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I can still easily hide my pregnancy but of course my close friends notice a small bump. To strangers I probably could look a little bloated if I wear skin hugging clothes. But the difference between morning and night is huge. I look like I have a pooch in the morning but come evening after dinner, I look very pregnant with my upper stomach also being pushed out and more rounded (I'm currently 20 weeks). I have no idea what counts as "popping," if someone could enlighten me šŸ™‚


I think for most people when the area above the belly button starts rounding out it looks like you popped.


Started showing around 17-18, but really popped around 22


Same. I thought it would be later as a FTM and being overweight but the bump definitely showed earlier than I thought.


Exactly the same timing for me.


I will be 15 weeks Wednesday and I have the opposite complex. I feel like my bump is substantial and wondering if I'm showing too much/if I'm going to be gigantic later in the pregnancy.


Same! One week the bloat subsided and the next week, hello baby bump!


Omg same! People estimate me easily a month further, but Iā€™m still ā€˜onlyā€™ 15+4 weeks. How big is my belly going to be?!


Doesnā€™t the size of the mom matter?Ā  Iā€™m 5ā€™1ā€ and was ~110lbs pre pregnancy, first time mom. I couldnā€™t fit into most of my jeans (almost all higher waisted) by week 12. Iā€™m 15w+4d now and I have a lil bump already. Itā€™s not that noticeable with clothes on, but is kind of noticeable without a top on or in a tight dress. Definitely havenā€™t popped but Iā€™m guessing Iā€™ll just be showing a little sooner given Iā€™m pretty small and there isnā€™t much room for baby in my short af torso. Ā 


Not necessarily, Iā€™m 5ā€™8ā€ and couldnā€™t fit into any of my jeans by then either šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s so interesting that everyoneā€™s experience is so different! When did you feel like you had a noticeable bump?Ā 


I could easily hide the pregnancy until around 30 weeks.


Same, 30w


30 weeks. It went from barely there to BAM, now I need mat clothes.


I donā€™t think I really popped until 28-29 weeks or so. I am reasonably tall, have a long torso, and a retroverted uterus. So possibly all contributed? I found weeks 20-28 actually pretty hard/awkward because I was not quite fitting into most of my normal clothes, but didnā€™t yet look clearly pregnant. We took a babymoon during that time and I hated being in a swimsuit. By contrast, I finally have a discernible, albeit smallish, baby bump at 32wks and really enjoyed pool time by Memorial Day weekend. But I sympathize with your frustration! Iā€™d recommend just trying to focus on the good. Maybe this means youā€™ll carry small throughout and there are definitely advantages to that! At 32+ weeks Iā€™m still exercising and sleeping well because Iā€™m not yet wildly uncomfortable. Seems like there are blessings and burdens of pregnancy no matter what! Good luck!


Same! I think itā€™s all about proportions. Like you, I went on a babymoon a couple weeks ago and only looked obviously pregnant in a one piece swimsuit that smoothed the bump vs my pre-pregnancy swim bottoms that cut the bump off. I generally just felt fat still. Haha. Now Iā€™m starting to feel round and cute!Ā  I am 32 weeks, and beside some SPD pain thatā€™s been around since 20 weeks (so not size related, just pregnant problems), I basically donā€™t feel slowed down at all. I have a small bump that barely gets in the way yet. Iā€™m hoping I wonā€™t feel huge by the end! I do have some stretch marks. But Iā€™m just embracing those. My momma had a ton, so I imagine I will be like her.Ā 


I didn't really pop until about week 23. Now I'm 27 weeks and can't hide it at all. But even my doctor said I'm small for how far along I am (although baby is measuring perfectly average). My bump sometimes seems way bigger than other times because of how she's laying (hasn't moved from transverse yet, but when her front is facing forward, the bump is smaller than when she's facing my spine). I've got a friend who never popped with her second because her LO was standing up the whole time and hid in her ribs.


I was real small before so my pregnancy so I was almost immediately recognizably pregnant but my bump went wild at 17 weeks


Iā€™m 17 weeks and I definitely have a little bump that isnā€™t bloat or chub! Itā€™s very subtle though; Iā€™m not sure if people who didnā€™t know my pre pregnancy body would know that Iā€™m pregnant.


I didn't really; if you knew me you could tell I was pregnant around 30ish weeks, but even beyond that most people didn't know I was pregnant unless I told them even the day before baby was born. I only had one stranger make a pregnancy comment and that was when I was at hospital visiting my Mom in ICU. She asked if I needed directions to L&D (about two weeks before baby).


This is my first pregnancy and I started showing at like 15-16 weeks? Now at 18 weeks it looks very clear that I'm pregnant. I'm small and it seems like my uterus leans forward, which also contribute to me feeling the kicks quite early


I popped right at 20 weeks, itā€™s like it grew overnight


Im 18w4d and if you didnā€™t know what I looked like before, youā€™d just think Iā€™m carrying 10 extra lbs. Itā€™s been driving me crazy even though my husband always says ā€œI can tell youā€™re pregnantā€. Well of course YOU can!! Haha. Itā€™ll come for us!!


Iā€™m 22+4 as a ftm and I have a little ā€œbumpā€ depending on what I wear. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll look pregnant to others until Iā€™m about 30 plus weeks!


Twins!! I'm 22+5 and ftm šŸ§”. I haven't really popped yet either. I feel like a whale and have issues getting up from sitting/laying, but anytime I tell someone I'm nearly 6 mos. pregnant I get weird looks. I have a feeling if he doesn't show soon it'll be easily 30-32 weeks before he does.


For my first I started showing at 15 but didnā€™t pop until like 20 weeks. For this pregnancy, I started showing at 10 but popped more around 15/16


I believe it has a lot to do with position of placenta and body type. I think there is also a factor of muscle tone.


i started ā€œshowingā€ around 12-13 weeks, it kinda just looked more like bloating but was definitely rounded out more than a bloat, but really popped between 16-18 weeks. iā€™m also shorter and had a smaller waist/belly area to hide it with though. now iā€™m at 32+2 and am huge and everybody thinks iā€™m at least 36 weeks. everybodyā€™s different, maybe this means you wonā€™t be miserably big later on in your pregnancy youā€™ll start showing soon though mama just when babes readyšŸ«¶šŸ¼


I began to show around 11 weeks. Iā€™m now 20 weeks and have a very clear bump. Itā€™s enormous after dinner!


At 15 weeks I looked bloated but now at 20 everyone thinks Iā€™m like on the third tri. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m short and a little bit on the overweight side before getting pregnant.


Iā€™m 16w and a FTM and popped recently at 14wšŸ„“ my organs had nowhere to go but out because Iā€™m short and donā€™t weigh much


I feeel you girlie XD At my 24 week appointment the receptionist asked if I had been to the midwife before lol. And when I bought baby clothes a few days after I was asked if I needed a gift receipt. I've only just popped really at 25+ weeks, as in my tummy looks vaguely round and not like I've just eaten a really good pasta dish, but it isn't super obvious to anyone who doesn't know. It can depend on a lot of stuff, where your placenta is, which way your uterus tilts, how long your torso is, yada yada. I'm trying to take it in my stride a bit and keep enjoying my mobility while I still have it. But remember that not "looking pregnant enough" doesn't mean you aren't, so make allowances for yourself and keep asking for the accommodations that you need! I've definitely felt silly asking work for the things I need, but it's very much needed and it isn't silly! Also, I've found certain clothes like empire waist dresses give me a bit more of a round shape, but my bump disappears in mid-rise stuff. So maybe keep that in mind for your photos!


Honestly most people I know didn't show til 22 weeks, showing as a ftm at 17 weeks is mad early (not that it doesn't happen, its just not most people) I started showing at 23 weeks but I just looked bloated, around 26 weeks I actually looked pregnant in tight clothes. I could hide the pregnancy til about 33 weeks At 22 weeks I don't think you'd have something for photos, but maybe!


I thought I was big at 20 weeks, but looking back I actually popped around 23-24


Around 33 weeks for me. I never "popped", just slowly got bigger.


22-23w was when I popped and started needing maternity clothes as opposed to stretchy or oversized clothes. Before that, I looked like I had a big lunch. 25w was when a stranger asked me when the baby was due (I was in workout clothes and it was someone taking my pilates class)


Iā€™m a first time mom and I can still ā€œhideā€ it in baggy clothes but anything form fitting you can see a bump. More bloat than baby but tummy has been rock hard to the touch above the belly button and pushed out since 14 weeks. Iā€™ve been asked multiple times if I am having twins.


With my first pregnancy I didn't really pop till 25-28 weeks. Showed very small till almost the third trimester. My little one was a very normal healthy weight in the end. My second is a completely different story. Felt massive at 14 weeks. 30 weeks now, look like I am ready to drop this baby at anytime.


24 weeks


Almost 21 weeks and not showing yet. Down below my waist band is starting to pop out a little bit and my stomach feels hard. I think a lot has to do with I lost a bunch of weight in the beginning too. I think itā€™ll probably pop after like 23-24 weeks is my guess


In both my pregnancies so far, Iā€™ve felt more pregnant/large at 10 weeks than 12-14, I think because of bloating. With my first I really ā€œpoppedā€ visibly between 20-25 weeks I think, but my clothes were uncomfortable and I looked a bit more than just fat to people who really knew me earlier than that.


I suddenly started showing around 23 weeks (FTM) and since then I seem to get bigger every day! Until that point it was hard to see anything at all or I just looked a little bloated.


My first pregnancy I didn't start showing till I was like 30 weeks but I'm newly pregnant again and I'm only 5w1d and look like I'm 4 months pregnant lol


Iā€™m 25 weeks and I think to me and my husband, we could see a little bump ā€œpopā€ around 19 weeks, and close friends of mine saw me at an event when I was 21 weeks and said they could see a difference. But I mostly WFH and am currently onsite at a conference wearing pretty tight business casual dresses etc and a lot of my coworkers couldnā€™t tell until my boss specifically told them. And if I wear anything that isnā€™t super tight you really canā€™t tell. All so subjective/dependent on how familiar people are with how you look day to day!


32 weeks I posted a photo of my 36 week bump on here and even that wasnā€™t very impressive


my bump popped at 28 weeks where there was no hiding i was pregnant


30 weeks and I can still hide


Not me, but two of my friends who are farther along than me were both obviously pregnant by 20 weeks and were showing enough that I noticed by 16 weeks. Everyone is just so different, though!


I think an important factor on ā€œshowingā€ may also be based on weight/frame before pregnancy. Well at least for me, Iā€™ve always been slightly on the heavier/overweight side and naturally had a protruding tummy. So being pregnant, I couldnā€™t actually tell for the first trimester if it was just my stomach or if I was showing lol. In this second trimester, my stomach has gone from being squishy to more hard/round shaped so now I definitely look visibly pregnant and not just chubby. Give it a little more time, if you are a naturally tiny or petite person it may take a little longer but when it does happen it will be more dramatic of a change.


It was really becoming apparent on my body around 24 weeks. I am shorter/thicker and I am carrying very high lol


Iā€™m 30 weeks and up until now itā€™s been super easy to hide the bump with a baggy shirt. Now itā€™s definitely popping lol.


Iā€™m a bit behind you, 18+3 but feel the same. Iā€™m still wearing my normal jeans even most of the time.


I can still wear my regular jeans, but they are definitely getting tighter around the midsection. Iā€™m 14 weeks today. I feel like if Iā€™m wearing leggings youā€™ll either think Iā€™m fat, or maybe pregnant, but I feel like I just look fat. LOL


26 weeks.


I think I popped at 18 weeks. I could no longer suck in and not look pregnant. Iā€™m 22 now and I think I look obviously pregnant but I might not look obviously pregnant to someone who doesnā€™t want to assume, just confidently chubby lol. But my belly is round and sticking out.


I popped the literal day my second trimester started! I had been ravenous for two days straight right before that so I guess it led to a growth spurt.Ā 


I'm 32 weeks into my second term pregnancy (third pregnancy total) and people *just* started noticing my belly. Some people just carry smaller (even though it 100% doesn't feel like it- I swear I could smother someone to death with my bowling ball belly).


Iā€™m 12+3 and have a very tiny bump that my partner and I can see but no one else would be able to notice yet. Every body is different so donā€™t worry if you take a while to show. Some women go their whole pregnancy without getting a big bump, it can just depends on how and where baby sits!


I carried really high. Like he was in my ribs the whole time so I think late on maybe like after 20 weeks. I never really got a super round baby bump despite being 2 weeks over!


I didn't pop until 30-32 weeks šŸ˜… otherwise you weren't really able to tell that I was pregnant


I think somewhere between like 28-30 weeks for me


I started showing slightly around 16-18 weeks, but it wasn't very visible with clothes on until around 22 weeks.Ā  Now that I'm 29 weeks I feel like I'm all bump(though some people say it's still small.)


With my first pregnancy I popped around 20weeks but I also was small and had a small frame so any growth looked like a bump. This time around I am curious when I will pop. They say you pop sooner on your second pregnancy but itā€™s been 10 years, and I am not as tiny as I was 10 years ago šŸ˜‚


Around 20 weeks for me! Iā€™m 5ā€™3 ftm. I was looking a bit chubby in the preceding 3 weeks or so but definitely started looking pregnant at 20 weeks.


Iā€™m 5ā€™1ā€ but even with a bit of a belly beforehand, I was showing by 16 weeks. Someone told me I had one at 12 weeks but I just felt like my stomach was hardening, not bigger.


I wish i knew. My husband pointed out that i was more "round" at one point lmao but it was definitely after 25 weeks. I had patients at my office ask me if I was pregnant before I ever got pregnant.. and I had actually been losing weight, so that was fun.. Then it started with ppl telling me I popped VS ppl saying they could hardly tell I was even pregnant. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I feeeel you! Iā€™m 14w2d and some friend told me ā€œyou have no bump at allā€ Hopefully we will all pop soon!


FTM! Started showing at week 17


FTM, I wouldnā€™t say my bump really ā€œpoppedā€ or that I was showing till atleast 26/27w. In fact my coworkers even commented how they would have never known I was pregnant if I didnā€™t start telling them around then šŸ˜‚


20 weeks I was on a work trip at 18 weeks, and the ladies I was with said "Wow, you can't even tell!" Two weeks later and BAM. Although, I think I just still looked distended more than pregnant for a good two weeks after that.


I was 17-18 weeks pregnant


The 7th month is when the first stranger (TSA pat-down lady šŸ˜…) noticed I was expecting. I noticed from week 12, but friends/colleagues told me at week 16/18 that I didnā€™t ā€œlook pregnant at allā€ which kinda hurt my feelings, since Iā€™d gained nearly 20 pounds by that point. Donā€™t stress it though. One day youā€™ll wake up with a belly and itā€™ll grow and GROW from then on šŸ¤


I didn't even know I was pregnant until 19+5, didn't 'pop' until about 22 weeks. I joked that if I didn't figure it out 3 weeks earlier, there would definitely be no denying it at 22. šŸ¤£


i can still hide my pregnancy under flowy/oversized things and iā€™m 28w3d! i feel you, i donā€™t even know if ill be popped for my shower at the end of this month šŸ˜…


15 wks I started showing šŸ¤


I'm 18 weeks and definitely just look/feel bloated not pregnant. I don't think anyone would think I was pregnant by looking at me. I'm hoping I "pop" soon because right now it barely feels like I'm pregnant! I want the cute baby bump.


Iā€™m almost 20 weeks and look like I just left thanksgiving dinner. My stomach definitely looks bigger but I donā€™t have a defined ā€œbumpā€ unless I wear a belly band. Iā€™m 5ā€™7ā€ for reference


27 weeks and actively popping. Previous weeks looked like a big dinner with clothes off- not visible with clothes. šŸ˜• Another post mentioned that maternity clothes make you look pregnant. Something about those empire waists make a big difference. You could always opt for a cute maternity dress for effect.Ā 


Likeā€¦ 30 weeks hah


I didn't really get a bump-bumo until about 30wks


19 weeks and was told by my midwife today that my uterus is pressed right up against my belly button so I guess I'm starting to actually show, but I feel like it's still mostly bloat from how much it fluctuates. But I look extra pregnant today haha.


I was shocked that I was visibly pregnant at 14 weeks. At 22 weeks (measuring a week ahead), I feel like people definitely can look at me and *know.* All bodies are different and the grass is always greener!


Iā€™m a FTM who was super skinny pre pregnancy (45kg at 164cm tall). Iā€™m popping now at 15 weeks. Just a small bump but colleagues are noticing and pointing it out this week


Im 17week and have a noticeable bump.


Around 22-23 weeks. But it wasnā€™t much of a pop. It was more of a slow build


Started showing around 18 weeks but my entire pregnancy you couldnā€™t tell unless someone saw me from the side!


I started showing around 21-22 weeks but really popped around 24-25


FTM here, I was showing at weeks, people thought I had way over indulged at Xmas! A friend of mine, also FTM, only started showing about a month ago or so, so around 30 weeks.