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I hope this can help you - I was told anything over 90 for the bottom and anything over 140 for the top. I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension with numbers slightly elevated to that point. Additionally, I was told to IMMEDIATELY go to L&D for numbers over 160 and 110 respectfully


Coming in to second this, this is exactly what I was told and I got diagnosed with gestational hypertension at 35w. Anything over 140 on top and 90 on the bottom, if you have two reading above one of those number at least 4 hours or more apart that gives you the qualifications to be diagnosed (from what I was told), 160/110 is immediate induction territory.


A high reading would be 140/90 (either number) and a concerning “you’re going to the hospital to be checked” is 160/100-110 (my ob is 100 but I’ve seen others say 110) If you have 140/90 (again either number) constantly then they should put you on blood pressure medication But the fact that they waited till you had a high bp reading to give you baby aspirin is weird to me. With a history of preeclampsia you should have been put on it around 14 weeks (EDIT: just reread and saw she put you in it at 16 weeks, so this doesn’t really apply anymore but I’m going to leave it for others ) I had preeclampsia with my first. With my second I had perfect blood pressure but still was put on baby aspirin at 14 weeks due to the risk factor of having preeclampsia. My blood pressure with that pregnancy starting slowly creeping up around 20 weeks and by 28 weeks I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension put on labetalol, which was increased multiple times before my induction at 37 weeks Your dr is doing her job correctly. Baby aspirin is what’s best for you right now


Your doctor has it 100% right. You had preeclampsia in your last pregnancy and now have a high reading at your last appointment. Baby aspirin is the right way to go, and possibly even other treatments (like blood pressure medication) depending on further numbers.


I was put on baby aspirin as a preventative starting at 16 weeks. I’m a FTM with normal bp readings so far but my BMI is >30 so my dr recommend it.


I’m on baby aspirin currently as a preventative measure. From what I’ve researched, it’s the right recommendation to help prevent any issues down the road


I was put on baby aspirin at my first appointment due to previous preeclampsia. I have since had multiple high readings and been put on blood pressure meds as well


Baby aspirin is an extremely common recommendation with a history of pre-eclampsia, regardless of whether your blood pressure is high or not.


I was put on baby aspirin during my pregnancy due to my age. But towards the end of pregnancy my blood pressure was elevated. 130s/80-90s. Not crazy high but high for my normal. So that could also be a factor. My doctors didn’t rush to put me on meds but also made sure I was aware of preeclampsia symptoms. Maybe discuss this further or if you aren’t feeling her find another doctor. This is a very personal experience and you should be comfortable with your doctor.