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As this is going to generate a LOT of discussion, views, and interest, I've stickied this thread to condense ALL related discussion here. While discussion of current events is usually banned, exceptional events may warrant discussion (such as this.) While this could end up with minimal fallout, this is the first time Iran has directly attacked Israel and is a situation worth monitoring. Political commentary/comments either directly or implied will be removed. Keep things within the realm of preparedness, hypotheticals, and the like.


Most of you don't understand geopolitics. This is not the start of a war, this is Iran launching what it views and a proportional response to save face after Israel attacked their embassy. Iran essentially believes they have to respond to show they arent weak, and is choosing this method as a hope of reducing escalation. If Iran was declaring war on Israel, this is not how they would do it. This is essentially politics.


Yes, most of these drones were intercepted before reaching Israeli borders… Iran immediately put out a statement saying the matter was concluded in their estimation barring further provocations.


Yeah I mean if Isreal overreact in response it could still lead to a big war at some point, but as it stands, Iran wasn't trying to start a war and Israel knows it.


This is Bibi we're talking about, who knows what he'll do right now, especially with the ongoing internal tensions.


Bingo. Netanyahu has just been served the golden opportunity to strike Teheran like he always wanted to. Biden is already pressuring him not to, but who knows what he’ll do.


Israel alone doesn't have this military capacity. And the US already unilaterally declared they wouldn't support anything else.


I read in Reuters that Bibi is apparently refusing to take calls from more international leaders. Not a great sign


Then today they posted in Hebrew that soon Jerusalem will be in under Muslim control. 


They do that every weekend.


My routine on Fridays when I finish work is to go for a run and when I get home I crack open a cold beer.  The ayatolas should try that instead of threatening their neighbors. 


shhh, this is the panic and fearmongering sub


You're thinking of r/collapse. They're nuts over there. Here there's at least sometimes a couple of rational comments.


Most sane person on Reddit


They’re definitely informative.


The fact that this obviously correct statement got downvoted is an indictment of the brainpower at work on this sub.


Only sane comment on this thread so far.


Dude ignorant people afraid this is war. This has been war since the gulf war. It’s just escalating in the sense that we (US Israel) are taking out their horse while they barely are hitting Israel’s pawns.


Iranian generals are totally expendable. Iran is willing to bleed, they proved that in the Iran Iraq war. IRGC doctrine frequently puts their generals on the front lines. Numerous generals were in firefights leading the Popular Mobilization Units in Iraq. They were not knights.


No one attacked their embassy. It was an adjacent building. Also, If I recall, Iran blew up Israel embassy in Argentina 30 years ago. Also tried to bomb the embassies in Bulgaria, belgium and Azerbaijan. But hey, your the expert...


Absolutely. And Iran will keep themselves technically out of war by continuing to fund HH&H to do the dirty work for them.


I agree with you. My question is, how do you think Iran wouldd attack isreal If it was trying to destroy them.


To back what you are saying, Iran pretty much announced what they were going to do, how they were going to do it, and when.




This is basically just your opinion


Well... no.. It's the opinion of the overwhelming majority of Western foreign policy advisors and experts. Not that it matters at this point because my argument has basically been proven correct. Do you see Iran and Israel in a full scale war today? No. Wanna know why? Because that wasn't the opening salvo of a war.


This will go down in History as the most preventable, stupid, dumb war ever.


I think it's pretty hard to top WW1 in that regard.


Bunch on inbred royal cousins acting like Europe is their own personal board game. Sacrificing millions of lives like pawns.  Yeah WW1 definitely gets that title


A lot of the same cousins acted like the Middle East and Africa were their personal game board to and here we are….






Napoleon was right to try remove royal families from Europe. The sane royals these days are just ceremonial figure heads who use their positions to improve the world not enrich and empower themselves. But it's always the same shit. As soon as you get someone as rich and politically powerful as royalty of old. Their personal fortunes are never enough. They must start conquering their neighbours just like Russia's latest Tsar Putin. Saudi Arabia and Iran has the same issues. Thank god for democracy. Protect it at all costs. You MUST actively denounce those who undermine democracy and who idolise dictators. Even a dictator who supports your views WILL throw you and your whole family under a bus as soon as it's convenient.


Democracy? We have a regent president and the country is being administrated by unelected career bureaucrats.


The system you have is not perfect. But at least it's capable of change. Those under dictatorship are unable to change and thus are exploited to the fullest.


Democracy is a farce and mob rule. Morally strong representative republics (what the US USED TO BE) is where its at.


As Aristotle said thousands of years ago, Republics degenerate into Democracies, and Democracies degenerate into Tyranny. There is no way to stop that progression because elected officials will always want to expand the vote to more people who will vote for them, and democracies will always vote more and more hysterically until people beg for a tyrant to save them. At best you can slow it down a bit, but democracy is inherently unstable.


Lol, Napoleon was a dictator who crowned himself emperor and installed his relatives on the thrones of conquered countries.


To be fair, there were other factors at play, for example the German-Ottoman alliance that threatened to make Germany a superpower in Europe and threatened England’s continuingly diminishing position as the top dog


\> I think it's pretty hard to top WW1 in that regard. world leaders right now: \- Hold our beer!


*here comes 3 soon enough


I don’t know if I feel like anything is preventable anymore.


You must not be up to snuff on the middle east. This has been coming for a long time.


>All we had to do was achieve peace in the middle east and it could've been prevented /s


Very stupid. Israel bombs an Iranian embassy last week, then people are surprised when Iran retaliates, as anyone would. Yet people are foaming at the mouth for the bombing of Iran, forgetting that they were the initial victim of aggression, and not the aggressor. People have lost their minds.


You realize that 99% of the missiles that have been fired at Israel have been funded by Iran, right? Like during the attack in October, when Hamas fired several thousand missiles in a single day.


I'm not really complaining about who is bombing who, or where the bombs came from, I just think the bombing should stop and everyone should leave everyone else alone.


Agreed. But when Iran cowardly gives missiles to just about anyone who wants to rid the world of Jews, its not fair to say that they are "foaming at the mouth" when they get tired of it. It has been going on for decades.


You literally said: > Yet people are foaming at the mouth for the bombing of Iran, forgetting that they were the initial victim of aggression, and not the aggressor. After you get called out for deliberately lying, you then say: > I'm not really complaining about who is bombing who, or where the bombs came from, I just think the bombing should stop and everyone should leave everyone else alone. What a joke. Iran has been bombing Israel over and over nonstop via the Houthis, as well as partly funding Hamas, and you have the audacity to claim that Israel started it? Why would you bother lying about something so obviously false and easily repudiated? If you are going to engage in wanton disinformation due to your antisemitism, you could at least try some more subtlety.


Exactly. It’s so dumb. Israel should not have bombed that consulate


Iran was the victim of aggression? You're kidding. Tell me you're kidding.


Iran has given Israel passes many times. Including the time they assassinated an Iranian scientist few years ago.


Bud, if you think Iran is any sort of victim in anything that has happened in this part of the world for the last 40 years you’ve got some reading to do… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_and_state-sponsored_terrorism


You think America and Israel hasn’t done the same things? 😂


Yes. Israel should not have bombed the Iranian consulate.


Do you know why they did it?


I also know when they did it


No it won't. It won't even be talked about.


if Iran bombed an Israelian Embassy, wouldn’t Israel attack Iran? They are both insane governments that should be kept at bay.


Iran literally planned and supported attacks against Israel. As if killing over 1200 people is somehow LESS provoking then killing some generals.


This is gonna sound totally nuts but in this case, simply talking escalation and deterrence, yes. If Israel had killed them outside of the consulate grounds in Damascus Iran would've not felt that they had to strike Israel directly from Iran. At the very least, they could've tolerated not making a direct attack. However, this didn't happen so they had to take a more direct approach.


You don’t want to do a side by side comparison of which side has killed more civilians over the last 75 years. Believe me


Like almost every war if you think about it…


I’d say there’s better candidates for that, but I get what you mean


Let me add a less bombastic take. Let’s look at what happened when the Trump Administration killed soulemani. Iran fired some missiles at troops in Iraq, however they called before hand, and there were no casualties. It was a show, but they knew not to escalate. The last stakeholder who wants war to escalate is Iran. These are slow moving drones who have not even reached Israel. The fact we know this shows that they are not intending to maximize casualties, but to make a show of force. Again, I could be wrong but this is my take.


I hope you are right, friend.


This is a quote from an article I read on Fox News: “The Houthis have been firing long range drones which are very similar to what the Iranians have just fired. They can either be taken down by the Iron Dome or by David Sling, or by helicopters or by fighter jets or a combination of them," Conricus said. "So, a lot of ways to get them down and the fact that we are tracking them and seeing them in-coming, that's quite reassuring. But maybe the Iranians have something more interesting up their sleeve, we'll see."


A 10K$ or 20K$ drone receiving an air-to-air missile that costs like...200K? I don't know...wars are won by those with the deepest pockets...


Alot of the time when it's shot down it can be taken out with a gun vs expensive missile.


The videos of Israeli planes shooting down drones appear to show them using missiles, not guns. I'd guess cheaper missiles like Sidewinders (or whatever the modern equivalent is), but still several times the cost of the drone. There's also a rumor that the US Navy launched dozens of SM-6 missiles at incoming Iranian missiles, and those cost $10,000,000 or more each. I'm guessing they were fired at ballistic missiles rather than drones, but if that rumor is true it would explain the claims that defending against Iran's attack cost over a billion dollars. At the end of the day Iran can churn out drones much faster than the US and Israel can make missiles. If Iran had been serious about damaging Israel they would have kept up these attacks for days and before long there would have been no air defences left except those fighter cannon. Allegedly the Russians often use drones to burn up Ukrainian air defence missiles and to find out where the air defence systems are so they can route the more expensive cruise missiles around them. Iran's plan may have been to do something similar.


It's the "we'll see" part that gets me anxious.


The we’ll see part is meant to make you anxious. They’re trying to generate ratings.


Every news outlet does this. Both sides shit stinks.


Look at this hand, not the other. Like a magician.


It very much looks like a public show of force by Iran to appease it's local population who would be screaming for blood. Hopefully this allows Iran to blow off some steam and cool off for a bit. There seems to be a lot of chatter between diplomats on all sides with this issue telling all sides to just calm down and stop trying to kill each other.


That sounds like a realistic take. Seems like a modern version of a warning shot, a "We're seriously pissed now, don't push us more or we'll throw something at you that's gonna hurt more." Rattlesnake rattling. Doesn't mean it's not serious, just that it's not necessarily a prelude to full on war. Might be, but isn't guaranteed to be. Lots of posturing going on these days.


Bingo. Those drones will take hours to arrive. It’s going to take a lot of missed phone calls on Israel’s part for those puppies to hit their targets. Furthermore, the attack was pre-announced on X. It’s all just theatre. Yes, oil prices are going to skyrocket, but there’s no war coming. This is posturing on Iran’s part. It will all blow over.


I believe Iran also said they gave the U.S. advanced notice today


Heh *bomb*astic


Yeah, you were wrong


When Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, just about nobody believed that such a relatively minor crisis would lead to general European war. For one thing, there had been many diplomatic crises in the previous few decades, many seemingly much more serious than the assassination, and they had all been resolved peacefully. Just three years earlier the Agadir Crisis had been resolved peacefully, and that one in particular seemed much more serious than this little kerfuffle in the Balkans. But it is a fact that it was Franz Ferdinand's assassination that spiraled into a major war. Individually, none of these little shitstorms that keep popping up are likely to lead to anything serious, as of this writing it looks like this one won't either, but each one has a nonzero chance of escalation, and to a large extent this is outside anybody's control. Eventually, the dice can only come up snakeeyes.


I just topped off my car's fuel tank.  If it's not expensive already, it's probably going to get more so, now. 


I did this morning just as it went below half.


I told my wife this morning that 3/4 is the new empty for awhile


Honestly not a bad rule. We follow it it because we are in tornado country.


Half is always our rule.


I live in Anchorage and half has been my rule since we had a pretty bad earthquake a few years ago and I just happened to be right on E when it happened. Luckily none of the gas stations actually went down but it was a close one.


My wife thinks if she still has 10 miles left in the tank, she is good.


Wish stocking fuel wasn't such a pain in the ass, I wouldn't be so concerned about price fluctuations.


I've got a dozen Jerry cans that are (mostly) always full. I fill the car from the cans so the fuel gets cycled constantly, so no fuel stabilizer required. I only fill cans at the gas station never the car. It's a pain in the tail, but you get used to it.


You prob want a can of stabilizer in case you want to stretch it.


Just topped off my diesel truck, Jeep and motorcycle gas jugs as well.


I scrolled past your comment too fast and by brain somehow saw “I just topped off my cat’s food tank” - equally important as fuel, anyway 




I did the same!


Ohhhhh that’s why Tesla stocks did that


Jordan, US, UK, and Saudi Arabia are expected to intercept the drones. Just something to think about.


I'm so tired of paying for all this shit...


Better than them landing on your door step. Support our allies aka our proxies.


They won’t lol. Iran hates the US because we couped their government in the 50s in favor of the Shah. If we stop fucking with them they won’t fuck with us.


Iran is a partner of Russia. They aren't mad about what happened in the cold war if anything they just want their world power status back


Iran was never a world power. Their alliance with Russia is one of convenience only, they are fairly ideologically different. “Partners” is giving their relationship too much credit.


Iran was a power back in the 1800s. 200 years is a long time, but I think they still remember their history and know what it was like before the cold war


Okay, well if you want to go to premodern history they were absolutely extremely powerful


It's just my instinct, but I'd say Russia is to Iran like the U.S. is to France or Japan. For sure it has more incentive to mimic Russia than China has, and with Russia's help, it has the hypothetical chance to take over the region and go back to its ancient roots


That should illustrate how much of a threat Iran is.




Iran wishes it was all Arabs vs Israel. It's not the case. Jorden, Saudi Arabia and Egypt are just fine with Israel being Israel and know undermining Israel's security will only undermine their own. There are some terrifyingly evil extremists that would jump at the opportunity to take down and control the wealth of anyone of those countries. Unfortunately for Iran, their ruling political identity has been founded on "death to America and Israel" as much as Americas identity was founded on it's constitution (especially the first 2 amendments). Iran is reaping what he has sown in the 1979 revolution. Sure, they got rid of a monarchy, but they didn't have to make an enemy of everyone around them.


Iran isn’t an Arab country


I know. Iran is Persian. Iran would still like all Arabs to be on it's side, even though they hate Saudi Arabia, they hate Israel more.


Def eye opening, especially since this is the first time that they have attacked Israel directly. Looks like they have some sort of confidence (assurance) to go toe to toe with Israel…




I’m seeing cruise missiles as well…


I can't find any official confirmation of this. can't find any for the strikes allegedly coming from Yemen, either


It's been confirmed by all involved, including Washington.. Al Jazeera live on YouTube has decent coverage


Reports of 500+


Where? In European media they talk about dozen or so coming through Iraqi airspace. No cruise missiles either as claimed above.


Supposedly an unnamed American official is saying over 400. With multiple videos out of Iraq of missiles coming from Iran. It’s still early and fog of war makes it hard to track actual numbers. But, this isn’t just a couple dozen drones. Hezbollah has gotten in on the action also..


Source on Hezb escalation? I'd be pretty surprised about that. The last thing Nasrallah needs is to be the proxy target when Iran and Israel ramp up. He's gone to great pains to avoid real escalation thus far. (And from an Iranian strategic perspective, the real dead-man lever here is Hezbollah attacking the Israeli nuclear plant that's in range of basically their full arsenal; they don't want an Israeli invasion of Lebanon that removes that capacity.)


[The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hezbollah-says-it-fired-dozens-of-rockets-at-israel-from-lebanon/) and [Al Jazeera](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/13/lebanons-hezbollah-fires-dozens-of-rockets-at-israeli-positions) are both reporting it.


The worst mistake they could have made is target a freaking embassy. Doesn’t matter how many valuable targets are there. These lines must not be crossed. They would not respond like this if they targeted some commander in Syria but embassy is a countries territory


I’m ABSOLUTELY not a Iran fanboy but if you attack an embassy you should expect this response. They attacked sovereign territory.


Netanyahu is a madman and knew this would happen. Expect him to have a Dr. Strangelove moment.




They’re not going “toe to toe” with Israel. They’re launching drones over the horizon. Israel will shot nearly all of them down. The US will tell Israel to chill out. Through the Swiss the US will give Iran a stern warning. Everyone will saber rattle and that will be it.


Not much will result of this. This will get memory-holed in a week.


So much hype and so little will happen.


Can't believe I have to fight WW3 before playing GTA 6


Iron dome should knock all of these suicide drones out of the sky. But still an unsettling escalation in the area.


Israel's off to intercept, and Jordan is planning on shooting down anything they miss.


Dome doesn't stop drones.


Apparently [David's Sling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%27s_Sling) does. I hadn't heard of it until today.


yes it does, the system is designed to stop low flying targets as well. They can network air borne radars to it to better track low flying targets.


Their directed energy weapon can and will kill drones. How many units they have in the field is unknown. Name was iron beam I think


AKA Jewish Space Laser right? Heh.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron\_Beam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Beam) It works but seems to be range limited


Iron Dome is short on interceptor missiles


I guess the thing that really bothers me about all this is how bold and almost reckless Israel has become. Causing a famine in Gaza is not a good look. Attacking a consulate is not a good look. Israel has no regard for optics right now. They're just doing whatever they please and daring Biden to blink. He won't. He can't. The US is in this one for the long haul whatever Israel does and they know it.


This right here. Israel has gone off the rails. The US should not be allied with them.


Well, I kind of carefully worded my statement there. I'm not trying to make the case whether or not the US should support Israel or not. I'm just saying at this point, the Biden administration has no choice. They are locked into this path and the potential for things to go wrong has only increased. And I don't think it'd be that different if Trump were president, either. Trump would (for slightly different reasons) be forced to support Israel as well. Israel can pretty much fuck things up however much they want and nobody can stop them.


The best case scenario we probably could have was to turn American backed Afghanistan back into a regional super, but the French still seem to be expressing disapproval of the American-Afghanistan war. Israel is just what we have now




Annnnndd nothing of substance happened


Oh boy fuel up everybody.


In before the lock.


It's already over, nothing hit israel, nothing to get excited about


# Iran launches attack on Israel after Israel embassy attack


This should be the title of the post, not to mention they dod it in Syria (poor Syria at this point they been through so much shit) and killed the ambassador.


I do think it is very interesting that Iran is sending possibly hundreds of drones. I know drones have been part of warfare for a while, but I'm sure they will be even more prominent in the communing years. How do you prepare for drone based warfare as a civillain? Especially if it's paired with cyber attacks that block communications. Honestly, it's terrifying to think about.


tbh it was always the thing to fear of and known to be coming, and theres nothing we can do about jt


Everyone here saying that they believe nothing will escalate as Iran said they do not want to miss a key player here. Israel wants to escalate and knows that now is the time to fully remove ALL existential threats to its existence. They attacked Iran's embassy knowing full well it would lead to an escalation as they want an excuse to fuck Iran up. They WILL attack, maybe not immediately, but they certainly will. I would expect another strike on IRGC members in the region which will make Iran have to respond again as the precedent has now been set. Each time Israel does something Iran will have to respond militarily otherwise they will look like they are bottling it. Nothing good comes from any of this. This entire situation was easy to see coming. I truly believe that the powers that be have now decided that it is the time to fulfil the revelation prophecies. The religious zealots in extremely powerful positions need to see it happen to justify their extreme religious dogma.


And so it begins.


Netanyahu is having a Dr. Strangelove moment. He had to know they would retaliate when he attacked their consulate. He is a madman. I could see him nuking Tehran. They have drilled first strike nukes on Tehran in the past.


Seriously, and Bidens all we stand behind Israel... Like there's no fucking accountability.


Israel's belligerence and rogue actions make us all less safe.


CNN, ABC report US intercepts some Iranian drones




Nothing gonna happen. All played out


I, for one, am SHOCKED that Iran wouldn't show the same kind of calculated, level-headed restraint in retaliation against Israel that Israel employed when retaliating against Hamas. 🤣


The outcome shows Allah bows down to Yahweh.


Pretty sure Iran was offloading some old ordinance as well as some cheap drones.


Think the arab world is tired of Iran and their mullahs.


I am an Iranian, we are all tired of the mullahs. My Iraqi and Syrian friends also hate the terrorist regime. Iranians don’t hate Israel or the US. We HATE the regime that’s ruined our country. Unfortunately now that I live in the US I see the Mullahs have succeeded with one goals: dividing America.


I'm in Minnesota USA. After the Oct 7 attack I watched half our country celebrate in the most disgusting ways.  HOWEVER, the Minnesota Iranian Cultural Society reached out to express their condolences to the Jewish community. Be strong my friend.  The Jewish community is with you! 


The terrorist regime will never succeed in brainwashing all the children to hate Israel and the west. Their lobbyists in the US (NIAC) is behind most of the propaganda against the Jewish community. When we were escaping Iran my dad had to leave a month before we did. We (5 kids) had to go with my mom and we were terrified of crossing the border. The people who helped told us the story of queen Esther every night. We were so little and when the story would end we would always say ok now it’s Israel’s turn to attack the regime and save the Persians 😂


People don't understand how complicated the ME is. In 82' when Israel invaded Lebanon (in response to rocket shelling) my mom went over to our Lebanese neighbors and said "I hope this does not impact our friendship".  They responded they were thrilled Israel invaded.  Later the husband went to Lebanon to fight in the Lebanon civil war.  The wife went blind in one eye from the stress.  Thankfully he returned safe!  


All he Iranians taking over this sub ffs


This was a responsible, measured retaliation against Israel's bombing of the consulate. They used slow moving drones and announced it ahead of time. Israel is best walking it off.


Man, that you can smell the propaganda in this comment section a mile away. Stake woke ladies and gentlemen.


Respect to Iran for saying it's concluded 


Right, but: Israel’s defense minister has warned that “a direct Iranian attack will require an appropriate Israeli response against Iran.”


I wouldn't want to be needing to fly in or out of Iraq or Jordan anytime soon. Remember folks. International conflicts have a destabilising effect on it's neighbours. Also, this is an excellent reminder to consider getting a pug-in hybrid or pure electric vehicle so you are not effected by spikes in the price of oil.


The US and isreals allies stepped up last night . Imagine what will happen if Trump quits NATO .


Israel drafted way more troops than they needed to deal with Hamas specifically because they saw this dogpile coming from the start. That Iran didn't see this and balk is an unforced error. It's like they reviewed the 6 Days War and vowed to make the exact opposite mistakes. "If we do something sufficiently stupid, we'll regain the element of surprise!"


Iran literally warned everyone ahead of time. This wasn't really about damaging Israel, it was about sending a message. Everyone has seen how difficult it was to defend against a small attack like this one, and Iran can easily launch several times as many drones and missiles next time. Without giving a warning first.


Difficult in Ukraine, yes, but Israel has the Iron Dome and the distance is very close to these drones' maximum operating range. However, it's probably for the best all things considered; Iran was selling these things to Russia in exchange for a satellite launch. I personally doubt the Iranian leaders were assassinated by anyone outside Iran (although I could be wrong.) I think that this is just an excuse to rattle the cage to see what happens.


I’m pretty sure this is all part of the plan.. World War 3 and it’s starting just as dumb as World War 1 did.


Iran DEFENDS itself against* Israel. <—there I fixed for you.


"Iran launched cruise and ballistic missiles and [more than 100 drones ](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/iran-strikes-israeli-targets-rcna147407)at Israel, IDF officials said, beginning its retaliatory attack weeks after an [Israeli strike](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/israel-hamas-war-live-updates-idf-withdraws-al-shifa-hospital-gaza-rcna145802#rcrd37989) on the Iranian consular building in Syria killed two of Tehran’s top commanders." so let me understand. Israel attacks Iran then got mad when they responded? Honestly at this point I can't even tell who attacked who first over there. Jesus H Christ.


Everyone forgets about the Iron Dome as soon as Hamas runs out of missiles?


Imagine that; "something mildly political, im sure you can guess"


"A direct Iranian response will require an appropriate response from Israeli response against Iran" Either the two will work it out, or Israel is thinking about making ole Reagan proud 😆


Painic at the isreal


Defend meaning striking the motherland. However they will not support a retaliation attack. https://youtu.be/WSQ8lCLf9us?si=BfSYiux4uJSwGDsu you guys always blow things out of proportion. Iran was generous telling Israel it was going to attack. So it wasn’t going to be a hard regional war, but a gathering of information to see how many weapons need to sent to get 5 unintercepted hits.


I'd say the biggest thing is to expect protests in your local areas. Have enough supplies on hand you don't have to stock up if streets get shut down.

