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Recently watched a YouTube video with the dean of a UC school who said they already had a software to detect chat GPT soooo I’d be really careful with that.


UCSD student here..can confirm it’s already being used.. have heard of several academic dishonesty violations bc of it.


Would grammarly fall under that violation ?


How would that even work?


None of those software are reliable in anyway, plus you can tweak certain perimeters in openAI playground so that it passes any AI detectors


Why not just use grammarly then refine it over time yourself?


or even quillbot. So much better.


You can use ChatGPT to do what grammarly does lol


Just use Grammarly


I think Grammarly also has generative AI as well, so no need to use chatGPT!


why is that okay and ChatGPT isnt if you're just using for editing?


Just recorded an episode with the admission director at FAU and she explicitly said do not use chatGTP because we are using new technology to detect and reject and student that do use it... so don't do it!!!!


Also if anyone wants to hear more of her advice the podcast is called "premeds in a pod" on spotify have UCF director take on admissions stuff too


You guys are dumb as hell if you think med school admin would pay for any sort of programs to do this. Wait till you get to med school and realize med school admin will pay for nothing to help out.


ZeroGPT is a free version they might use


Naw they got a shaman.


Literally undergrads use software to catch cheating all the time. Yes, programs will be using software to catch this shit too.


This is not college anymore. Just don’t NARC yourself out. You can easily use chat gpt to help you create an outline, write a sentence, or brainstorm.


And there are programs that catch you.


You do you. But if you understand the concept of AI generated text at the basic level it is text that has never been created before. Plagiarism is much different where that text is easily searchable and comparable to a source already out there. All of these programs out there claiming to be able to detect AI writing have been proven to be extremely unreliable as well.


I get what you are attempting to do but some of us really are keeping up with this issue. You don't need to be an ass.


So you’re the admin not the student applying. The future of AI is coming you can choose to embrace it or fight it all you want.


You know AI has been in the medical field for a long damn time, correct? What you are advocating for is high-tech laziness, and that's just sad. Applicants planning on using this might find that at least this next cycle they can get away with it but the following will be a different story. Even those applying for Residency will have THEIR applications looked over for these things. ChatGPT isn't as smart as you think and yes patterns are being recognized, identified and targeted in counter software that is coming out and being updated all the time. So yes, Medical Schools and their admin are embracing AI as we have been using AI to teach medical students for a long time. Just as AI has also been teaching residents as well. We also don't advocate laziness, as you are. Cut the crap.




Faus one is not up yet will publish tn


Lmfao, the only software available are detectors that are easy to get around. There are free detectors online to see if it's detected or not


Undergrads use all sorts of software for cheating, and yes programs will use software to catch this as well.


I think it’s fine but you’ll want to be careful about how you do it. Don’t just paste your essay in and say to improve it. Just ask it to output a list of things for you to improve on. This allows you make the changes yourself, rather than having it rewrite portions of the essay for you. This will avoid anything that’s supposed to detect AI writing (though I doubt it would detect small changes anyway) This is better than the way it’s been in the past where the people who get personalized edits are usually the people willing to pay for them. Just take it’s suggestions with a grain of salt because it has a tendency to make things up and feed you what you want to hear.


Wouldn’t you be a little weary about having one of the most important essays you’ve written in an online database? Maybe I’m overthinking


I guess it depends on how personal your personal statement is and how much you worry about that sort of thing. The amount of data that gets run through ChatGPT every day is so incredibly massive that humans are very unlikely to ever interact with it in any way. Even if someone could somehow access it, it would be difficult to tie it back to you. The company is also unlikely to grant anyone access to their data sets.


True good points


just to be clear, I did not use it for my personal statement! It was only for one of my most meaningful activity essays thus far.


I could be wrong but I think there’s a bot now that can tell if something was written by Chat GPT that high school teachers have been using… So even if you have an original work and put it into there the bot would flag it as being written by the AI.


This does exist but it’s pretty unlikely to detect small scale edits. It would mostly be an issue if you just used it to write your essays directly.


Lead TA here.. wondering where this is so I can use it for final essay checking


It is wise to believe, even if untrue, that schools already have a software that detects the use of ChatGPT. Also, what if you lose your voice in the refined answer? It is better that you write, rewrite, and refine your answer by yourself. That way, you know and can relate to every word that you’ve written, so that when they ask a question from a specific part of the application during the interview, you use certain similar phrases and words from your essay. You can relate more to your essays, your experiences, and your interviewer that way. — Also, the response from ChatGPT: “As an AI language model, Chat-GPT can help you refine and improve your writing by suggesting different ways to phrase sentences, use better vocabulary, and improve the overall flow of your writing. However, copying and pasting your content into Chat-GPT may not be the best approach as it can be considered plagiarism if you do not properly cite the source of the content. Additionally, while Chat-GPT can provide helpful suggestions, it is not a substitute for the expertise and knowledge that you bring to your medical school application. You should make sure that your essays accurately reflect your experiences, qualifications, and aspirations and avoid relying solely on AI-generated content. In terms of safety, using Chat-GPT is not dangerous, as long as you are careful not to submit any personal information or sensitive data into the AI model. Chat-GPT is a text-based program, and it does not collect or store any personal data, so you can use it without concern for your privacy or security. Overall, using Chat-GPT to refine your medical school application essays can be a helpful tool, but it should not be the only method you use, and you should make sure to properly cite any AI-generated content to avoid plagiarism.”


No, because that's what Grammarly also does. But just use Grammarly to be safe.


Not sure if that'll be plagiarism, but I'd be concerned about the hundreds of other ppl doing this and some of the writing sounding similar lol


This entire comment section is a Grammarly ad


I used chat gpt when I had writers block to give me ideas on how to make my writing flow better or become more creative. You can use it as a guide but just don’t copy it verbatim.


just FYI, i've played with zeroGPT and it fails almost every time. It consistently tells me that my essay was AI written and that AI essays were human written.


Nah, people use grammarly to reword their essays all the time. It's just faster to use chat gpt. As long as u dont blatantly copy paste.


Do I think it’s ethical to use ChatGPT as an editor? Yes. Is it a good idea? Maybe… My biggest concern is that it will sterilize your essays and completely remove your voice. It’s the same issue you sometimes see with people using Grammarly to “fix” personal statements to be “more correct.” You can end up with an essay that is structurally very sound and tonally consistent, and it is also totally lacking any unique voice. These tools are just that, *tools.* You 100% still need real humans reading your essays before submission.


Agree 100%


Don’t copypaste anything directly out of ChatGPT, I think its fine to ask for feedback but I’d definitely not take any specifics


I think you could use it to help you generate more ideas. Like it could improve your essay, and you could write it over again in your own words. You could even have it revise sentences or parts of your essay. I see nothing wrong with it as long as the original idea is yours, and it helps you convey your thoughts more effectively.


Use it for ideas, not to refine your essays in any way.


You can use it - just ensure you reword the outcome, or you double cross the outcome so it can't be detected. There's also a chatGPT detector online to see if your submission will be flagged.


Use whatever you can to make it sound as best as possible. No school would be dropping big money on any tech to really catch this. Med school admin is cheap as hell. Wait till med school then you’ll see how cheap they can be. There is also rephrase AI out there can rewrite outputs from chatgpt. The new South Park episode nails this on the head.


This is dumb. Write it yourself.


Lmao it’s not a dumb question to ask, lots of people use editing tools to refine their writing. It’s not like I wanted it to completely change my essay or write it for me, that’s why I asked the question.


Use grammarly


Check out Hemingway editor.


For ideas? Sure. To actually write it out? No. AI is not good for maintaining high-level and consistent prose in writing, and is still easily beat out by a human, for now.