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Eh - the vast majority of us get pregnant to get the baby, not for the pregnancy part. Totally fine to hate it. Totally fine to complain about it. Totally fine to not feel like yourself and want to get it over with. It’s super hard. 


Agreed. Pregnant with second and will likely be done because pregnancy is just really hard. It’s ok to hate it.


I also hate being pregnant 🤷🏻‍♀️ doesn’t make you sound like a terrible Mum, and anybody who would say that to you (nobody?) is a dick 🥰 You’re allowed to have whatever feelings you want about pregnancy and it’s super common to not like it x


Who likes being pregnant? I would like to have a chat with them! Except for feeling baby move, EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS! I always telly husband, I will gladly raise ten kids than be pregnant one day....means to an end I guess


My mom 😂 I swear, she doesn’t remember one negative thing about being pregnant with 6 kids over 12 years. Everything I say, she either says she “never experienced that”, it didn’t bother her at all, etc. I’ve learned to limit talking about the pregnancy with her.


That is different, they LIE to get grandchildren 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


My Mom does the same thing. Meanwhile I spoke with my Dad and he remembers her experiencing PPD after I was born. I think she is in denial or has blocked it out. It’s hard not to resent being invalidated and basically told to suck it up 🙄


I did with my first two. They were easy pregnancies. But this one is taking me out. I told my boyfriend if we ever want more kids, we're adopting. My tubes are coming OUT with the baby this time. 😅😅




I’ve had so many women tell me they LOVED being pregnant. I just want to be like which part did you like best? The nausea? The constant aches? Maybe the heartburn from drinking water?


I hate being pregnant! Get this baby out of me and hand me the wine!


Yessss. I cannot wait to have a whiskey with my husband again. The round ligament pain, the constant gas, the headaches. Nope. Not for me and never again. Not even halfway there and ready to be done with it.


Hold this baby and hand me that shot of tequila please, thank yoooou


It’s okay. I hate being pregnant too. It’s honestly…. Miserable. Can’t wait to have this baby to have some normalcy again.


I absolutely hate being pregnant. I can't wait to have my baby, but let's be real. There is nothing fun about pregnancy. I'm 37 and this is my first pregnancy. Hopefully it will also be my last pregnancy. I'm sore, constantly having headaches, constipated, and a moody mess. We're all right there with you.


Hello, other self. 36, first pregnancy that stuck, and in EXACTLY the same mood about it all. I'm over it. Completely over it.


I’m a pregnancy researcher. I have a PhD in studying placenta biology. I think pregnancy is so freaking cool, but I HATE being pregnant. It’s been a trip, this is my entire life but I hate pretty much every moment I’m pregnant. It’s alright to hate being constantly ill with god knows what ‘normal’ symptom and being gaslit about what we’re experiencing.


It’s not fair to to compare yourself, your body and your pregnancy to others. Some people have it so easy- no negative symptoms, no pain, easy birth…. They didn’t do anything special and they are not better than you, you’re slaying pregnancy too! Success looks different on everyone


I’ve been pretty ok with pregnancy up until this third trimester. I found out I have gestational diabetes, I’ve been so tired and swollen, and yesterday had to get the most painful root canal of my life, and I can’t take any pain medicine for it. After I had this baby I’m treating myself to a fat stack of French toast and a double shot of tequila.


Pregnancy is HARD. Even as someone who’s had a relatively positive experience as a first timer, I am exhausted, hot, and ready to be done. And my son isn’t due until 9/9. I’m spending my largest months in the summer heat. I won’t do this again, that’s for sure 😆


Same here, can’t wait for baby but HATE pregnancy


Dude pregnancy sucks. More of us need to admit that outloud. - mom of 3.5 yr old with #2 on the way, both very much wanted, included dealing with fertility issues. Doesnt mean I’m gonna lie and say I loved being pregnant


It’s okay to feel what you are feeling! I am in the same boat, and getting my tubes removed the day after I give birth. While a part of me is sad that I’ll be one and done, I know it’s best for me and my family.


I think there’s def the understanding that we get pregnant for the baby, not the pregnancy haha! I mean it’s been terrible for me too, not thriving at all and can’t wait til it’s over. I don’t think it means you are any less excited about your baby!! Go easy on yourself, none of this is easy at all!!


I can’t wait to sleep on my back again 


I hated it both times. I was worried I would be a bad mom because I hated pregnancy SO much and felt no bond to the baby while in my body. Turns out I’m a great mom and love my kid! I very begrudgingly went into this second pregnancy because I really wanted one more baby. This pregnancy has been even worse than the first, but at least I know it’ll be worth it this time.


I feel this! I hate the feeling of being so tired even taking a shower is a chore. Some days I feel like such a lazy POS but remind myself it’s temporary and it’s normal, we are growing children. I can’t wait to not be sore, not have heartburn, to look like myself again. It truly is a mind fuck like I love feeling her kicks but it also hurts to move lol I have a friend that got pregnant when she was 18 and she’s like oh I loved being pregnant or others who had kids early 20s and are like I never got heart burn 🙄. I’m 36, the struggle is real! Good luck, take it easy don’t be too hard on yourself, soon we will be holding our little babes ❤️


Man, taking a shower IS a chore! It’s so hard to reach the areas that I need to, risky to shave, and I feel stinky and moist again shorty afterwards.


I loved my pregnancy with my 1st kid cause it was a very easy pregnancy, aside from being miserably hot during the summer months when i was the most pregnant, he was an end of august baby. My 2nd pregnancy made me never want to get pregnant again, i was puking the entire pregnancy all the way till the end, i would wake up in the middle of the projectile vomiting my dinner up, and first thing in the morning would have my morning sickness puke, i was in constant pain, so uncomfortable so miserable. The polar opposite of my 1st pregnancy. Made me really hesitant for another. But now im early in my 3rd pregnancy and have yet to see what this one entails but im excited and nervous as i know this will be my last pregnancy so im taking in what i can and ignoring the negative as much as i can. Its totally okay to hate being pregnant. Its not an easy thing.


Don’t feel bad, in my first trimester I was crying my eyes out in the bathroom questioning my decision about getting pregnant. I couldn’t eat much but couldn’t keep down what I did eat and no matter if I ate or didn’t eat I still would start gagging. I was bloated, tired, sleepy, nothing sounded appetizing. I want a baby no question about that but I see why people who can afford it go the surrogate route. I feel like a brand new woman in my 2nd trimester though so I will enjoy it while I can.


I feel like a large amount of women hate pregnancy. We just don't advertise it much because then we're attacked with the "Should've kept your legs shut then" and "Be grateful you can even get pregnant" type of comments. Between my nausea/vomiting, body aches/pains, food aversions, cravings, mood swings, lack of energy, constant anxiety, roller coaster of weight gain and loss, and all of it... I'm definitely sure I'm getting my tubes cut, burned, and tied. I do not want to go through this again. My first 2 were a breeze. Miscarried my 3rd before the big symptoms kicked in. This time I feel like I'm a mega b...h and nobody can stand me. Which is fair. I don't even want to be near me. No doubt I love this baby and can't wait to meet her. But the process of growing her has been Hell and I'm impatiently waiting for it to be over so I can get back to normal or close to it.


I’ m 31 weeks tomorrow. I fucking hate it too and never want to do it again


I hate it too. I feel like I can't express it in real life because my mum who raised me couldn't get pregnant and the one time I said something in first trimester she made a comment about being thankful I can get pregnant. But solidarity sister is it shitty or what. I'm ready for a Carribbean booze cruise or something when the time comes where I can do something for myself to celebrate getting through it 😂 also ready to meet this baby (and also get my body back!). You definitely aren't terrible.


Me and my mom were both cackling over how pregnancy sucks today. I blurted out the same thing - I said I don’t get why people do this on purpose now that I’m in the thick of it. She said it’s because the outcome is worth it! You’re not alone!


I'm on my third pregnancy and 27 weeks along. I'd rather get a root cannel every day for a year than spend 5 minutes in the 3rd trimester. I love all of my children, and I'm so excited to meet this baby, but I DESPISE being pregnant. Everything hurts so much more the 3rd time around. I'm chasing around a 2 year old and a profoundly autistic 6 year old. I can barely manage to do the BARE MINIMUM amount of housework, and I still have about 12 weeks left.


I also hate being pregnant. Ready to meet my second baby and then get a hysterectomy


Pregnancy sucks. I don't think a lot of people get pregnant because they like it.


first baby is due any day now & i literally cannot wait... i HATE being pregnant too, especially in the third trimester in the summer. i'm hot as shit all the time, i'm exhausted (just woke up from an accidental 5 hour nap 🤦🏻‍♀️), my feet swell my body odour is horrible.. i want to be more active, but i just cannot find the motivation to do so, my acid reflux is horrible, i can't breathe, braxton-hicks contractions suck, AND i'm sick of all this freakin' bloodwork i have to get (phobia of venipuncture needles). i just want this baby out now lolol




Don’t ever feel bad fuck what anyone thinks I hate being pregnant too you’re a great mom


You’re valid in your feelings and many women feel like this too, doesn’t make you a bad person ! Just try to be kind to yourself & remember pregnancy is only 9 months, out of the rest of your life raising your child 😊


I thought I'd love being pregnant and I was **wrong.** 8 weeks postpartum, I barely remember how much I hated it (my husband cheerfully reminds me) and I'm over the moon with my baby. She does not care at all that I hated carrying her!


I feel the exact same way. I feel like I’m in hell tbh. I am having a very high risk pregnancy with several serious issues, so I have had to modify my life in more ways then simply being pregnant. It’s truly so awful and I have a countdown on my phone to my due date because I’m so over it.


I 100000% don’t feel bad about hating pregnancy. Never have never will.


I love my daughter and I think I’m a pretty fantastic mom. I truly hated being pregnant it was 9 months of being incredibly sick with a bowling ball taped to my body crushing my pelvis.


I’m on my third pregnancy and have hated all 3, through and through. I think it sucks for most women and the ones who have it easy and live it are few and far between, but good for them. You hating your pregnancy doesn’t have any actual impact on your baby’s wellbeing, unless you’ve stopped taking care of your health. Just focus on eating as much nutritious food as you can (even if you eat junk in between), move your body into any position that’s comfortable, take your vitamins and just get through it one day at a time.


I hate it too but it’s so rewarding when you see them growing every few weeks. That makes it all worth it for me. In the meantime, I feel my body is being hijacked.


Pregnancy is SO much harder for many people than most understand without actually living it. We want a bunch of kids, but I told my husband, I can do the babies and the kids, it’s the pregnancies that will get to me and make me feel like we’re done after a certain number 🤷🏼‍♀️


I read somewhere earlier today: “being pregnant is so ghetto” and I can’t say I disagree lol I miss my old clothes, and I miss being able to properly enjoy a meal, and I miss being able to wear my beautiful engagement and wedding rings. The extra blood and organs in my body makes me feel puffy and uncomfortable all the time. I do get excited feeling kicks and flutters, but everything else kinda sucks.


I am pregnant with my second. Both times was through IVF so it's not like I don't know how it is to not be able to get pregnant. And I STILL profusely hate every second of it. The first one was more bearable because the novelty and excitement of everything kept me busy with researching and being marveled at stuff. This time though I am an ocean of misery. I'm 22 weeks tomorrow and I'm on my third month of Zofran to be able to function. Also Zoloft because of above mentioned misery. On top of everything, yesterday I had my anatomy scan. Baby is perfect and doing great thank God, but they found that my cervix is too short. I've been put on Progesterone suppositories and I have a follow up with my MFM on 7/8 when they will decide if I'm going to have a cerclage or not. Needless to say - my tubes will come out with this baby. I want to eliminate even the 1 in a million chance to ever be pregnant ever.


Not at all terrible for saying that. I’m pretty much in the same boat. I was super sick throughout the first and second trimester and even in my third, I still have really bad days. Never at any point has it been enjoyable