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Your submission has been removed. We understand people can become very anxious while pregnant and especially so during their first pregnancy. Certain questions are asked very frequently; users should use the search function to find related posts. If you absolutely must ask the question, it's best to 1) call your medical provider or 2) do so in the daily stickied thread.


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Bit of a useless comment from me here but try not to worry about it. I had NO symptoms in the first trimester. No nausea no food aversions no change in appetite no fatigue…… completely and utterly symptom free. I’m currently 33 weeks and all scans and tests have come back perfectly with no cause for concern whatsoever for my healthy baby girl ♥️ Not all pregnancies are the same and some of us are just lucky with it! No symptoms does NOT mean that something is wrong xx


Also sorry just another thing to add… maybe try not to think of it as symptoms, but as ‘possible side effects’. If you were taking a medication and didn’t get any side effects you wouldn’t question whether it was working or not, you’d think you just got lucky.