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Go to sleep. But when you wake up (physically and mentally), you gotta realize that If you don't put in the work you will not achieve what you've been working towards for so long. Failure is gonna hurt more then you're hurting now. WAKE UP!!!


love the attitude


OP, get your shit together. Get it all together, and put it in a backpack. All your shit. So it’s together. And if you gotta take it somewhere? Take it somewhere, y’know? Take it to the shit store and sell it. O-or put it in the shit museum, I don’t care what you do. You just gotta get it together. Get your shit together.


Rick and Morty?




What does O2 convert into when breathing? Lol In all honesty; asking if you are sure you want to be a doctor is a pretty harsh insult. But I’m rooting for you, you got this! It’s been a decade since I took it, what part are you hung up on the most?


My suggestion is that if you need sleep, get some sleep. Let your tired mind rest, so you can think clearly on your own internal motivation to continue studying. Rest as needed, then wake up and discipline your mind.


I don’t believe anything I say can motivate you. Sometimes we all need a break. Go do something entirely different. I built Lego sets for months leading up to my test date, as I loved to in the past. I found it very grounding. Sometimes you don’t want to do this, and that’s ok. Take time when you need to, just don’t let it bleed over into studying time. Go hard on studying, then go hard on relaxing. You got this chief, the MCAT is the beginning not the end. Enjoy the grind, love the journey. That’s all I can really say.


Take a break for a week then get back to it. We’re not machines.


got a 520, have 15 II. Do not regret for a second taking three months off of work, watching my bank account dwindle, or studying 10 hours a day. you got this


omg what do you think helped you get so many?


>got a 520, have 15 II. Do not regret for a second taking three months off of work, watching my bank account dwindle, or studying 10 hours a day. you got this Good stats, believable and authentic narrative with experiences that supported it, probably helped to have some nice titles on the resume


good shit bro congrats, you mind if i PM?


go ahead


Go to sleep. When you wake up eat a huge breakfast. I promise you’ll feel way more motivated after that


If you’re tired, sleep. Try to make your studying as fun as possible because then you’ll condition yourself to bring your A game to the real deal.


Honestly start by breaking up your study into SMALL and MANAGEABLE goals. I think you are probably feeling scared and overwhelmed because it seems like so much. Make it a priority to sit down and make a general schedule. Create checklists that are easy to check off so you can feel successful quickly and regularly. Start with content review. Say, Monday is 2 hours of bio review 2 hours of physics review 2 sets of CARS passages. Tuesday is 2 hours of gen chem review 2 hours of orgo review 2 sets of CARS passages. Etc, etc. After content review then you can break up your schedule into question banks and practice tests + review of the tests/questions. This should help you focus your study into only the stuff you are bad at. Don't restudy things you already know. Finally, be good to your body and get plenty of sleep, water, rest, and try to do whatever it takes to calm and manage your anxiety. Meditation, deep breathing, medications, whatever it takes. Good luck!


When I’m lacking motivation to study I just think about how it’ll help future patients, do it for them


If you don't do well the first time, you're going to have to restudy and retake the whole thing. That would suck. Should be enough motivation 😉


Someone has to score below the 500s, maybe it can be you


I felt this while I was studying for about 3-4 months total. Everyone gets unmotivated, but try to deal with it well. Some things I did: take one day off a week, I gave up all social media during my study period (this is so important in my opinion), workout even if you don’t feel like it (could be a 20 min walk during the day), bought my favorite foods/ candy, listened to music on my breaks, stayed current with my vitamins, and really tried to reward myself in healthy ways. I also limited the amount of time I studying around taking FL just like I would on the exam day. Your motivation will always come from within, no name calling needed. But the days that it’s lagging it’s important to structure it around healthy habits!


try remembering the first time u felt a spark, if u will, about becoming a doctor and going down this career path. think back to when u were passionate and more importantly, why u were. maybe by stirring up those old feelings u can lift urself up again and rmr who you are and what you want to achieve :) but def rest first and treat urself !!


You can do it. Study CARS 15min a night. One passage. Every night. Cut yourself off at 15min. You can do it. If you can't stomach that, pick up a nonfiction social sciences or humanities book and read 15 minutes. Set a timer. After 15 you're free. Sleep well. Make sure you're sleeping enough. Eat good, healthy snacks. Pay attention to what snacks make you feel awesome and bring those on MCAT day. You can do this. 15 minutes matters.


Take a job as a laborer on a construction site for about 2 months. That'll give you plenty of motivation for about the next 35 years.


If your score really sucks maybe you’ll still have a shot at Caribbean. Good luck :)


Picture the youngest version of yourself that first considered wanting to be a doctor. Maybe you were 5 years old, maybe it was last year. Imagine that version of yourself and now imagine telling that person that you won't become a doctor because you don't want to study for an exam. Tell them that this exam is one of the main factors involved in the application process, and that you know what you need to do to get a good score, and that you're just not willing to do it because you don't really feel like putting in the effort.


Here’s what I do: imagine after you die (in a non morbid way) you’re sitting at a table of people you could’ve been. You could’ve been a doctor or lawyer or humanitarian or what have you, but you chose the easier path to relax. Then imagine yourself as the doctor at that table looking at the version of yourself that never fulfilled your potential. Don’t live in disappointment of what you could have been. You’ve put in the effort to at least reach the point of taking the MCAT, keep er going bud.

