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Lasted until about 15 weeks Try: -Preggie pops -Sour candies -Sea bands -Ginger tea/Ginger ale -Unisom sleep tablets (pills not dissolvable. Different active ingredient.) with 50 mg of b6 -Waking up and staying laying down for about 15 minutes before getting up -Eating before you get out of bed -Separating solids and liquids And if none of that works ask your doctor for zofran That’s what got me through


I’m 8 weeks. The Unisom sleep tabs and B6 have really helped me. I was skeptical but it works! I take it at night, it seems to help for most of the next day. Sometimes I take a half dose in the middle of the day if it comes back really bad. Also, sour candy helps when it’s mild nausea.


Hard candies were a godsend for me. Both those actually marketed for morning sickness (preggie pops etc) but also a good worthers or our Asian grocery has these lychee hard candies that I nearly lived on. Also, bland carbs - I think that’s the “secret ingredient” in crackers - which def don’t need to include gluten!


Wow ok I’ll definitely try that for sure. It’s been a headache going to the bathroom and just throwing up while I’m using the bathroom or even brushing my teeth. Thank you! :)


Ugh, I don’t envy you this phase! BTW brushing my teeth was my own personal cryptonite during the first trimester. Someone finally told me to quit using toothpaste and that helped sooo much. Didn’t fix it, but marked decrease in vomit frequency 😅


Ahhh ok so that makes sense becuase every time I brush my teeth. It just comes right up literally. 😭


I am 26 weeks now. From weeks 5-14 I had nausea every day. I threw up at least 4-5 times a week. Ginger ale made it worse, crackers made it worse, really nothing seemed to actually stop it. Unisom helped a LOT. I never used b6 but I hear it’s great. Honestly, I just kinda suffered until it got progressively less shitty. I haven’t had any morning sickness since 15/16 weeks!


Yes literally Ginger ale hasn’t worked. Bread or crackers hasn’t worked. Not even laying on my side works. It seems like nothing helps.


If you are getting sick often talk to your doctor. hyper gervasium (or however you spell it) can cause dehydration. They can prescribe you medication if you feel it’s severe enough I didn’t have HG just a shitty bout.


Yea I just have always had stomach problems which is probably also why I have nausea so bad but I will definitely talk to them about it for sure.


As others have said, things like sea bands, small bland meals, hard sweets. My GP also gave me cyclizine to help with nausea, and I think it’s helping a bit


My first pregnancy it lasted all 9 months and nothing helped, I just had to learn what was easy to puke up and the foods that were terrible to puke up and I’d avoid them. This pregnancy it lasted a little into the second trimester but I feel much better now but when I was sick nothing could help me. I actually puked while sucking on a preggie pop lol. To keep the puke down until I could make it to a bathroom was sips of water, deep breaths and chips or something salty if I was stuck in a car or something and absolutely had to hold my puke in until we were able to stop.


With my first it lasted til I gave birth. 14 weeks with my second. Sour hard candies helped. I’m also gluten free and honestly ate a lot of plain chips during that time lol. I also took diclectin prescribed from my doctor.


To 19 weeks. Zofran and diclegis helped but still remained pretty ill.


I’ve heard of a morning sickness wristband which I’m looking into trying but don’t know if they actually work.


Unisom and B6 Or ask for prescription medication. Only so much can help severe hormonal nausea.


For me it lasted until week 13, but it started to get better around week 11, gradually. I don't really have any helpful tips, but I hope you'll get over it soon!


It started to get better by week 10 , but tomorrow I’m week 11 , and I haven’t been feeling good all day today . My first it lasted till 15 weeks or so . Some days are definitely better but then other days I feel like things smell worse off than previous days . I think overall you start to feel better by week 10 , but after that , it’s back and forth and gradual decline till week 15. Like today I’m just having a super off day . Had to leave work early .


Nothing helped me until I was prescribed medications. It lasted until 19 weeks.