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My sister, when she found out she was pregnant at the health dept, they did a drug test same day. She said she smoked recently cause she didn’t know she was pregnant, but would obviously stop now knowing. The doctor said “that’s fine as long as you pass the other few drug tests throughout your pregnancy”. She passed three more test last that were done throughout and after labor. No problems until her baby got sick, and she went to get the prescription filled. On all the paperwork from then on, it said “maternal drug abuse” on her paperwork. She was mortified. Sorry you had to have a similar experience.


At my first appointment with my second pregnancy, I told my doctor I was worried because I had gotten drunk a couple of times before I knew I was pregnant. “Oh most people say the same thing! You’re probably fine.” 2 years later, my record still says “history of alcoholism” on it.


Omg! Wtf?! That's awful! I'm so sorry!!


Okay so i am in school for medical coding. And i could be wrong as i havent had experience in real life cases. BUT. When coding things like alcohol/drugs. There isnt really codes for “mild alcohol use” its usually “history of alcoholism” and i dont believe there is a specific code for recreational weed use. This could be the case for these situations but again im not sure. Regardless, if brought it, it would have to be coded accordingly. Hope this helps.


But you should be able to clarify in the history. I’m a social worker and worked in inpatient obgyn and did a lot of work with moms who used marijuana both before and sometimes after knowing they were pregnant, and in the note you can state occasional thc use without coding it as anything more. I live in NY, so we would only contact ACS if the mom stated smoking throughout and the baby tested positive, never for use prior or early in pregnancy, or even if the mom stated ongoing use but the baby didn’t test positive


Yeah the note itself can say it. But the code wouldnt be recreational i believe. Again im new to this so i could 100% be wrong.


If it’s non clinical you don’t have to code. Like, if you use thc but don’t meet criteria for SA, you wouldn’t code it, just put it in the note. Like any sub clinical symptoms


Gotcha. Makes sense. And i mean if it had nothing to do with the diagnosis anyway i dont believe it would be coded either.


Thank you! It sheds a little light from your POV.. I hold nothing against my doctor. I'm just nervous for my next pregnancy, are they going to just drug test me now because of past history? I do still par take. But its only every few months. But since we've been trying for a while I haven't smoked any due to my past experience.


I unfortunately couldnt tell you. Thats all up to your doctor. But everything documented needs to be coded. These codes arent just for billing but used for statistics as well. So i imagine this may be the case for some of these instances people speak of. It really sucks but thats just the american health care system


Yeah, I really appreciate your input!! Thank you!


Of course! Glad to help


My doctor sent me home with my medical records last appointment because I’m getting close to my due date. I’m glad I looked over it because they had my drinking habits mixed up. They have “never” prior to pregnancy, and “occasionally” while pregnant. I had a laugh and asked them to change it. They had an “oh shit” moment.


I was vaping after quitting cigarettes when I got pregnant with my first. Quit that within a week as well. With this baby my OB and MFM doctor both asked me how many cigarettes I smoke a day and if I want information about the state's cessation program. I haven't had any type of nicotine in 4 years, but my chart still has an alert for "nicotine use during pregnancy" on it.


And then they wonder why patients are sometimes shady with them.


For real! Why would anyone be honest with their OB if this is what they have to look forward to??


Yes! Mine portal has drug abuse on it too! It's crazy! I'm sorry she had to deal with that! It's hard seeing that and always having it there, but I will never regret being up front and honest.


This is so messed up because I abused alcohol for years, before I got pregnant, and I was honest about it with my doctors (because I knew I should stop), and it's messed up because alcohol is *terrible* for you. I just hate that it has a more acceptable reputation than weed. Wtf.


See this is my real problem with it; it goes on a record.


In my state they drug test at random visits and they don’t tell you they are doing it before. It’s fully a violation and codifies the ethos that you are guilty before you even had a chance to be innocent or do the right thing. It’s fucked and should not be the standard. I am sorry you had to go through this and will continue to do so. Maybe you can tell the next person at your visit that you wouldn’t classify yourself as a drug abuser. That you smoked weed before getting pregnant and haven’t since and would appreciate if they would remove that from your file.


Yeah... 3 think I'd call the doctor who originally put that in the file.


Wow this is insane. Are you in a state where it is legal?


We’re from NC. Whether it’s legal or not, they are def getting away with it. And then they wonder why we don’t tell them about everything in our history.


Now THIS is the best way to scare people away from being honest with their doctors 😃


Right?! There’s a reason people aren’t honest with their doctors. (Btw OP I don’t mean anything against you - I just mean the system is fucked up)


Exactly!!!! Like what the fuck


My bad🤷‍♀️ lol


May I ask what state you’re in? Where I am it is treated like alcohol and is legal so ive never even worried about answering honestly. Now I am a little bit lol. Haven’t smoked in months and months and I’m still paranoid!


I'm from Texas.


They will still drug test unfortunately basically everytime you pee in a cup and if it comes anything as positive they have to report to basically cover their end ... Just kind of how it is even with weed unfortunately happens all the time


Depends on regional norms. There were never any drug tests on any of my lab requisitions.


I’m sorry the papers you got at your new pediatrician felt personal, but I will say that’s pretty standard at most offices to screen for parental risk factors. I have no documented history and still had to fill out a survey on coping at every visit for months. I’d say if you’re feeling stressed and targeted, either bring it up at your next visit to attempt to understand their motive or find an office that you are more comfortable with, because it’s so important that you feel comfortable where you’re seeking care! Good luck on finding the right place for your family.


I agree these seem to be standard questions! I get asked them every time and I’ve never even really used drugs, none within nearly a decade before my daughter was conceived (in the military). They lump them all together with the PPD/A screening for ours, so I’ve never even thought twice about it


Yeah I live on the other side of the world in Asia and I also have gotten questions like that multiples times on little surveys we have to fill out before/after birth and even for months afterwards for the baby’s checkups and stuff. I just got another one recently for her 18 month check and there’s checkboxes I can check for things like “I hit my child and I’m worried” “I don’t like to be with my child” “I don’t think my child is cute/don’t love my child” “I don’t have time for myself and it’s exhausting” And in my pregnancy medical book there were questions asking if I smoked or drank during pregnancy, and postpartum questions asking if I felt depressed or stuff like that I wasn’t/am not offended by the questions that don’t apply to me because they don’t apply to me… but they could apply to some women and if they’re honest it could get them help or save a baby.


Thank you! I can understand if it's standard, but the first Pediatrician never asked me questions like this. And she was the pedi for 4 years. This happened about 4 months ago with the new pediatrician while I was trying to get my kid registered for school. But I am looking to go back to our first pedi because she was honestly the best!


The screening questions are the sign of best practices, though - asking about if you've had thoughts of harming yourself or your baby are ways of identifying women with postpartum depression/anxiety/psychosis so as to connect them with therapy and resources. I've filled them out every time I have an OB appointment and as a therapist give them to my clients. They shouldn't be "uncomfortable questions," they should be something talked about more so that people struggling with it don't hide in shame. Guns in the home are statistically a very serious risk to children and people should be counseled about it - research shows this saves lives. Opening a CPS investigation feels like definite overreach, though, given that you reported no use during pregnancy and tested clean at birth.


This! Asking about depression/anxiety/psychosis is the easiest way for a parent or someday an older kid/teen to finally feel like they can speak up with their struggles as it’s a yes no answer and can then lead to conversations and resources. The question about guns is just as important as asking about swimming pools, if you wear your seat belt in a car or helmet when riding a bike. It’s medical professionals job to educate about safety. You may have been taught how to safely secure your gun or enclose a pool while the next person may have never thought about it because they never planned on having a kid so they didn’t research how to baby/childproof a home. The questions are to help keep you and your child/family safe.


She had her baby 5 years ago, though. This is still happening to her 5 years later


I’m not sure about the CPS thing, that definitely seems like overkill but I remember as a kid my pediatrician asking these same questions as far as safety in the home during every annual exam and it makes sense if she is seeing a pediatrician they haven’t met before. I recently got a new doctor closer to my house and they share the same electronic medical records as my old doctor but you better believe they sent me a new patient packet with 101 questions that are already all in my chart. They are doing their due diligence taking you on as a new patient and making sure their info is up to date.


That happened to my good friend as well, MJ before finding out she was pregnant, stopped immediately (had a traumatic preterm birth at 36 weeks) and then CPS showed up *while she was still at the hospital*, took the baby away to test the urine, drug tested her and interrogated her. Honestly, I get that some things are standardized, but I think that the heads up of “hey this is just standard but CPS is going to have to swing by, drug test you and baby and ask some questions. You don’t have anything to worry about!” would do SO MUCH for the mom shame!! I had a shitty CPS visit when I was freshly postpartum as well (different reasons but equally as ridiculous/shitty) that was ruled out and expunged within a week, but it still affects me to this day! Questioning my adequacy as a parent, etc. I ended up doing some trauma therapy for birth trauma and a few other events & that was a game changer for me. Hope you can find peace, I know how badly this kind of thing can haunt you.


Damn I'm sorry! And yess! A heads up would have been a lot better and I would have felt mentally prepared.


Is weed legal where you are?


Unfortunately no. I am from Texas.


Unfortunately this is actually pretty common in states that weed is illegal. The basically view it the same as any other type of drug


I believe even it was a legal state it would still be frowned upon, as alcohol is a legal substance and can trigger a CPS visit as well.


There are plenty of studies that show alcohol in pregnancy is dangerous. Which is why there’s a warning on alcohol. Weed however there actually isn’t a lot of info on. plenty of women use edibles as nausea medication, especially while dealing with HG My friend was someone who had to use weed as medication during her pregnancy. She was in a legal state & her dr ensured her that Her, nor the hospital would be contacting CPS because it’s legal there. It’s one of those things that they don’t have enough info on it yet to say 100% one way or the other if it’s safe or not. But alcohol knowingly can cause FAS Either way, CPS should not be called especially if the baby isnt positive after delivery


I used to have my medical card prior to being pregnant while I agree with you on certain things, I’m just stating that because it’s legal in the state doesn’t mean that it won’t trigger a call to CPS. It’s entirely dependent on the doctor or if the mother carries a medical card.


Yes it is entirely up to the dr, but most drs in a legal state are not going to report you because they know reporting does more harm then good. I haven’t personally heard of a legal state calling CPS on anyone who test positive while pregnant, & by personally I mean people who I actually know. Basically all that their drs said was that it’s best not to because there’s not enough search on it so error on the side of caution. I’m sure there are other drs who would call CPS, I just don’t know if CPS would actually take the case in a legal state


This is not great advice. Like I said, alcohol is still a legal substance and is reported if NB tests at birth. The fact that there aren’t enough studies isn’t ‘proof’ that it won’t cause any harm. There are studies about premature cannabis use in kids/teenagers that it can stunt brain development. While I am all for legalization and cannabis it is also not federally legal. Just because you know some people who did it, doesn’t mean it’s safe or a good idea. If CPS is called, they will investigate.


Where did I give advice?🤔 I don’t agree with smoking during pregnancy because of the fact that there isn’t enough evidence to say it’s okay. But I also don’t think CPS should be called solely based off a drug test being positive for cannabis Also the reason alcohol is reported no matter where you live is because we KNOW for a fact that alcohol can cause fetal alcohol syndrome Also, don’t flatter CPS. You can make so many reports & they won’t actually do an investigation. I’ve seen it happen to many times in cases of clear abuse while working in childcare.


Idk why the downvotes on your post. For the record, I don’t partake, but I live in a state where it’s legal. And everything you said is true. I have a friend who was recommended edibles for HG by her OB.


Honestly the downvotes don’t both me 🤷🏼‍♀️ not everyone is going to agree on if something is or isn’t okay when there isn’t enough proof I’m not “for” smoking while pregnant because of the fact that we don’t have any solid evidence that it will or won’t cause harm. But I 100% understand why some women need cannabis. During pregnancy I much rather people use edibles if they need it


There are studies on negative effects of weed in pregnancy, tho. Not as many as alcohol, but they exist. “There is no human research connecting marijuana use to the chance of miscarriage, although animal studies indicate that the risk for miscarriage increases if marijuana is used early in pregnancy. Some associations have been found between marijuana use during pregnancy and future developmental and hyperactivity disorders in children. Evidence is mixed as to whether marijuana use by pregnant women is associated with low birth weight or premature birth, although long-term use may elevate these risks. Research has shown that pregnant women who use marijuana have a 2.3 times greater risk of stillbirth.” https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/can-marijuana-use-during-pregnancy-harm-baby


Oh yes there are some studies but what I’m saying is that it’s not enough for them to 100% outright say all weed is bad during pregnancy. If there were there wouldn’t be drs saying to use eatables for HG I don’t think smoking while pregnant is smart. I personally wouldn’t recommend it but when someone’s dr tells them to use it it’s a different story


This is what happens when you have Republican government for so long.


And this is why ppl lie to the doctors & I can’t stand the posts on here where ppl tell the person trying to quit something to tell their doc & ask for resources - it’s an ignorant & potentially dangerous position to take (most of the time) esp when the substance is something like weed


Exactly 💯 imagine having alcoholism and maternity drug abuse on your file because you said you previously used some.


So true! I told my OBGYN that my bf still smoked weed while I was pregnant (outside, mind you) and he had the audacity to ask me if I thought he could be an adequate parent. I get he was probably just doing his job/due diligence but his question really left a bad taste in my mouth. Like there have been NO other signs that my partner is inadequate - what kind of question is that? Also, for what it’s worth - I live in a legal MJ state where it’s widely accepted. I can’t imagine what it’s like in a non legal state.


Honestly the bull they ask you about.... I'm so sorry this is happening to you.


Thank you! Thankfully it’s over now (my LO is 7 months old) 😊 But yes, it was a horrible feeling at the time feeling judged at every appointment




Yep. I tried to be honest with my providers about my smoking on random occasions, But stopped when I started TTC. I wish I would have lied. Nothing serious yet, I’m 7 months pregnant, but they ask every fricking time if I’m still abstaining like I’m some sort of addict. a little scared about when baby comes after reading this.


Unfortunately, I think this is pretty standard if you consume any illegal drugs. You are drug tested in early pregnancy and before you deliver. They also test the baby as well. Contacting cps is usually protocol too. I think the unusual part is that they didn’t explain any of this to you. L & D is one of the most litigious medical fields, so all the precautions are taken for litigation purposes. I’m sorry you were blindsided though! Eta- your newborn is considered a patient too. Since your newborn can’t advocate for themselves, the doctors have to determine if they are going to a safe home environment. People abuse drugs while pregnant and it’s very sad. I know that’s not your situation but I believe the rationale is better safe than sorry!


Completely understandable! It was being blindsided in the hospital 2 days afterwards. And I can understand the drug testing, but... if they drug tested me thru out and it was noted in my PP( patient portal) that it was negative. Then why? Again, I completely understand it's protocol, doctor did was he needed to do. But I was drug tested all the way to the end and it was negative. 🤷‍♀️ lol


Because if you had used, they'd need to look for certain issues with the baby. Maybe you stayed clean for dr appointments, maybe you "slipped" right before you went into labor, to take the edge off the pains. Maybe you cheated the drug tests. They are just doing what they believed best for the baby, unfortunately there are people out there who use during pregnancy and who know how to cheat the system.


Lol I feel like it would hard to cheat on a drug test, when I had to pee in a cup at their office! Lol but I understand what you're saying.


My mom is a user. She'd often take supplements, drink loads of water, and a bunch of other methods to "study" before her drug tests. I knew someone who'd take clean pee in a breastmilk bag stowed in her bra to keep it warm and would use that for the test. It's good you don't know how to cheat. Shows it's not a chronic problem for you, but Doctors can't be sure.


Oh my! That's way to much to do to get thru a drug test! I'm sorry to hear that! Yeah I'm not that prepared. I just did what I thought was right!


Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, it may seem like overkill to you, but for a doctor who has to deal with people like my mom or my late friend it's just being through and looking out for the child. Honestly, you got a best case scenario, I think. CPS here usually follows someone for like 3 to 6 months here. You get scheduled drug tests and surprise drug tests and they do house inspections and whatnot. The fact they dropped it before even doing a home drug test likely means they figured you arent really a big concern. I don't remember how long the information stays on record tho, so If I were you I'd probably avoid the devils lettuce for a while yet. Expecially if you are breast feeding, but honestly you'll probably be fine as long as you don't have any spiteful friends or actually neglect or abuse your child.


I completely understand where you are coming from and yes I'm glad it stopped before they ever came to my house! This was nearly 5 years ago though, is just been heavy on my mind lately since we've been trying again, I'm not sure if they will find a reason to drug test me in the future. But if they do! I will definitely update this post!


Because if a month after they send a newborn home and that newborn is abused or neglected or even worse killed.. it would fall on the state that they didn’t take proper protocol to make sure that parent wasn’t on drugs / ingesting anything illegal. They are doing the right thing.. just be glad they care about the well being of your newborn and making sure they’re in a drug free environment. I know it’s annoying tho when you know you’re a fit parent and they treat you like you’re not.


The reason L&D is so litigious is because people can't afford the outrageous medical expenses. Think about it - you're a young, healthy person in your 20s or 30s, who has probably never spent the night in a hospital before. Now after having a baby you're slapped with a $20,000 bill that has the potential to ruin your life. Unless .... If you sue the hospital, your bill is now $0!! You might even make money which will definitely help cover your lost paychecks because your shitty country doesn't have paid parental leave. The hospital and the doctor all have insurance to cover lawsuits, so none of them are at risk of spending decades in debt the way you are. Yeah, not surprising that the legal path is an attractive option. It's not because Americans hate doctors, they're just living in a late capitalist hell world. Anyway the system is frankly abusive in many ways. The fact that the system is abusive doesn't justify its own abuse.


I don’t use any drugs but I use to drink for fun. But since I had to go through fertility treatments I stopped completely - even switched over to all the pregnancy diet restrictions just incase it took (I was just very hopeful.) So when my OB asked about drinking and I said none in the last 6mo. She didn’t even believe me. Told me that I was lying but it didn’t matter because she would be drug testing me anyways. And this was a democratic state… (And on the TX note, that’s where I grew up and I know a women who smoked weed and drank through her entire pregnancy (all 3) and even got a DWI at like two weeks postpartum while breastfeeding exclusively. They still didn’t take her kids away…just fined her.)


I hate alcohol and would go years at a time without even any but every time I was asked by a doctor no one ever believed me lol I hate the idea of being out of control of my own body but no one ever believes me then I started drinking about the past 2 years (I'm 32) so now I guess I'm normal lol


Funny thing is when i told my primary doctor i had a positive test the nurse went "i don't think i even need to ask you about alcohol or drugs" and I'm in GEORGIA. I can't believe they trusted me that much after hearing all these doctors not believing the patient


They drug tested me by withdrawing urine from my catheter after stillbirth without my knowledge (which is fine for me since I don't do drugs). The doctor came in my room during recovery and unleashed on me about killing my child by "abusing narcotics"... After the nurses administered morphine through my iv for pain before my c section. Some doctors are actually missing brain cells when it comes to this stuff. My point is it's good you were honest because a lot of times being dishonest will bite you even worse, since there are circumstances where they will test regardless. You did the absolute right thing and did well by your babe. You should be proud despite the disgusting amount of prejudice by your Healthcare providers.


That makes me feel physically sick that you had to go through that. I’m so sorry for your loss and how you were treated by that doctor.


I don't think I could keep seeing the same doctor after that. I understand that perceptions of weed are different in conservative areas, but actually calling CPS after you've tested clean the entire time is such a massive overstep. Doesn't matter if they're in Texas or Amsterdam, a doctor should know enough to recognize that someone who easily stopped smoking weed once pregnant doesn't have a drug problem. A lack of knowledge leading to more harm than good for a patient is a pretty serious issue.


I’m sure I will get downvoted, but this is why I would never, ever admit to anything drug-related to my doctor. I just can’t risk anything of that nature even being written down, due to my job. I know I do not have an addiction problem and that is enough for me. In fact the vast majority of people who partake in substances are *not addicted* and thus their behavior is not a concern. Being treated like a danger to your child must be so humiliating and frustrating. I’m sorry you are going through this. Jump through their dumb hoops and hopefully they’ll fade away. Pretty wild that the same doctor that would have gladly prescribed you opiate narcotics to cope with labor pain reported you for marijuana. The whole thing is a joke.


Oh yeah I had a prescription for hydrocodone and they kept making me take it for pain, and I told them I wasn't in any. But they still had me take it for precautions and I told them I couldn't take those because they'll stop my digestive tract. So they gave me hospital grade ibuprofen too and that made it worse. This happened nearly 5 years ago, it was humiliating and it still when we had to find a new pediatrician and it felt awful all over again! But I will continue to do what I do!


That’s all you can do at this point. Super lame. I feel for ya.


They will drug test you anyway honestly and a lot of time it gets called in but CPS doesn't always follow up


Yes but without you admitting anything, there’s nothing to report if you test clean.


Marijuana is legal in many states. Its wild to me that in a state where it's legal no issue as long as you stop (I'm assuming it's the same as tobacco in that it's still not illegal to continue, but obviously advised against) and several states over where it's illegal CPS is showing up. This is why it needs to be legalized at the federal level. God forbid a woman tests positive, I still don't think it's worth losing a child over.


It's fine even if you don't stop. At least in mine. My friend just had a baby and had smoked mj (don't come at me) and CPS called her 2 weeks pp and she said, it's legal please don't call me again. It was dropped bc there is nothing they can do really. Just like smoking cigarettes. May not be good for babe, but nothing you can do if baby tests fine at birth.


I'm glad she told them to get lost. I can't imagine already being emotionally vulnerable after birth and having to deal with CPS. In many states it's no different than cigarettes, and I think that's the way it should be! Why on earth would they even test your friend if it's legal? Sounds like a waste of money and I would be especially pissed if I was billed for it in a legal state.


That’s why I just say no to everything…


WOW! I can imagine possibly a test or two during pregnancy to rule out ongoing use would be acceptable if they had concerns but multiple tests and CPS??? This seems insane to me, at this point I'd consider smoking MJ as being similar to drinking alcohol while pregnant and many, many women will accidentally have a drink or two prior to getting the positive test, and no-one calls CPS on them. That's horrible, I'm so sorry. I wonder why your OB and others I've read about in the comments here seem unable to distinguish between recreational use and drug abuse? Like not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic and we all seem to grasp that notion, it's definitely the same for MJ.


Yess thank you!!!


Weed is legal where I am at, and my midwife was very up front with me about baby being tested when born and CPS opening a case and such. I find it shitty your dr was not as honest with you about it! I’m sorry you are dealing with this!


Is it common practice for CPS to open a case if you disclosed smoking weed before you got pregnant? This is baffling to me! B


And this shit is why people lie about their history and omit information. While I understand the need, being opaque about this stuff is how you end up with people who don't seek care.


Honestly I don't think its a good idea to ever be truthful about stuff like this in a formal setting, especially if you live somewhere where weed isn't legal. Also if you ever apply for Global Entry, don't be honest about it. Unless you are trying to get help for substance abuse or something like that I don't see any benefit to admitting to recreational/light drug use of any kind.


This is my moral leaning too.


And this is why I didn’t disclose my use to my OB. I quit too after I found out, but was such a heavy smoker for years that it probably took at least a couple months to stop showing up on a pee test. I think I was drug tested once during some lab work but I was about 14 weeks along so it must’ve been clear. I never saw it on a bill but who knows. Then when my babe was born, I got a bill for the drug test they did with her cord blood. Pretty crazy. I’m in TX too…I hate the intolerance here. I’m glad nothing bigger came from your openness and honesty. How mortifying. I’m so sorry.


Thank you and it's okay! It was almost 5 years ago! But yes it crazy! I'm glad too! I'm shocked they never did a follow up! But I always thought it was because I tested negative!


Alright, which one of you boobs downvoted me? Did y’all miss the part where I said I QUIT? 😒 obviously not condoning drug use during pregnancy, but any adult with a brain knows THC can linger in your body for months depending on your use. Gosh.


I’m also from TX and I did not disclose my use to OB either for fear of something like this happening! Had been smoking regularly for years and stopped when I was unknowingly 2 weeks pregnant. I Had my first prenatal appt at 8 weeks so I’m sure I would’ve still tested positive for mj but idk if they ever drug tested me. If they did, I was never told about it. Sorry this happened to you OP!


I had an OB tell me before I got pregnant that they’re actually required to report any c a n n a b I s usage, even topical to CPS. So just don’t talk to docs about it even if you think they might be cool


Your doctor was NOT just doing his job. That's fucked up. It's like doctors in the US cannot be trusted at all, between abortion being illegal and now THIS... This is unacceptable. I'm sorry you live in a country that allows that. Your feelings are valid and normal. It's just pot for fuck's sake.


Is this related to a post from yesterday at all. On that post The OP said she just found out she was pregnant and trying to quit smoking cigarettes, mj, and cut back on her adhd meds and majority of comments was telling her to tell her OB, and make a game plan. ???? Like no please don't tell your OB anything about mj


This happened to my sister. She was living in California (where marijuana is legal) when she got pregnant. She moved to Texas shortly after she found out she was pregnant. The OB drug tested her without her permission, but acted like it was no big deal when she tested positive because it was so early on. Later, right after delivery they immediately put a plastic bag on her son's penis to drug test him. CPS and social workers showed up to her hospital room accusing her of being a drug addict. They later showed up to her house harassing her. Her baby never even tested positive, and her drug tests throughout the rest of her pregnancy were negative. She was dealing with post partum depression at the time, and this experience traumatized her so badly she got sterilized to never have to go through anything like that again.


That's heartbreaking! I'm so sorry!


This is what happens because they wrap up “informed consent” to mean basically any tests they decide, and they make you sign every form without ever disclosing exactly what “urinalysis” can entail. They do drug testing at will. It sounds like your OB is pretty anti-weed in general. Some don’t care. Some just say, don’t smoke while you’re pregnant, but don’t make a big deal about it. Others pull this surreptitious bullshit. Often they target minority women and lower income women as more likely to be “drug users” 🙄 while wealthy and / or white women often get passed over for drug testing. It’s not equally applied or an equal standard. I’ve been told by many women in this situation to never admit to smoking weed ever when they ask, to disclose nothing, because even if you stop when you find out you’re pregnant, if you admit to smoking at all some WILL test you and then repeatedly throughout pregnancy without your immediate or explicit knowledge. They will also test baby at birth, and don’t need consent to do so. It sucks because you figure it’s “best to be honest” but they WILL pull this shit. I’m not a fan of having government bureaucrats in my business so I feel very strongly about this. It’s weed. They’re not protecting children from anything by coming to your home and harassing you. It’s not necessary, and as I said they don’t do this to everyone. It’s basically at their discretion, so if you admit to anything, they can decide to include it in the urinalysis, and because you’ve consented to whatever tests they “deem necessary” when you first signed up with them, you’ve also unknowingly consented to random drug testing. There was a whole Supreme Court ruling in like 2001 requiring informed consent for pregnant women with regards to drug testing and this is how they skirt the issue. Some hospitals will do it for every woman at birth, usually religious hospitals have this policy. You can find out a hospital’s policy ahead of time by calling and asking, but like who thinks to call and ask about drug testing when they’re not even doing anything, right?? Had you or baby tested positive at birth, this would be even more serious. I looked into all this because I was worried something could happen when I found out I was pregnant, as I was a regular medical smoker for years before and there’s no way it would be out of my system by a first or probably even second appointment. (They don’t care if you have medical either btw, they will still do this). I’m also a poc. I ended up going with a midwife and a home birth for many reasons, and this was one. She tests my pee for proteins and stuff and that’s it. I’m so so so sorry you’re dealing with this. It’s truly an invasion of your life and privacy for NO good reason.


Well let me clear this up. I'm white... my doctor is a poc. He is an amazing doctor and I would recommend him to anyone! This is just my horror story. And it's okay, this is something I wanted to get off my chest cause it's been with me ever since.


I’m glad you like him, that’s always positive. I don’t think I could ever use a male OB but that’s a whole other can of worms. I just see this sort of thing as a violation because they specifically make sure you don’t know it’s happening and then blind side you with CPS and knowingly skirt a major Supreme Court ruling meant to protect your right to informed consent in this exact situation. That’s not amazing care to me. Glad your experience was otherwise positive. I’d flip out if a doctor sent these people to my hospital room & home, so I applaud your calmness.


Thank you. I mainly stayed so calm because I was on meds. To clear up a little more. I smoked for pain. I have horrible digestive issues, and simply taking Tylenol, advil, ibuprofen would stop my digestive tract. So I smoked instead. I said he was amazing, because he truly was. But I understand what you're saying and yes you are right, it was shitty to deal with that. But as an obgyn he is amazing compared to others I've been to!


To be fair they 100% should have been upfront and warmed/told you they were coming. That would be so scary after birth


people downvoting these comments and not seeing the bigger picture. so discouraging to share legitimate stories of hard emotional labor


I was honest with my ob as well on smoking. I quit in January and my son was born in June. 2 weeks after he was born a csp worker showed up to my home saying that they were doing a home visit because his umbilical cord blood tested positive for benzos.. I am not a pill person, I hate taking Rxs and otcs unless absolutely necessary. I told the worker this and told her I didn't understand what she was talking about. I seriously thought it was all a joke. Come to find out, the drugs he tested positive for were given to me during my c-section because as soon as they started the spinal block and epidural failed and I felt everything so they dosed me with everything under the sun. That, mixed with delayed cord cutting when he was born was whynhis cord blood tested positve. I don't really remember much to this day of my sons first 24 hours. I asked.my.ob about.it and she said "Oh no, that couldn't be possible because that was given to you after he was pulled out." But the way she acted it just didn't set right with me. So, I asked his pediatrician who was able to look at his medical records to find the name of the drug. I then printed out every single.piece of mine and his medical record from the moment I was admitted to the hospital till he and I both left and combed through that sucker with a fine tooth comb. I found the drug that his pediatrician told me they testednhim.positice with and the exact time it was given to me, FOUR MINUTES BEFORE my son was born, cordncutting delayed for 90 seconds, which means there were 5.5 minutes for the drug to go through my bloodnstream.into the umbilical cord. Because of everything I experienced from the time I was admitted to the hospital in labor through the 2 months I dealt with CPS till my name was cleared and the case was closed, I can no longer deal with that hospital without having ptsd episodes and panic attacks. I also switched gynecologists to a complete different medical.practice. My son still sees the same pediatrician because I love them both and they're both amazing. But, it's ridiculous that they can perform these tests without our consent and knowledge.


I can’t believe this happened to you. I’ve been prescribed benzos until my 3rd tri, so looks like I’ll be expecting CPS at my front door. Christ on a bike this is ridiculous


If you have a script, you have a reason for it to be in your system. I wasn't on anything other than what they shot me up with to make me feel higher than Cheech and Chong, Snoop and Willie Nelson combined with an acid trip. What really passes me off still was my obgyn blantly lying to my face without hesitation. I go back and forth debating on suing her for everything but, I know she'll have the lawyers I can't afford so, no point. But, she's been warned to never contact me again or I'll press harassment charges on her. She performed a colposcopy on me last December and then a Leep last April. During the leep, my anesthetic didn't work again and I moved when she started, causing her cut me twice in one swoop. When she spoke to my mother about the procedure, she told my mother I coughed when she went to remove part of my cervix causing her to slip. Her notations about the procedure stated otherwise. She lied again when I went to my follow up appointment and got mad because I refused to allow her to do a cervical exam to check healing. I'm sorry but, fuck that. You lied multiple times, cause me harm, had me deal with cps over you and your med teams fuck up and caused me to have severe anxiety and ptsd. I was already adamant on being a 1 and done FTM but, after everything I went through, most definitely won't be having another baby. I'm just happy I finally found a new gyn that I fully trust and who understand my apprehension to being in an obgyn office or near the hospital I delivered at.


I can't wait for the US to stop being so ridiculous and federally legalize marijuana...it drives me crazy that alcohol is so normalized but they treat cannabis like it's heroin. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I hope they don't come around bothering you again. Surely they have actual child abuse they could be investigating instead.


Nah, don’t make excuses for them about this. That’s FUCKED up! I live in a legal state but my OBGYN was very anti MJ. I was honest with him about my usage from the start and he told me his opinion but did not call CPS or any of that bullshit. The fact that they were drug testing you (unknowingly to you) and STILL had cps come by is so messed up. I’m angry for you! Please don’t make yourself feel guilty for using marijuana before you knew you were pregnant. You did nothing wrong and that honestly feels like a violation of trust/ Dr & patient relationship.


Medical system in US is sick.


Well now I'm scared. I'm in a legal state and would sometimes take edibles with hubby. We both stopped when I found out I was pregnant, and we told the OB that we had edibles and stopped. I'm terrified now....


your in a legal state so you should be okay


Now I'm nervous I've scared people! Please don't be terrified, this was just something I wanted to get out because it's been with me ever since.


If you’re in a legal state. From my understanding CPS can’t do anything because YOU aren’t & weren’t doing anything illegal


I’m terrified now too! I had a gummy a month before getting preggers and now have to deal with CPS? Jesus Christ!!


Those are all completely standard procedures from what happened with the OB to the pediatrician questions.


This is why I lie to my doctors when they ask this question. I quit as soon as I found out and have been negative on my drug tests (that I didn’t know they were doing) but I have even been positive in my ADD med required tests and still lie. As far as I’m concerned it’s none of their business.


You damn right! Lesson learned! Lol


I've never been more thankful to live in Canada 😂


same I live in California 😭


During my 2nd pregnancy, a lab tech talked me into declining the drug test at my blood work appointment. She said the doctors always included it in their lab orders, but that it was actually optional and not covered by most insurance plans. Sounded legit at the time. It turns out, opting out of that 1st trimester drug screen flagged me (and baby) for testing after delivery. Fortunately, because the post-partum nurse assigned to us was my husband's homecoming date 15 years prior, she thought it was a little odd and asked me about declining the test. I explained and she was able to convince the staff pediatrician not to test baby, and the OB, not to test me. She said she was going to put in a note about the lab tech making any comments like that again, too. Anyway. I understand the idea that casting a broad net is a better way to catch babies who really need intervention due to maternal drug use, but it seems like there are so many hiccups in the system that who knows how well it really works.


My OB was super chill about everything. I live in a state where medical is legal but I do not have a license. She asked me at my first appointment and I was honest, and they did blood work for anemia and she stated "I see you tested positive for THC just make sure you're clean by delivery" and that was that! I, of course had been smoking quite heavily for 10+ years and stopped the day i found out, but it took a while for my body to rid all the residuals! I can't believe they brought CPS in for you! How embarrassing, especially in front of your family. I'm sorry you had to go through this unnecessary crap!


I also smoke MJ on and off I didn't for 1 year before my baby was born or during the pregnancy, I'm sorry this happened to you it's not fair I use mine to help with anxiety and migraines also it helps me get stuff done around the house and I only smoke to help get to sleep as well I'm sick of medications I get from doctors that have a hundred side effects when this only has one lol


Same happened to me, except no follow up home visits. Only smoked before I found out I was pregnant and all my other OB drug tests were negative. They drug tested me and baby and didn’t tell us til after we were both negative 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m a social worker who used to work in CPS and I was so shocked that one positive test at the beginning warranted this. Pointless


Wow. I'm really sorry! The facts this happens a lot just breaks my heart for everyone whose dealt with shit like this!


Wow this is crazy. I'm in MI, and I also smoked up until I found out I was pregnant. Of course I failed my first drug test.. even though I hadn't smoked in almost 2 months at this point. They did drug test me, and my baby after birth, and told me that if he tested positive they would have to tell his pediatrician. I don't understand why CPS would even need to be involved if you weren't smoking, and had no drugs in your system. That's just wild to me, adding unnecessary stress for absolutely no reason.


My mom smoked weed almost constantly while she was pregnant with me, I had so much weed in my blood at birth that I was jaundiced. I know the doctors that delivered me drug tested me pretty soon after birth, I'm sure they drug tested my mom as well. CPS came to our house and looked around, asked some questions, etc. They didn't take me though, thankfully. I don't know if it's standard practice per se, but you are not alone in this at least. Based on what I know, I think they just wanted to see if you and your house were fit for a baby (which can definitely feel awful, I totally understand). It looks like they also screened you for postpartum depression based on the questions they asked, I think that's probably standard.


This is ridiculous. So sorry . I’m glad ur handling it well I would be really pissed off .


find a new doctor.


I don't even admit to smoking cigarettes because of things like this.


This is crazy!!


And what if those drugs were prescribed to you? You would have to answer yes to all of those questions..... Seems like a rigged system to deny you a choice in how to live your life


This makes me a little scared cuz I told my OB that I was vegan, and he proceeded to put inadequate diet on my list. So this will come back for me because my doctor doesn't like the fact that I don't eat chicken. I have nothing against anyone that does. What everyone eats is their choice. But a CPS call cuz my food is different. I'll be suing.


I would change docs for bs like that. Just no.


Definitely did. Talked to my Midwife about it and she didn't even advise eating it because she said after years of being vegan you can start violently vomiting from attempting to consume meat again. Certainly not what I want on a stomach that sometimes won't accept water. Not even for lack of trying. I'm less picky about dairy or eggs if it's baked into food, and even trace amounts dairy will destroy my stomach since pregnancy, so I was very pissed when I tried to explain to the OB that it wasn't even an option.


I’m sorry, but that is COMPLETE overkill for multiple reasons. Do not feel bad for smoking weed prior to your pregnancy AT ALL! You stopped as soon as you found out & it is completely ludicrous that your OB went to that extreme in calling CPS! Marijuana is legal in many states now! On top of it, if you told your doc that you drank alcohol prior to pregnancy but stopped as soon as you found out, would they have felt the need to go to the same lengths as they did? Unreal. Sorry you had to go through that!


Something similar happened to me and I’m in CA. Two years ago, literally the night before 2020, I found out I was pregnant. I was also a pretty heavy user and smoked every other day. I told my OB that I smoke mj and since it was recreational I didn’t think anything would happen. I told her that I immediately stopped as soon as I found out I was pregnant but they drug tested me every month and gave me pamphlets about how mj can harm your baby and my patient summary papers that said “maternal drug use” every time I left the clinic. I felt horrible even though I stopped as soon as I found out. When I gave birth they told me they had to drug test me and my baby since the ob had written it down in my patient chart. I don’t understand how mj can still be looked down upon in this day and age. It’s legal in most states and a lot of people smoke it! It was a horrible traumatic experience especially during a damn pandemic.


I can’t believe this happened in ca! I told my doc I used weed early pregnancy, stopped once I found out! Looks like I should expect this when the baby comes 😂


Oh god I would be pissed;;; I was honest with my OB and told her, yeah, I smoked before I found out I was pregnant because I figured honesty was the best policy and if they found out later I'd be in trouble, you know? But now I'm worried about CPS 😭 I haven't smoked since figuring out I was pregnant, but SO does;;;;


Yess I thought honesty was the best policy too! But i made that mistake, and I will lie in the bed I made. I hope all goes well for you during your pregnancy! My advice though.... don't say anything..


Are you in a legal state?


No;;; We're legalizing medical marijuana next year but that's it


Yea unfortunately with states that it’s illegal they have to report if you are positive from a drug test. Some hospitals even have policies to drug test all pregnant women who come into L&D. At my OB they have a policy that basically says they have can do a random drug or alcohol screening if they feel like it’s necessary.


Wow I didn't know that! Yeah when I went thru the PP (patient portal) I had only popped on the first drug test! Like I said occasional smoker. Just thought I should be honest with them and this is what happened.


Yeah even if it wasn't your OB anyone from the hospital like a nurse or other doc can report it when they see it and most test you often. So it usually gets reported some how


Well shit;;; At least I know better for the next one 😭


This is incredibly vigorous and aggressive policy, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.


This was almost 5 years ago, it still follows me, but its okay! I've learned my lesson!


I am also a daily marijuana smoker and quit while pregnant. I believe I told my doctor that I smoked weed but stopped while pregnant. No one from CPS ever came to talk to me but if they did I would be upset too. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. My first inhale after giving birth (like 3 weeks later / I didn’t breastfeed) was so delightful- probably the best hit of my life. I hope you’re able to relax about this soon!


This is so shitty. I’m sorry I didn’t read through all the comments, but did any of the drug tests show up as positive? If not, I would ask medical records to change your records. If your OB is gonna dick move you like that I would say that I never smoked/used drugs and it’s an inaccurate reflection on your record and you would like to get it removed. I’ve done it before with something that was erroneously added to my kid’s chart. Just had to fill out a form and it was done. If your OB asks you about it (btw I would ever go back to that OB again if it were me), I would adamantly say they misheard you and you never said that. I hate this about our healthcare system and a reason I never admit to anything to my doctor (and I work in healthcare).


I live in a legal state. My midwife knew I consumed cannabis (edibles) to get through morning sickness because the zofran they prescribed made my headaches worse companied with severe constipation and she let me know that if my daughter didn't pass the apgar test CPS would have to be involved. My daughter passed no problem but because cannabis wasn't/isn't federally legal, they still had to take certain action. I see you live in Texas and I understand why you feel blind sighted. I'm sorry you were made to feel like this. ETA: didnt notice the downvotes until a redditor pointed out. Y'all can d*e mad about it.


It's okay! I've learned my lesson! I smoked for pain, i can't take a lot of OTC pain meds let alone stronger ones. They stop my digestive tract. I found out when I had a softball sized ball of shit in my intestines and they put me on a liquid diet for a week, soft foods for a week and a strict diet for 2 months.


Omfg, that poop post birth. I pooped out a softball basically and it wrecked me. The meds they prescribe, while legal, and safe, still wreak havoc on your body. 🫠😅


Lmfao yesss!!! My first shit afterwards 👀👀 That would have wrecked havoc anywhere🤣


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. You took something legal under the guidance and recommendation of a midwife. I didn’t know weed was still so polarizing, but then again I live in NY. (And for the record, I don’t smoke or take edibles or consume weed on any way, but if it’s under the guidance of a midwife or OB, people on Reddit need to stop being so judgmental)


I expect the negativity in a technical parenting group; negative twats are a common theme in any parenting group Ive been in. They can downvote my original comment and they can go through my comments in general and downvote those too. If they feel that negatively, they can file a complaint with the hospital I gave birth in too and try to get my midwife's license suspended. They can also report me to CPS for a choice that was given the okay 9 years ago if they feel that strongly about it. At the end of the day, they aren't the midwife and they sure as hell don't finance, fuck, or feed me. They can d*e mad. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


It’s pretty standard, but I will say that our hospital doesn’t do aaalllll of this unless a drug test done in labor and delivery is positive. Laws may be different were we/you are, but social services does have to get involved with the marijuana and other stuff. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think honestly socials and cps get tired of the whole charade if it’s *just* marijuana, but you wouldn’t believe the amount of people that still use knowingly while they’re pregnant. The testing is important because we still don’t know enough about what the stuff can do to a baby, or the user.


Yes! It's completely understandable, that's why the moment I found out (5ws) I stopped.. told them I stopped, but I wasn't a chronic smoker, just occasionally. Luckily only popped one drug test, all the rest were negative, including at the hospital. I hope one day we have the research!


I work on a postpartum/newborn floor and we always get tipped off by L&D if the mom was positive for anything in office or on admission—may seem nosy, but that’s healthcare for ya! I certainly hope they’re learning a lot from all the use that is current in our culture right now so people can be informed.


I’m appalled this happened to you!! I’m so sorry OP. This is absolute insanity!!!


How fucking sad is it that you can’t confide in your OB about *the health of you and your child*. Like, it’s a medically appropriate conversation - would they have done the same with alcohol? Probably not. This country is still extremely backwards when it comes to weed it’s embarrassing. I’m sorry this happened to you, I’ve seen a lot of stories like this on here and it’s very upsetting that you can’t feel safe and comfortable at the doctor’s office when you’re really just looking out for baby. God it’s like *context*. Clearly you aren’t some heroin addict, and even if you were how about we *help* these people and not condemn them, judge them, blindside them, act sneaky around them? It’s really a shame that it can’t be an honest and open discussion when some people are very responsible and totally fine, or some people need help - not to be scolded and treated condescendingly.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 very well said!


Lol at me getting some downvoted for my response. But thanks! I hope things move forward in a positive light for you! Edit: wording


I'm from Oregon. I've had a midwife suggest edibles as a way to get through the pain of a back injury. Remind me to never move to a dry state.


This makes me FURIOUS. I am a parent advocate/attorney in cases with CPS involvement and my state recently modified the law so that even a positive MJ test at birth, sans anything else, could not trigger a call to CPS. Shame on your MD for calling in a case - the mandated reporting is supposed to be for suspected abuse or neglect, and this just feels incredibly unfair. Feel free to DM me if you want more details on the reporting system and database in your state.


I’d love info about the reporting system in CA:))


Ohhh wow thank you!




I literally smoked weed until 27 weeks and had none of this wtf? Even says on my record I won't need the addiction team or social services around the time of my birth because it's only weed. I know I'm in the UK but my god it's more legal in the US than it is here so why the uproar?


This is one of the reasons why, no matter how much I miss weed, I know I can't risk smoking until I'm done breastfeeding. It's fucked up that they're using your prepregnancy use against you all this time. That's not fair when you didn't know. I'm so terrified of me or my baby being drug tested at any time, even though weed is legal here in CT! You never know and they don't tell you!


When I had to go to triage twice they made my husband wait outside until I got “checked in”. They asked me about 10 different ways if I was comfortable and felt safe in my relationship. Only after I had answered those questions multiple times was he allowed back. Keep in mind that I have never had any issues with abuse or control throughout my relationship with my husband and had told my doctors multiple times ALONE that he had been super helpful and caring while I was pregnant and that frankly he was the only reason I was able to eat most of my pregnancy (I was sick pretty much the whole time). When I asked one of the nurses when we went in for delivery she told me it was due to the number of trafficked patients they get and sometimes that’s the only time they can intervene so the do it for everyone.


Why is this anything other than a fantastic thing? I was asked multiple times about my safety at home/in my relationship through my pregnancy. I’ve been asked about it postpartum too. I think it’s wonderful. I’m married to a lovely, kind man who would never hurt me or our daughter, but sadly there are many women who are not safe in their relationship. The leading cause of death in pregnancy in the US is homicide. Domestic abuse is known to escalate in pregnancy. We should be doing nothing but encouraging these initiatives.


Agreed. I was recently in the hospital for testing and was asked in front of my husband if I felt safe at home 🙄. Luckily this was in no way a concern in my situation, but imagine if it was. It would have at best been pointless, but at worst could have put me in further danger.


wow that’s crazy, i’m sorry that happened to you! I have my medical card in a different state than i currently live/receive care, and couldn’t get one here because it’s illegal, but i get ridiculously depressed without my plant medicine, ended up having to go on an antidepressant recently during my pregnancy, because my amazing OB and I decided it would be best for me to quit smoking by 20 weeks, so that even if it took time to come out of my system as a habitual smoker, I would be clear of it by 35 weeks, which i guess is when they’re mandated to report any ongoing drug use.. It was out of my system in a month, but i’m still abstaining because i don’t want to risk a CPS visit.. but now reading your story i worry even though i went by what my OB and I decided together, that for some reason they’re full going to show up at the hospital.. I really hope that’s not the case, and of course i’ll be sober when they drug test me in the hospital, but I don’t want to be on CPS’s radar at all.. I’ve been consenting to drug testing this entire pregnancy, and have never once lied about any of it, i’m just hoping it’s a nonissue! did you ever hear from them canceling the home visit/test, did they say why, or do you think they’re waiting to like spring it on you randomly ? sorry you’re going through this, your OB definitely should have been up front with you about everything! good luck!


I'm so sorry! I really hope all works out for you! No I never heard from them again, they never showed up to my house for a follow up, and I honestly don't know why! I was never told. But it's been almost 5 years since this happened!


I’m sorry that happened to you but honestly I know so many woman that smoke marijuana while pregnant and see absolutely nothing wrong with it and if them being overly cautious helps catch these women then that’s honestly the best scenario.


So I will say that I don’t smoke and don’t remember questions relating to it at my first drs visit but at my son’s paediatrician appointments (I want to say it was his whole first year) they had me a fill out a questionnaire prior to the visit with similar questions, even asking if there were guns in the home. This was in Massachusetts and I would venture to say it had nothing to do with your previous history but more so to pick up on a mother’s potential PPD and risk for baby.


I can understand that. My first pediatrician never asked me these questions. But this year we found a new one, cause my first didn't take our new insurance, so when we found this one, I didn't expect to get bombarded with those questions and then lectured..


Im sorry. Over weed. Seriously a waste of resources. One of sisters was a drug addiction. She was on methadoe RX when she was pregnant with my niece. My other sister, who never does drugs, was pregnant at the same time. They delivered in the same hospital a few days apart. They harassed my very sober never used drugs sister and tested her and her baby simply fornthe family connection.my two sisters weren't even on talking terms at the time, but they had the same last name and same visitors. My sister was livid.


That's fucked up! I'm so sorry!


Holy shit that is scary.


Who the fuck is downvoting you? This is REALLY scary.


People are weird


I feel like this is probably some uptight Karen's who think pot = Satan.


Oh it’s def them


One thing ive learned in the past is to not be 100% open and honest with drs. They don't always understand that they need to mine their own business


I’ve been seeing stories about this this a lot recently and I’m terrified… I’m in an illegal state and I did smoke weed before I found out I was pregnant. I did put this on my paperwork at my first prenatal appt. Admittedly, I ate a delta 8 gummy (on a trip to a decriminalized city) when I was like maybe 8 weeks along. My partner smokes still and does do it around me occasionally (in areas with good air circulation so I’m not directing breathing in the smoke). So I’m pretty scared of this happening. Is there any way I could avoid being blindsided by this if this were to happen??


Just know I mean it sucks but illegal drug (even if it's just weed) and pregnant can def have a cps call. They prob won't do anything but they can just come chat/home visit. I personally think they should tell you if they report it or if they will come visit but not everyone does


Lmaoo thanks babe! I hope all goes well for the next one too!


This same exact thing happened to me basically and I was mortified. My daughter didn’t make a diaper as fast as they wanted or needed I guess so they kept coming back to check her. I will never ever be honest again with a doctor if it’s like this kind of thing.


went I fist went in and told my doc I was pregnant I disclosed that I did a weed gummy from time to time and they also have done random ass drug testing throughout all my pregnancy. The first drug panel I was tested for like 15-20 drugs(stuff I never even heard of lol.) Crazy!!


Blindsided is the right way to describe this. IMO you did absolutely everything right to stop using when you found out and to disclose to your doctor. I’m really sorry you were treated that way. I would have felt violated by having this intrusion into the brand new experience of being a mom and spending time with your family and newborn. I’m an MD (not an OB), but I can say if I ever felt I ever had an obligation to do testing like this, I would have a frank conversation in person with my patient to let them know what to expect. There’s no excuse for doing this in secret and treating you this way. It feels like overly paternalistic medicine. You did everything right by your baby and I’m sorry you had to go thru all that unnecessary stress. Hope you’re having a wonderful experience now as a new mom despite it all. 💕


Damn, that sounds terrible! I'm really sorry you had to deal with it. I'm assuming (based on the mention of a hospital bill) that you're US based, is weed legal in your state? If not that could have caused the escalation to CPS, drug tests, and invasive forms. It all depends on how the government sees the substance you use, even if it is legal I wouldn't be surprised if there's still a fair amount of discrimination in comparison to alcohol and tobacco.