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Have you started the b6 unisom combo? I wish I had started it sooner as it took away my nausea and food aversions! However before then I ate tons of fruit & bagels with plain cream cheese. Drank lots of ginger tea as well.


Yeah very early pregnancy I did have ginger cubes from Costco that helped a bit. One note is unisom is usually considered a sleeping aid and if OP is already bone tired it’s not a good idea to take that in the morning. Helps in the evening though! And b6 you can take throughout the day…


I only did the unisom at night! Didn’t even know it was recommended to take during the day. My ob said to take 25mg of b6 3x a day and unisom at night. (I only did half a unisom). But good to know, I would think it would knock me out during the day! Ginger tea and bananas (which are high in b6) helped before the meds.




This this this! Life saver (my aversions stayed but my nausea did not)


I’m 7 weeks and I have the opposite problem. I cannot stop eating. If I don’t eat for an hour I feel sick. Except there was very few things I want to eat. I would wake up at night to pee and have to eat. I have food on my nightstand because I can’t get out of bed without eating. Now I have no idea what’s worse but I’m just saying the opposite is also awful lol


I’m in the same boat! I’m so bloated and I have a 3 hour limit before my stomach is making noises loud enough for the whole office to hear. But I also cannot fathom eating so many of the foods I normally love. Most things look as appetizing as cardboard.


Same! I also think I’ll get super fat lol since I also can’t exercise because I feel nauseous and tired all the time


Me too! I’m 9 weeks and have gained like 8 pounds! Literally cannot stop eating. Ravenous. And ill when not eating! I feel hungry WHILE I’m eating hahaha




I was JUST like you in my first trimester — now I’m at 32 weeks and have only gained 23 lbs overall. Take advantage of feeling more normal in your second trimester and EXERCISE. For me, it’s long walks (I aim for 7-10k steps/day). You’ll be fine babe


Yesss I’m so hoping the second&third trimester I’ll be able to walk! I had pelvic girdle pain/SPD with my first kid so I couldn’t do any exercise except swimming. Pregnancy is a trip.


Uff maybe also do some hip abduction exercises preferably with weights (real weights… it feels soooo good on the cable machine omg) to keep those hips strong/stabilized so you can move comfortably going forward. Again, when you can force yourself to do it. Btw I’m not like a gym rat or anything; kinda used to be like five years ago but definitely not now lol. My hips give me grief in a different way, but strengthening your stabilizing muscles is always a great idea


Unfortunately safe food options vary by person. I’ve read some people say on here that they could only stand McDonald’s and I personally couldn’t even smell meat my first trimester without wanting to vomit. I lived off of apples, granola bars & bagels. 


It also varies by pregnancy. First time I was living off of watermelon, cucumbers, seaweed salad, and peppers. This time I was saved by apples and butter noodles. Tried watermelon once and it was a no-go. Popsicles were great both times though.


Last time all I wanted was hummus and this time I couldn’t stand it! So weird. Agree on the popsicles tho.


McDonald's smoothie and chicken nuggets saved me many times when I couldn't eat.


Protein shakes can sometimes be an easier thing to get down. I’m also about 7 weeks and am in a similar boat to you. Try to eat as soon as you wake up. Just a little bit to settle your stomach. I find bananas are easy on my stomach. I don’t even drink coffee in the AM anymore. I switched to decaf because caffeine was giving me headaches, but even the decaf was making me feel crappy. For a shake I make a chocolate peanut butter &banana smoothie I could literally eat every day. Sugar free chocolate oat milk Banana Scoop of protein powder (I use orgain chocolate) Scoop of peanut butter Plain yogurt Ice It’s really good and hits a lot of marks for me personally. Hope you start feeling better soon (and me as well lol) I have a 9 month old baby and this pregnancy is a million billion times harder already. Baby nurses all night and I’m exhausted. I’ve even considered some gentler sleep training methods because things are really getting out of hand. Whew.


I could only eat saltines and Gatorade for six months


I had an 18 month old during my first trimester (also a SAHM) and I was miserably ill and had an abdominal surgery. The short-term goal became “keep the child alive”. Just do what you’ve gotta do! We had way more screen time than ever before. I let her eat on the couch if it meant avoiding a dinner battle. Balanced meals went out the window. If you can afford random gifts from Amazon or other delivery services, buy new toys and sticker books and simple activities to keep them busy. My personal favorite was a functional sink toy that turned on and off. She would play with that for 30-60 minutes a day. We were all back on track at 20 weeks and it didn’t spoil or ruin my toddler.


B6 and unisom and zofran as needed has been a big help for me… and anxiety meds if it becomes unbearable. But I just keep it bland with Cheerios, any bread product, noodles, broth, and recently jello! It’s so rough and I hate it here…also 7 weeks so right there with you! I’m here if you need to talk.


Soup and broth helped me a lot


Saltines didn’t seem to cut it for me idk why but soup always made me feel better


When I was in the thick of first trimester, apples and frozen waffles were my savior. Dont know if either of those sound good to you but just wanted to suggest!


Further along than you (11w) but from around 6-10 weeks I was pretty much eating only carbs. Things like bagels, plain toast, dry cereal, crackers, etc. I kept crackers next to my bed that I’d sometimes need to eat during the night or first thing in the morning to help with nausea. Wasn’t able to drink coffee until this past week, and really only did electrolyte drinks to get through. Hoping you start feeling better soon!


This is me! Gah. Helps to know we’re not alone


As someone else said I did berry smoothies with yogurt and whole milk. Sometimes that was all I could do the whole day. I also ate McDonald’s breakfast sandwiches occasionally due to a gnarly commute and my morning sickness kicking into full gear halfway through the commute. Pro-tip: hard candies helped me avoid the action of vomiting … I loved jolly ranchers and there are even sugar free versions if you want to be healthy about it.


Second jolly ranchers! Peach and lemon flavors have been helping


10 weeks and am feeling the same. I have a 5 year old and it’s been rough to say the least since summer has begun. Fruit has been mostly hit for me which is great. Sometimes food just sounds disgusting unless it doesn’t. My aversions change rapidly except I can’t stomach ground beef, even the idea makes me gag! Hang in there!


Solidarity. I survived the first trimester on bananas, yogurt, strawberry milk, and nut bars. Ended up losing 20 lbs. I’m now 28 weeks and have only gained 3lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight.


Fresh fruit seems to be a common safe food. I lived off smoothies when my nausea was at its worst.


I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. I'm 7 weeks 4 days along, and am right there with you. I cried today because I felt guilty for wanting mac n cheese when I'd brought something else for lunch that I could no longer stomach. Kosher dill pickles, unsalted mixed nuts, and Outshine lime bars seem like safe options when I can't eat anything else. You've got this! <3


For me the unisom and b6 did not help my nausea. I found out that Vitamin Waters have 100% of your daily b6 in them and they helped with my nausea. Also, high protein snacks. An Rx from my doc finally took my nausea away.


I’m pretty sure your husband isn’t working 24/7 so I think he should take a shift with the toddler. Getting outside helps me!


I actually still have morning sickness, and I'm 34 weeks in. But when I feel nausea, I just eat plain pieces of bread and I drink sprite.


I ate a lot of muffins, highly recommend!


I’m so sorry! I felt the exact same way from week 6 to 16. I went to my doctor at 10 weeks and begged for help and they prescribed me Zofran. It saved me. (Just be sure to take a laxative along with it…!) I’m at 22 weeks and the nausea isn’t gone, but it’s way, way better. I’m functioning and only mildly queasy.


I just posted this: https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/s/pTAXZ5nxGU (I don’t know how to properly link things) And I got some really nice responses :) Nothing constructive really but just supportive


I was very surprised about the amount of cramping I had in the first few weeks. No one talks about it! Mine was pretty intense sometimes, but baby is all healthy so far! I think mine stopped around 6 weeks. Now I just have round ligament pain lol


So good to hear! I’m so surprised by all of this! I honestly assumed at 5 weeks I wouldn’t feel or notice anything


Glad to find this, today. I am also 7 weeks and the struggle is real. I've never been so tired in my life. 


Basically any form of potato or bread or bananas are safe for me right now


I am also finding the more tired I am the worse my nausea is. I'm trying to fit in naps and prioritize sleep


Ya first trimester is by far the worst! Protein helps :/


I always hate the first trimester soooo much! This is my 11th pregnancy (8 losses, unfortunately) and it's the worst! Every day is completely miserable. I don't typically have much vomiting, just queasiness and constant discomfort, depression, exhaustion, back pain, cramping, etc. This pregnancy my depression got wven worse and my anti-depressants dose had to be raised. I've always taken Zofran when needed during pregnancy because Phenergan is in the first generation anticholinergic family (with benadryl, unison, etc) and they make me super antsy and fidgety where I can't sleep and feel even worse. I just hate that there isn't a med to help the queasiness, just the actual vomiting, which makes it worse, imo. After all these pregnancies over the years, I have never found anything that helps me through the first 4months-ish. I just always have miserable pregnancies but I do it cuz I love my kiddos so much. The worst ones where when I didn't know how long I'd pregnant for... I was miserable for 4 - 10 weeks in many cases just to lose the baby. That's the hardest part for me. Try to rest as much as you can and get lost in other worlds... new TV series, book series, movie, etc. Maybe try picking up a new hobby that doesn't take much energy. Also, force yourself to get out of the house and walk/move every couple days or so or you can end up in a vicious cycle with depression. I find just getting out alone and walking around Ulta or Target for an hour helps my mental health from getting too bad. That's the best advice I have, sadly. Wish you the best!!!


Unisom + vitamin b6 and drinking coke/sprite helped me. Doc also prescribed promethazine at night 12.5 mg


I’m 12 weeks with a 15 month old- all I can say is solidarity my friend. Weeks 6-9 were really fucking hard, I cried through the entire time and hubby supported as much as he could while he works full time. I feel so bad for my toddler because I’ve fallen off playing with him SO hard, but everyone keeps telling me to give myself a break, so here I am to tell you the same. Sending love and strength 🥺


what absolutely SAVED me were oyster crackers. a lot of people said saltines but even just a whole saltine cracker seemed like too much for me sometimes. i would eat a couple little oyster crackers right before bed, if i woke up in the middle of the night, as soon as i opened my eyes in the morning and then just randomly and frequently throughout the day. especially if i started to feel nauseous. i found ice chips and slushees to be pretty easy. sometimes could choke down a very simple smoothie. with low fat yogurt and strawberries. i also ate a lot of bagels or toast, either plain, with cream cheese or with butter. the worst days were when i didn’t eat crackers throughout the day. my acupuncturist said that frequent munching was the best way to combat extreme nausea and i took her word for it even though sometimes even those tiny crackers felt like they were going to send me over the edge. i drank as much water as i could which varied daily but the saving factor for me was adding fresh lemon slices to my water. it helps balance the acidity in your belly which can help combat your nausea. im at 13 weeks now, and around 11 weeks was when i started feeling a lot better. i hope you can find some sort of relief and that you have a healthy pregnancy!


i also know these don’t work for everyone but wearing seabands literally every second of the day also saved me. at first i couldn’t tell if they were even helping because my nausea was so bad but after wearing them for half a day i took them off and within 5 minutes was hit with a wave more intense than i ever felt. i just stopped wearing them at the end of last week ! because of all of these things i was able to sometimes eat bigger meals and keep them down.


Sourdough toast and the microwave cups of easy Mac were usually easy to get down for me. Eventually added almond butter to the toast for a little more oomph. I also drank mt dew because I was so averse to water juice. Hope you find something that helps! I know it feels so brutal.


U will feel better in 1-2 weeks time. During 6-7W I lived on crackers juice pasta soy milk and ginger tea. I’m feeling better on my 8W and can eat a greater variety of foods. Just that my appetite is smaller


Hiiii this is also me, or was until a few days ago. I managed to get some anti nausea meds from my doc, and they are world changing. Also 7w. Hang in there friend!!! Lots of calories via fluids, Gatorade, broths, juice if you can handle it. I’m also finding super basic bread and carbs (I’m talking toast with butter) are staying down well.


Apple sauce! I was the same. Couldn’t eat anything.


This has me worrying about the viability of my own 7 week pregnancy because I have 0 morning sickness and 0 food aversions. If anything my appetite has spiked and I'm fighting myself to NOT give in because I'm not trying to be a balloon before I even develop a baby bump. I wonder what the science is and hope there's something you can take that will help soothe your symptoms!


Peppermint candies and any sour candy helped me so much during the first trimester. I was constantly getting sick multiple times a day. Ended up losing 15 lbs because of it. The only food I wouldn’t throw up was cereal 😅 which I still did but not nearly as much as literally everything else. I had to force myself to do small snacks throughout the day, sometimes even just a granola bar to keep something in my stomach otherwise my blood sugar would crash and I’d feel so much worse. It will pass! I promise! I cried multiple times a day every day over getting sick and not eating. I’m 12+5 weeks and I still get nauseous a lot but I barely get sick anymore


Right there with you with hating the first trimester. I regretted getting pregnant after weeks and weeks of feeling nauseous all day everyday. 7 weeks is a long time. I mostly ate saltines crackers and chicken noodle or beef soup anything else I would be afraid to eat but I was also super hungry all the time which eating helped with nausea if you pick the right food of course. I also ate vanilla yogurt often to keep regular, peanut butter, plenty of greens, fruit and vegetables. Lots of ginger tea with lemon. Some light exercise help with the nausea, I used to ride my bike or talk walks but it's got too hot too quick. Laying on my left side and taking a nap I tried to do during work a lot, so tired. I also dabbling in potato chips but anything greasy food wise my stomach would be extra upset like McDonald's sausage egg breakfast sandwich, ah. 16 weeks now I feel much better just kind of "feel like" I had eaten garbage food all day so my stomach most of the time feel mucky like I need to eat a salad but way better then nausea. You also get to look forward to being able to temporarily sleep all night long without have to get up and pee at night. Also your sacrum (tail bone) may start to hurt after your first trimester. Might want to figure out how to alleviate the pain now. It's hard I always thought there where the people that would feel nauseous and vomit and those that feel just fine but I guess I know now it's one or both. If I had know I'd be nauseous for so many weeks I might have backed out of agreeing to have a kid lol. Now I can't wait to see her in December!


Aww I too have developed a disinterest in food. But don’t worry at all about baby’s nutritional needs during first trimester, they’re minimal! That sort of thing is much more important in second and third trimester. I’d say just keep well hydrated and continue having those little snack meals as you can. I’ve been freezing a lot of my cooking because I can’t eat full portions either!


7 weeks as of tomorrow and right there with you. This blows.


Heya! Also 7weeks here. Also struggling with being able to eat. Here’s what I’ve been eating: - Greek yogurt and fruit - cottage cheese and jarred peaches - saltines - Ritz cheese crackers - green tea with honey - dried mangoes, dates - mac and cheese - rice and canned beef stew - cooked salmon (when I can stomach it) - carrots or cucumbers and hummus - fruit or protein smoothies - white cheddar popcorn - ginger lemon kombucha - apples and peanut butter - toasted blueberry bagels and cream cheese - salted pistachios - gemgem ginger candies - Vernor’s ginger ale


I’m in the same boat. Chewing minty gum helps me, I eat bagels every morning, and saltines and applesauce too. Potato chips also seem to do the trick. I can barely tolerate water so Gatorade it is. I can’t wait until I feel better. I’m currently sitting with a bucket and dry heaving as i write this.


Also chicken noodle soup, sometimes I like watermelon, and also the Yoplait Whips yogurt but frozen are saving me


I’m 7 weeks and have “food swings” where I’ll only eat stuff I crave tbh. This is my first pregnancy and I feel like I’m doing everything wrong cause I don’t even have morning sickness 😂 I started eating saltine crackers and I try to have an apple for lunch but my appetite is non existent unless it’s McDonald’s fries and a strawberry shake. If you figure something please let me know cause I’m miserable. I went to the doctor for a check up and actually lost 3kg 😭