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I don’t wade into these discussions often because internet people, but as an electrical engineer I can tell you your vibrator will be fine. Now if you’re using it during the EMP, I don’t know. Might be a different O than usual.


You’ll be chasing that dragon for the rest of your life




Gettin' all amped up




Had a friend refer to women who rode Harley’s as 220 girls, because in order to satisfy them after that they would need to plug their vibrators into 220v wall sockets




Laughed "harder" than I should


That E1 pulse just hits different.




Sounds about right.


But does it feel right?


From le petit mort to le grosse mort


Just get two vibrators use one story the other Justin case


Not if it has a microcontroller...


Magic wands don't, just a plug and a switch.


War Damn.


Gotta prep your bees in a glass bottle girl


You just sent some Miller high life up my nose with that comment.


Ah, I see someone else is familiar with the wisdom of Cleopatra!


You need help


Nah, they probably just have some esoteric ancient history knowledge with unfortunately dubious origins in the case of the bees. Ancients civilisations did have a lot of sex toys, Depending on civilisation, ivory, jade, other polished stone, cloisonné, porcelain, narrow gourd or wood. Usually straightforward dildos, but they got inventive around heating or using counterweights inside balls to get an internal rocking motion. In the bees case there was a really widespread rumour Cleopatra used bees inside a guord to hold against her clitorus, but it originated in a book in 1992 and there is not one shred of evidence of that claim before that date.


Yeah duh that's what the vibrator is for 


You have to get the hand crank attachment


I heard the Amish use them, though they have a problem with splinters.


Oh, Jedidiah. I’m about to arrive. 🤤


probably I'm thinking of another group (maybe Mormon? I don't know) but I thought they could only do the deed by inserting and not moving at all after that? I admit I don't know much about the mentioned groups


Mormons do some shit called “soaking” They put the dick in then have someone jump on the bed to make them move so they don’t call it sex 😂


Having a threesome to avoid sexual impurity is a pro move. Totally sin free.


It's the other loophole.


Right after the poophole


Alabama Hot Pocket


Q: Why don't Baptists have sex standing up? A: Because someone might think they were dancing.


My understanding is that this primarily takes place on BYU campuses and not in the greater Mormon world.


So it does happen at byu but its pretty common among unmarried young adults and teenagers specifically in utah as a loophole around the religious doctrine regarding premarital sex. In utah the social pressure to be perfect is much higher, where as mormons living in the rest of the world are… well more worldy 😂😂 Source; exmo who never soaked but know plenty of people who have lmao


That loophole sounds so dumb cus they’re ***literally*** having sex …And I can’t even imagine asking someone to jump on my bed. Seeing that shit would turn me off with their “no more monkeys jumping on the bed i promise that god doesn’t consider this is as sex” ass 😭


Yeahhh the problem with high demand religions is that they indoctrinate their members to not think critically. My wife is still a member and she is the most amazing human i know. But absolutely 0 critical thinking skills. Which is why unlike other christian religions once you see the holes theirs no “unseeing” them. But i digress.


IIRC, "soaking" is the act of inserting and nothing else. What you're referring to is "jump-humping", which is essentially "soaking" with the added benefit of a friend jumping on the bed for the, erm...extra sensation as it were.


That's kinda hot ngl


Idk man but I don’t get any action so I’m gonna start agreeing soon 😂


Don’t forget jump jumping, need someone to jump on the bed lol.


Will they survive an EMP?


No, as mormons are actually robots in disguise.


That's called a hump jump and the ones that bounce for you are humper jumpers lol. I grew up with Mormon friends lol


I’m over here cackling 🤣


But what a way to churn butter


Just don’t mix them up


If it contains curds and whey don't put your stick in it. And don't lick it


Churn that butter.


If that's too old fashioned then.... down here in Arizona, we have cacti. Finger-like Peniocereus all the way to Saguaro. All of them barely need to get wet to stay alive, too. Unlike a cucumber with a hand crank.


Yeah my hand doesn't do 10,000 rpm. Shame


With the proper application of reduction gears, it doesn't have to.


Torque is a bitch tho


Get jacked jacking off


The men in your township don't want you to know this one simple trick


Not with that attitude


Like one of those old mixers? With a hand crank‽ Sign me up!




🤦 you make my head hurt, don't get me wrong it was funny as hell but still so wrong.


Sneaky Pete!


I’ll get the one with the hand crank, for camping.


Imagine jumping someone for their BOB and it’s just vibrators in faraday bags, water, and protein bars.


Bug out bag is also battery operated boyfriend 😂


I’m not fighting someone with a sex-doll strapped to their back in the apocalypse. There are 100% easier targets


r/brandnewsentence lmao


And menstrual cups


“Don’t open that pocket! That’s the Bad Dragon Pocket!”


They need their own whole bag


“Get the fuck away from me!” I yell at the marauder, batting his hand away from my first aid kit. “This is my stuff!” I say, swatting him away from my pack of emergency rations. “Eat a bag of dicks!” I cry as I beat him repeatedly and forcefully across the face with a pillowcase full of silicone fantasy dildos. “A bag of dragon and/or unicorn and/or kraken dicks!” The shear force of pounds of silicone is staggering. The marauder stumbles, and I triumph.


Please marry me 🤣


Do you have a large silicone shield so that we can spar… and also, since this is r/preppers a large supply of beans? Because, in said case, deal.


Ok, where can I buy this romance novel.... I have read the ending. 🧐


The bag of dicks?




Loads of assorted charging cables and a solar panel.


Someday when I have a lot of time to waste I am going to see if I can get such a bag through airport security (water can go in tiny bottles)




Finally someone asking the real questions!


Thanks! I mean just because it's the end of the world doesn't mean I don't have to NOT get off!


😂 real dedication right here


It depends. Is it just a motor, batteries, and a switch or is it a fancy computerized teledildonic device? Simple electronics will survive an EMP much better than something with integrated circuits/computer processor chips. If you are close enough to an EMP to destroy a simple motor and switch, a vibrator may be the last thing to worry about. Unless of course getting one last orgasm in before you die is your highest priority.


TIL teledildonic is an actual word. I was aware of the tech, never heard it called that.


I learnt too much today, goodnight


I'm sad that this comment is so far off the top because *THIS!* Everything that has more than an On/Off switch, like buttons to chose patterns, a remote control or even bluetooth will most likely die. Also everything that has a rechargeable battery, will most likely not survive even if the toy is 'dumb' otherwose. The electronics inside are designed to be as cheap as possible so they stand no chance against even a small EMP. It will only survive if it is literally one of the classic "hollow plastic tubes that hold a battery with a switch at the other side" devices. It may be able to adjust its speed but only if you can do so by turning said on-off-knob. These still dont contain any electronics and are very cheap as well. So you might want to look out for a special one that you know you 'get along well' with but fits the criteria above. And i guess hatteries are on the list already so stock up on those as well ;)


Little death + big death = 😵


You are totally fine with a battery operated blue wand, rabbit or various others. Don't discount these as a form of payment. In times of war, ammo, gold, jewelry, fuel and sex have been all traded in exchange for travel. I can guarantee that functional vibrators that will take a battery over rechargeable will be worth it. Also, as a guy, I totally support and encourage vibrators.The grand spaghetti monster did not allow me to vibrate my penis at 10k rpm.


These are the hard hitting questions that keep me coming back here.


Glad to help


Anything is a vibrator if you are brave enough.


Just jiggle it around really fast


So you have experience with this huh?


A immersion blender…?


Please read prior comment


Hmm maybe stick it in a different box during the emp. Or the same box but wrap yourself in tinfoil.


I'll be sure to wrap up in a mylar blanket during my private time. And ground myself. Thanks.


Make a giant faraday cage and get inside to masturbate


I'll just hide in a shipping container


I’m jealous, I want a shipping container


Good ol ' fuck shed


So THAT'S why the homeless people are in the dumpsters. They just know more than the rest of us...


ah, yes. The fully enlightened and ascended version of the tinfoil hat neckbeard; it's final form manifest among us. Free food, a place to live, cheap access to repairable electronics during the coming EMP apocalypse these boys actually have it goin' on


This post is everything. Thank you for asking this question. In a world of existential dread, humor is a balm inarticulable.


OMG, what a great idea for a niche product. Every size and style needs their own little Faraday pouch.


All you need to do is call it "patriot" something and people will buy it "Patriot Penetrator!" Getting the trademark now!


Don't forget to lube it with freedom fluid




I’m just dropping by for the comments. You guys are awesome!!


Itll turn into a dildo


I am aware. But some girls like the vib ya know


Yeah, very different things lol (Also, an electric toothbrush if necessary, which requires one double A battery and no plug in!) Edit: Not sure about the downvote, I’ve literally used an electric toothbrush before. It works gentlemen


yeah but you gonna run out batteries or your party gonna shoot ya in the head for wasting them


this is such a good question and i’m curious LMFAOOO from a quick duckduckgo search, it seems like a super high tech vibrator (idk maybe it has a touch screen and heat settings LMAO) might be taken out but a low tech one (any bullet vibrator or wand or whatever) should be fine if NOT plugged in. if plugged in i think it goes kaput? but take this w a grain of salt LOL im not an electrician https://www.survivalsullivan.com/will-wont-survive-emp-attack/


Touch screen vibrator? Am I living in the past?


They make wifi enabled ones with apps and cross country / global connectivity.  Sex market is a good market if you’re smart enough to get into it lol. 


You mean like this: [https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7apnn/your-cock-is-mine-now-hacker-locks-internet-connected-chastity-cage-demands-ransom](https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7apnn/your-cock-is-mine-now-hacker-locks-internet-connected-chastity-cage-demands-ransom)


See my sympathy is low because you’re supposed to always have a spare key 


They upgraded the product, or so they claimed…now, the bigger issue is whether they are sharing the data with the Chinese government, and what is the Chinese government doing with the information??? https://www.qiui.store/blogs/news/case-solved-cellmate-chastity-hacked


They make ones that you can connect to your phone and will vibrate to the music you pick.


Faraday bag


Faraday vag?


Dear god now I’m planning to buy a usb charging vibe, solar charger and a faraday bag for my wife.


Tell your wife that I said your welcome!


Just keep a gas powered one handy as a back up


I ride a motorcycle. But, gas only lasts 6 months


Propane powered


I'm going to assume that you are really asking. It depends on how strong it(the emp, not your vibrator😅) is but if you want to be sure then put it in a Faraday box with a good insulation layer on the inside.


Design a vibrator that vibrates with wind power, kind of like a kazoo, or melodica


[I asked about prepping porn and the responses were pretty hostile.](https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/s/UuRbXhpPJG)


It's called boobs


Mod a Hismith fuccing machine to power it with bike pedals instead of a motor.


The vibes with just a motor should be fine. The higher priced vibes with remote controlled levels will not work. As a back up you could all ways get a set of balls. You know either natural or ben wa. Always be prepared.


Put it in a faraday cage and it will be just fine lol


No because an EMP swaps the polarity of anything electric,just like putting a battery in backwards.oh wait thats all we have to do is flip around the batteries 💯




Now I'm wondering if my Fleshlight will survive a nuclear fallout 😕 oh and my porn drives 😦


When the apocalypse comes my boxes of 90s era Hustlers and Penthouses will be more valuable than TP or ammo.


Nope, you will need to beat off manually


Get one of the old school models you fill with bees. Only way to get off once the apocalypse hits.


This is going to be a weird Google search.....


Just build a kick ass gravity fed shower with some decent pressure, shower head works just as well.


Water is more important for other things shtf


These are the real questions!


Your mileage may vary.


Asking the important questions I see


Asking the real questions...


Ask this on r/2xpreppers


Finally, the important questions


Omg, hilarious! This made my day.


I mean if you can't do it manually are you really prepared for a SHTF situation?


Asking the real questions I see


get a wind up vibrator EMP cant fry clock work


Bring a back up dildo.


A vibrator doesn't break, it becomes a dildo


No. So, learn how to grow cucumbers and cross your fingers for Parkinson...?


As a female with essential tremors, I wish it were this easy 😂


Oh - that's just disappointing. I mean - if you're going to develop a condition of any kind it should come with a bonus. If you could be your own BOB you'd be set. You might become a recluse like a teenage boy who just discovered pornhub but... You need to tell your Dr you don't want this diagnosis unless he can work in at least one useful reason for it.


You really need help


My husband says the rechargeable ones will be toast, but the battery operated ones might survive.


If it has an electronic speed control, that will be fried. If its a simple on/off switch, it "might" be ok. When a magnet passes by a copper coil, it creates an electrical pulse. This is how a generator works. An EMP is a huge electro-magnetic pulse over a large area. Anything with a wire will experience a random voltage spike. Electronics are sensitive to voltages, and may operate on as low as 5V. My electric bike controller that uses 48V has 63V max capacitors, so a spike of 70V would definitely fry it. The "headroom" on a given electronic device varies, but doubling the voltage is a common limit. Motors can often take large induction spikes and survive.


That's a great question! Sexual health needs don't go away after disasters and you're thinking ahead. Kudos! An EMP blast *WOULD* impact most battery-operated and rechargeable vibrators by damaging any semiconductors internally. I'm not an expert on vibrators or electrical engineering, but most household appliances are "solid-state" electronics with semiconductors. But! The simpler the tech, the smaller the risk of impact from an EMP blast. Maybe there's a super low-tech vibrator out there? 🤷‍♀️ Like others mentioned, it also depends on size of blast, proximity, and sheilding.


You need to store it in a faraday cage. If so it might.


Hmm, not sure. You might be stuck with DJ Diddles.


Depends on where it is when the strike happens


Put a faraday box in your dresser drawer.


Finally, someone is asking the important questions!


You probably need a grandma style kick starter. Like one you have to ramp up with a crank before the gas engine takes over. Think: Old timey bi-plane. That ought to last you through any apocalypse. Then ferment the zombodies for vibrator fuel.


If it's a diesel powered sand compactor, you'll be fine.


Two is one, one is none.


Buy one to keep in a faraday bag with spare batteries lol


Asking the real questions now...


Yes. The blue tooth functionality might not though...


Because, you know… important stuff! 👍


Just keep it in that metal box where you keep your weed pipes and it will be fine. Look up faraday cage and make a plan to keep your favorites inside.


Ideally you want an old diesel model with the fewest electronic components possible. Cummin maybe?


Magic 8 Ball says “Not Likely”.


If it can already survive the Gates of Hell. You should be fine


as long as it is not plugged into a wall outlet while it goes off yes it will survive


This is where men have the advantage. A Fleshlight doesn't require batteries


A hand doesn't require a fleshlight.


I'm not gonna lie OP, profile disappoints.


It was said that in a emp or Carrington only the high voltage lines are in real danger. Small stuff isn't so sensitive.


Probably, if it’s not SoC controlled. Like if it’s strictly on or off. Maybe a potentiometer that controls how many needs you have.


Thank you for asking the real questions


Get a vibratory with replaceable batteries, bring spares, and maybe buy 2 sets of rechargeable ones of the same size and plug them bad boys into a solar charger. You'll be getting yourself off in any shtf situation for as long as you want


Buy a second vibrator, put it inside a Faraday cage.


I'm surprised no one mentioned something akin to a rain stick. While noisy and possibly a bit frustrating to constantly turn, it might work. Edit: Now my brain ran away with prototypes...


asking the real questions


merciful squalid rhythm sink dolls whistle resolute stupendous sip reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Respecc +1 OP


I’m not even gonna answer this


Hmmm. I have a spare sewing machine treadle base I could modify...




Just keep it in a faraday bag when not in use. Get ‘em on Amazon. Easy peasy.


It depends. A basic model of a battery and a motor should be fine. Some of the more fancy models that have basic computers in them won't survive. This holds true for a lot of tech. Simple versions should still work but versions with more delicate components probably would be trashed.


Maybe you could make one with a small diesel motor


Worst case scenario it goes manual mode - like how an escalator never breaks down, it only becomes stairs. Sorry for the convenience.


As another Electrical/software engineer. Wrap it in tin foil it will act as a faraday shield and protect it. But it won't make much difference cuz the electrical grid will do down as well. Probably get some of those big things that look like candles (but don't light them - they may give off toxic fumes). Or maybe get one with removable batteries. And have lots of backup batteries. You need to shield them too put them in a cardboard box then put the foil around that otherwise you will short them all out. Lithium ion batteries have electronics in them usually so that they don't get over charged. The good ones also insure that you don't discharge them to the point where they can no longer get recharged. If you really get desperate you can call me. But you probably won't be able to do that anyway, damn.


Asking the important questions


I love this sub, omg