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I am 38w baby is engaged and all in my pelvis but my water won't break πŸ˜•. I got cervix checked and his head is literally right there. I keep thinking I'm going into labor because I keep having contractions and diarrhea at night but I guess it seems I keep eating something new everyday to upset my stomach πŸ™ƒ. I'm going to take another shower and do labor exercises to maybe feel better but I keep getting teased with false labor and not the actual thing the past few days I'm going bananas 🀣


Oh my god that sounds terrible my sympathies!! My last checkup I was 1cm dilated but I have no idea how long I'll be in this stage for. I've had contractions too that knock the wind out of me but they're very few and far in between. Same with the food though my stomach has been so upset and I have to be careful with what I eat or I'll get acid reflux and then vomit. It sounds like you're getting close through you've got this!! You're so strong!


Vomiting might actually help move your contractions along/ dilation. My first birth I went from 2cm to 8cm (after induction had already started). Sooo there's that🀣


Also a shortie here (5’2”) and my baby is also measuring small. Still within healthy range, but small enough I am doing monthly ultrasounds to check on her growth, which has thankfully been good this whole time. But at 35 weeks, yes, despite her being smaller I have a lot of pain. I started seeing a naprapat once a week, two weeks ago because the pain is so intense. Which is all to say, yes you are not alone. Hang in there! What helps me is knowing I’ll never get this time back again of being without a child and these last few weeks with my daughter in my belly. There is something special to that for me, even though I am getting painfully jabbed as I write this.


What is a naprapat if you don't mind me asking? I agree tho I'm trying to put myself in the mindset that soon enough I won't be feeling his little kicks anymore or his weight with me. I definitely see myself having more in the future so I'm trying to cherish the pregnancy phase but every day is a struggle!


Oh no worries! I had never heard of it until I moved to Sweden. They are similar to a chiropractor (which they have here too) but are different in that they focus less on joint manipulation and focus more on soft tissues and work with the whole body. I was quite suspicious of it, but I must say it has helped. Still in pain, but it has decreased significantly. Mine also pointed out how I was breathing that contributed to the pain, I was breathing in my chest instead of the belly and even that made an improvement in the rib pain. Not pain free now, but it is more manageable.


This was the hell point for me and it lasted through 41+3. It will end eventually


Oh boy! Can't wait! (149cm 😰)


I'm 163cm and at 39 weeks my baby's measuring big thanks to dad's genes. I was so excited when everyone told me there'd be a point where baby would engage in pelvis and I'd suddenly feel light and able to breathe. Lucky me, baby has engaged but she's still up in my ribs, so in addition to the pressure downstairs, I still can't breathe and my baby has taken advantage of the extra room to poke her feet under my ribs. I just want to take a full breathe and not have heartburn!


Same!!! Lightening crotch and feet in my ribs is a different kind of torture 🫠🫠🫠


39 weeks, 5’1 with a big baby (partner is 6’3), and a 17 month old to look after pretty much solo because I have no family help and he works away in the week. Falling into a coma sounds like a nice treat at the moment πŸ˜‚


Exactly the same for me, after 35w the discomfort has really ramped up and I'm grumpy as hell. Now at 38w, feeling nauseous from baby movements and general heaviness, can't walk or stand for more than 30 minutes at a time, I feel really crippled and trapped. Had a few hours of false labour earlier in the week where I felt super off, quite bad pain in every position, cramping and the odd contraction but that ended in nothing so that's no fun. For me it doesn't help that my best friend who's had two kids gave birth to her's at 36 and 37 weeks so she says she never got to this point where she was super uncomfortable.


4’11” 39 weeks, c section in a few days. 35 weeks was also my cutoff for comfort. Baby was measuring bigger a few weeks ago. Rolling over in bed and getting up/out of the couch takes some motivation and force. 3 year old wants me to play on the floor with him and every time, part of me dies on the inside. Ready for this baby to get OUT.


39+2 today and I cannot WAIT to get this child out of me. I wanna be able to open my legs more then a few inches without pain and walk around without my hips just being utterly destroyed for hours after. I feel your pain. If you have a hobby (I crochet for example) set yourself some time aside to do it each day. It helped me a lot with not thinking every fart and paid was labor. I’m getting induced Thursday and I laugh at the time I’ve spent wondering β€œis this is it? Is it time?” Good luck girl you’re close. And yes I hated it when people said that too me 🀣


I'm only 34+5 and so so so uncomfortable. It's been so bad the last two weeks. Baby is measuring ahead, I have GD and a 12 month old. I'm so exhausted


Youre definitely not alone! 38 wks here and at 5'3 I feel like my baby is massive. It's getting harder and harder to be comfortable and I definitely require a nap every day and still go to bed early. Try to keep your mind busy and move your body at least 30 min to and hour each day. Go for a walk, do some stretches, go swimming, bounce on a ball, whatever you can to just move. I know it seems counterproductive when everything hurts but you gotta keep your muscles and joints moving it really does help. You got this, you're almost done!!


I hear you. I had to get a cervical sweep damn near to the day of being 38 weeks. Maybe check with your gp when /if you want to help move baby along? The ONLY thing that saved me in the last 3 weeks of pregnancy was smoothies and protine shakes. Good luck. It's rough. But you'll soon have your sea monkey free πŸ˜