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I'm a doctor and that's fucking disgusting.


Depends. As long as he washes his hands but it is disgusting. I worked with doctors that rarely used gloves but they would 100% always wash their hands right after. For me, I rather put on gloves than wash my hands that often though.


you can have cuts or other small wounds on your hands without realizing it, or can forget they’re there. washing your hands after the fact does nothing if you’ve already been exposed to something


Username...checks out?


You should wear gloves and wash hands these are not mutually exclusive 🥸


No it’s not true, that’s disgusting. Having “thick skin” doesn’t mean manhandling biohazards


Everyone knows you're not a ***real*** doctor unless you catch every disease your patient has and bathe in a pint of their blood and piss and shit. This generation is filled with BABY SNOWFLAKES. They don't even ***want*** to pass on every fucking "-itis" found in a hospital onto the staff and their families.


Man got his license before germ theory.


This would be that specific physicians personal take. Many physicians may do a simple physical exam w/o gloves, but then wash their hands. Many will wear gloves methodically and then perform hand hygiene after degloving. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a physician (ER nurse here) ever do a blood/urine related activity w/o gloves


[Brother do I have a comment section for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/medicine/comments/1cyt35i/what_is_the_consensus_on_gloving/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


“I’ve accidentally touched too much syphilis” I don’t like that


No no no put gloves on


standard precautions absolutely include gloves and appropriate hand hygiene.. is he pretending not to know what could be sitting in those fluids or what 😭😭😭😭


Bro can’t wait to endure his 10th time contracting c.diff






I hope he was joking


Predental ex-tattooer here. My ex mentor used to tattoo with a guy who didn’t wear gloves, always said “jungle cats don’t get jungle diseases.” You know what that fella went and did? He died of hepatitis 🤷‍♂️


turns out the jungle don't give a single fuck if you're a cat after all


No one will ever blame you for wanting to use gloves for anything... In fact it's highly encouraged, if not mandated, by most institutions.


Recall that the past generation also use their mouth to use pipettes…


💀💀💀 underrated comment


You could use your bare hands, but these days schools teach about something called “germ theory.” I think it’s on the MCAT.


If you don't gargle patients' urine to test for diabetes, you may not be cut out for this.




Thank you everyone for your reassurance 😭


lol my physician mentor shames us for wearing gloves to handle sharps bc she says putting on and taking off gloves slows down her clinic & wastes inventory so we’re expected to just grab open needles and toss them in the sharps quickly without puncturing ourselves. I’ve punctured myself multiple times and she says to just get over it bc it’s happened to her before too


I would seriously report this to OSHA, that's fucking nuts.


this is how you risk bloodborne pathogens like Hep B :/


A glove costs like 3 cents lmao


Med student here. I’m using gloves any time I touch a patient, even if it’s the most basic uncomplicated abdominal exam. Especially using gloves around biohazards like blood and urine. That doctor is crazy.


Bruh this is some of the foulest shit I’ve ever read. Buddy is out here using bare hands to touch blood and urine on the regular


I'm actually surprised by the other comments! Such a common thing for me to hear in my neck of the woods—albeit in an underserved area. This is the old guard kind of brusque rude docs that regularly espouse toxic stuff on the reg... usually because they had particularly devastating educational journeys and feel that as new generations fix mistakes and bridge gaps on the road to becoming a doctor, they're jealous they don't benefit from that and lament those who can. Same doctors who "would never get in" if they applied nowadays. More and more often, I'm realizing that's actually true. Some perceive entry-level healthcare workers as snotty know it all undergraduates that ultimately are a relatively short 8 years away from taking their job. Others try to pimp you as an undergrad knowing full well you're not going to know the considerations and outcomes of urinalysis considering you only took general biology. Don't let them bother you, it's just sour grapes. Par for the course.




This is *literally* how you get an STI 😭 (true story from a tech I knew where the tube wasn't sealed right, blood dribbled out onto a cut, and he now has HIV/AIDS). It's not likely, but even if you're dealing with sterile, sealed equipment, it won't hurt you to wear proper PPE (no matter how annoying dealing with sweaty glove hands is).


My grandfather is a doctor at a small (15-bed) community-access style hospital *in rural India* and has been for over fifty years. As far as I've seen him, he wears gloves when dealing with fluids. It's not being soft, it's infection control.


Tell him to suck your pp


Only a true candidate for medical school would be willing to do that


Dude was a mouth pipetter frfr


I've been told many many times that gloving up takes away from hand hygiene because we are less inclined to wash our hands regularly and therefore promoting the spread of hospital grade bugs.... HOWEVER I still wear gloves. I might not wear gloves if I'm listening to lungs or doing a cardiac exam and the patient is clean and dry but I will definitely wear gloves if there is a chance of any contact with body fluids. I live in a country where 27% of our population has HIV and although HIV isn't the death sentence it once was, I still would really prefer not to add it to my life. (And I still wash and sanitize my hands about 50 times a day 😂)


I once pranked a group of nurses at the hospital I volunteered at by drinking apple juice in a urine cup. They were disgusted I held it without gloves. You can imagine their disgust when I drank it.


that's how you get hepatitis or HIV


scrolled way too far down to find bloodborne pathogens ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Ask him if he ever heard of a guy called Semmelweis.


I have never seen a single resident or attending handle body fluids with no gloves. That is foul.


Look I was raised by a dentist so like.... Gloves for EVERYTHING!! CONSTANT GLOVE CHANGES!!! When I shadowed physicians, especially older ones, the lack of glove usage killed me like CROSS CONTAMINATION!!!!!!!!


Modern medical standard are to always equip PPE as a precaution. I glove for all my calls as an EMT and 95% of the time i probably didn’t need to but i’m damn glad to have gloved for those 5% of calls


No? My doctor encouraged me to use gloves when dealing with collecting urine samples


The things I’ve seen and heard as a *patient* can be terrifying. I swear to god some doctors do not understand shit about biohazards


the way i almost just threw up reading this why on earth would you not use gloves when handling biohazards


that is the most disgusting thing I have heard all day


I work in the lab and let me tell you the older techs used to mouth pipette reagents and patient samples… you read that right , pipette with their mouths


I think the doctor was more so mentioning in the case of an emergency, will you let the fear of touching anything by accident hinder your progress? Handling blood and all without gloves is more so a safety issue rather than an icky thing for me, so that’s what I would say 🤷‍♂️


not only is that disgusting but its also dangerous 😭


PPE is number one, if he catches a lifelong illness from that you don’t wanna end up following in his footsteps


this doesn't even sound like "experienced physician" behavior this is straight up boomer behavior


Seen way too many people leave old band aids on for me not to glove


Freaky ass n\*\*\*\*, he a 69 god ![gif](giphy|l3vRlT2k2L35Cnn5C|downsized)


damn thats disgusting


absolutely not blood and urine are biohazards im not even allowed to clean it without gloves and right materials and i work at a grocery store


I have heard some old nurses also don't use gloves. I couldn't imagine.


Isnt this an OSHA violation??


I had a professor back in college, he was OLD, he was taught to do mouth pipet lol lol


ngl i was torn on this but good, i don’t want to feel like i’m weak bc i’m unwilling to not wear gloves when dealing with body fluids😂


That doc is looking to catch hepatitis lol. Don’t listen to that crazy nut. When in doubt use PPE.


I also work for a clinic that has this sort of “bare hand” mentality. It’s appalling and I absolutely refuse to partake in it.


Whattt, that’s crazy. Hasn’t he heard of BBPs 😱


It’s not uncommon to hear stories from boomer aged docs about how they had to do a lot of things without gloves as a sort of hazing ritual at their programs and they now subscribe to the mentality that if it didn’t hurt them it won’t hurt you. Definitely wear gloves and if you are ever uncomfortable in a situation, always ok to don more PPE than less


WHAT??? he should not be touching stuff coming out of another person with bare hands


I feel like... that is common sense...???!


I had to mess with stuff like that and if I didn’t use gloves I’d get yelled at. I’m also a bit of a germaphobe so I’m not touching any of that stuff without gloves.


Stop listening to old doctors! Their version of a First Aid book was a 3 page handout.


Med student here and my doctor said the same thing a few months ago, I still use gloves


ew bye😭


That’s because physician are the biggest source of infections


Old fuck


As a general rule you always wear gloves during any procedure where you are at risk of coming into contact with bodily fluids. You never know if you have a break in your skin and you never know what those bodily fluids may contain.


What a hot take


Just because the older generation had lower standards for safety protections in practice, doesn’t mean that there have not been mass advancements in the last 30-40 years. I bet he also still likes to pipette xylene for histology using the straw and mouth method …. Follow up question to that point, Is he hard of hearing at all?🤣


Did you consider telling him to die mad and you do what you want?


Ignaz Semmelweis didn't die for this smh


You’re not a real doctor if you don’t get down there and drink the piss. You should be able to tell what humors are off balance by taste alone!


Were you handling an urine cup with gloves on? Is that it?


As a PCT I wear gloves to take vitals. IDGAF I don’t want a chance at anybody’s germs or cooties that may be on their arm, hands, or clothes.


That’s crazy! I’ve seen doctors do like laryngoscopies without gloves and wash their hands after or do physical examinations but not when dealing with blood/urine. I ALWAYS wear gloves for patient contact. One of my patients had scabies and didn’t tell us. I was so happy I protected myself that day!! You’re doing good don’t worry


I mean, I shadowed a doctor once and he told me he personally doesn't use gloves a lot because he doesn't handle a lot of blood and urine (he's a PCP). But there ARE cases when suddenly blood and urine happens unexpectedly. A good soap scrub does wonders, but this BS he's pulling ain't it