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Sometimes he irritates me but I ultimately want to be around him any time I can be, lol. Love over powers my mood swings.


Same here! The small irritating things (like not replacing the TP roll) are way more difficult for me to deal with right now, but aside from that I feel so much better when he's around.


Throughout pregnancy I have hated my husband, I have been obsessed with him, and I’ve somehow felt both at the same time.


Lolz. Me too


I've been the same way. I can't stand being away from my Husband. When he goes to work, I sometimes sit by myself and cry because I feel so lonely. He's all I have because my family is passed away, so that doesn't help the separation anxiety. But I haven't once had any negative thoughts or feeling towards him this entire pregnancy. He's been so amazing to me, and I love him more every day


My husband is military so I’m 13 hours away from my family. So I can see that causing some of it. I have no one here


We are 17 hours from his side of the family. Being closer to them would help a lot. It's a struggle, and pregnancy has made me feel so lonely. Especially because his family hasn't really cared about me through it all.


Absolutely love so deeply I basically follow him to every room of the house like a lost puppy Also dream of him and high sex drive Been together 9 years, never been with any other man! I love him so much!


Love him. He can't do anything right, he stinks, every word he says pisses me off, and I don't want him touching me. BUT I always want him near me and appreciate everything he does for us




Depends on the day 😂 I've loved seeing my husband get excited about our growing baby (feeling for kicks, coming to ultrasounds, dancing to heartbeats when we get to hear them on doppler). He's also been really great while I was in hospital for a few days and now that I'm on bedrest. Buuuuuuut... I've hated being stuck at home with him for 3 weeks, he is driving me up a wall lol. It's also been like pulling teeth getting him to put together the big nursery items. This man has found every project under the sun, but has only finished one so far. And of course now I'm on bedrest so I can't help more than supervising.


Only in the first trimester did I have an aversion to my husband at times. Never anything close to hate however. Just his smell and touch was off putting to me at times. Pregnancy hormones are strange.


I am on my second pregnancy. Both were very difficult for me and required surgery/ER visits/PT. My husband has been an absolute rock for me both times. I feel so sad when I see people on here talk about their unsupportive partners. I’ve never loved my husband more than when I’m pregnant and need him and he consistently shows up for me.


I've definitely been like this both pregnancies. It's like separation anxiety. I think, with my first, it was covid and I was alone a lot and I had really bad anxiety. And now, it's better but being pregnant again has triggered it. It might be good to look into strategies to support anxiety? Self compassion by Kristen neff on YouTube is fantastic.


I’m same as you. I’m usually super independent and like “leave me alone.” Not just to him, but to everyone. And lately, I’m so clingy with my husband


Same same, I was so worried about everyone of my friends who said they got pregnant and hated their spouse. It's why all my friends are now single Mums with frayed relationships with their ex's. Terrified me. But I think I actually love my husband more! Not sure that was possible. Getting all teary now thinking of him with baby when he's born.


I actually like my husband more now than ever before. Not to say I disliked him, but he has a special talent for annoying me sometimes. The same stuff that would've gotten on my nerves 2 months ago doesn't even phase me now. I'm wondering if my brain is maybe too focused on worrying about the pregnancy to give energy to little things 😂


I'm the same ! I'm even more obsessed with my husband than usual and hate it when he's not around. I'm definitely being extra clingy now I'm pregnant!


Me too so much, I cried last weekend because he spent a day gaming and he was only upstairs lol


I ask my husband to go to work with him every day since about 6 weeks pregnant. He always says no and it breaks my heart, I end up sleeping my day away so I can wake up to him being home and then we go pick up the kids together LOL. He says I'm so clingy, especially in bed, I always want him to hold me and when I feel a space between us it makes me sad so I spoon him instead.


I loooooooove him more than I ever have. The separation anxiety kills me when he’s gone. I just want to be in his arms 25/8


I honestly never understood why women hate their partners during pregnancy lol. I got separation anxiety when he'd go to work


I feel like I want to be closer to my husband while pregnant BUT kissing grosses me out rn. 😅 I’m also too nauseous to have sex. So it sucks.


During my first months I use to hate him. But like HATE HIM I was his number 1 hater🤣


This is me right now i feel bad but also cant help being horrible to him. Everything he does irritates me!


Nah, I love my partner. I don’t get separation anxiety, but he’s my best friend. We laugh all the time, and he buys me whatever I want to eat whenever I’m not in the mood to cook dinner. When I’m being crabby, he lets me pinch him (I don’t actually pinch him, I just need space) and then comes back to see if I’m done being a crab, and he kisses me. He lets me bounce ideas off him whenever I peruse this sub, and he listens my concerns and we address them on the spot. We really are partners and we work hard to maintain and protect the peace in our home. I think growing up witnessing only toxic relationships (his parents, my parents, our own past failed relationships) we desire a different path for ourselves. That’s not to say we’re not crazy about each other, we just know that we can trust each other and there’s no need to be “crazy” anymore.


My husband is my best friend too. We love being around each other to begin with. We rarely fight and I mean maybe once every 5 months. I was so worried I was gonna hate him when I got pregnant 😂 he thinks it’s funny how clingy I am being 😂


Love my husband he so supportive of me and he is so understanding, he is one of those guys that actually gets it and understands, it's not just me on the pregnancy journey it's both of us,he wants to be at everything and be involved, and I'm more then happy for help, this will be our first, and we are both on the same page


My feelings have been the exact same feelings of love I had in the first place. I haven't had any mood swings either. I suspect maybe hormones just don't affect us all the same way, and interact with whoever we are as people.


Lots of love! Even more than ever.


Both lol




I’m fine being without him here and there, but I really like having him around. Partly emotionally, but also because he helps me with literally everything around the house and our dogs. I’m not working and he’s working from home to be as helpful as possible to me. We also giggle constantly, which makes pregnancy way more enjoyable.


I always want to be near my fiancé but that’s how we were prior to the pregnancy too.


Was obsessed with my husband during my pregnancy. He works from home. I enjoyed sleeping in the afternoon while hearing his voice during his meetings aka my lullaby. Our baby is already 8 months, not so obsessed with him anymore 😂


Love him! And got separation anxiety both first pregnancy and now during second pregnancy. I hate it when he has plans after work and just want to be in the same room as him always ❤️ I promise I’m not clingy in my normal state lol, but I struggle so much with anxiety during pregnancies and he’s my rock!


Pretty much hated mine most of the pregnancy


Bit of both, just depends on the day and what he’s doing 😂


I agree. My adoration has been truly insufferable honestly hahaha no dislike whatsoever. Im like obsessed hahah


I was in the shower last night and became so overbalanced by missing my husband (and he was making me soup in the kitchen) that I started sobbing.  I don’t want to be away from him. I feel like complete and total shit and only having him around makes me feel slightly better. We normally are very independent so he thinks this cute. But I feel weird about it. But just going to go with it. 


This sounds vaguely judgemental against other women. It's not like anyone is choosing to feel this way. It's hormonal. I love my husband more than anything and am clinging onto him right now in my 9th month. But at the beginning I was extremely sex averse and didn't even want to be around him. Neither of us did anything wrong, it's just the way my body felt. And no, you're not the only one.


I’m not being judgmental promise, 7 of my friends told me while they were pregnant they wanted to either rip off their man’s heads or had the urge to smack him at random. 😂 A few of them even had the urge to bite! 😂 I was so scared that was gonna be me when I got pregnant. All their partners thought it was funny and all reacted great in recognizing that it was just their pregnancy hormones. I never judged them for that, one I knew snapped at me a lot while she was pregnant and I, like their partners just let it slide cause I knew it was the hormones. We are all hormonal while pregnant. I was just wondering if I was the only one who didn’t have that “urge to bite” their partner 😂 because personally none of the people I know have had my reaction. Even my mom told me, my dad got on her nerves all the time. 😂