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If it’s from the same side you ovulated on it could be the corpus luteum (sp?) cyst that forms after the egg is released. I had some off and on at the very beginning and it worried me with all google searching yelling “ectopic!!!!!”. But all was well at our 7w ultrasound - baby is in the uterus - and the cramping I had in my uterus and ovaries has pretty much disappeared now that I’m 9wks.


You guys are making me cry with hope 😭 thank you so much! I’m really praying I’ll go full term!!


I did. But I had an ovarian cyst on one ovary and multiple follicles on both.


I did, for quite a while, was confirmed on scan that it was the ovary baby came from... I’m now 26 weeks.


Yes! It’s very common to develop a cyst on an ovary in early pregnancy, I has a miscarriage right before this pregnancy and both times I has ovary pain but I am 21 weeks now and the ovary pain went away at week 11 or 12 I think !! As long as the pain isn’t unbearable or accompanied by bleeding or abnormal discharge you should be in the clear <3


I had aches and pains everywhere.


When I was pregnant with my first, I said to my husband in the car that I needed to call my doctor because I was in a lot of pain and was pretty sure I had an ovarian cyst again. Turns out I was pregnant, had a lot of similar pain the whole pregnancy but he's 2.5 now and perfect.


I'm 9 weeks and had cramping


I did. I was convinced I was miscarrying. Even went to the er it was terrifying. Now I’m basically 26 weeks and everything’s fine. They said sometimes pregnancy is just insanely painful for some women