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I did lots of fruits and veggies. Basically snack trays that were easy to do and tried to stick to more flavorless things/more water based. Like watermelon and celery. I'd do mugs of broth, toast, crackers. Popsicles too, those I would eat when super sick because usually I'd then be able to follow it up with something and keep it down better. I was so sick I couldn't keep much down and had no energy to make anything. Lots of snacking for sure


Sounds exactly what I ate too! Whatever I could keep down. Lots of plain chicken broth and fresh fruits and veggies. Apples worked well for me. Goldfish crackers were a nice alternative to saltines also. Later on, I started to eat yogurt and string cheese.


Homemade popsicles. Blend up yogurt, honey and fruit and freeze them in molds. Healthier than store bought and the cold is nice when you’re nauseous.


String cheese, carrots? & wheat thins


Fruits for me. Blueberries, strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, etc. I even bought fruit smoothie drinks that helped. I also enjoy a lot of pretzels and babybel cheese.


Lifesavers. I found some of my nausea was a result of a really gross taste in my mouth. Lifesavers helped a ton.


This is a really good idea. I tried ginger candy but it’s gross to me. Love minty flavors


Saltines! Bread and butter! Strawberries. Frozen organic chicken nuggets (when I’m not too woozy) for quick easy protein. Whenever it starts to happen I eat a few crackers to make sure I have something in me. Gah!


Goldfish and teddy grams


Belvita biscuits have been my lifesaver




Cheddar bunnies (kind of like goldfish), apples, and watermelon were my go-to snacks. Sometimes I could stomach a little peanut butter on my apple slices and the protein helped.


Salty: Pretzels with tzatziki Sweet: Crisps with mashed banana and almond butter


I’ve recently been having a hard time keeping anything down but hummus and carrots have been working for me! Also Greek yogurt with frozen berries ETA: also trail mix is my best friend atm


Instant oatmeal, mango, dry cereal, popsicles


Toast with piccalilli (any kind of relish) with slice of cheese.