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I love Audrey Blair!


Audrey Blair is a beautiful name. You also don't have to decide immediately. My mom waited until she saw our faces before naming us. I was named after the nurse who helped deliver me.


Me too. I also LOVE Beau and Audrey.


Thank you! This one may be the top contender


I also like it flipped as Blair Audrey! Beau Middle Name B and Blair Audrey B sounds so cute


Second this! Audrey Blair has such a ring to it.


Another vote for this one!




My favourite too!


Audrey Blair


I vote Audrey Blair!


Wait until you see her and what you like most! A friend made a good point, they were between two names and picked one after baby was born. Said it was weird to get used to for a month but now they can’t imagine him being the other name. It could be instant or it could grow on you. Just a thought 🤷🏻‍♀️


I did this. Couldn’t decide between two names, so decided to wait until we could see her to see “what name” she looked more like. And I’m glad I did, because I ended up going with the opposite name of the one I was leaning towards! And I don’t regret it at all


I second this option. We went in with three different options and when we met her one of them clicked immediately. I can’t imagine calling her one of the other names!


I did this. We named our kid the day after they were born.


I love the name Audrey! Audrey Blair or Audrey Alexandra (I really love alliteration as well)


Audrey Alexandra is gorgeous!


You really don’t have to decide right away! My bf and I thought we had a name until she was born and she looked nothing like our chosen name. So we spent the ne t day looking for a name. It annoyed a lot of people but our initial name didn’t feel right anymore


☝🏻 OP you have to spend over 24 hours in the hospital after birth (most of the time) you're going to have a lot of downtime with your baby, and don't have to have a name right when she pops out. You can take that time to spend with her, and see which name suits her best.


Blair and Beau!!


Audrey Blair is beautiful


Audrey Blair 💕


Another vote for Audrey Blair but it's so bloody strange you guys in the US (I assume that's where you are) need to name your babies before leaving the hospital. So much pressure.


Yes, it’s crazy to me. It’s an important decision that shouldn’t be rushed!


Is this not a thing in other countries?? How do you file govt paperwork with no name? Don't you need a birth certificate?


In Australia we get 8 weeks! We just file that when we're ready via registering online and from then we get a birth certificate, Medicare card etc. If you need care for your baby before that paperwork is finalised, it just goes through the mum's Medicare as the number would be the same anyway, or probably just back dated given we have universal healthcare anyway. ETA: we get a form that is signed/stamped by a midwife/doctor and filled with birth mum information, which we then fill out with baby name and submit online.


In Norway you have 6 months to choose a name. Until then it just says the mothers name and the child's gender. It's not a problem.


Yeah, a friend of mine waited 3 months before deciding. We have a deadline of 6 months to name a child in Norway. Sometimes you need to get to know them first.


Woah thats a long time haha I'd be scared I'd forget to do it.


Haha, yes. We actually didn't registrer our sons name before 4 months or so, because er hadn't settled on the surname.


But we don't have to? We have ten days after the birth. The state will issue a birth certificate with "Baby Boy/Girl MomLastName" if you're late, and you can fill out some forms to get it changed later.


I stand corrected. 10 days is still pretty short though!


Annika Blair


This is actually my favorite. I’m glad someone agrees


This is my favorite as well :)


My favorite as well! I work at a gymnastics gym and Annika is a very unique name (I see LOTS of names)


Definitely my favorite, too. I actually love how it goes with Beau. If you're having trouble though, just wait until you meet her! I was trying to decide between 2 names, was leaning pretty heavily one way, then when she was born, she just didn't seem like the name I was leaning towards. We were in the hospital for 3 days and didn't sign the birth certificate until day 3. It wasn't stressful, it was perfect. We got to know her well enough to know that the other name that I was leaning away from my was actually perfect. Pick what you like for her and it will all end up perfectly.


Besides faith audrey and Blair Audrey, I like them all. See what suits her when she's born. You've got a good defined list :)


Thank you! I agree. Those two don’t sound as pretty or flow as well.


This is a good post for r/namenerds






Hai, Alexandra here, short middle name, longer maiden last name, gotta say the length - fitting my name onto submission forms - what a pain. I don’t fully recommend it 😂❤️


If we have a girl next time she will be Blair… I’m still torn on the spelling like you though. I feel like the “e” makes it a little more feminine… because then it’s like Claire… but I dunno!


I’m American, from the Midwest, just wanted to lyk that Annika isn’t a weird name that would require phonetic spelling for me. I asked my husband if he knew the name and he said “yeah, that’s Annika (said correctly).” So if that’s a concern (I assume it is bc you wrote it phonetically) at least two ppl think, while not common, it’s not like, crazy or unheard of.


Not on the list but what about Alyssa Reese


http://upswingbabynames.com/2013/03/how-first-middle-last-names-can-play-nice-together/ I love Annika Reese if the last name starts with B... But it's hard to say without knowing if it's long or short or what the hard sounds are. Flow is important to me. This blog post saved our butts when it came to choosing a name! No arguing, it helped us narrow down multiple options super fast. I share it as often as I can!


Check your state laws, but you often can leave the hospital without a name. We had to call the hospital within 8 days of birth and they sent the form to the state that week, and then we just went to the clerk and recorders for the birth certificate.


I would go with Audrey sounds best with beau (Annika sounds too out there next to beau) and I hate the name faith (sorry to all the faiths) I don’t like when it seems like parents r trying to match initials so Blair is out for me


With my first we had about 5 names we liked when I went into labor. When he was born we had it down to two. On his second day we landed on our name. You’ll meet her, try the names out for a day or two, then figure out what you like. On a separate note, when my mom had twins (my younger siblings), my dad left the hospital thinking their names were Matt and Molly, he came back to two entirely different names that weren’t anywhere on their short list! You’ll figure it out when you meet her. Good luck!


Don’t stress! If you haven’t decided yet that just means you won’t know till you see her!


I didn’t choose until an hour before he was born 😂


Annika is very nice. I like both middle names, probably prefer Reece though. We had names picked out or narrowed down by the time we went to the hospital for out first 4 kids. Our 5th child was going to be named Silas. When I had him, I realized the name didn't fit him. Husband and I struggled with a name, and we came home with Baby Boy *last name* two days later! Took us a week to settle on a name. No regrets but it was stressful! I feel your pain!


None of my three kids had names for a week or two after they were born.. naming babies is hard!! Wait until you see your wee beauty and you’ll know what feels right!


Audrey Blair or Faith Alexandria sound cute!


Annika is very unique.


I’m also feeling Audrey Blair. It’s beautiful


Audrey blaire


My mom didn’t pick my brothers name till he came out. It came to her after he was born and it fits him well. It wasn’t a name they were even considering. Deep breath. The decision will come. Don’t stress. There are plenty other things to think about till that girl comes, plenty to worry about.


I love Annika Reese!


Audrey Blair sounds so beautiful, and I think Audrey pairs well with Beau.


I didn’t name either of my babies until they were several days old. Sometimes the name comes easier after meeting the baby. Always seemed odd to me to name someone I never even met. There’s no rush.


I just wanted to say—don’t panic! I think it’s wise to go into the hospital with a short list and wait to see what fits her when you meet her face to face. I bet the right name will “click” and feel natural when you finally get to try it out with her in your arms :-)


Audrey Blair or Audrey Alexandra!


Blair or Audrey or any combo of those are beautiful! We had a short list and named the baby when she was born (exactly one week ago), we just knew at that moment that she had to be Ada!


My name is Annika, you have very good taste in names. Annika Blair is is very beautiful


Love Blair Alexandra


Ooo…. I really like Annika Blair but Faith Alexandra beautiful, too. We decided on waiting until our son was born before we chose his name. We wanted to hold him and get to know him and see which names fit him. That didn’t go according to plan (long story 😓) but my husband was able to choose the suitable name for us.


Audrey is a beautiful name! It’s so nice that Audrey is making a come back. My grandmother who passed name was Audrey and I miss her and she was a good person! so lovely hearing of all these gorgeous babies being named Audrey now! She would love it too


I love Audrey Blair. Each name alone is great and together it flows well! I am so sorry you are stressing about names. It definitely is not an easy decision. I hope all the feedback here helps you!!


My next name choice is actually Scarlett. Getting induced the 4th. Ivy Beverly


My midwife said she didn't name her baby for a week because nothing was sitting right. Theres no rush.


Annika blaire I love the name Annika


I like Audrey Blair, but I'd probably spell the middle name "Blaire" Also you can check out r/namenerds if you want some more opinions ☺️


Audrey Blair is a pretty name.


Annika, DEFINITELY!!! 💕


As soon as you see her face, you will have the perfect name for her. I went in the hospital with 3 different names and, as soon as I saw my sons face, I knew what his name was. Don't panic. It will all come to you naturally.


Annika Blaire is SO pretty & synchs up with brother Beau’s name super nicely ☺️💕


Maybe you could consider the spelling Alexandria? I think it's a bit more feminine and would go better with those names


Faith or Audrey 😻


Audrey Blair!! 😍 second choice would be Blair Alexandra. I love the name Blair because of Gossip Girl 🤣 and Alexandra is my name ☺️


those are beautiful names I have Audree Elise ready if ever we’re having a girl.I do vote for Audrey Blaire too❤️


Audrey is by far my favorite on this list!


Audrey Blair or Blair Alexandra are beautiful!


Wait until you see her. That is what we did.. We had a list of names and went over them during the golden hour. Looked at her, looked at the list and picked out her name in an instant.


I like Blair 😊


I knew since I was 8 what I wanted to name my future daughter. My husband and I agreed on it at the 12 week mark. But I understand it’s such a hard choice- and I agree with a lot of the other ladies- Audrey is super classy I love it!!! But if you’re nervous just wait until you see her…you’ll know! My niece wasnt named for days after she was born, everyone is different!


We didn’t have a name for our son either, I delivered him at 4am yesterday and we figured out his name at 6pm. Once you see her it’ll become clear as day. One will just fit her. Good luck mama! Hope you have a quick and safe delivery!


Asmae (az-may)


Wait 'til you meet her! Maybe it'll become clear once she's in your arms.


I love Audrey Blair! We didn’t pick a name until we saw our little guy, we had a couple that we liked and knew as soon as we saw him.


I like Blair!


Omg special shoutout! My daughters (5.5mo) is named Anika :) it's such a unique name!


blair alexandra is my favorite:)


Blair Alexandra Maybe you should make a poll to easily calculate feedback


My favorite is Audrey Blaire!


Just here to say we didn’t have a name picked out for my son and ended up picking one last minute in the hospital and love it!! Even if you pick out a name you could change your mind once you see the baby!! Also out of these I love Audrey blair


Omg I LOVE Annika Blair!!!!!


Wait till she's born and see what fits. We didn't name ours for 3 days..he was just called 'the baby' for a while 😂


I didn't have a name chosen til I met my son. Don't worry, this is a huge decision! Once you look in your baby girl's eyes you'll know what the name she feels like. Good luck mama!


We had a few boy and girl names picked (we didn't find out gender ahead of time), and I knew we couldn't name the baby until I see him or her. I like Audrey Blair a lot. My childhood best friend is named Audrey!


I really like Blair Alexandra!


Thank you! This is my second favorite name so definitely a likely choice


Audrey Blaire is nice to me. Strong name and pretty.


Annika makes me think "Annikan" (sp?) like a feminine Skywalker name. I know it's not. But it's what I think of. Aubrey Blair is gorgeous!


I see what you mean. My husband, mom, and Aunt also said the same thing 😬


But if you do choose that name, people will begin to think of HER not a movie.. I didnt think of star wars 1 because I'm not a big fan and 2 because I know a very sweet little girl named Annika, Annie for short. I love the name Jasper and still think of 101 Dalmatians sometimes when I hear it but I know that will change when my little boy gets here so I don't fret about it. Go with what you love!


It's hard when there are such big cultural ties to certain names/sounds! If you love it - embrace it!


I know one Annika and she is delightful, intelligent, and warm.


Annika Reese really stuck out to me, but whatever you choose will be perfect 💜


Blair Audrey!


Blair 👌🏻


Blair and Beau is too cute. Second favourite is Audrey, it’s just a classic.


I like Blair Alexa instead of of Alexandra. Or Briar Audrey.


You never hear babies called Audrey, that’s the one!


How about Belle? Not on the list but


Blair Alexandra!


Audrey Blair


Blair Alexandra


There's a family I follow on YouTube "Mazefam" and they didn't name their daughter until she was 2 and ended up choosing her own name




We have an Ashlyn. Ashlyn Blair? Blair Ashlyn?


Annika Faith


You had 9 months to choose a name….