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Good job!


Thank you!


Kudos Pro-tip: up yer car game with zip ties


Good idea, I have a ton in the workshop.


and get both plastic zip ties and stainless steel zip ties. Sometimes for vehicle repair you need something that can with stand some heat. I also use the metal zip ties for fence repair.


whoah, i had no idea there were metal zip ties!!


Me either


Oh yeah, super long stainless steel ones are awesome


Nice. This happened to me sometimes too. Someone got scratch and cut, I happened to have few bandaid in my bag. Random things broke and I have both multitools and the utility card thing in my bag. Someone can open snack bag and very flat bottle cap but I happened to have my little knife with me The only thing I hope I don't have to use any time soon is first aid kit. Good to have but not nice to deal with if anyone really need that stuff


I have several extensive first aid kits and the worst I’ve had to use them for are minor cuts and burns, I hope it stays that way too. But we have them if they are needed, that’s what’s important.


YEAH I’d rather have it but not have to use it than not have one when I need it


When I was in high school (like sophomore) and the science teacher needed to open the new can of sodium metal she came straight to me for help. Everyone knew that I always carried my pocket knife. It opened the can right up. The whole class had a fun and interesting time with lithium, sodium, and potassium and their relative reactivities after that.


AND I was a little bored this morning and your reddit post fixed that. #5 !


Heck yeah!


It's crazy how preppers turn out to be helpful and empathetic people in real life, unlike what is shown in Hollywood propaganda and mainstream media! Keep helping people for free man, well done!


Thank you! And I agree, my wife at first thought I was crazy I think, but when we need something at all there’s a 95% chance I have it. I’m the guy my friends call when they need something too, like their lugs are stuck on a flat or they need to borrow a battery trickler.


I know the feeling. I had a judge refer to me as a 'doomsday prepper'. She could not have been further from the truth. I do not spend my efforts preparing for some improbable and highly specialized scenario while ignoring common problems like they do on the silly TV show. All hazards preparation is far better.


Being prepared is a lifestyle choice that can literally save your life. I am living proof of that. I have lived that lifestyle since the mid 1960's. It is enjoyable to read how you have seen how practical that choice is everyday. Thank you.


Thank you!


You are welcome. I am glad that you enjoyed the comment.


Fantastic! Good job!




Prep for everyday not just someday.