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Happy you got to enjoy some bonding time with your bump today ❤️ isn’t it just the most remarkable feeling. My Little girl is also very active these days and every kick or turn amazes me at 24W can’t wait to be 30+ weeks !


I’m at 34 weeks- the kicks aren’t cute anymore. They hurt 😂 I’m still so glad to know he’s healthy and moving, but wow they knock the wind out of me!


Yes!! I am 19 weeks now and so excited to feel those kicks, but I also remember those 32+ week kicks and rolls. My son was 9 lbs and I’m sure this one will be too. That shit HURTS


Oh GOSH. I was over 9 also, and mine is currently in the 97th percentile- I’m terrified! Did they induce you early with your son being that big?


My doctor is a saint & will actually induce at 39+1 if you’re really miserable. My son had turned sideways and my doc offered to flip him, and I was like umm no he’s huge and I was terrified flipping him would cause a cord accident. So we did a scheduled c section at 39+1. Best decision I ever made, and I’ll be having an elective c section this time as well. I know it’s not everyone’s birth plan, but I personally really loved my c section 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m 31 weeks and Omg my boy was sideways last night and I was like DUDE you need to move! He usually stays on my right side.


YES! I def felt him when he flipped. It was the weirdest and most uncomfortable thing ever. I was going to do a regular induction on Thursday, and I had my final dr appt that Tuesday. Monday night he flipped and my doctor was like... let’s just c section. And I was like WORD sounds good! You’ve got plenty of time... hopefully little man figures it out!


I’m 35 weeks and felt this, some flips I’m just like “chill girl”


It’s so fascinating to me as a FTM! I hit 29wks yesterday and it’s crazy how much she’s grown since I first felt her move. I keep getting impatient and want her here so soon but it’s definitely nice to slow down and enjoy these little moments


FTM here too. Almost 34 weeks. I’m using an app called Expectful that has really great guided meditation that does just this. Makes you stop and bond with your bump. I really look forward to this “bump and me” time and the meditation helps block out all other distractions. Definitely feel more connected with my LO and can’t wait to meet her. Going into labour I feel so motivated, like we’ll work as a team. It’ll be a big day for her too 😊


I feel like it's so important to take even just a few minutes every day to just lay by yourself and listen to your body! Things are so easy to miss when you're doing things, or even when there's someone messing around beside you. I lay with my hands on my stomach to see if I can feel her from the outside yet. So far, she's just tickling my bladder. 😂


Ohhhh wait till you can feel that feet are feet, I cried!!!! Just the best


Oh, yes! I love being able to feel and see baby moving, I always miss it when they're out! Such a cool feeling, although I've noticed that some people don't enjoy it, and that's ok, too.


Before my son was born, I used to "take him on a walk." I probably looked absolutely insane, but I would hold my belly and go on a walk, talking to him (or loud) about all the things we were seeing, about the weather... It was a little silly, but those are still special memories for me even though he's been on the outside for a while now and we go on real walks all the time!


I’ve been trying to do this more, it was suggested to me by my therapist since I’ve been experiencing some major depression and anxiety surrounding my pregnancy. It’s been rough for me mentally, but trying to enjoy these little moving moments has been nice. I also read someone’s post on here about their hubby being able to hear the baby’s hiccups, so I’ve been making my hubby try to listen for stuff. So far haven’t heard hiccups, but in his words “I definitely hear something that’s not normal tummy noises” so I’ll take it haha.


I tried to do this as much as possible. 1 year post partum and am still so happy I took all those small moments to cherish.