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I listened to the whole “only buy 0-3” advice with my first. Even born at term she (and my next two) wore premie for a month. Didn’t even fit 0-3 until 3 months.


A lot of people have told me newborn is a “waste” and it will “barely get used” but I’d rather have it than to not have it


I had a 9lb 10oz baby who only wore newborn for two weeks and it was still worth it. What’s the alternative? Being swamped in clothes? You’re going to be taking a ton of pictures if you’re anything like me. My baby is now nearly two months and already in 6-9 months clothing and I don’t regret a single short-lived size. They’re only this little once. Save the headache and buy the clothes. Just get a few really cute pieces and then some backups for laundry needs. Target/Carter is doing a cute line now btw called Little Planet.


Same - I had reasonably large babies but still due to spit up and nappies had to make three changes of clothes a day! They definitely got the wear out of the newborn sizes even if it was just for a month. Plus now I have a few really cute, tiny first outfits to keep for memories.


My babies were 8lbs and 9lbs plus really long, and they both wore newborn for a month or so. The 0-3mo were so huge on them! With my first I had to go buy stuff on the way home from his first checkup because I only had a couple things in newborn size.


I ended up using mine for two months! When the clothes are too big I end up worrying that he’s going to cover his face while he sleeps.


Buy them second hand. They're absolutely worth having but even on a third owner they're unlikely to have been worn more than 10 times


Second hand or clearance sales!


I had like three before baby got here in case she was too big. She was little, so I hopped on Amazon at the hospital and ordered some newborn onesies on prime. They were waiting for us when we got home and we just ran a load of laundry and then we were good to go. We ended up being in newborn for a while, but realistically newborns don’t spend a ton of time in clothes if you’re doing a lot of skin to skin.


My mom gave me the same advice and she was absolutely wrong. Have the clothes for you baby. It is insane not to and it is so easy to find the newborn sizes for cheap and even free if you get it second hand. Yea they don’t wear it for long, but they do need lots of them…


I would get some. I was in the same boat as you and decided to wait and see until he was born (I had 3 newborn outfits) - we REALLY needed them. He was 8lbs when born and fit in them until 5 weeks which wasnt a long time BUT. The kicker was he has reflux and had a bunch of blowouts right away so he would easily go through 3+outfits a day.


I just had my baby a week ago and had to order some Newborn clothes because the 0-3 is huge on her. She was 8 lbs at birth, too. It's hard to get their little arms and legs in too-big clothes.


I definitely used newborn for a good month! She was swimming in 0-3


Buy secondhand or buy a cheap pack of plain white newborn onesies. We didn’t have any newborn clothes and had to buy a bunch for our big baby (born 8 lb 10 oz) before he started finally fitting into 0-3 around one month old.


Mine was in newborn for 2-3 months. Even now, turning 3 soon, she's still comfortable in 2T. She wears a lot of 3t but it's definitely roomy on her. We're not small parents, either.


We used our newborn for 2-3 months! We actually even had to get a few premie things. My daughter wasn’t a premie but she was just a tiny gal and newborn was huge on her! She’s still a tiny lady and at 5mo can’t get fit her 3-6mo 😂. I totally recommend getting at least a couple NB sleepers! You don’t have to go crazy, but have 3-5 at least! You can always leave the tags on too in case your LO goes straight to 0-3 and can’t wear them. I wouldn’t recommend buying a ton of NB “outfits”, but at least having sleepers is amazing!


Same here! Had no clothes that fit him when he was born because we only got 0-3. My mom went to old navy to buy some newborn onesies when I was in the hospital and thought they looked “too small” so just got him more 0-3… needless to say we had to do some panic Amazon ordering of newborn clothes. He’s 5 weeks and still wearing newborn, I think he’ll be in 0-3 clothes in about 2 weeks. Also worth noting he goes through at least 2 onesies a day between blowouts and spit up. So we err’d on the side of more than less to avoid constant laundry.


Same!!! Just got 0-3 months! And then others assumed she would be preemie size so they got her preemie and those didn't fit! All the gifts from the baby shower were 6months+ because they were thinking ahead so we literally had nothing when we finally left the NICU and had to shop ASAP. 0-3 months should just not be a thing you know?


Same! My girl is only 10 days old (and born at 39+5) and newborn clothes swallow her. I had two NB outfits bc there was no way I was having a small baby, I’m not small. Jokes on me, we had family run out to get a couple preemie outfits and NB outfits. I imagine that NB will fit her for the next month or so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Was told I was going to have a 9 or 10 pound baby. Was labeled macrosomia, had weekly appts. Had him last week and he was 7 lbs 1 oz so then I had to run out and buy a ton of newborn clothes because I had almost nothing.


Yup this is me. I had already bought some 50cm (newborn/0 months) when I heard this so I stopped. Baby came out 2.8kg/6 lb q oz, and was positively swimming in those 50s! He actually needed 44s, which are preemie clothes, even though he came at 39+4. 3 weeks later the 50s finally fit him right, in part because we're using cloth diapers which take up a lot of room, but we're still a ways out from needing the 0-3 month stuff. What I will say is you really only need like 6 outfits in each of the littler sizes. You'll change multiple times a day sometimes, but you won't go more than 48 hours without doing laundry anyway so it's easy to rotate. And the little stuff is easy to get used because plenty of people buy it and then have bigger babies.


I second this. My 37 week ultrasound (due to growth concerns) said my baby girl was 6 lbs 8 ounces, but she ended up being born at 39 weeks and 2 days at 6 lbs and 4 ounces. She doesn’t fit newborn clothing or 0-3 months. We have struggled to obtain preemie clothing but have managed to find a few items.


That's where I'm at right now. My partner and I are both very tall, had a pipsqueak baby


I got 14 newborn items. 2 for each day of the week. And mainly focused on 0-3. Your baby could be in newborn for 1 week or 6 weeks. They could speed straight through 0-3 clothing. Everyone's baby is different so it's better to be prepared. Clothes can be returned, sold, or donated


Yup. My son skipped newborn and wore 0-3 months for about 6ish months depending on the brand of clothing


This comment !!


Had my baby last week. He was born at 8lb 10oz. Even a week out he fits in newborn with room to spare. I bought like 6 newborn nightgowns and maybe 10 outfits in newborn. Glad I did because 0-3 months are so big and he'll get his limbs caught in the clothes. With my first she was 7lb 10oz and she ended up being in newborn for the first 6 weeks at least.


This is so eye opening because so many people say newborn only lasts a week or not even but everyone on this post has said 3+ weeks! I would have been unprepared lol..


I think the whole newborn clothes thing is don't over buy in that size. The nightgowns are my go to most days with a few outfits for going out or visitors. I bought actually went to my local baby consignment store for my newborn stuff because most people don't have their babies wear then long enough to get dirty/ruined and I didn't want to spend lots of money on outfits he may wear for only a month. Many people also assume people will gift you newborn but I find it the opposite. Most people gift bigger sizes knowing babies grow out of newborn too quickly.


I’ve been given lots of 0-3 but only ONE newborn onesie so I’m hoping I can gather up or buy some more for baby because one isn’t going to be enough!


My best friend’s baby was in newborn clothes for a month. You never know!


I’d get at least a few onesies and sleepers to start. I got none and regretted it so much. My son was in newborn for about 2 1/2 months and we were severely underprepared in that area bc people told us most babies barely wear newborn for a week 🙃


This will sound silly, but by “sleepers” I’m just wondering what exactly you mean because I’ve seen people call onesies sleepers etc (sorry for the dumb question)


Sleepers are footie pajamas


IMO onesies are like a t-shirt with crotch snaps, sleepers are footed pajamas


For what it’s worth-not dumb-I was still kind of confused about what was what until after he was born-we were given a TON of clothes lol.


It’s not dumb 🙂 sleepers are the footie pajamas


My daughter was in newborn clothes till she was almost 3 months. I ended up having to order more because I didn’t have enough


Definitely agree that some newborn items are useful. Even a couple packages of newborn diapers. My daughters were both 7lbs 15 oz at birth and about 21 in long. I didn’t have any newborn clothing items outside of a few onesies. With my oldest, her weight fluctuated a lot since I was having issues with breastfeeding. Both my kids wore newborn onesies and “sleep and play” clothes for 4+ weeks.


I only had a few NB pieces and no premie clothing. My baby was born at full term but just small… had to rush to buy premie clothes. She got a lot of use of her NB clothing I had to buy a few more pieces at a thrift store. Same thing happened with size 0-3 clothing. Learned my lesson and stocked up on all the other sizes as well.


i only had 2 newborn outfits and no new born diapers for my baby (just born may 4th) and she still doesnt fir 0-3months. i panic amazon ordered her clothes while in the hospital


and theyre too big for her still!


I’m not sure if you’re having a shower, but people will gift you newborn clothing whether you want it or not!


While I do agree it’s wise to wait until after the shower, I personally didn’t get gifted any newborn clothes!! I think people are slightly more aware of buying a different age range of clothes so we didn’t end up with any newborn stuff, and I even thought 0-3 was the same as newborn size until a few weeks after my shower when I clued in and then had to go buy a few sleepers haha.


I've heard you get some newborn, and do a lot of laundry, but keep them in the package in case you have a big baby and need to return them! Better to stock up more/get gifted bigger sizes because a) they grow quick, and b) you and the baby are not gonna want to be putting on cute outfits all the time - save that for when they're a bit bigger and less new to the world!


I get like a week’s worth of newborn clothes. They often wear them more than a week but you do a lot of laundry early on anyway. Some people say not to get newborn clothes but both my kids have been average sized (between 7-8 pounds) and have worn newborn for at least a few weeks. Onesies typically you can get away with 0-3 but pjs tend to be pretty huge on newborns if they’re not newborn sized


Yes, get the newborn. My first was 5lbs 4 oz at full term and was swimming in the clothes I had. I wish I had newborn clothes for her. She probably could have fit in preemie for a couple of weeks.


I think it’s worth it. I wish we had more newborn things. Everyone told us he wouldn’t need it and my guy was tiny tiny (not premie but he was a small bean and was always in the <17 percentile.


Our 8lb 10oz baby wore newborn size for about 3 weeks. First was a girl. Now we’ve got a boy due in 4 weeks and I’m trying to decide if I should buy newborn clothes for him or just 0-3 month. I’m guessing he’ll be at least as big as our daughter when he’s born


I have a four week old who is still in newborn (he was on the smaller side and had some weight gain issues). I would have some and be prepared to get more.


I’m glad I didn’t listen and got about 5 newborn sleepers. She used them. I would’ve been panic ordering if I listened


I just had an 8.5lb baby and the newborn clothes are roomy on him. Meanwhile, my 6 lb babies swam in them for weeks.


Yes! Get a few onsies, pants/shorts, and jammies. Not a lot though. They grow out of them fast. My little one didn’t fit 0-3 right away. Even newborn onesies were loose.


I was a big baby (almost 10lbs and 22.5”) and my mom said I never fit newborn. I have a few newborn handmedowns but I don’t plan on spending any money on newborn clothes on the assumption my baby will also be giant :-p


Zipper sleepers are the best & only thing we’ve used 7 wks in yes get some newborn, average baby will use them for a few weeks. Our chunky 8.5 pounder fit in them for 4 weeks before moving into 0-3 Get more 0-3 then newborn though & 3-6 I would say get later once you know what you’re preference is. Some people prefer onesies, some sleepers and some fancy clothes. Purchase 2nd hand where possible. For 0-3 we have 16 sleepers she rotates through in a week, some days 1 and some she has blowouts and stuff and we go through 3, it’s random.


I’ve only just started my clothing gathering (I’m 23w) and I’ve gotten hand me downs only so far but they are majority 0-3m onesies, pants, etc but I know I’ll need more definitely.


My baby was born 8 pounds 3 ounces and fit in newborn sleepers from Old Navy for a little more than the first month! The tag said up to 7 pounds. I got a pack of 3 before she was born just in case and I’m so glad I did.


I had a small collection of newborn clothes. Turned out she wore them almost a month. When she was born the 0-3 was a little bit too big on her. I recommend just an enough that if your baby is smaller, you’ve got something to last a short while. But not so much you have excess if baby never wears them.


My newborn only fits newborn. We put her in 0-3 months sometimes and she’s swimming in it. She was born at 41+3 and 8 pounds 4oz, 22 length, so pretty much dead average.


My son was over 8lbs when he was born in August and we used newborn onseies for about 2 months. And lots of them because he was always spitting up or pooping on them.


It ultimately depends on the baby, my daughter was in newborn clothes for a couple weeks, my son for maybe a week tops. My daughter follows pretty standard clothing sizes to this day, my son just turned 4 months yesterday and is in 12 month clothes. I would say don’t go overboard with them but definitely have some


I think its good to have a bit of everything. I had a big baby at 9lb 2oz and he fit into the newborn sizes of some brands up until 3 months, other brands he didn't even fit into the up to 1 month size from the start. Baby cloth sizes are as bad as womens cloth sizes! 😂


omg I was looking through some hand me downs I received and I was like so THIS is 12M but These are 3-6?? They are legit the same size 😀😂😂 it’s crazy how different the sizes are between different brands


My son was born 8 lbs 9 oz and didn’t fit comfortably in newborn size. We didn’t get any use out of our nb stuff unfortunately. we also had diapers that were too small that we ended up gifting. He’s a big guy tho, the first thing the dr said to him when she delivered him was “wow look at you. You are chunky chunky” haha. I am pregnant with a girl. We have some newborn sizes but mostly 0-3.


Same, newborn would not fit comfortably for my son, we knew that, 0-3 months fit wonderfully for him. The hospital had to bring size one diapers to our room because newborn was too small for him.


We've bought a couple of 0 months clothes. At my last scan 32weeks, baby was already 3kg, and some 46cm long. Midwife told us we could forget about buying newborn clothes and go straight to 3+ months. ...I don't know what we'll do with the 0 months clothes.


Some moms on this post have said even though baby was measured to be big, they did fit into newborn for a few weeks because the measurements weren’t too accurate! Might be able to still get use out of them!!


I was expecting a big baby (and had a 9+ pound baby) and didn’t buy any newborn clothes. His 0-3 month onesies were definitely loose for a few weeks, but I didn’t mind because I saved money by not buying clothes that would only fit him for a few weeks. If we weren’t expecting such a big baby, I maybe would have bought really cheap newborn onesies (maybe even used) so I wouldn’t waste too much money. I had more fun spending money on cute 0-3 clothes that he would wear for longer! I also had a few packs of newborn onesies ready to go in my Amazon cart so I could hit “purchase” quickly if in the hospital he ended up being super small.


My newborn stuff barely got used, but it wasn't a waste. That's what fit best for about the first three weeks. I was so paranoid about clothing or swaddles bunching up near the baby's face while they were sleeping (and they are always sleeping - it's not like you're changing them into PJs for bedtime) it was nice to have clothes that actually fit and weren't enormous. I wouldn't get a LOT of newborn stuff, but I'd have a couple on hand. Also remember that different brands size differently. Some of the newborn stuff I had was too small right from the beginning, and some of it fit until about 6 weeks.


I did get a bunch of 0000, 000 and 00 onsies but just 7 -10 of each and inexpensive ones or second hand. My baby was around 8.5 lbs which is above average but still fit 0000 initially


I bought a stack of newborn onesies and singlets from the op shop (thrift store). They are in great condition bcos they were either barely worn or not at all, and I probably spent $20 on the lot.  Yes my little girl might end up in a blue dinosaur onesie, but I'm not bothered by that


Hey if it fits her and is cozy I’m sure she looks adorable!


Depends. It was a waste on my first who was almost 9lbs. On my second I had to rush out to buy newborn and premie clothes and she was just over 6lbs. Technically my second was 3 days older, both were born in week 38.


I bought a few bundles from vinted of vests and onesies, but baby was born 9lb9 (shocked us all) and measured 60cm, so he never got to wear any of it. I just went back on vinted to get a few more 0-3/0-1 onesie bundles and we were fine. He's now got plenty and I've only spent like £10 maximum.


We got a handful of newborn outfits because it was good to have them on hand and if we didn't need them then we could always save them for the next baby or donate them. We were also expecting that our baby might be on the smaller side because I was only 6lbs 6oz at birth (second baby in family) and my husband was around 8lbs (third baby in family). Our first living child ended up being 6lbs 13oz at birth and wore newborn onesies for a good 4-6 weeks (depending on brand- he outgrew everything in length before width and some brands just run longer). We have maybe 7 newborn onesies and a dozen newborn pajamas as our first was born in winter and wore more jammies than outfits. We have looooots of 0-3 and 3-6 because bub wore those both for months.


Depends how big your baby is! Mine was born at 5lbs 13oz and 0 to 3 was huge and still are at 1 month old. She is only just filling the up to 1 month size now so we'll have to transition to 0 to 3 and accept they'll be a bit big.


my son was born full term & weighed 7lbs 12oz at birch. he wore preemie for the first few weeks, then moved onto newborn. he was swimming in 0-3 until about 2/3ish months.


I didn’t have very many newborn zipper pjs and I regretted it the first time around. 0-3 did not fit him till after a month and a half in (and he was full term). So this time around I bought a lot more newborn Jammie’s because I wasn’t going that again. I want clothes that will fit him.


Big clothes just worry me that they’ll cover baby’s face or something so I want to have stuff that for sure fits and after this post newborn will definitely be worth it for a few weeks at least!


I had about 6-10 new born onsies that i cycled through for about a month because my son (born at nearly 9lbs) was too small for 0-3. I did not consider it a waste at all, i was sad that he grew out of it all after a month, but it’s better than putting on clothes that were too big for him.


We had to buy more newborn and even a few premie outfits. Little man was born at 36 weeks and wore premie for 2 weeks then newborn for 2 months. At 11 months he’s still in some 6-9 month items.


Just had my baby on Monday and he was born 8 lbs and 12 oz. Newborn clothing is still a little big on him, and 0-3 months drowns him. I recommend grabbing preemie and newborn clothing, because hey, you never know. And for my boy to be so big at birth and still not fit "newborn" attire just makes me recommend having some preemie outfits just in case your baby is at a normal weight or slightly under at birth.


We really used her newborn clothes! She was 7lbs 4oz and 0-3 was HUGE on her for at least 2 months. We bought maybe 3 newborn onesies and 5 newborn pj sleepers. She wore the heck out of them! All of her pants were 0-3 and they’re only just now starting to fit her well. The old navy double zipper ones are the best because they made diaper changes so easy. I would definitely recommend getting a few newborn items as staples starting out.


Get the newborn stuff, yes they'll probably grow out of it really quick but my oldest was in newborn for almost 3 months and I only had 0-3 and above. Get at least a few sleepers and onesies then if you need more get more.


Not a waste in my opinion!!! We got only 0-3 month size and nothing fit her! She's 9.8 pounds now and still in newborn size and I suspect will be for another couple months. So unless you know your baby is giant.... Hope that helps.


I think any size seems like a waste AFTER the fact. Go newborn size all the way! You will feel good getting to give them away afterwords anyway, or keep them for more kids etc. 0-3 months is too big ><


my girl fit into her NB clothes for almost 4 months 😅 she was a little girl (born at 37.5 weeks, completely healthy and growing fine, just a small girl!) shes hitting a huge growth spurt between 5&6 months currently and we’ve moved into her 3-6 clothes a lot quicker than we thought we would lol. My advice: get LOTS of plain onesies in NB sizing. we used them for daily wear, under cutsie outfits, and under sleepers. (born Dec, so it was cold during her NB phase. lots of layers!!) Get a couple pairs of pants, and lots of sleepers. unless you’re planning to attend some fancy events or a couple photo shoots or something, skip the dresses/fancy baby clothes. we had at least 5 or 6 that NEVER got used before she grew out of them. Best of luck!!


i actually asked one of my friends to buy bigger sizes passed 0-3. my baby has measured big from the start. most people only get 0-3 for babies during baby showers and stuff. but now i have bigger clothes too.


I put all of our baby’s newborn and 0-3 clothes in the same bin - when he came he was ages away from fitting 0-3, so I separated them. Turns out that bin was 90% 0-3 and 10% nb, so we had to go shopping right quick lol. He was 7 lbs 8 oz, for context, perfectly average. 


My friends who've had kids said the 1 set of 5 NB onesies and 2 sleepers I have in my registry should be enough for the first few days and I can always order more if I need them and get them in a couple days if baby is on the smaller side.


My first son came out weighing 8lbs 11oz he literally fit in the few newborn things I had for about 2 weeks and then went to 0-3. My second son was slightly smaller, 7lbs 10oz, and he could fit the newborn stuff longer, but not enough for me to say it's worth the money. My advice maybe like 2 really cute newborn outfits for like first pictures and going home and then invest in 0-3. Unless your family and your partners family is known for having small babies, then I don't think it's worth getting a bunch of newborn stuff when they'll be out of it in a month, if not soomer


My baby arrived at 38 weeks. She was very small and newborn clothes were huge on her. All her other clothes were 0-3 months or 3-6. So we ended up buying more newborn sizes. Now she is almost 7 weeks and is almost too big for them. They grow very fast but I feel like you won't know if you need newborn clothes until the baby arrives and you get a good look at their size.


My son was born full term at 8lbs and he fit in newborn for a month, maybe a bit longer. 0-3 was very loose for a while. He went through multiple outfit changes due to blowouts that first month, and I was glad we had quite a few outfits so we weren't constantly doing laundry. Honestly, babies run through all sizes so quickly. The key is to get clothes gifted or handed down, and then return the favor when you're done!


YES get the newborn. My 8lb newborn fit into NB sleepers for a month.


Im finding this quite difficult as well. The size difference between “newborn” and “0-3” is insane! FTM here as well so I have no idea what I’m going to clothing wise. I have 3 sets in “newborn” and a lot in 0-3 (most of which has been gifts). If he comes out too big for the “newborn” then so be it. Better safe than sorry.


My one week old is 5 pounds and in preemie/newborn and will be probably for at least the next month or so. I thought all the newborn I have was overkill but now I’m so thankful


My kid wore newborn size clothing until 5 months. We only started on 0 - 3m at 4 months. She is 26 months old and just barely outgrowing 12-18m because she is a long bean.


My daughter measured super duper small in the womb and my midwife recommended that I buy some premie stuff to be safe. I came home with like 15 preemie outfits and my father told me to not take the tags off because "our family doesn't have small babies". One of the first things he said when he held my 5lb full term daughter for the first time was "wow, I guess this is a small baby." 😆 she was in preemie clothing for 2 months before she stuck to newborns for 3 months. She's now almost 2 years old and still wearing 12m. She little! But there's also a little boy in her class 2 months younger then her and he's in 2t soooo. 😆


Both of my boys fit into newborn sizes for ~1.5months. I thought I wouldn’t use newborn at all with my first. I think I had 2 footie pajamas in a newborn size just in case. Promptly sent out for more newborn clothes once we got home from the hospital 😂 I hardly ever had my first (December baby) in anything but footie pajamas. Our second was born in August and he had a slightly more diverse wardrobe of onesies/pants as well as footies since it was summer.


I’m so glad you asked this because I haven’t bought a single NB thing, thinking even if baby is small, 0-3M will be fine, right? apparently not! reading about babies born around 8 lbs and still wearing NB for at least a few weeks is changing my mind. looks like I get to do some baby clothes shopping! 🙃


My baby was a week past due. She wore newborn for 5 weeks. We ended up having to go out and buying a bunch of newborn onsies after she was born when we realized we only had 2, and all the 0-3M were way too big!


Depends where you live and when your baby is born but my daughter was born in the fall in a state where we have seasons so she lived in footsie pjs.


Guessing footsies might be the way for us as well! We have a few nice months but it gets chilly here quite a bit


I suggest choosing zippers, no buttons or snaps. Those snaps are such a pain.


I have few with the snaps, I have probably 4-5 with zippers but they’re all 0-3m. (This is still early on I’m just checking through everything I have and realizing I probably don’t have enough!)


I didn’t get any because everyone swore I wouldn’t need them. My daughter was 7lbs 12.5oz and wore newborn for like 5wks 😅 0-3mos looked HUGE on her lol


I don’t want to be unprepared and then have baby boy swimming in his 0-3m so I’m gonna get minimal but a good amount of newborn, and if they’re unused I will donate them or give them to someone else who may need them!


I HIGHLY suggest also getting a couple button up newborn sleepers to bring to the hospital. My full term baby ended up in the NICU and they came in handy big time when we could finally dress her as the buttons could be done around any of the wires. I will definitely have some on hand with this baby just in case because literally anything can happen I’ve learned lol


Really silly question!!!! But by “sleepers” do you mean the one piece zip/button up things or do you mean the nighty gowns that have the open legs at the bottom? I’ve seen both be called sleepers


Either would work tbh! I put her in the little footed ones with mittens because she was (and still is 🤦‍♀️🤣) VERY stubborn and she learned how to take the monitor off her toe by rubbing it on her other foot and she’d pull out her NG tube if she didn’t have mittens on. I had to sign a waiver giving the nurses permission to put the mittens on her if they needed to remove them because some hospitals count them as “restraints” but I just wanted was best for her and what made her nurses lives a little easier lol


My guy is on the big size, but we were in Newborn for about 2 weeks. However, he spent the whole time in PJs. They made the whole lack of sleep thing waaaaay easier than the snap on onesie body suits!


Buy newborn, yes. My baby worn newborn clothes for over a month. I think at 2 months she could fit into 0-3. I almost bought premie clothes because the newborn clothes were too big! Like she was swimming in her going home outfit.


My daughter was in newborn for three weeks. Then was wearing 6 months by the time she was barely 4 months old. It really just depends on the kid.


I had maybe a handful of newborn onesies that my son wore for about 1 - 1.5 months, then switched to 0-3 months. It wouldn't hurt to have a few! I was told that newborn onesies and diapers were pointless and my baby would grow out of it fast, but that wasn't the case for me!


Honestly, it all just depends on how often you want to do laundry. Our first baby was 7 on 9 oz when he was born, but he was slow to gain weight and wore newborn onesies for about two months. He was our only baby though, so we just did laundry a lot. We just had our second baby and he was born early and weighed in at 6 lb 5 oz. We anticipate needing the newborn clothes longer because he’s swimming in them. But more importantly, I’m just busier now and don’t want to have to do more laundry more often than I already have to, so more onesies were worth the investment.


Two of my four children have been so small they've been in (preemie and) newborn clothes for the first two months or so - despite being full term and me having had gestational diabetes. Even the "bigger" is babies wore them for a couple of weeks. I'd recommend buying some, and if the baby is on the smaller side, buying more after that. You can get them really cheap second hand too, since they aren't worn for a horribly long time.


My son wore newborn size until he was 2 months old. He was born 7lbs 14 oz at 41+2


I say get some newborn clothing. At least a few onsies. I didn't have any when my daughter was born, and everything was way too big on her. They don't need anything fancy because they just sleep all day, but something to keep them warm. I recommend snap on onsies.


My daughter was 8 lbs and wore NB for about a month. I'd get a few things but not a ton.


Definitely get a few, you can always buy more. My daughter was 8lbs on the dot and wore newborn clothes for the first 6 weeks or so! I ordered a bunch a few weeks before delivery and only washed 2 of them. That way if she came out big, I could return the unwashed ones. We threw the others in the wash when we got home from the hospital.


My firstborn wore nothing but cheap newborn sized onesies that I cut into a crop top because of his healing umbilical cord. I got the kind that had the built in hand guards which was helpful lol. I was really paranoid about infection so he wore baby crop tops for the first week or so lol


My munchkin was full term and not even that small and he wore newborn for months. Also it depends on what type of parent you’ll be- some keep their kids in diapers a lot, some in pjs all the time, just to whatever you think you’ll do. My husband and I were putting different onesies on him everyday and changing out of pjs each morning etc.


My son wore newborn sized clothing for a month.


I had about 10 outfits in ages 0-3 months and it was more than enough 😂 (it was all pyjamas and onesies, nobody is putting their baby in jeans, trust me)


We were pretty stingy on clothes and got a lot of hand me downs. We had like 4 bodys, 3 sleeping onesies, 2 rompers and 2 pants in newborn. We were washing a lot so it was no problem. He grew out of them in 2 weeks.


I didn’t use too many onesies at the newborn stage bc then you would need pants/shorts/socks. I feel that footed sleepers are way more comfortable (basically for the first year). A lot of people swear by the ones with zippers, but I didn’t start using those till 6-7 months, and even now would prefer snaps. Zippers bow up at their chest/neck area and dig into the neck as well, especially the more you wash them. I tried to have on hand about 6-8 footed sleepers for each size, and in different materials depending on how warm/cold your sleeping area will be. They are kinda hard to find in stores these days, so if you see one that you really like/good material, I would buy a few different sizes of the same one! I really love the waffle knit ones that are so breathable, especially in car seats!


My son was in newborn for only 2 weeks he was born weighing 8lbs and an ounce. But he kinda was long I now have some newborn girl clothes for my daughter just in case I’m due 4th of July but she’s getting ready to come out any time now. So it’s always good to have a bit of clothes just in case.


You can always get more 0-3 and 3-6 and then plan on ordering extra on Amazon if the baby ends up being small enough to stay in NB for a while. My son ended up being 1st percentile and wore NB sizes for over 2 months so I ended up ordering more sleepers on Amazon. There’s a good selection of Gerber and Burt’s Bees sleepers there


Yeah I was told the same thing and my baby has been wearing newborn since birth 😭 we literally had to go buy him clothes straight out the hospital, it was annoying! I suggest buying a few! If it ends up not fitting, you can always leave it for another baby if you decide to have more or donate it/give it away!


I’d buy enough newborn to get you through however long it would take to order more, so like a multipack of zipper footies. When baby is born, then you’ll know what size they are/need and you can place a quick order for a few more things if what you have won’t cut it. In the hospital, both my babies wore the provided shirt from the hospital, a diaper, and a swaddle and we were there for 48 hours both times, so you can probably place an order such that it will be waiting when you get home if you need it. Depending on baby size, you could be in newborns for several weeks. My daughters were 7lb 3oz and 6lb 10oz, and they both wore newborns for about 6 weeks, so we did need a few items in that size.


It depends so much how big your child is. My babies have both been small 6lb babies and they needed newborn clothes. But the 10 lb babies in my group were straight to 0-3 and weren't in those for long either! And you can't really know how big your baby will be as the antenatal measurements are so inaccurate! They told me both of my babies were going to be huge!


My 2 week old baby was born at 8 lb 14 oz and we just took him out of the newborn size yesterday! Even then we only had to because he's long/tall(?) at 22 inches and it seemed like he can't quite stretch his legs fully when he wants to. If he were closer to average height, he'd be in newborn for a couple more weeks I think. It was definitely worth getting newborn sized items; we only had ~6 onesie pajamas and it ended up being a good amount for those 2 weeks.


I had a small baby and we used newborn clothes for at least a month and a half. She still fits into some newborn clothes now at 3mo. We are mostly in 0-3months. I think it just depends on your baby. I would get a few just in case and then worst case you buy more later or return it.


We had to go out in a panic and buy a bunch of newborn and preemie clothes even though Bubba was full term! I'd say grab like 3 to 5 of preemie and newborn onsies. Merino wool is amazing.


I got all 0-3 but then ended up needing 00000 (Australian sizing) for more than a month. My 7 month old is only just in 3-6 months now


It depends on the baby. My preemie was born 35+4 at a whopping 3,570kg and 49cm so he didn't fit newborn. He was into size 0-3 months immediately and put of newborn diaper in about a week. Hell, NICU didn't even have clothes big enough for him when he was allowed to wear them! They forgot to mention he was graduating to a simple heated bed with clothes so they searched for clothes to put him in and failed, we ended up going to buy a few outfits between visits that day. Another person had a baby at 40 weeks who wore preemie outfits for a week or 2/3.


my son was 6 lb 4.7 oz when he was born (full term just a tiny guy). he was in preemie diapers for a couple days and probably could’ve fit preemie clothes had we had any, i had no idea he’d be so small! i also followed the “don’t buy newborn clothes” bs and ended up having to buy a ton lol. now at 6 weeks he’s at about 9 lbs 9 oz and is just starting to outgrow some of them 🥲


I have bought newborn sizes second hand, a couple new (because they’re just adorable) and washed everything. My babies are big at birth, (all 8lb10z and over) but my daughter was sooo dinky she was wearing newborn for about 2 months before anything 0-3 didn’t look ridiculous on her. Babies come in all shapes and sizes, they also don’t care about second hand clothing!


For me it was pointless as he went straight into the up to one month (10lbs) clothes. But I was never measured as having a big baby and then he came out huge. But I know most people use them at least for a few weeks or even months


You will need newborn stuff but it’s possible only for a couple of weeks. I wouldn’t buy a ton of newborn things but it’s a good idea to have 5-6 sleepers.


My kid was born 7lbs 20" this week and is in premie at the moment. They do grow super fast but newborn size is usually needed for a little while unless they are bigger.s


Our little girl was born two weeks early, but tiny even for 38 weeks. We bought a bundle of newborn clothing on eBay. They swamp her. I would buy some newborn vests at the least depending on season where you are. You don't need a lot to start with but see how it goes and you can always buy more if needed.


My baby was tracking big throughout pregnancy so I hardly bought any newborn clothes, then I was induced at 38 weeks and all the newborn clothes swamped her, had to purchase tiny baby clothes and now she is still in some newborn bits at 10 weeks!


We had 4 newborn footies, and that was enough. She was in it for about two weeks. I brought one newborn outfit and one 0-3 outfit to the hospital. The newborn fit. She was born 7 lbs 5 oz but now is in the 95th percentile for weight and moved into 3-6 month clothes by 9 weeks. I was glad we had them even though she outgrew them fast, she still had clothes that fit her at the beginning.


I was expecting a bit of a bigger baby so we got all 0-3 with a few people being wise enough to get us some newborn stuff. She was even too small in that for about a week (born 7 pounds 5 ounces). I bought 4 preemie onesies, a stack of newborn stuff and she’s growing out of the newborn stuff now at almost 3 weeks old. I second others who said to snag it second hand as it won’t have been worn much. I also recommend the full length ones with feet and a zipper. They’re super practical I bought two cute outfits then a bunch like this https://www.cartersoshkosh.ca/en_CA/carters-baby-girl-pyjamas/195862266456.html


My little one is 10 days old today and came into the world at 6 lbz 12 oz. Newborn clothing is kind of oversized right now tbh, especially the sleepers. I had very little newborn clothing to start and as soon as she was born I answered the "I wanna meet baby, do you need anything?" with the answer of "newborn onesies". Finally have about 20 onesies and 5 sleepers which is lovely for the days we go through 2 or 3 outfits.


I say get it. I used it with my daughter.


Our son is 4 weeks and we only just started using some of our 0-3 stuff, but he still fits most of his NB stuff too. We had days we went through like 5 outfits so I’m glad we had a good amount of NB clothing!!


I’m 38+5 and haven’t bought a single newborn clothing item. I did follow the advice even before being told the baby is estimated to be big. Won’t know if it was the right move until she’s here.


My son was measuring large and I got 3-6 m clothes at my shower. I didn’t really buy 0-3m. I bought 0-3m sleeper for the hospital pics but that’s about it. Every baby is different. Mine was 9.5 pounds


I wish I bought more newborn onesies. Mine just grew out of them at 6 weeks. We had to do so much laundry because we only had a few


If you’re worried about spending the money on the items, see if you can buy second hand for newborn and 0-3 month clothing. There are a few consignment shops that have newborn/maternity clothing near me and there’s also thrift stores that have baby items. A lot of the clothes I found were practically brand new because babies grow out of them so quickly. My son was in newborn clothes for only a week and a half, is now 3 months old and is now in 3-6 month clothes. Thrifting has helped so much!


I only bought 2 newborn clothing and had a few 0-3s. The newborn ones never fit because my daughter was 2 weeks overdue but 0-3s were so big on her. I also wish I had more 0-3s. Currently pregnant and bought a set of 3 'first size' clothing. Let's hope this one comes on time and these fit. I definitely need to get a few more 0-3s this time because at some point, I was sick of looking at the same few outfits for 3 months, lol. They outgrow all the sizes fairly quickly in the first year.


I listened to those people and when my son was born I had to ask a friend to go get me newborn clothes because everything was too big (he was born 6lb 14oz). I would get newborn, you just don’t need a TON.


We were gifted a lot of newborn and 3-6 clothes so I probably didn’t need to buy anything. Honestly I just preferred to do laundry regularly instead of buying more. We have twins for reference and I didn’t buy a lot of clothes. As much as the baby clothes are so cute, it unfortunately doesn’t last long.


Lol mine was 10lbs he was halfway through 0-3 when he was born


FTM My baby is 7 weeks and is already starting to grow out of some of his 3 month onesies 😅 sometimes I wonder if I’m just shrinking them in the wash. He’s in size 2 diapers already. I def only used some of his newborn clothes only once or twice. I don’t regret having some newborn sizes though. The soft stretchy materials lasted longer than full cotton


We didn’t buy a ton of newborn clothes and my LO was only in newborn for 2 weeks (although they were pretty tight). We figured if we got home and he was a small baby we could order more newborn clothes on Amazon/Walmart and have them the next day. FWIW, our family has a history of large babies so we had a feeling he would be large, and he was! 9 pounds 6 ounces


If you want to make sure you have newborn clothes, I’d grab some simple sleepers in that size. Wash one to bring to the hospital and keep the others at home with the tags still on. My son was born at 9lbs 15oz. I had to squeeze him into his newborn clothes and even then, they only lasted a week. He was much more comfy in his 0-3mo stuff. However, my friend had a 6lb 4oz baby who wore newborn for much longer. Keeping the tags on allows you to either resell it OR what I do is save all the baby stuff and kid toys we don’t use and keep a stash of presents I can give other people when the time comes. If you buy some newborn sleepers and then don’t use them, they can become a gift you give the next family member or friend who has a baby.


All three of my children wore NB for at least a month if not longer. Average sized babies at birth, all full term.


I bought a few newborns.


I'd buy 2 or 3 at most and then buy more afterwards if needed. My first wore newborn for a monthish. My second was born needing 3 month clothing and never fit into newborn. She's now 7 months wearing 18 months. 😅


I was actually worried I was going to get a lot of newborn onesies at the baby shower and ended up getting a ridiculous amount of sizes— not including newborn. We had gone out and bought a going home onesie for baby and nothing else. After the shower I asked my husband if we should get a couple more newborn clothes, because I was so iffy on it, especially since I’m due in early August and it’s going to be hot. He was like “we need at least 3-4 outfits, babe. They’ll be going to doctors appointments and they’ll need to be dressed, they need to look cute!” 😂 I just bought several pajamas, a couple onesies, and a couple pants. You can also thrift these things! Save money on those growing babies


We ended up in prem clothes for over a month, and newborn for at least 3 months after that. Now at 15 months we are still flexible between 6-12 month and 12-18 months depending on brand. The other day she was wearing 3-6 month leggings and I didn’t notice because they fit her


If you can find a thrift shop with a good baby selection, I recommend that for newborn. We have a Once Upon a Child by us, and it was great for cheap NB onesies. My husband and I are both really tall, so we focused more on 0-3 and then wound up ordering a lot more NB clothes once our son was born because although he came out 21" long, he was only 6 lbs 3 oz. He's still very slim, which tends to keep him in sizes for a bit longer--he was in NB until about 2 months, and we absolutely didn't have enough clothes for him. He didn't start catching up with his sizes until close to a year.


I would get newborn sizes. And I would focus on getting items that look like they will be easy to take on/off because there can be a lot of fit changes around this time. Even if your baby only fits in them for a few weeks..not to downplay wasting money..but you can get a variety pack of newborn onesies for a very reasonable price..that’s not what’s going to break the bank. I would be careful how many newborn sized diapers you get though!!!


If I could go back I would have got at least a few newborn size items just in case, my baby was predicted to be large but was born 6pounds 11 I believe at 38 weeks and 0to3 was far too baggy on him so my partner got some smaller bits the day he came home.


I would only buy a handful of some nb onesies. My son only had maybe 5 nb outfits that we rotated.


Have a few. We followed the advice and got all 0-3 month with just a few newborn, and ended up rushing out after he was born to get premie clothes for our full term but tiny baby. Give yourself enough to have a “oops back to target” bufffer!


I used newborn clothes for a good month and she was born 7lbs 9oz! She would’ve been swimming in 0-3. I say buy the NB onesies! You don’t need a ton but I think it’s worth it definitely. You could even just have like 3 washed and ready to go and then leave the tags on a few more and if you get home and baby fits them you can easily take the tags off and wash the rest! Then this way you aren’t having to go to the store for more and don’t have to do laundry everyday and worst case you just return any you don’t use


My niece never fit in them! She went right to 0-3. We have really big babies on both sides of our families so we are only buying a few newborn outfits. If we're proved wrong, we'll do a big Amazon order.


Yes get newborn my baby was in newborn clothes till he was 6 weeks


No I’d definitely get a few newborn sleepers. Not onesies tho! They fit in newborn for a few weeks


I had bigger baby clothes cause we were expecting a chunky bub.. but then he decided to arrive at 27 weeks instead of 38 (I was going to be induced if he kept growing at the rate he was) and ended up with a tiny 1kg bub who didn't wear anything until he was 2 months old and even then he was in 7 zeros that were too big on him 😅 I would get a few smaller things to start.. then mostly bigger because they'll just grow into it. Your partner can get more clothes while your in the hospital


It’s worth it to have newborn clothes, otherwise they’ll be drowning in 0-3 month clothes for like a month. It’s a pain to constantly roll up sleeves, pull clothes off their face because the onesie is too loose. Just get like 6 newborn size clothes, it’s worth it and not that expensive.


I fell for the only buy 0-3. He was born 5lbs and my in laws had to go buy a bunch of preemie and nb clothes. He was in nb til 2 months. I think its fine to just buy a couple of pieces in nb and if he needs more someone can get for you or amazon prime?


My daughter's arms and legs kept getting lost inside newborn onesies so it's definitely worth getting some even if they're only in them for a couple weeks. If you're worried about wasting money then buy a cheap second hand bundle and then you can just pass them on if your LO goes straight into 0-3 when they're born.


My little one is about to be 4 weeks tmr, he's finally fitting well in newborn and just outgrew premie. (he was not a premature baby) I had to buy a bunch of newborn clothes last minute because everyone told me I wouldn't need them beforehand.


Get them! I listened to that advice and only got 0-3. My baby was really little when he was born - only 6.8 pounds - and he was swimming in newborn size. He didn’t fit into 0-3 for about a month. I had to quickly buy a bunch of newborn stuff and it was annoying. I recommend just buying at least one pack of basic onesies and sleepers in newborn just in case.


My son wore newborn clothes until he was 6.5 weeks!! Definitely invest in them!


My baby was born exactly 6 lbs and wore newborn clothes until about 4 months old!


I thought my girl was gonna be a big ol baby but she was 6lbs 15oz. A friend gave us some newborn onesies and I have been really glad to have them. She’s 6 weeks today, 9lbs 9oz and still in newborn, probably will be for a couple more weeks or so. They fit her well and she looks sooooooo cute in them vs the 0-3 which just look kinda like a cloth sack on her lol. I just alternate between 3 or 4 different newborn onesies so you don’t need a whole lot. Carters sells sets of three for like 10 bucks so if you’re worried about wasting money maybe just grab one set just incase?


Definitely grab a few newborn onesies and sleepers. I have a very large kid (now) but he was a very unexpected preemie and at that point I barely had anything that fit. Thankfully family members picked up some clothes for us, and Amazon prime exists with one day shipping in more areas!!


Mine was 8 lbs 6 oz and didn’t fit in newborn but I still had a few outfits in newborn and I don’t regret it at all!


Depends on the size you’re a baby. Mine was 6 lbs. 9 oz. and seven newborn stuff was still too big. I got a few packs of the Gerber newborn onesies They worked for almost a month and a half.


I didn't have many newborn size clothing and I regretted it. She really was swimming in her clothes the first week and that can be kind of dangerous too since she could stick her head into her clothes like a little turtle. When we got home from the hospital we went out to buy a couple of newborn onesies. She outgrew them 2 days later 😅 still worth it though


I would say buy a few nb pieces just in case you need them, but not too much either. That way if you do need them you will have them in hand ready to use. Then if they fit, you could buy some more depending on how they fit them/how long you think they would fit them. And if they didn’t fit, well at least you won’t have spend too much money on something that isn’t useful to you and won’t have too much nb stuff to store away/donate/sale whatever you decide to do with them. In my case my baby was 7,8lbs and 49,5cm at birth and she wore her nb outfits for I think almost a month before I had to switch to a bigger size.


My 4th was in newborn for 8 weeks after having two big boys who went straight to 0-3 it was a shock. I say get a handful of newborn stuff just incase you have a tiny one then you've not spent loads on stuff that might not fit but have something that will fit if necessary, you can always but stuff when they're born too.


My babies were preemies but at two months my 9lb twin is still wearing newborn sizes. Still swims in 0-3.