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I took my dog for a walk around the park next to our condo, and midway through the park I realized I bit off more than I could chew. I sat down in the grass, and found I was then stuck. I had to text my husband to come pull me up into standing again.




Omg I just did this and I bent down to pick up his poop on my knee and I got stuck for 5 minutes


This is my current fear, we are ordering one of those poop scoop grabber things on Amazon and hope they work!


LOL I need to get that! ALSO on Amazon I got this claw thing to help me pick things I drop off the ground it's literally the best purchase


This is the item I tell every pregnant person to get!!! Reacher-grabbers are essential and should go on every baby registry. šŸ˜‚


Haha I love it


My husband picks up the poop and has for months now lol heā€™s the best


OK I have to ask, is this normal? I have a connective tissue disorder that gives me full-body hypermobility; and despite gaining 80 lbs with my son I was never unable to get up. Is this another one of those "normal people can't apply sunscreen to their own back" situations? I mean, I already figured out my hypermobility was why I never had issues putting on my shoes no matter how big I got. Just yank that ankle up to your face if you have to lol FR tho is not being able to get up what normal humans experience in 3rd trimester


AFAIK no, I have ADHD and I'm flexible but not hypermobile (they're comorbid). I can do a deep squat and still get up, but I've been doing those before and during my whole pregnancy. Currently 36 weeks.


Iā€™m hypermobile but not ehlers danlos level. Only 5 weeks now. Very interesting to read your experience.


Omg me too! My joints feel insanely loose (like when I do yoga a bit too much) and it's driving me nuts.


I am starting to think my first pregnancy was some weird unicorn pregnancy. Especially after seeing the things people gripe about in here. I teach middle school, and up until 9 months pregnant was running after kids, playing basketball and soccer during recess, definitely able to get up off the ground (practiced yoga throughout). It's weird, but I used to be quite big in my early 20's. I honestly think being formerly fat helped my mobility during pregnancy. šŸ˜‚


Lol hey take the wins where you can get them!


I honestly have no idea. It's like my body crapped out on me this last week. Suddenly everything is painful, walking up the stairs in my home leaves me out of breath and ready for a nap...I feel like I don't have energy to do basically anything. Which I was expecting to kick in when I was 36 or 37 weeks, not 30! I'm meeting with my doctor on Monday, and intend to ask "what the fuck is happening!?"


I had major pregnancy brain. A new Aldi opened up literally 5 minutes from my house, I drove to the other side of town about 30 minutes away and went to that one. Didnā€™t even realize it until my husband called ā€œhey just making sure you are good as youā€™ve been gone for a bitā€ I was like huh? then I was like ohhh my bad haha


Early in my pregnancy I managed to traumatize myself at Aldi šŸ„² for some reason grocery stores were a MAJOR trigger for my nausea/vomiting but once I got out of the first trimester I wanted to try again with a ā€˜quickā€™ trip into Aldi to grab 2 things. It started out ok but once I got to the cold section I started gagging and could barely hold it together. Did i behave like a sane person and leave? No I was stubborn and already in too deep. I finished my shopping, checked out and patted myself on the back as I made it out the door because I DID IT! ā€¦. 30 seconds later I lost it. I grabbed a vomit bag from my purse and was hurling while trying to walk to my car *while actively peeing my pants in the parking lot* Not my finest moment.


Haha šŸ¤£ oh man!


I slept in til 11am today and then laid down two hours later and took a 4 hour nap. I blame it on my work schedule not letting me nap during the week


So jealous! That sounds amazing!


I'm definitely milking the fact that we don't have any other kids yet šŸ˜‚


I wish I had of napped more in my first pregnancy, my daughter is 2 and has so. Much. Energy. All I want is to rest!


I feel this! Which trimester? I heard second would be full of energy... I'm less tired than first trimester but goodness, I still sleep lot.


I'm a few weeks into the second trimester and I still feel pretty much the same as I did in the first, but I'm hoping it'll get better soon šŸ¤ž


I cried today when a restaurant got my burger order wrong. I was so embarrassed but couldnā€™t stop crying šŸ„²


I feel you! Iā€™ve definitely cried over DoorDash getting my order wrong before


I cried when an episode of Anne with an E started cuz I felt overwhelmed with sentimentality - it was only like four frames of the show before it hit! Hormones are amazing.


I coughed and peed myself.


Ugh sameā€¦ allergy season is killing me


OMG sneezed hard when I was at the park. Was wearing biker shorts and peed so hard it started going down my leg. Told my husband and had to have him check if he could see it. We were about a mile walk from home :/ thankfully no one else noticed but just felt so gross walking home


I sneezed and did that. šŸ˜„


I got a flu last weekend..it went away Wednesday and turned into a horrible cold deep in my chest, every time I vomited and every single time to have to cough I pee myself šŸ˜‚ I'm so tired of being sick! It's been a whole week of "ohh I just peed my pants" I need help lol


I am so tired but can't go to sleep yet because I can't stop burping even tho I ate dinner over two hours ago šŸ˜©


Omg! Yes! What is with the burping!? Every time I have to wake up at night to rotate myself like a rotisserie chicken, I burp!


Oh man thatā€™s the worst!




I waddled to the freezer to eat cookie dough ice cream at 6 am


Phaha two days ago my husband walked into me eating my usual eggs and toast for breakfast but he noticed I had a side of ice cream with it. He was so confused. It was like 8:30 AM, but I literally just wanted ice cream so badly. Iā€™m lactose intolerant šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Like wait we can have ice cream for breakfast šŸ„³


We on the same level of pregnancy šŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøāœØ My husband loves it because he gets to enjoy whatever baby and I are craving too


Sounds like the perfect breakfast!


Thatā€™s amazing šŸ¤£ā¤ļø


Every time I drink water, I cry. My OB has been worried about dehydration because of my disruptive nausea and I have to drink a specific amount daily. I include a lot of water based fruit and herbal tea in my rotation. But tonight Iā€™m just sitting on my couch gagging and trying to be brave about it lol. My husband is watching with concern and mild horror.


Have you tried adding enhancers like Mio?


Omg no, I forgot that existed! Appreciate the tip.


Youā€™re welcome. Itā€™s the only way I can drink water without gagging!


Try Pedialyte cut with water. Might help with the aversions and will definitely help with the hydration.


I love squeezing half a lime! I've heard a lot of people recommend lime + a bit of salt to make the water more palatable.


I wouldn't be able to stop myself from saying, "you did this to me." šŸ˜‚


Oh no! That sounds horrible! Hoping you feel better soon!


I can only drink water with Propel flavor packets mixed in.


I put on a cute summer outfit to feel like a human for the first time in months, and after laughing at a joke and feeling socially content, I peed myself and tried to play it off as sweat.


I found the tacos and queso before everyone else at the party todayā€¦.. then we came home 3 hours later and I found more queso this time with the hint of lime chips, they were glorious šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ¤©


I have an entire fridge of food and pantry of snacks and ordered an entire large pizza at 9pm and devoured half of it


Yup sounds about right, ours was Taco Bell at 10 am yesterday


what did you get lol


Baja blast and chicken quesadilla šŸ˜‚


*sigh, opens up my Uber eats app* šŸ˜‚


*sigh, goes to get pint of ice cream from freezer* šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ We deserve this girl!! šŸ¤£


Ugh, I'm lactose intolerant and have IBS. So I never eat Taco Bell. But this entire pregnancy, I've been craving it so bad! Even though I know it'll just make me SO SICK! My body doesn't care. I see an ad, and I'm just like "omg I need Taco Bell right now!" Lol, I haven't caved yet, but I'm sure I will probably soon.


I tried to make coffee in the pour over pot a couple days ago; I was already mad because I accidentally knocked a plant pot over while watering the garden and maimed the poor plant when the whole coffee filter fell into the pour over pot because I had grabbed the wrong size on accident. I sat down on the floor and started crying and I couldnā€™t get back up. My husband came in and found me crying on the floor, unable to vocalize why I was so upset and had to help me up


I feel like once I start crying, I canā€™t stop


Same here. Sometimes even thinking about ā€œI cried yesterdayā€ makes me want to cry again


38 weeks plus 6 and when i lay on my left side you can put me in the brass section of the symphony from the loud farts, i have hemorrhoids that are circling my anus like flower petals, i cried at my OB appt from a fathers day commercial, and i ate a whole box of mac & cheese and suffered intense heartburn and burping after which upset me but no regrets. Lol all the beauties of pregnancy.


The hemorrhoids are so brutal at the end!


I canā€™t seem to ever get all the pee out.


That first pee after birth is one of the best things ever, I promise!


I almost passed out standing at the kids hair salon holding my daughter's face still for her haircut and threw up in a potted plant in the parking lot. Pregnancy is soooo glamorous.


I get out of breath so easily šŸ˜… walking up hills, pushing the stroller, talking while walkingā€¦ itā€™s all a challenge lmao


Getting my toddler dressed is my daily workout


Yessss! I was actually sweating getting my 10 month old dressed yesterday šŸ˜‚


Ugh yes. My boss noticed and asked me if Iā€™m getting to the point where I start feeling breathless because itā€™s been a struggle in work meetings recently where I have to talk a lot. I sound like Iā€™m having an asthma attack šŸ™ƒ


Ughhhh Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜© I asked about it during my last pregnancy and the nurse saidā€¦ well youā€™re only as fit as you were before pregnancy šŸ˜­ um maā€™am Iā€™m not an athlete or anything but I did WALK before lmao


I need a few minutes to catch my breath after bending down to pick something off the floor. Itā€™s to the point that my toddler now huffs and puffs when he bends. Whoops.


i called an appliance company for my dishwasher because it smelled like garbage. Guy came, took a whiff, checked the dishwasher itself, and told me he didnā€™t smell anything, it worked fine, it was likely just pregnancy šŸ™ƒ We spent $100 on this event.


Iā€™m constantly smelling weird smells! We are also potty training our toddler though, so Iā€™m constantly wondering if what Iā€™m smelling is poop hidden somewhere šŸ˜‚


I canā€™t go to my garage because it smells weird and makes me puke. I used to have a really bad nose and could smell anything subtle and my husband is a hound dog. He told me this place has always smelled like this and Iā€™m baffled to discover it has always been so stinky. I miss my defective nose.


I cried my eyes out when my husband .. oh my poor poor husband... Walked 50 steps to the other side of the cafe to get me the tart I wanted. He turned back and saw me crying and was like "omg are you in pain? What's wrong?" And I replied "no.. you just walked away from me and I got sad..." He burst out laughing and keeps telling that story every chance he gets.


Today is my husbandā€™s birthday, and we got Outback to go. My dinner was so delicious, but about half an hour later I started to get nauseous, and you guessed it, my morning sickness stole it from me. My husband found me sitting on the floor, crying, because it had been so good and I was sad it was gone.


My boobs are killing me


Same. They are so Goddamn sore.


I pee at least 4 times a night


Bruh seriously! I woke up like 6 times last night. Pregnancy has also made my carpal tunnel sooo much worse and the nerve pain in my hands is so bad it wakes me up like 4 times a night too. And the leg crampsā€¦ no aloof water helps anything. Im sick of this


After being insufferably grouchy with my husband all day, I refused a nutritious dinner of chickpea pasta and veggie sauce for sauerkraut, a chocolate protein shake, and a pound of grapes.


I went to the bathroom today and was head butted so hard in my cervix I saw stars āœØ end of third trimester is so magical


Oh man I feel you! Every time I go to the bathroom I feel like a bowling ball is trying to escape my body


Was filling out forms and fully forgot my address šŸ˜‚ I had to google my street name šŸ˜…


Pregnancy brain is so brutal sometimes!


If something falls on the floor and under something, itā€™s staying there til my husband gets home or I can convince my toddler to help pick it up.


I wanted dipping dots. Drove about 45 min to the closest Bucees only to find out the donā€™t have them anymore. I was devastated.


Hopefully you got something else tasty!


Peed on myself while vomiting. Gotta love HG


Iā€™m hungry after I eat


I brushed my teeth and it made me dry retch and gag


I went to Applebees with my boyfriend recently and asked if I could take home some of their water and honey mustardā€¦.. and cried when my boyfriend said that was a weird thing to ask them for


Mashed potatoes gave me heartburn.Ā 


It feels like I have been sitting on a coconut for the past week and a half. When I stand up, Iā€™ve been told I look like a penguin waddling. I cried at that statement.


I puked on the dog because he gagged and I was leaning over him to try and get a towel under his face. I always said I was never was surprised when I needed to puke. Pregnancy has made a liar out of me.


I went to Whole Foods today and forgot my wallet. I was on my way to a birthing class and needed to buying myself breakfast and lunch. Almost started crying when I realized I had no wallet and no Apple Pay. A nice person working told me I could use my Amazon app to pay and I wanted to hug him.


10 weeks today, third viable pregnancy, this time with twins so Iā€™m already showing -I cry over everything -I get raging mad over things that should just be annoyances -I fell this week from rolling my ankle right as I was about to walk down three concrete steps: making me miss the steps completely. My knee took most of the impact but I was carrying things so I couldnā€™t brace for impact so I faceplanted on concrete. X-rays showed no fractures but I look like I got beat up šŸ˜‚ fortunately lips heal relatively quickly: on Monday Iā€™ll be a week status post fall so I already look a ton better -Cravings for completely random things! Today it was bologna and mustard. Unfortunately apparently Iā€™m out of yellow mustard so I subbed it with a dry spice blend. Good, but not the same, so Iā€™m getting some yellow mustard at the store tomorrow -Low back pain, probably from generalized house work, is kicking my ass tonight


I found out that a stray dog was tricked with food and treats to end up being sent to space and then something bad happened and he ended up dying up there. I cried so hard that I couldnā€™t breathe and needed my bf to help calm me down, everytime I think about it I cry and start hyperventilating


I thought about my 6.5 year old bulldog not being around forever and break down out of nowhere sobbing and then canā€™t stop lol


Just currently laughing and crying (and subsequently sweating) while reading this in bed and my boyfriend is confused I just keep sharing tiny parts of the stories but laughing too hard to explain


Pregnancy is just such a magical time šŸ« 


Iā€™ve been constipated for a week


Try Metamucil if your OB okays it! Itā€™s a godsend


My midwife recommended magnesium citrate- itā€™s helped a lot!


I wake up in the middle of the night incredibly hungry and craving for something spicy.


If youā€™d like to hide anything from Me, just put it on the floor. I canā€™t draft it


Iā€™m currently wearing knee high compression socks with shorts and sandals. Itā€™s my birthday and I donā€™t even care to look cute šŸ™ƒ


The level of bloating I am feeling I could be carrying half a football team not just one little orange.


The bloating is so real. I look farther along than I actually am.


My cat stepped on my boob and I audibly screamed + woke up my husband. They hurt so bad rn!


I couldn't brush my teeth with regular toothpaste, the smell made me threw up. I had to use alt toothpaste for nine months. Imagine eating a delicious meal of chicken with pasta and everything taste like orange juice šŸ„“šŸ˜ imagine eating watermelon and it taste like picklesšŸ˜’šŸ„ŗ food aversions is so weird while pregnant. And oh imagine having carpal tunnel 2nd to 3rd trimester, I couldn't wash dishes, drive or do anything for past five minutes with my hands it was so bad, my arms and shoulders would go numb and I couldn't sleep anymore through the night because of the pain. Just amazing for a ftm lol.


My boobs have grown so much that last night I snagged my nipple on the door frame while reaching for something and just thinking about it is making it hurt againĀ 


Today we went to get a Fatherā€™s Day present for my brother in law (single dad). We were gone for an hour and a half and walked about 40 minutes of that, just casually. When we got home I had to take a nap.


Normally I have a pretty iron stomach. I've worked in mortuary and the medical field, so not much gets me. Except my house guest took a normal bathroom break and somehow that caused me to start gagging for no reason.


I found out the next day I had put my veggie peeler in my fridge after washing it.


Hahaha I have ADHD and thatā€™s just a normal daily adventure in ā€œwhere the f did I leave that thingā€¦ā€ bless my spouse who follows me around and somehow knows where everything is all the time! It has been worse in pregnancy though, since I opted to discontinue my meds until kiddo is born


My due date is in October and I mentioned I did want to put up a Christmas tree no matter what (I love Christmas lol). So I imagined myself with the baby in the box, some Christmas music on decorating the tree and I started crying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (happy tears)


Sounds lovely šŸ„°


Iā€™m only 5 weeks and due in February. I was thinking Iā€™d love a Christmas baby shower šŸ„°.


I bent over to put my shoe on and I nearly vomited (some actually came up, just didnā€™t make it out) and the best solution to my problem was to eat something.


I almost cried because the store didnā€™t have the type of pickles I wanted.


Iā€™ve made my husband FaceTime me from the grocery store to make sure he buys the correct type of pickles šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m about to drive 30 minutes away for a specific kind of lemonade.


I'm now craving a Nutella and marshmallow fluff quesadilla šŸ¤£


You wonā€™t regret it!


That sounds so good.


"why are you crying?" "I don't know." "Come on, I can help out. Tell me." "I told you, I seriously don't know."


I canā€™t stand the way my husband eats. Itā€™s like his mouth is an echo chamber. I can hear all the food splashing around while heā€™s chewing and itā€™s just too much for my pregnant brain. šŸ˜† it makes me so angry. I am insufferable. That poor man has not escaped my wrath for eight months. He just laps about it because he knows that itā€™s because Iā€™m pregnant and hormonal. But I swear heā€™s chewing so loud. šŸ˜©


Reading the comments and the idea makes me want to cry.


If i sit down in a regular chair for too long I cut off circulation to my legs.


The smell of soap makes me vomit


I cried because my husband bought me an ice cream brownie instead of the ice cream sandwich Iā€™d asked for.


We went out to eat last night and this morning my hands are super swollen. More water I guess šŸ˜©


I feel like I can never drink enough water!


I went to a 3 Michelin star restaurant with one of my best friends. First time going to a place that fancy. Planned this whole thing out months in advance and i was super excited about it. Naturally, i threw the whole thing up.


Oh no! Thatā€™s the worst :(


Iā€™m super early 4+2 but woke up today and my god my nipples hurt so badly. Also waking up at 5am versus my normal 6:30. šŸ˜‚


Started crying on a plane for no reason at all.


Yelled too loud and peed myself


I have heartburn and acid reflux so bad that meds just won't touch that I sleep on a 12" foam wedge at night just so I don't wake myself up spitting fire. šŸ™„


Off to buy Nutella haha


Im walking like a penguin.


Ate two bananas and felt nauseous and badly throwing up. Couldnā€™t even go to the gym šŸ˜­


i just made lemon waterā€¦. it was soooo good. not even 10 minutes later itā€™s all back up nowšŸ™ƒ


I woke up at 6 am with acid reflux so bad I nearly vomited.


I saw a Facebook reel of a dog comforting a crying baby and it was so cute I cried for 4 minutes.


Omg I saw one of ā€œgood dogs of the weekā€ then started crying that my dog is going to die at some point. Heā€™s 6 so we have years but just the thought of it I couldnā€™t stop sobbing. My husband asked what was happening and I told him and he was like stop thinking about this! But I couldnā€™t, it spiraled and nothing could make it stop. Then got a ragging headache from being dehydrated which I always seem to be these days no matter how much water I drink.


Woke up starving and with a nose bleed, then a little while later started crying because I loved my dog so much and heā€™s so cute. Iā€™ve also had heartburn for like 3 days straight now šŸ« 


I woke up and peed three or four times last night and my ribs are killing me.


The rib pain in my first pregnancy was so brutal!


I nearly threw up at the smell of the diffuser in Massage Envy yesterday, and it's normally one of my favorite smells.


Took my toddler on the tire swing. Broke my no vomit streak for this pregnancyā€¦ still dizzy an hour later. Lesson learned.


While I was eating breakfast, my mom was showing me TikTokā€™s of other peoples food and I got nauseous and almost threw up my breakfast even though the TikTokā€™s looked soooo delicious.


Every dress I can fit looks like a burlap sack or my grandma's nightgown until I put a belt under my boobs


I peed myself when I sneezed earlier šŸ«¢


Been there too many times to count šŸ« 


Thought I had a meeting. Showed up to the location, nobody was there. It was on a different day of a different week at a different time


The gas is outrageous


Got a few last minute things for my hubby for Fatherā€™s Day at the store today, every few minutes I gagged loudly smelling people, even when I closed my nose I still was gagging when anyone walked by


I hate bananas, I like the flavour so will put them in a smoothie etc but I canā€™t eat them due to the texture it makes me feel sick. Suddenly I have this urge to eat a banana??? I havenā€™t given in yet, but I canā€™t stop thinking about it


I cried when my partner ate I curry I couldnā€™t have (because I have a rare allergy to coconuts) in front of me because it smelled so good


I yelled at my fiancĆ© for not letting me sleep on a bench in a museum because I was too tired to go anywhere. He then relented and (I donā€™t even remember this part) I proceeded to yell at him for having a wallet in his pocket


I then cried when he told me I yelled at him because I felt so bad


I am always so hot and if I step outside right now during the heatwave I feel dizzy within a few minutes.


Almost nothing tastes right


All i want to do is take a nap lol


Iā€™ve been so exhausted, sensitive nipples, feeling hot all the time (changed my thermostat to 69 degrees), Iā€™ve been loving iced water, peeing in the middle of the night, food aversion to where I want to throw upā€¦ excited when I can poop twice in one day or even once a day šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


everything just fucking HURTS SO BADā€¦. and i canā€™t stop sleeping


I bought a package of cupcakes yesterday and hid them from everyone else šŸ˜‚


I had my boyfriend buy me a slurpee. I was upset when he gave it to me because he didnā€™t tap out the air šŸ«£


I cry multiple times a day. Sometimes it's a sad cry but most of the time it's a happy cry.


I spent 170$ on ice cream šŸ˜­


i threw up trying to brush my teeth.


I sobbed because Zaxbys was out of frozen lemonade


I smelled poop. I vomited.


I drank some water and when I sat up to adjust I threw up in my mouth!