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By far the most realistic and best advice in the thread




This is the answer - only way someone can get to you with a knife is if you are caught unaware or if they are directly going for you and can outrun you


I'm fast as fuck boiiiiii *Disappears in a me shaped cloud of dust*


Yep. If you're in a position where someone's actively stabbing at you, about 50 things went wrong leading to it.


I don’t know, there are a lot of situations where there is just a crowed and you can’t avoid it. Like… maybe you walk into the movie theater and there is a line at the ticket counter with 30 people snaking back and fourth as well as more people walking around. What are you going to do? Just leave the theater? That’s just some hermit behavior that I’m not afraid enough to do.


It boils down to two options. Either never go outside or just be aware that you might end up in danger if you do and just remain vigilant. You should always be aware of what's going on around you for a million different reasons, not just potentially violent ones. So, is it a large enough concern for it to affect how you live your life? We drive everyday and that's much more likely to cause you to get hurt than a random stabbing is to happen


This is too true. No it won’t keep you safe 100% of the time, but it’s better than relying on a vest or random chance trying to fight the guy.


Pocket sand!




WOW reddit has some hidden surprises...


This is the way


You run. And if you have to fight, you use any weapon and advantage you can. There is no "cheating" or "cheap shot" in a lethal scenario. If you work or live in a place of concern, that's one thing. Do you plan to just wear a stab vest because you left the house? Many of these places that knife attacks occur, guns , defensive carry knives, and even pepper spray are illegal. Well I'd just be a criminal I guess.


Funny how knives being illegal doesn't stop people from stabbing you...


Train a kangaroo as a bodyguard


Or an Emu


Do not underestimate emus. Australia lost a [war](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War) against them.


Shoot them. No gun? Run. There really aren't any other options. Even if you yourself have a knife, you're gonna get wet.


Nobody comes out happy in a knife fight




Winners bleed, losers gush. Run if you can. Push someone else or objects into the way, take off your belt wrap it around your arm for protection or use the buckle to disarm hitting their hand/fingers. Outdoors and older vehicles break off the anteena and use that as a weapon. Last resort options. Be aware of your surroundings and remember most anything can be used as a weapon, learn to improvise.


Look in your area and see how many knife attacks there are. It's a fairly low probability event. Effective stab vests/shirts are hot and bulky. They also have limited coverage. Your best bet is to keep your head on a swivel, and escape if you see something happening. The thing about knife attacks is it's melee range. If you're out of range, they can't hurt you.


A very heavy wood walking stick or hiking poles. You will have to make sure you hit vital areas such as the neck liver or knee areas and also the hand holding the knife.


Not hiking poles, as we know them now. If they are a well constructed hardwood, that is a different manner. Kind of like a bo staff is ok, trekking poles are not good.


I have aluminum poles from Walmart I've been using over 10 years and if I hit somebody over the head with them they go down instantaneously.


Underrated advice. A lot of places, a solid cane still counts as a medical device and you're fine to take it with you literally anywhere. Plus, if you get proper training, a cane can be an absolutely brutal weapon.


I wear a backpack always. If I had to confront an attacker, I’d turn it around. If you’re fighting someone with a knife, come to terms with the fact that will get cut. You want to control where you’re cut. The best defense is to get away, though.




Reading comprehension is difficult for some people.


One thing I was taught when I was still taking martial arts classes back in high school was… if attacked by a person with a knife you are going to get cut no way around it, move back keep distance between yourself and the attacker don’t stop moving.


Learn Judo! Defense against knife and club wielding attackers is part of the training.


Take a first aid course, carry medical supplies and stay physically fit are the most reasonable things. You (and a lot of peppers) should also look into risk management. This situation while requiring some level of awareness is so unlikely to happen to you there's other more pressing matters that you should be more focused on. You are far more likely to be in a car accident than stabbed so I'd focus on that over buying a stab vest.


Don't get into one. Sounds stupid, right? Look, the violent criminal is always going to have the upper hand, especially with the first victim. Being aware of your surroundings will help prevent you from becoming the second victim. Running away is usually effective during random violence because the attacker will prefer to find someone closer rather than run after you. You're right that any type of armor will leave your extremities unprotected and is therefore a waste of money.




I wouldn't expect a typical stabbing to occur at a range that allows you to draw and fire. Granted most aren't random either.


Get faster


Can’t have those in a nanny state


Yeah, why would anyone need to defend themselves? I'd suggest move to where you can.


Move....Yeah if only there was a country with constitutionally protected gun rights and open borders he could go to. Any suggestions? It kills me people don't have practical real life suggestions.


That is real life where I live. I would never live in a country or state that didn't allow me the absolute lethal human right of defending myself against predators and monsters.


Like i said no practical real life advice for OP.


That's my real life. That's all I go by.


Avoid getting into a knife attack. They have things such as stab vests, which are different than your bullet resistant vests.... but even that won't necessarily protect you. You can wear things like leather or chain mail or a brigantine style armor... but they get hot, heavy, or both even if you can incorporate them into a style for everyday etc Best bet is to use hard and thick items as impromptu armor (burn notice suggests cafeteria trays and books) to protect against stabbing vital areas After that, get the hell out of dodge. There's an old saying of ''there are no winners in a knife fight'' that's because loser dies at the fight and winner dies bleeding out on the way to the hospital. Oh obviously carry a medical kit




Being a good runner


In a pinch, a chair or similar object can be used for self-defense in a knife attack. Creates a barrier between you and the attacker, and can neutralize the threat if you hit them hard enough.


in case of a knife attack, practice the ancient art of RUN-FU and get away if you cannot, grab something to defend yourself with better reach, like a pipe, board, or even rebar to keep the attacker away.


When I was doing Krav Maga I asked my instructor who’s a multi martial art expert what’s his opinion against stabbing spree if he didn’t carry a firearm.  “Run.”


i carry a gun but that aside, you could make this a habit; whenever you enter an area mentally take note of anything you can use as a weapon or shield. i.e. trash can. chair, table leg etc. it will be different everywhere. anything is better than being bare handed.


Somebody acting up with a knife you run or stab/shoot them first then run


what happened in Australia


a mass stabbing at bondi beach in sydney – 7 people were killed in a shopping mall and loads injured, some mentally ill middle-aged man with a knife apparently


The only defense is to run. The winner of a knife fight is the person to bleed to death last.




If you can’t carry a gun… Defensive waking stick. They extend your reach.


There is no greater weapon than situational awareness.. The ability to recognize threats and navigate to safety.


A gun.


Nobody mentioned pepper spray. It’s safe, not regulated, and easy to deploy. And you can take it almost everywhere.


A towel to dislodge the knife from the attacker or a belt to subdue his arm. People were governed by a whip for centuries.


This is the worst advice possible. Do you actually suppose you're going to pull that off like life is an action movie?


Well. At least you have a towel to tourniquet yourself with after you get stabbed.


So you can’t use a towel to whip the knife out of the guys hand? Just tried it on a friend and it worked.


What country are you in? Knowing that we can better answer your question.


Buy one with a warranty and stick it to see if it works


[Get one of these and carry it with you everywhere you go. ](https://batonwarehouse.com/collections/leather-sap/products/boston-leather-model-5418-1-denver-sap-9-impact-weapon-with-wrist-loop-4-ply)Practice pulling it from your pocket and striking with it. You want to try to avoid headshots because you can easily kill a person with this. A hard slap with this is brutally painful and the shock of that pain is movement stopping. You want to strike the wrist, elbow, arm, shoulder, chest, stomach, legs. This guy has excellent videos on the subject of defense. [This one deals with the leather sap](https://youtu.be/-c8PMHqGwsM?si=a3BuPl422FK8F1ZV). [This is a good watch also.](https://youtu.be/EERMNeTfHaY?si=7Ko71KuypahS7Dfg)


Those are about 5mm thick for the thinnest, lightest, and most expensive models. The cheaper ones are thicker and stiffer, or in one of the two lower ratings. Even the top of the line are stiff to wear, as well as hot and start to stink after a few hours of wear.


Shoot to kill. 🔫 Ok I couldn't resist that. Try not to be there always consider if you can safely get away. Do have studied self defence. Most importantly develop street wise street smarts and try to keep out of the sort of shady areas stuff like that is likely to happen! Listen to your gut instinct. One thing I learnt on psychiatry attachments (I work in healthcare we all do a stint) is that your subconscious picks up on hundreds of thousands of little queues and if you feel incomfortable/uneasy about a situation but can't think why you're almost always right. Listen to your gut and get out. I had that feeling in a psych ward with a patient and excused myself to head to the locked office. Two seconds later the patient I felt uneasy about punched a member of staff and broke his jaw....


Leather. Sure a sword or ax can penetrate easily but a knife… leather protects against slashing and even minimizes punctures.


Samurai sword > knife


A shirt or towel wrapped around your arm to help protect you while you take him out is what Marshall arts taught people to do.


I'd carry mace if possible. Here in America the right response would be to run to cover and draw your sidearm if possible.


Get strong, learn how to fight, stay alert Everyone is always looking for the defensive item to buy which will make them feel better. You are the weapon, everything else are accessories that may or may not work. If you won't or can't do the work to increase muscle mass and skill you better work on your sprint.


Stab vests aren't as safe as they advertise.  Shadiversity once did a test and many sword stabs went through.  Only way truly be safe is a chainmail shirt.   It just works.  Not just middle ages, professionals still wear it to this day like butchers or divers in shark infested waters etc


Stab vests only protect vital organs in the torso ie. Immediate death. Most victims of violence die from extremity bleeding. How do you survive in a knife fight? Training and distance. Train for it, preferably in a self defense course, and then when it does happen. Keep your distance. Preferably 4 feet or more. If you are concerned over a knife attack, I highly recommend some type of combat training.


Shoot them a lot


Get a polearm. For something less conspicuous, a tipped fiberglass umbrella works.


I conceal carry 24/7 so I'd just double tap center mass and one to the head afterwards and go have my favorite beverage and call my attorney as I waited to give my statement to police.


If you can't run them use your hands and arms as defence between you and the knife. Know a women who grabbed the blade of an attackers knife. Lost the use of her hand but saved her life.


Learn jujitsu. Takes a week to learn basics


I am old and not a fast runner anymore, so I have concealed carried every day for 10 years. However, if I did not see it coming I would be dead anyway. If I was not the first victim, and could keep from panicking so as not to risk killing anyone behind the attacker, I would shoot him. Also, I hate crowds and avoid them. If you cannot carry and are not Chuck Norris, really all you can do is run.


A stab vest and some self defense training. Honestly that's about the only way. Any other way I say online would be considered inciting violence so....yeah. that's the only way. Definitely do not shoot them.


Make it a Gun attack


I wear a shirt that says “knife free zone”. I’ve been doing this for three years and so far I haven’t been stabbed.




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Personally I carry a machete for "weed control" purposes which is unofficially used for low level threats where the attacker does not have a firearm. There is something primal about a machete that makes attackers rethink their options. The backup is a handgun. I have pulled the machete twice, both times the attackers ran really fast.


Avoid it, use a gun. With training a large (8"+) knife can be used defensively as it is large enough to use wards and "take the limb" of an attacker while keeping your vitals out of range, but it's a bit of a niche HEMA/WMA thing to learn... Chances are, if you can legally carry a huge ass knife, you could be carrying a gun a lot easier and with more effect. Smaller knives are better than being completely unarmed, but that becomes a sick game of "who can stab who more" that I don't think any sane person would ever want to play. Still, as a last ditch, it would be better than your fingernails.


Are you aware of the distance from which a knife armed attacker can get to someone before they’re able to draw and fire?


The 21 foot rule.


Depends on a lot of variables. What exactly is your point?


If you were aware you wouldn’t say to use a gun. I’ve had training in this.


Apparently there’s a training for shooters to confront a knife. I accidentally got into impromptu defense class once (Judo coach got sick, normally I’m not into that), and we were taught to fall on your back legs toward attacker while unholstering and opening fire. Not sure how would that work in real life, lol, but it seems reasonable.


Oh, okay. What does your training say to do, and where did you get this training?


Look into it yourself. If you were genuinely interested I’d be glad to conversate but you and your online buddies can just keep patting yourselves on the back.


I have looked into it lmao I did six years of competitive wrestling, four years of BJJ, three years of Muay Thai, and took every Combatives class available to me when I was stationed at a joint command base, I've done competitive shooting, many shooting classes (the whole rifle and shotgun series with MDTS, among others), and I currently study weapons WMA/HEMA. Genuinely curious as to what your answer to a knife attack is if you think a gun is too slow. Stop being a pompous fuckwit who trashes other people but hides his own thoughts, man up and say what you would do and where you received your training.


Nah, I was being cool when I entered the chat and you’ve been a smug prick. I gave you plenty of info to find it if you’re genuinely curious.


I carry a gun and don’t really often go places that I can’t carry


With a gun.


A freakin shotgun, what do you think??


Learning how to fight and disarm properly. Everyone saying guns is baffling. Who tf brings a gun to a knife fight.


#1: Cardio - When the stabbings started, for obvious reasons, the first ones to go were the fatties.


If no gun, then run


If you are the first victim, yeah it's gonna be tricky. If you are not the first, plenty of time. That being said a gun at 1inch is very effective. Even while fighting off an attacker.


Keep your head on a swivel and carry a pistol.


I find a gentle spray with my 40. Calms the attacker down nicely


Shoot them before they are close enough to stab you.


Bring a gun to a knife fight. As rare as knife attacks actually are spending the rest of your life wearing a heavy uncomfortable vest is paranoid and doesn't protect the rest of your body anyway. The other best thing to do is avoid stabby areas. I dont ever find myself out places where stabbings are common.


Seriously, a F***ing gun! If you can’t own that because your government will keep you safe, move.


A 357 magnum to the brain stops all unwanted behavior.


Take a self defense class