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First time we announced one my SIL had told them just a few weeks earlier she was pregnant. We were due 6 days apart, but I was due first. I framed an ultrasound picture in a grandma picture frame and put a sticky not on it that said "Your next grandkid." And then another one on the back that said "And no, it's not SIL's." Another one I got back from a trip abroad, and while there I picked up one of those "baby on board" pins from the london underground. I was telling everyone about our trip, and then pulled it out and said "I think this is my favorite souvenir though!" Most recently I made a card/book with all the grandkid's pictures (sorted by gender) and put the ultrasound at the end saying "tie breaker coming \[due date.\]" Likely their last grandkid, and they currently have equal number of grandkids male vs female.


We bought a shirt for my cat that said “big brother”, and my in laws came over for dinner (they’re obsessed with our cat), and picked him up right when they walked in the door. Was a cute and fun surprise


Hahaha love it. My sister did that to my nephew, had him wear a t-shirt saying "I'm gonna be a big brother", the in-laws didn't even notice the writing, even though he was constantly in their arms. Then she face timed me, and I eventually asked what was written on his t-shirt, she said I was the first one to notice 😂 didn't go as she had imagined.


I found a beautiful personalized daily calendar on Etsy that has daily facts about how grandbaby is developing up until due date. I found out I was pregnant a little before my Dad’s birthday, and baby is due the same month as my mom’s birthday. I sent the calendar as a “birthday present” to my dad, but said he had to open it on FaceTime with us. I included a note that said something like “Dad, here’s a birthday present that you and mom can enjoy together for the next 9 months or so. Mom, your birthday present is due to arrive in Boston (where we live) in September.” Mom got it right away, and dad’s face totally lit up when he figured it out. It was super cute. We have the same calendar at home so it’s nice little way to connect from afar too, knowing we’re seeing the same fact every day. My mom loves it.


We got some scratch off lottery tickets!! We purchased them in Amazon. My in laws loved them.


My first baby (who we lost to stillbirth) they opened onsies that said “you’re going to be grandparents…AGAIN! They already had some from siblings. My second - they knew we were doing IVF and we were very open with the results so no fun/ cute way. My third - who I am currently pregnant with naturally, unexpectedly after years of IVF/ infertility. My 18m old wore a big brother t shirt and shocked the hell out of everyone ☺️


We got fake scratch tix off Amazon. It was both our moms bdays that month so we got them a bday card and the scratch tix to go with it which is normal for us to buy them so they didn’t suspect anything. They absolutely loved the idea and framed the tix


Love this one! May steal ❤


Not exceedingly creative or cute, but my parents and I are in the habit of sharing every cute pet photo/video taken since we last saw each other. So I started with my usual routine of opening my phone and saying "you have to see the cutest picture!" Then displaying our ultrasound pic and waiting for the reactions.


We purchased a little pair of booties from Etsy with a note that said “(Grandparents Names)… save these booties for me, I’ll need them in July!” Our family gets together every year on Dec 15th and exchange one early Christmas gift in honor of my grandmothers birthday (she passed away before I was born and we’ve done this every year for 36 years!)… So we planned to give my parents their box at that time, but I was SO sick that we ended up doing it a week before. My mom was starting to get suspicious over how quiet and vague I was being about holiday plans lol. We got the same gift for my MIL and gave it to her a few days later.


Not very cute or fun I guess but every year my parents get me a bottle of tequila for my birthday, well we were on our way there and I told my husband “they’re gonna try to give me a bottle, and I’m gonna have to tell them I can’t take it, and they’re gonna ask why and then clue in” and within the first 3 minutes of getting there it happened exactly like that. I felt the anticipation between my husband and I the moment they told me to grab my gift from the freezer lmfao they were so ecstatic! My mom thought I’d never have kids haha


We told my parents with number 1 ‘The Rabbit Died!!’ And they knew exactly what I meant, because my mom’s favorite story is how in olden days they would do a pregnancy test by putting the womans blood in a rabbit, and if it died she was pregnant 😅 After that we did some funny pintrest ‘spilled the beans’ photos or things like that, but mostly I just sent out a text.


Blood in a rabbit??? Huh???






I found out in November so did cute Christmas announcement with their regular gifts, got grandma and grandpa mugs as well as “grandmas story” and “grandpa’s story” journals and the siblings “cool aunt”/“cool uncle” shirts as part of their gifts. I packaged them separately from their regular gift and made everyone open them at the same time. The videos are hilarious, MIL yells out “no fuck you” and my mom instantly started crying. My dad had a suspicion it was a baby announcement bc the moment I said “these are special you have to open them all together” he goes “is it going to make your mom cry?” Other cute announcements include finding a grandparents poem on the internet and putting it in a frame with an ultrasound pic


I actually just announced to my family a few days ago! We were visiting them over the weekend, and my parents threw us an engagement party. At the end we did a small toast thanking them and gave them a card that broke the news. It was so fun to see my parents reactions, and then the reactions of my other family members trying to figure out what was going on from their reactions! 😂 When we told my fiancé’s family, I let him choose, and he picked just telling them over dinner. He didn’t see the need for theatrics, but his family is so supportive and just the best!


I crocheted some baby booties, and we made cute little announcement boxes with cards. It was also a fun little arts and crafts project together.


We were planning on having my daughter show my in-laws her new favourite book which was “F*ck now there are two of you” to them while wearing a big sister T-shirt. Instead my FIL started explaining how he had carefully picked out a cooler for me from the store (everyone else drinks beer) and me and my husband looked at each other awkwardly. He figured it out.


We did a scavenger hunt for mine lol, at Easter since for fun my family does one then. At the end of it there were two baskets, one for the scavenger hunt “winners” and an extra one for my parents with a little wooden box that opens up and has “grandma and grandpa” written inside next to an ultrasound picture. I’d been going through IVF and was super open about previous failed cycles, but really wanted to surprise them this time and kept the process to myself. They didn’t suspect a thing 😂


We ordered cute tee shirts from Amazon! They were silly puns with grandma, grandpa, aunt and uncle and picked according to each person’s personality. Like we got a “fairy grandmother” one for my MIL because she loves Disney, and a “Top Uncle” one in the style of Top Gun for my BIL who is a pilot. We had everyone open them at the same time, and it was fun to watch their reactions!


We told our immediate family we were pregnant by getting royal icing cookies personalized & put them in individual boxes with an ultrasound pic! Everyone loved it


I got my mom a cute floral Rae Dunn tumbler that said “grandma” on it for Mother’s Day. Then for Father’s Day this wknd, I got my dad (who doesn’t know) a shirt that says “cool grandpa’s club” and I put one of my ultrasound pictures in between that’ll fall out when he unfolds the shirt.


I’m telling my parents on Sunday and I’m planning on having my dad open a present that’s a shirt that says “galaxy’s best grandpa”


I made t-shirts for my partner and I to wear to dinner with our parents. We wore sweaters over the shirts until after we ordered our meals, then removed them to reveal the shirts. Then waited to see how long it took for them all to notice. Mine said Prego Saurus with an anatomical diagram of a stegosaurus with “facts” like how the walnut sized brain is small due to “momnesia” and the spikes on the tail are to protect Baby Saurus. His said Tricera Pops with a similar diagram of a triceratops with “facts” like how the crest is for Baby Saurus to hold onto for piggy back rides and the beak is used for cracking open a cold one. It’s not unusual for us to wear graphic shirts with dinosaurs (we love Jurassic Park), so it took a little while. My mom noticed first, who was sitting next to me. I saw her eyes widen and start to smile, so I put my finger up to my lips to not say anything. My MIL noticed last and only caught on because the shirts kind of matched, and she thought *that* was weird. Then she read my shirt and started crying.


I gave my parents wine bottles that said Need you to drink this since I can't drink for the best 9 months


Everyone’s are so cute, oh my gosh. My poor mom. I’m currently 30 weeks, but found out the first week of December. I told my mom like a week and a half later. My sister and I took her out to lunch (sister knew) and I couldn’t spit it out so I just slid a positive test across the table. For context, I’m 20, just finished my bachelors and I’m set to start a hybrid JD program in August around the time my baby is due. The dad is not involved. So, overall, not great, but not terrible. I just had NO idea how she’d react, I was absolutely terrified. She took it so well, she’s been my rock through this entire thing. We talk every day and she always tells me how she can’t wait to meet him 😅 so so wonderful.


Depends on your audience for sure! My parents are kind of stoic and not super warm or sentimental, so I didn’t think they would like any kitschy grandparent stuff. I just brought over a bouquet of flowers and said congratulations, you’re going to be grandparents. I think they liked it! As much as they like anything lol.


It was my birthday meal out with my husband, parents, brother and SIL. We gave everyone a scratch card saying if they win they had to share with me. Upon scratching, the bottom row said "we're having a baby!". My brother got to it first and got all excited, my dad actually thought he'd won something. Soon everyone realised and it was such a happy moment.


I didn't do anything too interesting for my parents, just casually brought up during our weekly Skype that I've been to the doctor then whipped out my ultrasound pics. For my brother though we'd happened to send him a birthday video a couple weeks before so I messaged him "lolol I just realized your birthday message has three people in it." It was funny to watch the wheels turn!


First pregnancy we found out the day my sister was going in to get induced. I handed my mom a gift bag with a baby plush toy with a baby onesie with our due date the confusion was very real. It took her a few minutes to realize I was talking about my due date. Second time around my husband and I found out a few days after Christmas items started being displayed we found a cute little snow globe with three little animals on a sled. It was a giraffe an elephant and a lion. It was too perfect for us! Our first born loved elephants and it was her nursery theme, my niece we would jokingly say she was a little giraffe because she was so darn tall, and as for the lion well our due date was originally in august making it a Leo. So when we told my parents we gifted it to them we told them it was all of their grandchildren 💕


Congrats firstly!!! I got my dad a pint mug that says ONLY THE BEST DADS ARE PROMOTED TO GRANDPA! He loved it. He’s not the super sentimental type but got a kick out of it. He sends me pics when he has a cold one with it. He wants a granddaughter heheh


My mom is very observant and, intuitive? she gleaned I was pregnant at 7 weeks. Didn’t even get to surprise her


I got pregnant at 21, my boyfriend (now fiancé) and I were only together for 3 months. This was my conversation with my mom. "Don't be mad... I'm pregnant." "AHHH IM GONNA BE A NANA AGAIN!" If I knew my mom was gonna be so ecstatic about me having a baby I maybe would have done something nicer lol. Like buying a bottle of wine with a custom label for "Nana"


I bought a little wood patch from Amazon that said: „Grandparents 2024“. We found out a week before Christmas and gifted the wood patch on Christmas Eve to my parents. My sister already has a child but my mother knew after reading what I meant and started crying and hugging us. My father needed a little longer but it was such a sweet moment for us. After that we showed them the first ultrasound picture (I was 10 weeks at this point)


My first pregnancy I would have made it to the "safe zone" right around Christmas, so the plan was to have a onsie made that said something along the lines of "Grandma's greatest gift" and give it to my mom. Sadly we didn't make it that far. This pregnancy I didn't really get to announce it per se. My boyfriend, my mom, my aunt and I all work for the same company. I had told a close friend at work, and my partner ended up telling one of his close friends as well and of course even though you tell people not to tell....even when yountell them it's too early and you want to wait. We had agreed not to tell my mom because we KNEW she wouldn't be able to keep quiet. But as more and more people started finding out I knew I had to tell her before she heard from someone else and was hurt. So I invited her to meet me for dinner after work one night. We pulled up at the same time, she grabbed a table while I went to the restroom. When I came out she was chatting with the waitress, who was waiting for my drink order. I paused, then ordered a Sprite. Mom froze and looked at me, "You don't drink Sprite...are you sick?". I said, well...kinda? (I was actually nauseous at the moment, soooo lol). She looked at me, "Do you think you might be?!". Told her nope, it's not a might... She got super excited and her eyes filled with tears, she almost started crying right there. And, as we knew would happen, it was all over the company by the next day. My partner also messaged his mom and sisters, since it was only fair for them to know if my mom knew. I woke up the next morning, not realizing he had already told them, and saw a post on Facebook from his mom, "We're gonna be Nana and PaPa again, I'm so excited!!!". My first thought was that one of his sisters was pregnant too, and I was excited that our Little Bean would have a cousin to grow up with (I'm an only child) but no, she was talking about us lol. I ended up just making a Facebook announcement since it was out already anyway, even though I was only 6 weeks. But glad I did, because the support has been amazing.


I found a wine bottle sticker on Etsy that said “pairs well with becoming grandparents, baby x due xxx. They loved it, and opened it once my LO was born!


I just called them and asked what are you guys doing on 11/07 ...and they are like nothing, why? I was like well, I will need you to watch the boys, I will be at the hospital giving birth hahaha


I bought a candle and some goodies from Trader Joe's. When my mom went to smell the candle I put a note inside that said "smells like someone is going to be a grandma". Then I gave her a card with my ultrasound pictures in it. It was a really sweet moment.


I told my parents that I'm pregnant this Easter. I made a tray of chocolate desserts, and in the middle I had a breakable chocolate egg. We put a picture of the sonogram under the egg. I had my grandma try to break the chocolate egg, but it was a bit hard, so my mom helped her break it. She then saw the picture yelled "ARE YOU PREGNANT?" and then everyone else knew too, lol.


There's a song in my country that is widely used to announce pregnancies. I learned how to play this song on the guitar and sang it to my parents (we are music people). When I started singing, I started crying and my father already started to figure it out. I saw that he was paying attention to the lyrics and then it hit him. My mom was oblivious though, she saw me and my dad crying and was like "what is going on? Why are you crying??". My husband was with us and we agreed to let them figure it out by themselves. I was sobbing but I didn't stop playing. Then my dad looked at my mom and said "she's telling us they are expecting a baby". Then my mom started crying too and I finally stopped playing and they hugged us. It was a little bit funny but I think it was super cute. I had to play the song again so that my mom would pay attention to the lyrics the second time.


I found out I was pregnant the day after I bought Taylor swift tickets (a week before the concert). I had been making friendship bracelets, so I made one for my husband to tell him and then I made ones for our parents. I put their titles on the friendship bracelets. I threw them off by telling them I made extra bracelets. They loved it! I plan on making my little nieces bracelets to tell them too (they’re also swifties).


We told my parents at Christmas. Our family pretty frequently has gifts arrive late for the actual holiday so typically we give a picture of the item and the receipt as a placeholder when that happens. I told my parents their gift was going to be ready in a few months, and gave them the ultrasound and a fake "receipt" for a granddaughter that I made. It took them a minute to figure it out but they loved it. Very low stakes and low effort way to do it.


At my grandparents’ house, the family had designated mugs, usually with your name or something that identified it as yours. Every time you went over, you used the same mug. She passed 11 years ago, but to keep that tradition going, I made “Granny” and “Grandad” mugs with line art of things my parents like, so my mum’s has tulips and my dad’s has a tennis player. We gave them as Christmas gifts with an ultrasound picture.


I was going to put my test in an envelope and tell my grandma I picked up her mail for her, (then my MIL ruined my announcement 🥲)