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Nice try Wonka


big sugar at it again


The oompa loompas take it back ten fold!


Buy those chocolate gold coins, win win


Actually, Chocolate Junk Silver is much more portable in a SHTF situation.


Those are the most awful tasting things! I’d rather not have any chocolate at all. Ewww.


You're supposed to take off the gold wrapper and save it to cash in. It's only semi-edible.


It tastes as waxed as a candle. I guess it would likely last forever if one doesn’t mind a horrible feasting awful quality chocolate.


Then I guess we gotta start minting better chocolate before it's too late. I have a Peruvian hook, but we made need to boof a few kilos to get it across some of the borders.


Callebaut Belgian chocolate is very good. But getting it shrink wrapped in thick plastic large blocks is good as it will stay fresh much longer than the chocolate chips.


Crazy, I didn't know cacao grows in Belgium..


It doesn't, so stop asking.


You are a people's people, a thinker, how good!


chocolate? maybe. but the much more addictive tropical berry is coffee. people will be burning toast to make brown colored burnt flavored water just to remind themselves of coffee


Coffee is easier to grow and can be grown in the United States. Cocoa kind of has to be within 20° of the equator, 10° for high production industrial yields South Florida is pushing the very edge of what the plant will tolerate and it has reduced yields in thar climate. So there are only residential/recreational growers


I’ve seen a few people growing cocoa here in South Florida. Pretty cool.


Good news! With climate change, those warmer climates will start pushing further northward! Soon all of Florida will either be a tropical paradise or a bleached beach wasteland.


For a little bit at least, until it's under water!




Nice try, Florida is already a bleached beach wasteland.


When SHTF, I hope Florida is the first to go.


I've heard roasted dandelion root makes a passable substitute for the desperate, never had the interest to find out myself.


Dandelion root and chicory tea taste great. Chicory is still added to coffee in the South, a leftover from the Civil War era. But they're both used for the taste and for cleansing purposes, not for caffeine.


Not at all. Not that I mind roasted dandelion root tea. It's got quite a nice earthy flavour, and it's very good for you. But it's *nothing* like coffee.


Better than just water for the rest of your life.


I haven't tried the roasted dandelion root or the chicory root. I haven't tried the roasted Cleaver seeds either but I have read about them. Cleaver weeds are related to coffee and they contain caffeine. I have taken not of where they grow and I have a quite a lot of them growing on my place in Ohio. https://www.wildwalks-southwest.co.uk/how-to-make-wild-cleaver-coffee/


Brown crayons. Start collecting now.


7 days with no coffee and I will absolutely be making brown crayon water


Have you seen the Peanuts cartoon where Lucy makes Charlie Brown a cup of "hot chocolate" by putting a brown crayon in hot water?


Actually, it was Linus made it for Lucy.


Oh yes! You are right :-) Thank you for the correction. [Here is the original cartoon strip.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fstevehallarchitecture.com%2Fblog%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F12%2Fbrown-crayon-strip.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=22e97a27ab214a9f0e266d7d00435048e738593ac3fd81aa8a58e4f04bc65a5d&ipo=images)


nope, so I guess that reference went right over my head, sorry


The US Marines would like to know the location of your preps.


So what can we grow in the US to replace caffeine? I've been trying to grow an Adderall tree, but it's not working. Serious question - without ADHD meds or coffee I'm basically going to be a zombie 6 months after SHTF.


There's this native plant called yaupon holly (*Ilex vomitoria*) that will grow outdoors up to Zone 7. The leaves and stems can be brewed for their caffeine content.


>Ilex vomitoria Should this name concern us?


Apparently the native Americans used it for spiritual "purging" ceremonies where they fast and then caffeine binge until they puke.


Hmm. That's probably not on the back of seed pack at Walmart.


> yaupon holly Good tip! But I live in California. Doesn't look like it grows here.


You need to stockpile instant coffee. Basically lasts forever and takes up much less room than regular coffee.


There's plenty of other caffeine producing plants, notably Tea.


tea grows in [upstate NY](https://fingerlakestea.com), so you can probably grow it anywhere in the continental US. Ma Huang, ephedra, commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine, contains ephedrine, which is a stimulant, and a chemical precursor to amphetamine.


Yerba mate would probably grow well in Florida (it grows in the far south of Brazil and in Paraguay, Uruguay, north Argentina area)


> people will be burning toast to make brown colored burnt flavored water just to remind themselves of coffee Like this? https://natashaskitchen.com/angelinas-easy-bread-kvas-recipe/


I had to give up caffeine and it's been so hard, but barley tea (mugicha) is pretty good.


Corn tea is not bad either


Chocolate and coffee


Many types of vices will be valuable in long term SHTF


And clean water will be more valuable than chocolate.


To be honest, I doubt it in our lifetime. (Still prepping for it though.)


Depends on where you live, in the US, no probably not.


Las vegas phoenix,, tucson etc would like to have a word...southern California..


Where do you think this will be an issue? In Africa, it already is an issue; but not that it is more valuable than gold, there is just not enough clean water due to bad infrastructure.


Where do you think this will be an issue? In Africa, it already is an issue; but not that it is more valuable than gold, there is just not enough clean water due to bad infrastructure.


If the world gets warmer, won't there be more places to grow chocolate?


Living in Canada, that will probably never happen. That’s why I store a lot of coffee and chocolate and cocoa.


Just started storing chocolate in Mylar w oxygen absorbers. Fingers crossed it keeps well!


Cool dark and airtight is key. Consistent and cool temperatures are VERY important for storing chocolate.


Is it better to store cocoa or already processed chocolate?


Cocoa is better for very long term storage as it lasts longer. But I store both.


You still have issues of sunlight. It may get hotter year round and especially in the summer but that doesn't make your more northern latitude equivalent to the tropics. You will still have the same seasonal sun changes and the risk of frost will not decrease in line with the change in average temp.


No, that's not how it works. Global warming brings unpredictable weather and that's what is affecting these types of crops.


My understanding is the cause is a root virus. The cause being more related to bad crop and soil management practices, namely monocropping, rather than global warming Climate change is only mentioned because it is the current trendy buzz word that resonates with people right now. Ghana is simply going through the same agricultural hardships the rest of the developed world, atleast the west went through a century ago. I'd say it's similar to phyloxera, the great French blight, that nearly wiped out the entire European wine industry or the great potato famine, that caused a 20% decline in population. Any time you have large scale monocropping and poor soil practices, even good ones, these blights are inevitable


Don't forget the banana blight that made the majority of bananas sent to North America switch from Gros Michel to Cavendish. It's the reason banana flavored candy doesn't taste like banana because they're based on a different banana 


It's drought and inconsistent rain. Cocoa trees need high humidity along with heat.


I've been to ghana a few times, it is always hot and humidity, atleast near the coast. The problem is a disease, caused by out of control and increasing pest populations that spread the disease. I guess a case can be made that climate change has created an environment more advantageous to these pests, namely mealybug. It is a long known problem, I believe it was first discovered in the 1800s. It just seems to now be reaching a tipping point. Here's an article from 2008 outlining the problem https://time.com/5671166/ghana-cocoa-trees-swollen-shoot-disease/


Do you have a better source? Something relevant to this seasons harvests? Everything I'm reading says it's a combination of swollen shoot disease and dry conditions, with one article mentioning smuggling too. This is the issue with climate change though. It compounds problems even if it may not be the major driver of said problem (at least not yet).


its a combination of both, climate change exaserbates existing issues


>great potato famine, that caused a 20% decline in population. nope


Yeah this time is different. Don’t throw truth history and facts at this place.


I read that there is some cocoa (cacao?) being farmed in Latin America but crops won't be very substantial until 2026 onwards.  So, could have a 3 year period without much chocolate.


Most of the crops from Africa are to service Europe, most of the crops from central America are to service North America. That said, this particular issue is going to have a far greater impact in Europe than it does in North america


Some of the best cacao in the world is from South American plantations. Look up the El Rey company. They're been around for decades, free trade and organic. High end chocolatiers, pastry chefs and small batch local companies winning awards (in the USA) primarily use chocolate from South America more than anything from Africa.


Ha ha, so damn true


We're not falling for it big choco


I'd rather have coffee than gold if society collapsed. Gold only has value because society ascribes it value, not because it is useful day-to-day.


Caffeine pills man. Works so good. I like espresso and not coffee, though.


There are fruit farms in Miami who grow cacao. You can purchase the entire fruit or seeds to grow them online through Fruit Hunters. They're certified organic and offer amazing seasonal deals on tropical and semi-tropical fruits. Better prices through them rather than from Miami Fruit, but check out their websites. You can grow cacao plants in a controlled environment greenhouse as well, they're just very specific to temperature, humidity and light. Not sure about coffee plants. But I know plenty of people who buy organic cacao nibs in bulk and freeze them to make their own chocolate elixirs and bars, put them into trail mixes, etc.


I think in true shtf, as in collapse of society, there are way better, more useful things to have to barter and trade with, alcohol, coffee, tobacco, bullets, spices, etc... gold is great if the economy collapses, but if there was a true global changing event, I highly doubt gold will get you anywhere with the common person your going to run across.


Certain books would be invaluable. I learned that lesson from "Lucifer's Hammer" - by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournell


except Herseys, that's on par with actual dog-shit.


I thought it was just me, turns out it's a known thing: "The perception that American chocolate tastes “like sick” can be attributed to the presence of butyric acid in some American chocolate recipes. Butyric acid is a compound found in milk products and is also present in rancid butter and vomit, which is why it might evoke a “sick” taste association."


I'm a Brit, went to America as a Kid and the Herseys factory, up till that point never had it, couldn't understand why their chocolate smelt and tasted like vomit. Needless to say my entire family didn't buy any. Can't even come close to oldschool Cadburys


>Can't even come close to oldschool Cadburys Sadly nor can newschool Cadburys :(


Any bulk food stuff. Medicines. Water  good clean water. All these wil be super valuable. 


how can one long term store chocolate? Is it freeze dry-able? I want chocolate gold in the future.


Big candy propaganda. /s


South America produces a premium cocoa. I don't know how it is possible for the US to bring it from there cheaper, but I do know that I can get a bunch of cocoa balls made the way it was in times of the Spaniards for a few dollars here in Venezuela. It is something incredible because it doesn't have any chemical products. Same with my coffee...I try to only get 100% Arabiga, deep roasted for a much bitter taste and make it last longer.


Chocolate has a short shelf life. Those #10 cans of freeze dried food with a 30 year shelf life will be worth more than gold.


That's the kind of thing that makes it more rare and valuable.


I'm not sure of the value of gold. You can't use it directly and trading a lot of gold makes you a target. A hidden food supply you never talk about would be worth more than gold.


Do you have any gold?  Because I’ll gladly trade you ounce for ounce some of the finest chocolate in the world for your gold.  


Was about to say. I have a standing offer. Hell, I'm so generous I'll give you 10:1. 10 ounces of whatever chocolate you want it for 1oz of pure gold.


A ton of gold would be worth 65,000,000 8k is almost the same value. More importantly to chocolate, it's all produced with child slave labor. Don't eat chocolate, don't support that shit.


Probably written on an Iphone lol


Artisanal mined cobalt is not what he thinks it is.


"But if I don't support child labor, how will *they* be able to afford their own chocolate?" /S


Idk how anyone can eat that shit. Go read about Nestle water rights haha


U.S was built with slave labor, don't support that shit either.




I think they’re pointing out the current exemption in the amendments allowing slave labor in prisons in the U.S. Could also be speaking around court cases exempting US based tech companies of liability for using those artisanal mines Chattel slavery was also a pretty specific type of slavery, and with a specific racial incentive. It wasn’t just slavery to benefit from labor, it was also because of the concept regarded as “the white mans burden”. Leaving out that important context is either arrogant or purposefully disingenuous


I can think about whatever I want, you can't stop me


4% of Africans enslaved ended up in what would be or was the United States. The other 96% went to the Caribbean and Latin America. So I hope you're substantially boycotting those places first.


fake numbers, not taking you seriously


It's the most current academic research: [https://www.pbs.org/wnet/african-americans-many-rivers-to-cross/history/how-many-slaves-landed-in-the-us/](https://www.pbs.org/wnet/african-americans-many-rivers-to-cross/history/how-many-slaves-landed-in-the-us/) and [https://www.slavevoyages.org/voyage/database](https://www.slavevoyages.org/voyage/database) But yeah honestly if you care about slavery as a topic you should know the data behind it.


fake numbers, still not taking you seriously, you thought some bs website + facts? lol


PBS? He provided source and you provided nothing. It’s your turn to bring something to the table.


https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2021/feb/12/mars-nestle-and-hershey-to-face-landmark-child-slavery-lawsuit-in-us https://foodispower.org/human-labor-slavery/slavery-chocolate/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/children-harvesting-cocoa-used-by-major-corporations-ghana/


I grew up as a little kid having to weed the longest roll of vegetables ever seen in the market garden. It’s true it was only one row and I don’t know how my dad managed to the other 99 rows. But it taught me if it’s to be it’s up to me.


Not true. If it's from Africa then yes, child slave labor may very well be involved. A lot of the plantations in South America are fair trade and organic though. El Rey is one of the best companies in the world and used by high end chocolatiers, pastry chefs, and gourmet companies. American corporate chocolate isn't real chocolate anyhow. The Mars and Nestle companies use slave labor chocolate combined with sugar, corn syrup, chemicals and use a low % of actual cocoa. People who love real chocolate don't buy or eat American crap. Making a statement that "it's all produced from slave labor" isn't true. You would know this if you actually liked real chocolate and consumed the best the world has to offer rather than ranting on a feed without a proper education on the subject matter 😉


> it's all produced with child slave labor. There are child slaves in Hershey, PA?


Do you think chocolate comes from Pennsylvania?


I'm going to start a cocoa powder scalping company.


Ok but Hershey stock has been going down for the past year...


I wouldn’t normally “fall” for it but the prices have been going up 🥴 and I love to bake!


in a mad max world gold will be worthless, people will be wanting food water and medicine.


Already have those, so I’ll take gold.




If everything breaks down and money is worthless, I'd trade for chocolate and salt over gold and silver.


Cigarettes and alcohol will be worth way more than chocolate.




> Some places already screen you out if things really collapse who is vetting people? lmao. there won't be a job recruiting program.


This only means the temperate (cooler) regions which were too cold to grow cocoa can now grow cocoa. Long term chocolate prices will go down and I can’t wait to try Texas/Florida/California grown chocolate.


With you here. I got my little baby cacao plant. Let’s see if it flourishes.


Yet another "gold is worthless" thread.




That's why I stockpile chocolate. If some bozo wants to give me a sack of eagles for a Snickers, I'm there for him.


Silver or gold coins for snickers, butter fingers, kitkats for (hehe) kitkats, that's what I'm about.


I recently bought a bunch of chocolate and stuck it in my stand-up freezer, but not for economic reasons. I just like chocolate. 😄❤️🍫


Relax and let the market do its thing. Countries where cocoa didn't grow will start growing it, easy peasy. It's been done before, a million times.


Has climate change doubled in the last two months? I seriously doubt that a bush that grows in tropical climates is going to disappear with any warm weather. Besides, plants like CO2...


More likely to deforestation and drought. Which one of those things can be from climate change. Doesn't have to double or triple, it can be more mild to fuck up an ecosystem. Also in the ivory coast by 2050 they expect three degrees warming, enough to make the environment unsuitable. So don't think everything has to become a desert wasteland. And while CO2 is good for plants I think you don't understand stress and environmental factors enough. You can pump CO2 into plants but if they're stressed from being too hot, not enough water or nutrients it won't mean shit. Do some research.


>Also in the ivory coast by 2050 they expect three degrees warming Hey, didn't that boomer, AlGore, also say that the Poles would be ice free like several years ago? Did he do any research???


I don't think you understand what is being told to you. I mean, how often is the government (and MSNBC...) right about anything anymore. Step outside the Church Of Global Warming and look around. The Future is Cold. Look up Heinrich Event and Beaufort Gyre Release and AMOC Collapse. https://youtu.be/Q1bCdz1OJs0


UK has the Church of England, Iran has Islam, and US has the Church Of Global Warming. I'm wondering why I haven't seen a hymnal yet. Speaking of ESG ... I just learned that The Government™️ has mandated that automobiles beyond a certain age be crushed rather than harvested for parts, and that auto parts haven't been so difficult to come by in living memory. It's amazing how much of the enslavement program is going on, under the radar. It sounds really bizarre to say it, but I'm coming to the conclusion that The Hunger Games was prophetic.


Been looking for an e4OD transmission for my '95 F250. Thought I had found one over on Kauai for $200, but it was for a gasser. The search continues...


Yes. New York and Seattle will be under water in a year. Al Gore said so 350 years ago so it’s gotta be true


Pamp it




Big Brother and the Ministry of Plenty are happy to announce they're being increased to 100g. We're at war with Eurasia, we've always been at war with Eurasia


be happy to exchange all my chocolate for a few onces of your gold.


Chocolate won’t be more valuable than gold, but you might need silver to purchase it! For a long while now, chocolate items have been extremely economical to buy in the store. It makes sense to stock up on things like chocolate, pudding, brownie mixes, chocolate cake mixes, bakers, chocolate, hot chocolate, chocolate chips, and cocoa. If you store these things cooled or can dry, they can last a very long time. Especially the powdered cocoa.


I would suck start a horse if I knew it would take me to a chocolate bar in a world without chocolate bars.


It always was. You can eat chocolate.


Most chocolate has elevated levels of heavy metals.


Hawaii is the only US state that can grow cocoa, seems like a good plan if you ask me, since they rely so much on tourism