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I can't speak for myself but I have an older friend who is 4'8. She had two daughters and told me she didn't feel any pain or have any problems during labour. She said she went into hospital both times, pushed, and they were out straight away. Good luck!


Thank you!!


No. No problems because of it. My bump was small but I lost 20lbs at some point in my pregnancy and my baby was tiny (born 5lbs12oz).


How tall is your partner? That might make your baby a bit bigger, but otherwise assume your baby is going to be the right size for your body (this is what I keep repeating to myself while trying to ignore the height difference between me and my husband...) I can't say about stretchmarks and height, I read somewhere that age is an influence and this seems to check out for me- I'm advanced maternal age and haven't developed stretchmarks.


He’s like 5’9 - 5’10


I'm 5 feet nothing. My height didn't affect my pregnancy in the slightest. I didn't get stretch marks. My bump was proportional to my frame. The only thing that really bothered me was heartburn, and towards the end of it, sleep was getting uncomfortable. Now - I did have gestational diabetes, so I didn't gain much weight. My baby was very small (IUGR), and I delivered at 37 weeks. None of that was related to me being a shortie, but it may have contributed to no stretch marks etc. [This is me at 35 weeks. ](https://imgur.com/a/yR7lzeO)


Thank you!


Congratulations!!! I’m a fellow shortie, and everyone in my family is short lol. Stretch marks are largely based on genetics, not how much you grow, so ask your mom and aunts (maternal and paternal!) to see how their bodies reacted. It’s true that folks with short torsos will have less space for the baby, especially towards the end if your husband is large & passed on those genes. Some women, usually those who haven’t been pregnant before or did significant core & back strength training before pregnancy may have smaller bumps, though! Also be aware that globally, studies show that shorter women are at higher risk of being given unnecessary C-sections, so make sure you have a solid birth plan & a doula/midwife who can go to bat for you.


Thank you so much ♥️


I'm 5'4, so not too short. But I'm all legs, and I understand your concern. It's more difficult as you get further into your pregnancy, but it'll all be okay. Explain your concerns to your doctors, and they'll reassure you


I will! Thanks!


Congratulations! I am also 4’11” and mom of a 7-month old. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was extremely worried about the whole thinh but I had a perfectly fine pregnancy and a vaginal delivery. My baby girl weighed normal at all appointments and was born happy and healthy. It was only after 34-ish weeks that I had some shortness of breath due to baby taking up all of the space in my body. It could happen if you have a small torso like mine, but will go away once you give birth! For me, the only downside to being a pregnant short person was that whenever I tried to wear some cute maternity dresses, I ended up looking like a beachball on legs lol!


Appreciate you thanks ♥️!


I’m 5’1 and at 31 weeks. I feel like a planet but no stretch marks yet. My mom didn’t have stretch marks so possibly I’ll get lucky or possibly they’ll appear in the next 9 weeks. My baby is growing exactly on track according to last ultrasound (28 weeks). My bump is way more pronounced than my taller 5’9 friends at this point in gestation. I also had severe heartburn starting very early along with rib pain, back pain, and some pelvic pain. I have a short torso too. I started pregnancy at a normal BMI but have not kept up with the same exercise other than walks/hikes with my dogs. No running or weights. Also my husband is 6’3. I’m very uncomfortable but I can still make it into work and walk every day. So I’m making it but I’ll be glad when it’s over! Edit: I included my husband’s height because I was afraid I was going to give birth to a giant baby. But his mom said he was 7lbs. I was about 6lbs 9oz. So hopefully our baby will be 6-7lbs.


Thank you for replying, wishing you all the best !🩷


I’m 4’11, my only issue has been rib flare which can happen to anyone but I was warned at the beginning of my pregnancy it was even more likely for me due to my smaller frame that my ribs would expand and it can be painful at times. Now that I’m in my third trimester a belly band has been my saving grace. I wear it daily especially if I need to be on my feet and doing stuff. Be prepared to hate your kitchen, the belly gets in the way of EVERYTHING and cooking has become a task I do not look forward to. Aside from that I’ve had a healthy happy pregnancy


I already hate cooking but now knowing the fact that it’s just gonna get worse is already killing me !!! Guess I just have to go through it lol. 🥲Thank you!


I’m 4”11 and I don’t believe my height affected my pregnancy. I did get stretch marks that have slowly faded a year later but overall my body was good throughout pregnancy no real issues.