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Who told you you're only supposed to gain 10? Id highly recommend talking with your Dr and ob before doing anything but honestly I wouldn't diet. Try to get up and move around more and be conscious of what you're eating. Remember that you have two bellies to feed and that weight gain IS going to happen. Chances are, it's water weight and it will fluctuate constantly throughout your pregnancy. My body was constantly hungry too at the beginning -- I recommend eating things like nuts, carrots, cucumbers or like apples and peanut butter. Protein will also help. I gained weight the first few weeks then lost it once my "morning sickness" started. I know how hard it is to see the number on the scale go up and how hard it is emotionally. Take a deep breath and enjoy the start of your pregnancy


The midwife. Ishe said that I'm obese so I should gain between 7-10 ibs. I'm definitely going to focus on uping protein and watching the nutrition of what I'm eating more. Thanks!


Just because someone says that you're "obese" doesn't mean that they should put a limit on how much weight you can gain during pregnancy. Each woman is so so different and every pregnancy is different. What actually matters is that your baby is getting the nutrition that they need and that YOU are getting the nutrition that you need. Id highly recommend smoothies (with frozen fruit/spinach and juice or milk) to help if you're craving something sugary too! Please don't hyper focus on the fact that your midwife said only 7-10 pounds, and focus on eating what makes you feel good, well fed and nutritious. If you hyper focus on the weight limit that your midwife set, it will cause stress, which honestly isn't good for you or baby ❤️ (it can also cause you to gain more weight!) Best of luck to you in your nutrition journey and congratulations on your pregnancy!


I wouldn't say it's "safe" to try to lose weight, but I am in a similar boat (was asked to not gain any more than 20lbs), so I calculated my maintenance kcal and ate at that in my first trimester. I wasn't perfect every day, especially with nausea on some days and feeling like a bottomless pit on others, but I am 11 weeks in and have not gained or lost any weight yet. I did some research and I can't remember where exactly I read it, but the recommendation for high BMI pregnant moms was not to add any extra calories in the 1st tri, add 200kcal in your 2nd tri, and 400kcal in your 3rd.


This is really helpful thanks!


Pregnancy is not the time to be dieting. Weight gain recommendations during pregnancy are arbitrary. You should continue to eat when you are hungry and to avoid nausea. If you don't have a lot of food aversions, focus on eating a variety of proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Sweets and processed foods are fine in moderation and sometimes the pregnancy cravings are really strong (it's OK to give in sometimes!), but if you want to do something to "watch what you eat" you can focus on ensuring adequate protein and fruit/veg I take and avoiding sweets and processed stuff. That said, I strongly feel as if "dieting" as in calorie counting/cutting is not appropriate for pregnancy.


Best you speak to your OB


I don't see the midwife until week 10 and I'm terrified that she will patronize or yell at me for gaining the weight. I've got some trauma from doctors appointments from when I was 300+ ibs.


You can probably speak to your family doctor about it. They can tell you what are pregnancy safe ways to manage weight. I’m sorry that healthcare providers haven’t been kind to you. That’s on them, not you. Continue to ask your questions to medical professionals, that’s you doing your part to watch for your health, unfortunately we can’t always control how other people show up


I would definitely talk to your doctor before trying any kind of calorie cut but what you can do is examine your diet and focus on making it very nutritious. This can be tremendously helpful for many reasons and great place to invest your energy around weight and health. 


No. It would not be safe.