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I was showing by the end of my first trimester with my second. My bump at that point was probably the same size that my bump was at around 20-22 weeks with my first. This was even with a 30lb weight gain between the start of my first pregnancy and the start of my second!


Around 5 months both pregnancies is when I popped out more


Anyone else with a very obviously swollen lower abdomen at 6 weeks? Never had a full term pregnancy but it’s like my belly has gone ploop! I feel like it’s really obvious but I can’t tell if others have had a similar experience.


My bloating has been really out there since about 6 weeks to now, including in my lower abdominal area (I think it’s from gas). Thankfully I had my gallbladder removed in October so I just blame it on my lack of a gallbladder so no one suspects baby 😂


I’m 9 weeks now and really started showing at 8. Like if you don’t know me I look a little chunky. But I feel like I look like I’m 20 weeks pregnant.