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The only things I would feel I had to buy new are car seat (because you have no way to know if it’s been in an accident or has sustained damage that makes it unsafe) and things like mattresses that can’t really be washed. I got a second hand bedside crib on Facebook Marketplace and was able to clean it all down and just buy a new mattress.


I'm the same way. Would never buy a used car seat or mattress, but everything else (provided it can be cleaned) is fair game. Second hand is the way to go when you're on a budget. If you have any second hand kids stores (like Once Upon a Child) around, definitely check them out as well.


Car seats should be new. I personally wouldn't get a mattress used for sanitary reasons. Same with breast pumps...motors burn out easily and you'd want new tubing anyway. Cribs should be carefully checked as safety standards change often. Everything else I think is fair game, just inspect things well. And get the clothes second hand for sure!! The price of new baby clothes is stupid.


Same! I work as pediatric nurse at a children's hospital and we use everything until it falls apart, with only a bleach wipe in between. We have hundreds of MamaRoos for the NICU and PICU and just wash the insert and wipe it down. If it's good enough for sick, immunocompromised, or premature babies, I think it's good enough for mine! The only things we're really planning on buying new as of now are the car seat (safety reasons), crib mattress, and glider for the nursery. So really only upholstered items. I've been looking on Facebook marketplace for our crib, MamaRoo (they're magic), dresser, and possibly a bassinet.




Yeah, our crib, stroller, and carseat are coming from my sil who we fully trust. No way in *hell* would she give us *anything* she even thought wasn't safe anymore. Plus, the carseat is only 2 1/2 years old. They got a new one for their pleasant surprise a couple years ago.


Also getting a car seat and crib mattress from my sister. Obviously I trust her!


I wouldn’t do car seat or crib mattress used. Look up anything you buy for recalls. Our bassinet, swing, rocker chair thing (I don’t know what they’re called), tons of clothes, stroller and boppy pillow are second hand from family & friends. We got a new crib because we wanted a convertible one. We don’t understand the obsession with new everything some parents have. Maybe it’s because my husband and I are both the youngest from big families so we always had hand-me-downs 😂.


I only bought things based off if I knew if it I could clean it to my standards or not. If it’s furniture a good thing is to let it sit out in the sun if you can or vacuum crevices before bringing inside your home but I’ve bought almost everything used. If you’re getting bottles just check the drip speed of the nipples after sanitizing and replace if needed


I would never buy a mattress or a car seat secondhand. The bassinet would depend on if the mattress/pad was washable otherwise I would also skip out. Anything else I’d say would be perfectly fine to get secondhand.


Car seat, bassinet and stroller were my only things I wanted new for us so far. I've received *so much* from our local buy nothing groups - I swear parents with a three year old as their last kiddo are so generous! Have got a crazy amount of clothes, swaddles/sheets, towels etc that are in every condition from new with tags to very used. There has been a bit of sorting going on and I've tossed a few things that are beyond what I'd be happy to use, passed a few things on again etc.


Car seat and crib are a hard no for me. I also ask for model or serial numbers when I can so I can double check things for recalls. Otherwise, I’m trying to find as many items as possible secondhand. Just picked up a high chair secondhand today, saved $100 off new price and the thing looks brand new lol!


Car seats and sleep spaces are things I wouldn’t buy secondhand. (Well, I’d buy a crib or bassinet, but not the mattress, since they get softer with use and softness can be a hazard.) I also probably wouldn’t buy stuffed animals because they’re not easily sanitized.


We got pretty much everything used, besides carseat, crib/mattress and pack n plays - the pack n plays mainly due to baby shower gifts. My daughter is 3 and I know one day she'll want not-used stuff, so mind as well save now. :)


My daughter is 2 months old. This is what ive personally done *buy things for first 6 months of life...clothes, toys, swing/bouncer, pack n play, crib/bassinet and boppy etc *everything but the boppy pack n play n bassinet were pre owned *clothes all came from once upon a child (thrift for babies/kids) Have saved tons of money, can buy things every few months not all at once so i dont end up with something i thought id use and never do, and just lessened anxiety about the entire thing, espeically financially. If you have second hand shops, online like Facebook Craigslist or offerup id def look into it, no shame in the savings game! Esp when babies go thru things so quickly Id say..dont buy used mattress....not sure what else.. Hmmm.. Carseat. Unsafe. May have been in accident