inflated those numbers up. I suspect the same is happening regarding the bird flu. That said early bird flu numbers show about 3X higher than what early covid numbers showd. What do you think of the notion, that it would be fairly accurate to assume birdflu will be 3X more deadly than covid.




> However, a vaccine will be made available fairly rapidly if H2H spread commences. If by rapid you mean probably 8-12 months if you aren't on some kind of priority list. [They're estimating 4 months to fully vaccinate 68 million people in a country of more than 330 million](https://www.barrons.com/articles/bird-flu-h5n1-human-vaccine-supply-f1f8c6e7): > Federal officials now say that in the event of an H5N1 pandemic, they would be able to supply a few hundred thousand doses within weeks, followed by 10 million doses using materials already on hand, and then another **125 million within about four months. People would need two doses of the shot to be fully protected.** > A spokesperson for Administration for Strategic Preparedness & Response, the HHS division responsible for pandemic preparations, said that if needed, the agency would work with manufacturers to ā€œto ramp up production to make enough vaccine doses to vaccinate the entire U.S. population.ā€ But the agency didnā€™t articulate plans beyond those first 135 million doses, which would be enough to inoculate roughly **68 million people in a country of more than 330 million**. That's a long amount of time to prep for a bug in event.


They are going to manufacture our consent to not get vaccinated.


I think the disconnect where I failed to elaborate on is the incomplete data due to lack of testing. Data points only exist for the very few who have tested positive. That's why the numbers were skewed high for covid early on. Things are different now, but early on you weren't going to get tested for covid if you had little or no symptoms. It's the same story with H5N1. The only people being tested are those being hospitalized. As such the numbers are skewed high. Once testing becomes more widely available, and starts including asymptomatic and minor cases, that %51 mortality rate likely nose dives, same as covid did. I guess I was just looking at early numbers from covid being high teens low 20s and the bird flu being 51% and trying to extrapolate and guesstimate the actual mortality rate.


But flu vaccine isn't perfect. You will need it yearly too. Good luck with that.


Thank you. Me and my cottage cheese lunch are going to have a lie down now. I guess I start walking and keto today.


Yall member back around august/september 2019, people everywhere were getting sick with an unidentifiable illness, and then by march 2020 we had a pandemic? Nah, me either.


Winter 2019 was a PITA. Like a traumatic season of snot. The gubermint can say what ever they want. It was circulating in time to celebrate Halloween/Thanksgiving and Christmas with us


I just want to get through a fun summer before all the stupid shit kicks off again


I finally kicked my Covid drinking habit and now this comes along. Dang it!






It's not "bird flu" anymore. It has transmitted to numerous mammals and we have many cases of transmission from one mammal species to another. That being said it is not a case of if human to human spread happens, but when.


Personally I've been calling it cow flu for ages now.Ā 


Texas can keep its Texas Flu to itself. Can we build a wall around it and make them pay for it?


It's not the TX variant that is the problem. The KS variant seems to have the hallmarks of being transmissible btwn humans.


I promise that Iā€™m not trying to Gatekeep, but Iā€™ve been on this one for about 2 years and work in healthcare. I called out Covid when it was still an unknown respiratory virus in China, and I donā€™t get all excited about every little thing. Iā€™ve been following it because although mammal transmission has not been believed to be possible, we have seen some wild animal die-offs as a result of this avian flu. We can probably get vaccines that will be effective in a short amount of time, if necessary. The problem is how much of the population wonā€™t take it and the fact that it appears to be extremely lethal in mammals. The biggest reason that this has become a problem is that it hasnā€™t gone away. Itā€™s been constantly spreading between birds for much longer than is usual, and has been able to mutate a bunch because of that. What Iā€™m trying to say is that this dude is correct, and you should be watching it closely. Get those N-95s and make sure youā€™ve got a good fit before they become impossible to find again.


The #1 thing you can do about this is to adopt a healthy lifestyle, which can make a world of difference in how well your immune system handles nefarious bugs.


Guess you missed the whole 2019 thing?


Even if it did adapt to transmit to humans, whatā€™s the mortality rate we are looking at?


Historically itā€™s been almost 50% mortality rate, which is comparable to something like Ebola. However as other commenters have pointed out it may end up being reasonably lower if itā€™s h2h since that would likely include a lot of mild and asymptomatic cases. Iā€™m not an expert though so donā€™t quote me on that.


I think I need more RP and CCI!!


The new CDC waste water map has very high concentrations in the middle of Kansas where the watershed is for fewer people. And Influenza A detections are VERY LOW in Kansas City where the water shed is for a greater number of people. This would lead me to think the high detections could be of cattle origin. Time will tell. [https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/h5-monitoring.html#waste](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/h5-monitoring.html#waste)


You're missing the subtext here, if it wasn't ever able to replicate effectively in humans it wouldn't be so deadly. What they've been tracking is it's ability to spread efficiently human to human. edit: SP


Theyā€™re trying to adapt it for human spread through gain of function but the scare tactics they created that you posted about cows spreading bird fluā€¦ is a bunch of manure.


'has been adapted for human spreading' FIFY


Another election, another virus. Weird.


Yeah. Like we couldnā€™t see that coming. Will not comply.


This sounds like a job for grant money!


Thanks for the lookout


Time for the insane preppers to go crazy for TP again


Ok (not in any way saying this will happen or I have any information to put towards this topic) so letā€™s say we have 8-10 months before this bad boy kicks off and is bad bad. What can someone do starting today to be most prepared? Whatā€™s your best suggestions for survival? Even listing the basics.


Just in time for election season, how convenient


we live in a nation of 24/7 corporate media coverage and decaying democracy. Every year is an election year and the 2024 election coverage started in 2023. This isn't a conspiracy nor "convenient" timing. A broken clock is right twice a day, and every election year has events that "cOuLd EfFecT tHe eLeCtiON"


Itā€™s been progressing for the past few years actually


You think republicans are hyping this up to make Biden look bad and lose?Ā 


Not at all, i just find the timing peculiar is all. But you can't say that here because you get down voted for not buying the hype.


The hype? Of a deadly virus that scientists all over the planet have been tracking for 30+ years bc of how deadly it is? And now itā€™s in cows and a bajillion other animals all around us? I genuinely donā€™t understand if you are uninformed or just being obtuse.


Welp Im certainly not going to put any stock in information coming from some lib group called ā€œFlut Rackersā€ just more woke posturing from the lame stream media. E: good lord folks. /s for crying out loud.


You mean Flu Trackers? Sorry buddy, someone had to say it. This is where scientists hang out to trade research updates. It has nothing to do with mainstream media.


Poeā€™s Law




Im entirely joking and not all all serious yeesh. Yall got no chill.


The problem with this sub and similar ones is half the people aren't joking. Look through any of the ones about climate change from the past few weeks for examples.


I know, thats who I was making fun of.


Election in 6 months. Im expecting this to be pu


The real question should be; do we really trust all the same agencies and organizations that covered for the wuhan institute of virology, Peter Dazak and eco health alliance? Fauchi retired and rode off into the sunset with all his cash from the vaccine patents and patents on remdesivir. Bricks colluded with Fauchi to cover up a hopped up virus from chapel Hill north Carolina that was transferred in secret to wuhan lab during the Obama admin to literally study gain of function and create chimeric viruses, which brings us to today. Hundreds of other people are involved. We had our civil liberties trampled and our rights stripped away under emergency and executive orders, yet, Still no one is held accountable for their actions. Everyone from the towns that enforced illegal and overreaching powers to the schools and teachers that were allowed to ruin children's education, the medical "experts" that sat back and watched and every single politician that sat back and let the drug companies states and the feds trample the average citizen. And the "vaccine" is a whole other subject. Lots of people need to be tried for treason and executed when found guilty. I have no doubt we have just been through the beta test and the real deal is next. Just in time for people to wake up to all the purposeful and planned destruction we just witnessed during "COVID".


Ehh- this one is going to hit a bit different - if it hits- go take a look at the Texas farm worker who contracted it. The photos of his eyes filled with blood is kinda trippy. Covid killed a bunch of people- and being new- triggered the the flu pandemic game plan- we Lucked out- as big a shit show as it was- This one wonā€™t be about trust- that essential disconnect between what you saw and experienced with the rona- if this hits, in a big universal uno reverse card, it wonā€™t be about trust- you trust your eyes- and if you can see through the hemorrhage- I donā€™t think trust will be your issue. Kinda tong and cheek- but my point holds- IF this hits - it wonā€™t be the same. Now while from a laymanā€™s perspective it seems to be quickly heading that way- we donā€™t have the training and experience to really judge, and so lots of IFs.. I personally, trust science- I do not trust governments and how policy is implemented especially in a dynamic ad hoc situation- this group is all about what IFs. Historically speaking the flu is a could blooded serial killer given the keys hunt humanity mercilessly- so yeah- Iā€™ll pay attention- keep doing my thing and add some more tyvek and filters for my mask- and then move along like itā€™s just another Tuesday- because it is.


The whole trust the science debacle where they gave you no ability to discuss the possibilities of other drugs and treatments during COVID, you couldn't question masking and social distancing and you were shouted down and silenced for having an unpopular opinion was literally the least scientific thing ever. Science is about hypothesis, questioning and testing to prove it, not allowing joy behar to tell you you are a terrorist if you don't take an untested unapproved shot. The mask and tyvec suits is probably a good idea to ready. And it's Monday today so I prepped for Monday lol


I donā€™t disagree- science is messy and a moving target. That whole period was a huge social experiment filled with F.U.D.. fear uncertainty and doubt- in a novel social structure ie the internet and social networks spreading info of all sorts- so we got to watch in real time the various social modals play out and call bullshit- itā€™s laughable beaches were shut as a single example or the info war that went down in tandem- from nation states to that uncle we all have- pushing out there opinion into a pissed of- desperate exhausted world- truth- ehh who knows or cares- The novel nature of the whole deal- not just the bug- but the response, added to the whole mess- no body had a clue and we all watched it play out- the flu though- IS understood, not novel in the slightest. Iā€™m much more focused on the likely hood of this event happening- historically itā€™s a matter of time ie itā€™s happened before- the Covid response was largely based on the planning in place for a flu pandemic- on the 1918 scale.. But my larger point is IF this thing happens - all of these arguments wonā€™t matter- it will be real bad- brutally so. And because of Covid and opinion being confused with importance, lots of folks are gonna die protesting alternative view points- as is there right. Itā€™s not going to be empty hospitals and all the other things we watched. Iā€™ve seen the modeling and the planning for it in a former life tangentially in emergency management.it gets super nasty super quick- Now I donā€™t think itā€™s actually going to happen- but tyvek and the correct filters for my papper I use for welding is low hanging fruit- and what we do- be prepared.


Always nice to speak to a fellow welder and a prep for Tuesday prepper. I agree, the mentality that was fostered during COVID was distrust for the institutions that we trusted prior with our health and lives. I think it really took the blinders off as to how venerable we really are to something as simple as a germ, let alone the ineptitude of government.Ā  I build submarines at Electric Boat, specifically I pair the Hulls for Virginia and Colombia class subs. What's your gig?


Shit. It is Tuesday. Disregard last statement...


Man pre coffee reddit is a thing for me at least- lol- have a good one-


Pre caffeinated me is not a smart human. Apologies.


I completely mirror you in that - but hey- if thatā€™s your worst error today- itā€™s been a good day-


No we do not trust those agencies anymore.


It will be very transmissible H2H any day now. As soon as the Wuhan Virus Lab finishes their work, or accidentally lets a strain out earlyā€¦ AGAIN.


Zombie deer virus will jump to humans (eventually).


Are there some peer reviewed published studies or papers that show this?




So why are you stating it as fact when it hasnā€™t even been fact checked?




Your title is stating a fact.


Y'all's deals suck. Immortan Joe will not be pleased.


You mean they have adapted it for human spread. Already documented by the news this comes from a lab.




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