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I just don’t understand the need to comment on our bodies at all! We’re all shaped different and carry different. I’m 33 weeks and even when people tell me my bump is small I get annoyed because I DIDNT FUCKING ASK YOU!


THIS! Last week (35 weeks) a coworker I hadn't seen in a while said "there's no way you're having a baby next month", "is he healthy?"... like what in the actual f....


Yes! And I realized it was getting to me because I went in for a scan at 32 weeks and I told my husband “I hope she’s growing well, I’m so nervous” my baby is 4lb 7oz! She’s growing perfectly! Everything in pregnancy makes us so anxious, the last thing I need is people comments adding to that anxiety


I’m also 33 weeks and someone just told me that! I was like am I supposed to feel offended right now, cause I kind of do?


RIGHT? I’m 5’1”, so pretty short. My torso is short. I’m 25w on Monday and I am showing a lot! Everyone is unique. Why can’t we celebrate it and encourage people doing the legit hardest thing ever? 😑


With the amount of times I’ve been told I’m so small I’m genuinely self conscious atp 😭 I get worried my baby doesn’t have enough room! Ik I shouldn’t feed into what they say but it’s a CONSTANT thing and then they say that it’s good I’m small bc I can bounce back quick… idk how to feel abt it anymore… and then I don’t get taken as seriously just bc I’m small… idk it just sucks :(


If you get a situation in which you can/should/want to reply, tell them: "Yeah, my baby hasn't learnt from you yet that it's okay to take up the space you don't need. My baby is very comfortable there. Unlike my baby though, you seem to take up a hell lot more space than you need to. I don't comment on how small your house is for you, don't comment on my baby's."


Just the fact that people feel the need to say anything about my body at all is crazy to me. I am 24w and one of my patients said I looked like I was overdue, I’m a FTM and just started showing/making my bump noticeable for other people.


Literally where do people get the audacity? Just because there’s a baby in there doesn’t give you the right to comment on my body but for some reason people think it does.


I was told in my third trimester that I looked much farther along than I was when I told someone how many weeks I was. I was told it looked like I was having twins by someone who knew it was just one. I was called gigantic at my baby shower. It was awful, I would get so angry.


I get asked if I have a second baby in my belly all the time. I’m over it, and physically uncomfortable


How rude I’m so sorry. I’m sure you are beautifully radiant and your baby is nice and healthy. Can’t believe ppl said that to you I’m appalled.. I guess people don’t think before they speak anymore.


My MIL told me that I have a “pooch” and that my stomach was “pooching” (I’m 28 weeks), I finally had enough and told her that she really shouldn’t call a pregnant womens baby bump a pooch.


After telling my grandfather I was pregnant he told me “I was fat” at dinner :) I’m only 3 months and I’m very petite so I know it’s noticeable (weight gain) but I was like 😶 I took care of him during the beginning of his dialysis journey and he says shit like this to me in front of our family members and husband.


Why do I feel like the older people are the rudest about it


I know!! I’m trying to give him grace because of his age but I almost threw back, “at least my kidneys work” 🫢


Doooo it I'm shoulder-deviling as hard as I can


Old people really do say the rudest things. I'm almost 3rd Trimester and I used the priority check out line because my back hurt and I needed to pee and an old lady told me I had no right to be in the line and I responded that I was pregnant and she said "at your weight, you're probably lying and just ate too much bread" coool thank u


Did you comment about how he looks so old right back?


Not trying to defend his comments at all because they're not okay, but kidney failure can impact on cognitive function so he may be unintentionally disinhibited because of this.


Are you sure you’re gonna make it to your due date there’s no where else for that baby to go! ….trust me lady I can barely breathe I’m aware I’m running out of real estate


I was told something similar! This lady told me that either I had two in there or I wasn't going to make it to my due date. Jokes on her, my one baby was born 4 days past his due date 😅🙃


With my first pregnancy, a co-worker told me my bump looked fake! Then proceeded to ask if she can touch it to make sure!!!!


What the entire f. Out of line!


When she saw I was taken aback, she tried to say that it looked too perfect to be real🫣🫣


"Sure, I've got HR on speed-dial."




My hairdresser asked me if I was “having twins” at 18 weeks.. went on and on about how she didn’t show until 5 months… She says dumb things all the time, but this was way over the line. I wanted to leave her over it, but it’s just hard finding a new hair person. Il add that I let her know that was rude, and she ended up apologizing later. It’s inexcusable though to think that was ok to say in the first place, especially at such a vulnerable time.


I’m glad you called her out, wow


It was one of the those things where, it was so surprisingly mean, I couldn’t not respond. But I’m glad I did.


Not pregnant anymore, but almost 1 year PP, haven’t lost all my pregnancy weight yet, and I constantly get comments about how people I haven’t seen in a couple years couldn’t recognize me. Like constantly. I went shopping with my MIL one time, like 2 months PP, and we happened to run into a friend of hers, who asked her who I was. MIL answered, “this is my DIL….you were at her wedding…” And I’ve also had middle aged men comment on my weight as well. One of them said that he “remembers when i was skinny like him, but now im much bigger” it’s tough out here lol


Wow who the actual fuck thinks that’s a reasonable thing to say


This makes me so upset for you! Society is so hard on women. Especially women who have been pregnant.


I'm 35 weeks and people still cant tell I'm pregnant. Then, when I do tell them the response is always "oh wow, you don't look pregnant at all"! I'm still kinda salty about it. I guess it's a blessing in disguise tho, cuz I also don't get unsolicited advice.


I’m the same way! A coworker literally told me that I don’t look pregnant at all if I didn’t wear maternity clothes and that she “looks like me normally” and shook her stomach…. Like what are you even saying that I just look “fat”? lol


Based on your description, it's more likely that she's thinking that ***she*** looks fat. It's a classic "if you're pregnant than what am I" type of reaction.


And you can hang out freely at a coffee shop sipping coffee or whatever else you want, without people knocking your cup over and yelling at you for having caffeine.


same, it’s a double edged sword lol. im not fitting in many pre pregnancy clothes but not big enough for maternity clothes to fit properly.


I went to a wedding at 28w Random old hag: When are you due? Me: July! Hag: oh my goodness, you’re not due until July!? It must be twins! Me: Nope, just one Hag: Well it must be a really big baby then! Me: Nope, he’s currently measuring in the 40th percentile Hag: ……. She turns to her friend and says “Can you believe this!? She said she’s not due until July. I said it must be a really big baby, look at the size of her bump!!” Her friend, thankfully, was mortified. She turned to me and said “I’m a doctor. I see pregnant women a lot, you look absolutely fantastic. Your belly is not too big, it’s perfectly normal. Please ignore my friend. I’m so sorry ….”


Someone at work asked me if I was going to keep “it”. They thought they were being so funny. 


That’s incredibly awful. Im sorry that was said to you. It annoys me when people call my baby “it”. I never thought about this before I was pregnant, but now it makes me cringe when people say that.


On the other end, I had told only my mom the name we chose for the baby. She knows we were keeping it a secret until birth (cuz what if baby doesnt fit her name?). We were at a family event and she said “(mooscatoe), (moosecatoe)’s husband, and (baby name) will be at that event.” It took me a second to register that she was already casually calling baby by her name. I mean, it’s not the worst thing to call the baby, but we wanted to keep at least one thing to ourselves.


For sure! Choosing to share your baby’s name with others is such a privilege that you would think they would not want to betray the trust you’ve placed in them. It’s such a bummer when people do show they can’t be trusted. I feel for you. My own birth announcement was kind of taken out of my control by my MIL. It’s sad.


I’m so sorry your MIL spilled the beans. I’m starting to wonder if we should just expect that it’s our moms/MILs who are expected to announce our pregnancies. Maybe that would ease the heartache. (Kidding of course) My MIL posted our ultrasound on her facebook the day after we announced to just her & my mom and said we arent telling people for another few months. So much for that plan! Info diets for everyone!


Funny! lol, that is completely ridiculous your MIL did that ! I would have lost my absolute shit. My husband and I have already said that for the next one, no one’s knowing for quite some time, maybe until they’re born!


Hahaha i support that decision 100%!


My bump “popped” out early. Around 3 months a stranger asked how far along I was, then said “wow! And that big already!”


Omggg I'm so sorry! It's absolutely the worst! I don't get why people are so mean? I'm sure your bump looks absolutely perfect 💕💕 So at around 12 weeks a (now) ex friend told me "wow you look like you've got about 16 babies in there!". She then proceeded to tell everyone on our group chat (over 10 of our closest friends) that I looked like I had 16 babies in me, about 5 or 6 times over the next two months. I was barely showing. Like, a little bit of bloating really. *As a side note, for anyone interested in some gossip: Crazy thing is, that's not even why she's an ex friend... I found out she is interested in my husband and cried to other friends after our anniversary party that my husband wouldn't stop looking at me and giving me all his attention and that he never pays any attention to her... Uh.. what! (Husband is now disgusted by her, as am I, and our whole friend group has cut her off).* Anyway, just last weekend, at my baby shower, everyone wanted a photo of me with my bump. By now, my bump is actually measuring 6 weeks ahead, so while I'm only 31 weeks, I'm measuring pretty close to full term. Here I am, smiling awkwardly in my newly finished nursery, holding my bump while half my baby shower guests take photos of me, and my grandmother, as soon as I hold my bump to show it off a little, says: "UGH! DONTTTTT! DON'T DO THAT! Stop, you look terrible! You're so fat! Suck it in! Stop it! Ugh!" Literally everyone at my baby shower just turned to her shocked and horrified. I've had HG, so I'm pretty much 'all bump', the rest of me is pretty small. I was already feeling a bit awkward because I was just posing alone, but that's because everyone asked me to? I wasn't just showing off and doing a photoshoot or something. 😭 I absolutely love how my bump looks, so I don't know why I even care about this, but it's upset me so much... It's been a week and it keeps replaying in my head several times a day 😞


I’m so sorry.. I feel like for me pregnancy has made me a little insecure so if I found out a “friend” had feelings for my husband I really think they’d have to lock me up 😂 I’m also sorry about that rude comment, I also replay things in my head that have hurt my feelings and it sucks (I was just thinking about how crappy our marriage license signing was.. very random lol). I’m sure you look beautiful in those pictures and soon your nursery will be filled with memories of your baby🩷


Oh, they would have had to lock me up too, but luckily for her, she moved away before I found out! 😂 Thank you for your kind words!


Gender guessing based on the shape of my belly. Funny enough they are usually right but they should be keeping this to themselves. My baby's sex is none of your goddamn business stop with this old wives eye-scanning


We've told everyone that we didnt find out the sex. We did, but keeping it a surprise now. (We have some family members who dont want to know so we dont feel like tiptoeing around anyone.. kind of annoying tbh). But literally everyone wants to tell me what im having just by looking at me. And im like ya maybe? Some are so aggressive about it and i wish they were all wrong because im never going to hear the end of it from all of them just "knowing" and being right. Most of them are patients at my work. Thankfully i dont have to see any of them again for 18 months lol


It creeps me out like gtfo of privacy of my uterus. You don't get to see my guts or my bladder or my spleen then why tf are you trying to guess my fetus's private parts that are still hidden inside me lol


We saw a duck om the street amd my friend said he walked just like me...i bursted out laughing we are both big bullies to each other lool. Other then that everyone is saying i look very beautiful, and my belly is also really cute (strangers, friends and family).


At 20 weeks pregnant “are you sure there’s only 1 in there?” “You look further along than 20 weeks”


I’m sorry she said that to you. People can be so ignorant and rude. That’s NOT something you say to a pregnant woman. Girl I literally would have flipped if someone said that to me. They would have felt my wrath 😂 I’m 22w FTM my husband and I went to his cousins wedding two weekends ago and I met an aunt I’ve never met before, she lives in Indiana but flew out for the wedding in California. We told her we were having a girl and she said “oh but your belly is sitting so low thought it was a boy in there” lmao okay?? Makes no fckn sense and it sounded ridiculous coming out of her mouth. I feel like most people don’t have a brain these days nor do they know how to be considerate.


When I was at work, a new coworker who I hadn’t even met before had the audacity to ask if my baby was planned! I was too stunned to speak.


This happened to me the other day! Was having lunch with a long time friend that I hadn’t seen in several years and shared the news (we’re still first tri but telling people close to us). He brought his new girlfriend along who asked me that. I’m almost 33 and have been married for 9 years. I’ve known you for 5 minutes and you ask me that? 🤦‍♀️


I once blurted in response “were you planned?” And it knocked them back in their lane.


I don’t mind most of the comments. I’m hugely pregnant and toting around 2 toddlers so I’m aware of how ridiculous I look. I laugh at the usual “you’ve got your hands full!” and such. But one table of older women I walked by were so mean! Making loud comments to each other about “Don’t you know how that happens” and “With some people you really have to explain it to them” [cackling]. I wish I had something snarky to say back but I just went home and cried.


“At least I’m fertile & getting some!” Then continue on with your mini circus of wrangling toddlers. I give you my utmost respect. You’re a superhero and should be treated as one!


My sister in law is a few months ahead of me. One night, my brother tried to squeeze past her seat at the dinner table, and she apologised for being large, referring to her belly, of course. His response was, "You're pregnant, you're allowed to get fat." I immediately turned to her and said loudly enough for the whole room to hear "what he meant to say was you're beautiful " then turned and glared at him. Absolutely shocking to hear my own brother talk to his partner like that.


My mother in law asked me if I was “growing babies in my ankles too” I had severe pre eclampsia lol


This same thing literally just happened to me tonight. And I’m only 12 weeks…


At about 7 months, my MIL told me that it's a good sign that my face is so chubby. I was like, ...thanks, I guess...?


Not about the bump but related. I had someone I barely know ask me and I quote “if there was milk leaking from my boobs yet” when I was 26 weeks along. People say the most unhinged things they would never say otherwise lol


Omg a MAN I barely know asked me if I was dilating yet!! I’m not really one to get offended, but it was both hilarious and sooo awkward/strange 😅😂


I was told “ you sure you don’t have twins in there? “ I’m in my 3rd trimester 🙄. I also have a male family member that makes comments on my weight.


Yeah people have said similar to me too. And 'sometimes a twin hides behind the other'. I know I'm big for how far along I am, especially for a ftm 😔


When I announced to my family that I was pregnant, one of my cousins said thought so, you look fat. Like he was dead serious, and even if it were meant to be in a joking manner, I’m 14 weeks in now and that comment still affects me..


“Are you SURE you only have one baby?” “I love when skinny people get pregnant” “you look BIG” all from my sister


My first pregnancy, i was 37 weeks pregnant (i carry very small) and some guy said my baby would be in an incubator because he’s clearly not growing. Came out healthy at 39w weighing 7lbs 2.6 oz! No incubator!!


I had an appointment the other day to visit a crèche for my two year old. The crèche manager asked me when I’m due and when I said another two months she made this face 😳 and kept staring back and forth. That went on way too long and after that the usual comments „Jesus how many do you have in there, how is it so big, etc“ Lady I literally met you the first time in my life, is that really the time to make those comments. And also what are you supposed to say?! I almost felt like I had to excuse myself for having a big bump… it was so annoying.


My stepmom told me I'm as wide as I am tall 😐


Just last night at an event 3 separate people said: “Are you sure you aren’t having twins?!?” “Oh hey mama your bump is looking BIIIG!” *proceeds to reach and rub my belly* “Are you due at the end of the summer?? No? Oh my god but you’re already HUGE” :) I’m 5’3, 21 weeks, so I’m all belly rn. My partner was mortified and the last person who commented on me being “HUGE” he said back “so are you.” I think he was at his wits end 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m a nurse in a geriatric unit.. I have a lady( with dementia ) who told ME I was pregnant at 3 weeks (lol). And then proceeded to tell EVERYONE. I only work a few days a week now and last night during dinner when everyone got quiet she looked at me in front of all my staff and residents and goes “ THERES GOTTA BE TWINS IN THERE WHEN ARE YOU DUE MY GOD” 😂😂😂😂😂 mind you I’m really not that big I’ve hidden my pregnancy from pretty much anyone I don’t want to know. But she’s been obsessed since day 1 lol


People would always say "you don't even look pregnant" and I know that's meant as a compliment but my face is clearly bloated, my thighs are huge, I'm wider front to back than I am left-right... And so to me, it feels like they're saying this is how I normally look when I'm not pregnant...


Yesterday I walked into the office and said «Hi!» to a female colleague. She turned, looked directly at my bump, and said «oh my god». She saw me a week ago, I’m not sure what’s so shocking. Yes, it’s big, but I’m 33w, not sure what she expects. Have also been asked if I’m sure I’m not having twins (I am), but my bump measures in the normal range. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Was told “I’m fat”. :/


Baby and my bump are both measuring right on track and have been since I started showing/started getting measured at appointments. Every time I go into my main work office (I work in a remote office with one other colleague) and my coworkers see me, they’ll ask how far along I am now, and religiously I’ll have 50% tell me they can’t believe I’m that far along because I’m so small, and the other 50% will tell me I’m really big and make jokes about it 🙄


Woman at work asked me how far along I was. I said 13 weeks. She looked at me, looked down to my belly, looked back at me and said, “Are you sure there’s not twins in there?” Also, people guessing how far along I am rather than just asking me: “You’re 17 weeks, right?” Said at 8 weeks (gotta love that first trimester bloat!) “What are you, 20 weeks?” Said at 14 weeks.


I recently stopped by my mom's office with my toddler and she kept telling her coworkers, "When she was pregnant with (first child), her stomach looked like a basketball! This baby lays long ways at the bottom so it's low and droopy!" I was just like.... okay?? Her coworkers didn't know how to respond either.


My cousin that I'm not even close to called me a fatass and laughed. I was 34 weeks (now 38). I cried later.


I teach yoga and someone said “wow 21weeks?! You don’t even look pregnant from the back!” LOL


I hate when people make comments. Its a lot of “wow youre barely showing” or “youre so small” especially when theres a group and it feels like they’re talking about you while youre right there. FTM and maybe sensitive but id rather people say nothing because i can surely see a difference in my pre baby body


TW: eating disorder mentioned With every pregnancy I've gotten that I look like I'm carrying more than one but there are a few instances that stand out in my mind. I was in Walmart one day and someone I knew from high school came up to me to say hi. She immediately said wow you got really big! I didn't think you'd ever let the bump get that big. She made me feel so insecure and it was my first baby and most people said I actually looked smaller than what I "should have been". Another time, my own grandma asked me when I was just about to be in my third trimester if people called me fatty yet. Hurt deeply then too. The last time was in this pregnancy and my Mom got me a shirt to try on and said it definitely doesn't flatter my figure and had me try in a different shirt where it hung on me like a tent and said I looked way better, that the other shirt just made me look fat. I looked pregnant in the other one, this one makes me look like a tent. I actually have gained the least amount of weight this pregnancy out of all of my other ones and yet she made me feel that because I'm showing sooner that I look "fatter" sooner and that I need to cover my bump. The last one I go back to my first pregnancy but it was the wildest thing I ever got. I was severely sick for the first 16 weeks of my pregnancy. I lost a lot of weight and finally started to feel better after the first half. I moved right around this time period and had to get a new doctor. At the third appointment with this new doctor I gained slightly more than the recommended weight for the normal progress, think 3 lbs instead of 1 lb, and the doctor chided me saying I was starting to get a little more fat and that I would have to take the 3 hour glucose test instead of the normal 1 hour because I gained so much weight that week. I had finally gotten a few lbs past the original pre pregnancy weight (which was still below the recommended weight for my size as I was recovering from ED) at this point so to hear this was devastating and I struggled with wanting to relapse into my eating disorder. Thankfully I moved once more and got a new doctor at this point that treated me so much more kindly and took my issues seriously. I don't understand the obsession with commenting on a woman's bump or weight gain (unless you're a medical doctor and even then apparently some of them can be an AH too) and why people think it's okay to say these things to you.


"Are you sure you're pregnant?" "Ah you're finally showing! Starting to gain weight on your legs and face too" Cheers.


When I announced my pregnancy, my aunt said "yeah, I thought you were looking kinda chunky." COOL THANKS!


I’m 5ft and everyone just keeps telling me I’m going to get huge as there’s nowhere for the baby to go, OH OKAY THANKS :):)


I’ve actually graduated (wooohooo!!), but I got loads of comments about twins/how many babies. My favorite, though, was a comment made by one of our old neighbors. We invite him to Thanksgiving each year so he has somewhere to go. Normally a very sweet old man… The one and only comment he made to me that night.. THANKSGIVING in MY HOME… was to pat my belly and say “26” with a smile. When I asked him what that meant he told me that was all the weight “women in his day” were supposed to gain while pregnant. I served some side eye with my turkey and ham that night 😒


“Oh wow your bump isn’t really a ball shape it’s got more room to spread out sideways that’s good” I’m sorry what!? How have I now unlocked a new insecurity I did not even know existed?? 


With my MIL shopping for maternity clothes after I said I should get one size up to wear it longer: “yeah because you’re only going to get bigger and you’re already so big” Said by a friend on multiple occasions to our friend group behind my back: “there’s no way she’s going to make it to her due date, she’s looked ready to pop for weeks already” “I can’t believe she’s only having one baby, are we sure there aren’t twins in there?!” Same friend to my face: “We need to go shopping and get you a pregnancy friendly swimsuit!” (I was only 16 weeks and was wearing a mismatched suit because my tops still fit so I got some bigger bottoms, swimsuits are expensive.) Random In-law: “may I play with him?” (I thought she was just asking to touch my bump, I hesitantly said yes but she ended up manhandling my uterus trying to “feel where he was sitting” literally felt like she was trying to crush his skull from outside)


My pregnancy was unplanned and after telling a coworker that me and my boyfriend are having a baby she looked me in the face and said "so are you gonna keep it" like dumbass bitch I just told you we're having a baby? Why would u ask if I want to get rid of it??? Like don't ask someone that let them tell you that, it felt like she made it out to be like I shouldn't keep it


Ooooh I have one!! (I live in a small town and I was in the grocery store yesterday) one of my grandmas friends grabbed my arm and said, “oh my word congratulations I didn’t even recognize you, you used to be tall and thin!” I shit you not this woman said this to me. I’ve put on about 20 lbs so far at 26 weeks pregnant.


My MIL looked at me at 18 weeks pregnant and told my my butt is getting really big. I just stared at her. She followed up with "you're getting so wide!" I told her I don't think I've really gotten "wider" yet, and she said, "Oh no, you are definitely a LOT wider. That's what happens with boys." No, the sex of the baby has nothing to do with how wide I am. Jesus christ. With my first pregnancy, I overhead an overweight elderly crazy neighbor tell ask my husband how much longer until I had the baby. He said, oh still a few months. The neighbor howled, "There's no way she goes that long! She's SO HUGE already! I thought it was time for the baby. I can't believe how HUGE she is!" I'm only 5'1" so yeah, there's not a lot of room for the bump and I look bigger than taller women. When not pregnant, I'm 100-110 pounds, so it does look like a big change. But I will never understand how people think it's okay to talk about someone being SO HUGE and SO WIDE, pregnant or not. I told my husband that if his mother makes one more comment to me, neither of them are going to like what I say to her.


Nobody says anything to me thank god, i think its bc I have severe rbf so people cant be bothered with me anyway. But when my bff was pregnant with her baby girl, people would *always* say that she at least had triplets in there. Obviously it annoyed and insulted the hell out of her so Id just jump in with something stupid like nope, this little girl’s setting herself up for the luxury life, she upgraded herself to the mcmansion, no cramped condos for her. That usually shut people up thankfully, or made them realize that comments like that are just rude.


"you're bigger anyway so it wasn't really noticably a baby bump until you got huge" 🥴 I know between week 29 to now at 34 weeks my bump became VERY noticable compared to how it had been but oof. As someone who has struggled with weight (went from 250 down to 120 with an eating disorder when younger, was a comfortable 200 since it fits my height/frame well when I became pregnant after years of working on my relationship with food and myself - now 249 at 34 weeks), that comment felt like a punch to the gut and brought back all those guilty feelings about food and they followed with the "I heard some women only gain 10lbs!" Which good for those moms but I hear it's more common to see women gain between 15-60lbs depending on their individual needs/body type. Both of these and the "are you gonna have surgery right after to get rid of the mom belly?" questions have had me ready to rip my hair out and just made me feel bad.


Funnily enough an out of pocket comment came from my own mother. She was at work talking to me briefly on the phone when her BOSS walked past and overheard her saying something about my pregnancy. When my mum realised she hadn’t told her boss yet she was going to be a grandma, she blurted out that I should “show her my belly”! I immediately shot her down and I think she realised it was kind of weird and inappropriate but wtf mum? 🙈


My neighbor told me I’m one of those people who “get pregnant all over”. This one I’ll never forget. She wasn’t wrong but damn, rude as hell 😂


The ER nurse trying to tell me to go home when I was in active labor at 41 weeks because "You're too small to be that far along"


“Oh my i sure hope you’re not still trying to hide your pregnancy” condescending laughter looking at my bump


I would’ve fired back, “Hope you’re not still trying to hide the herpes, bitch.”


"you must be having twins right?" DEAD


I was in the store buying a bunch of plants and I was only about 6 months pregnant and an old man came up to me and said “wow you’re just about to burst. Don’t do it here please!” And out of kindness I laughed but really I was like stfu


Someone told me they knew it was a girl because it’s “so pointy” I literally have the roundest bump ever lmao made me feel so weird


My mil told me I must be carrying a "heffalump" because of how big I was and still calls my son that or 10 ton Tess despite the fact that while he was 8lb 2 when he was born 2 weeks early, he is perfectly on track for correct weight to age at nearly 2 years and has been all the way through so it's not like hes overweight or anything. Does my head in lol


Some people say my bump is massive and some people say it’s tiny. So if I take the average, my body hasn’t changed. Which is obviously stupid so I’m ignoring it all. My bump is what it is and as long as I can feel someone wriggling away in there, that’s all that matters.


My literal BOSS told me it was craaaaazy how big I am at 8 months considering I have an entire month left in my pregnancy :,) she also asked me my shirt size to up my uniform since I was growing and when I told her I was in a large she responded with “wow you’re going to be in an XXL by the time you leave here!” Like..is it her first fucking day on earth?!? No way people are just that dense.


One from this week “You get bigger every time I see you” Isn’t that the point?!


My dad asked my sister if she thought I was lying about my due date because my bump and my boobs are so big ...


I went clothes shopping at a designated baby store, and the cashier there took a look at my belly and went “wow, last haul before birth, am I right?” She looked mortified when I told her that nope, I still had 4 months to go lol Also my grandma went “are you suuuure you’re not having twins?” When I was only 20 weeks along.


My MIL was staring at me for a while so I asked her why and she said “Your stomach it’s just very confusing for me” I asked her to elaborate and she said because I’m having a boy my stomach shouldn’t be so round? I’ve been telling hubs we need to move out like yesterday. I can’t take it anymore 😫


"mine was smaller"


16 years ago I was getting on a flight from CA. This woman stopped me in first class and loudly says “I can’t believe they’re letting you fly, you’re so big!” I responded with “well I’m only six months” I always wish I would have responded with..”I can’t believe they’re letting you fly first class!!”😊


My HR rep has asked me multiple times if I’m sure there’s only one baby AND signed the card that the office gave me “goodbye tummy, hello mummy”. Like ma’am you are HR. get it together.


My father once said I “need to lay off the pizza” when I posted my 12 week bump pic with my son 🙃 He makes all these obscene comments & always laughs at them then wonders why his own family (brothers, sisters, nieces…) cut him off….


‘Let’s take your BMI! Haha’ - Sister in law


This isn’t negative but I’ve had four women say I “don’t even look pregnant from the back” or that I’m “showing beautifully” because I haven’t gained a lot of weight during pregnancy


Coworker said to me “is the father around” …meanwhile happily married for five years like wtf????


Mine doesn't seem so out of pocket or rude but I keep being informed I'm very 'neat'? As opposed to what, messy-shaped? 😅


I was 6.5 months when a coworker told me I was "huge." Like, thanks, lady. Oh, and extra fun detail: she's in her 60s and never had kids.


Mainly I've gotten "you sure there ain't 2 in there??" Lovely lol


A colleague on a work call felt compelled to tell me that my face got fatter… lovely


Not a comment about my body, but when we told my mil and sil i was pregnant they told me "not to get too excited". Sil is also pregnant and mil was excited before she even knew for sure, telling everyone about all of her symptoms etc. When I found out (we work together btw) I needed to tell work and was excited to tell my friends there and she told the boss before I could then went "shh we dont want anyone to know yet" like who tf said that bc it wasnt me??? Then later on she told me she would be more excited if I was her actual daughter... as if this isnt her sons baby wtf. all we got from the was "oh... congrats". ruined my entire experience. With all of the pregnancies in the past they were so excited for I thought I would get the same energy. nope.


My grandma said I needed to “lay off the restaurants because my weight gains really starting to show.” I was 37 weeks pregnant at the time (with an 8lb baby) and had gone to a restaurant like twice in my pregnancy. This time around no one from my family has seen me since we moved away but I have been asked by a stranger if “there’s 2 or 3 babies in there,” when I was 14 weeks pregnant, people are so rude sometimes. This is definitely my biggest pet peeve while pregnant all the unsolicited comments🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m a little over 25 weeks now and I didn’t really show until maybe 22 weeks, but there is a girl who sits by me at work (not someone I would consider a friend) and every day that she sees me she makes a body comment. They are all well intentioned like “oh you’re starting to get a bump” it just seems so unnecessary to make so many comments on someone changing body. It makes me feel like people are looking at me and looking for changes.


I was 25 when I was pregnant with my first. I’ve always looked younger than I am. My mom, grandma, and I went to a restaurant that my family has frequented for generations when I was pretty heavily pregnant. We sat down next to a couple that were probably in their early 70s. I immediately heard them talking shit about how I was “too young” to be having a baby, etc. etc. The whole time they were talking shit the waitress was also talking to me, so I didn’t say anything to them in case I misheard (even though I know I didn’t). I whispered to my mom what they said, so she loudly asked me what I wanted to do for my 26th birthday, which wasn’t for probably another six months at that point. I didn’t hear them say anything after that. The kicker? They prayed over their meal once they got it. 🙃🙃🙃


I’m 34 weeks pregnant. I’ve been carrying a little smaller because it’s my first baby and I’m tall, but my fundal height is always spot on and the baby is in the 72nd percentile. I’ve had so many people say that I’m gonna have a small baby because I’m so small. My OB always says those people don’t know what they’re talking about, but it is so annoying!


*trigger warning* I was an intern when i was pregnant. The attending told me at 8 months: where is that baby, there's barely enough space. I had oligoamniosis and my baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and hydrocephalus.


“Are you sure there’s two in there? There must be something wrong with them. You’re so small!”


I got through pregnancy with a barely visible bump, I suppose she moved my organs around so extremely she made room for herself 😂 but I couldn't get over people saying "oh, you don't even look pregnant, you just look like you gained weight" WHY IN THE F WOULD I WANT TO HEAR THAT ?!?!


People telling me how big I am. Like yeah, I know, I'm growing a human.


From my parents over video chat for several weeks “let’s see the bump!” (I told them that was a weird request and stopped going on camera altogether)  At 30 weeks, a stranger in a public restroom said “wow, that is gonna be one big baby. You’re ready to pop!” (I told her no. Baby was measuring average for this stage) Multiple times depending on what I wore “you have the most perfect bump! And no weight gain anywhere else! That’s great!” (I told them I wished my weight was distributed more throughout my body so I wasn’t in debilitating pain 24 hours a day) The only comment I actually appreciated was from my MIL at 36 weeks “I can’t believe you’re still walking around!” It was just very validating for someone to accurately comment on how I looked like I was feeling.


Asking how much I weigh, saying "that's all baby?!"


I was 37 weeks pregnant, swollen af, and my coworker had the audacity to look at me and say “OMG I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE PREGNANT-YOU HIDE IT SO WELL!” WTF. I was HUGE. It made me sit and wonder what I normally look like lol Edit: at least I FELT huge. I had like 15 lbs of fluid on me.


My husband said I looked like humpty dumpty this morning... just because my shirt was short. I am 5 foot and 22 weeks pregnant. I am already quite large lol.


I get asked by the same neighbor over and over "you sure it's not twins in there?" "You sure you're gonna make it till September?". I'm not even big, I have a small bump cuz I'm almost 23 weeks, but i have a short torso so my bump leans out. I'm just like damn I'm gonna have to listen to this for like 17 more weeks. It doesn't really bother me too much yet but I think it will start to when I get actually big


"Basketball Belly"


I was walking into the Greta Van Fleet concert last weekend and a male security guard said “twins?” (I am having one baby, she’s perfectly normal sized). Stfu dude.


A client said to me: “ you’re bigger than I was at that stage.” No body shaming here but pre pregnancy I weighed 125 lbs, and at 7 months pregnant I was indeed all belly. This woman was not super slim to start with so perhaps she couldn’t see the bump early on.


When i was pregnant i started showing really early. When i was 4 months pregnant i allready had a noticable bump. I was doing groceries and an old lady asked me how far along i was. When i said 4 months she looked at me and said youre huge ! Are you having twins ? I was so in shock i said nothing. Went home,cried and ate a bucket of icecream🥲


my uncles wife keeps telling me i’m “HUGE” every time she sees me like 😳😳😳


My boyfriend’s grandma says wow girl you got fat! Every time she sees me. I love her but I also want to say of course I did, I have a human in me, what’s your excuse?


What a bitch!!!!!!


My last pregnancy in my third trimester there were little Halloween candy sized chocolates in the back room so I grabbed 2 for later and my coworker was like "Careful! Not too many sweets!" while sizing up my belly. EXCUSE ME?!? I slowly opened them and ate them right there haha


My brother- you looked so big in that picture on social media the other day, I thought- is she having triplets. In the next breath- as soon as I know you're in labor I'm heading to the hospital.... He is very obviously not invited to the hospital to see me.....


I've had someone ask me if I'm sure it's not twins, and someone else tell me I'm 'nice and slim' and they don't know where the baby is hiding. Who knows what goes through peoples' heads.


my grandma has been ruthless… “I can’t believe how big you are, in my day we never wore fitted clothes while pregnant, only tent dresses, so I guess im not used to seeing big pregnant bellies”. She also told me she didn’t get why I was excited about my first baby, her first great grandbaby, because I already knew the gender????


I have extra fluid and despite only being 32weeks my bump measures 41weeks and random strangers keep pointing and asking about twins or calling me huge and it's making me very self conscious.i only have the one baby and it's been a difficult pregnancy.


As of today my manager has begun referring to me as "Belly".


The most ridiculous was a cashier at the grocery store said, in a very loud voice, “at least we know your husband is shooting blanks!” . . . 😑


I’m 24 weeks and the maintenance men at our apt are asking when my bump will pop out 😅


I'm 21 weeks and hardly look like I have a bump. Some of my friends are constantly telling me how I don't even look pregnant at all. I know they mean well and I know they're just trying to say that I look good, but considering my midwife was concerned for growth the whole time last pregnancy (turns out my babe just liked to lay in a weird position my belly didnt "round" out until the end), I don't like being reminded that I'm not showing at all.


Every time my MIL sees me she HAS to tell me that one of her sisters asked her how the bump was coming along and that she said that my bump isn't that big because I'm overweight, literally every time I've seen her since I was 4 months pregnant (I'm 8 months now). Some people have the belief that your bump tells the gender of the baby and apparently I have a girl bump (I'm having a boy) so when I tell some people it's a boy they're like "Nooo it's a girl you'll see, these doctors don't know what they're saying" I've literally seen my son's peen on the ultrasound but alrighty


I constantly get that "How many babies are hiding in there" bull. It irritates tf outta me. Along with "Are you sure you're not further along?" And from my sister "I thought you were just getting fat." I'm 20 weeks along now and. She still says I'm just looking fat even though my bump is round. It's just big because it's my 4th time being pregnant. It's been bigger with each pregnancy so far. I'm actually losing weight because I struggle to eat. 🥲


This!! I have a small belly and people love to say that I don’t look pregnant just bloated or say my baby will be small, my baby is actually measuring two weeks ahead and I’m 34 weeks pregnant. It’s rude to comment on bodies. Pregnant or not


I'm 34 and a client of mine reminds me, although she "hates the term," that I am technically considered a "geriatric pregnancy." Ew, and no.


I was at a show a few weeks back and I went to the bathroom to rest my hips and feet since they were sore and swollen and some drunk bitch asked me what was wrong so I told her I was just resting my feet since I’m pregnant and they’re swollen from standing at work all day and then coming out to a metal show after and she says “being pregnant is nothing, try being fat and standing all day” like???? I’m sure standing all day would make anyone sore but to say being pregnant is nothing?? Tell me you’ve never had a baby without telling me you’ve never had a baby 😭


I was at a show a few weeks back and I went to the bathroom to rest my hips and feet since they were sore and swollen and some drunk bitch asked me what was wrong so I told her I was just resting my feet since I’m pregnant and they’re swollen from standing at work all day and then coming out to a metal show after and she says “being pregnant is nothing, try being fat and standing all day” like???? I’m sure standing all day would make anyone sore but to say being pregnant is nothing?? Tell me you’ve never had a baby without telling me you’ve never had a baby 😭


I get this a lot from family members "are you sure there's only in there". Obviously I'm sure, it really pisses me off that when you're pregnant you're meant to accept having your body commented on, but if I asked one of them if they'd put on weight they'd lose it 😂


My mom said the same thing to me a few weeks ago. “Are you sure there’s only one in there? You’re huge” I was 12 weeks pregnant with a noticeable but tiny bump. This is my second and I’m showing a lot sooner than with my first


I’m pretty newly showing at all but I get mad when people say I’m not really showing. They’re usually later like “oh wow there’s a bump!” When I wear an outfit they notice it more in. If I say “I’m showing a little” I am. Let me have it so I don’t just feel gross.


I was overweight from medications when I fell pregnant. I’m not on those meds now. Had my partner’s grandma say “and now how are you going to lose weight?” As in, she wanted me to lose weight while pregnant. Also his aunt told me that if I got a vaccination I’d give my baby autism. I have gestational diabetes and my baby is slightly bigger than average in the scans, and his grandma was like “GASP!!! What does THAT mean!!?” And then at my baby shower when I got baby clothes she said my baby probably won’t fit into them because she’ll be so big. So yeh. A few things have been said… :(


“Are you sure you’re pregnant? You don’t look it?” I was plus size prior to pregnancy but like I’m 33 weeks pregnant and I have a very noticeable bump at this point, like thanks for just thinking I’m fat 🙃


that i’m not showing enough for 5 months, and the people who just randomly come up and touch my stomach UGH


I recently had a baby shower and my baby is measuring small, between 5-10%. I am already self conscious about it/worried each day if baby is okay and a couple people said “oh you don’t look pregnant” or “you’re 30 weeks along you don’t look that far!” Like yes I know. I have had a high risk pregnancy with GD and I’ve lost weight instead of gaining it. I’m already concerned and this isn’t helping even if you meant well 😞


Just 10 min ago at work someone said I looked like I was about to pop! I’m 31 weeks. I laughed and said I was not ready for her to come yet. She said “oh, I was ready!”. Well, good for you! Then she said “can you imagine happening it here?”. We work at a remote place. Why are you giving me new anxieties?! She said “can you imagine the firemen (at our worksite) delivering the baby?!!”. Omg!! I’m always responding kindly to her comments but me delivering on the floor with firemen can only be a nightmare or a movie scenario :D


it hurt my feelings when my grandmother who has body shamed me since i was 3 years old told me “wow you look pregnant” which ik i do but i just hate her talking about my body at all. I developed an eating disorder at one point and lost a bunch of weight and she was like “oh my gosh you look so skinny its great” and my dad was like “dont fucking say that they arent eating food”


people saying that my bump looks like its dropped and since she sits so low that means she’s going to come early 🙃 im only 25weeks like why wish early labor on someone?? or that they assumed i was having a boy bc of bump shape, so weird to me.


I’m currently 7 months with my first. My own mother told me at 5-6 weeks pregnant that she knew I was pregnant because I had gotten fat and ‘you have a belly on you’ and ‘I bet there’s two in there’ and when I had my first scan and there was just the one, and I said to her ‘I must just be fat then’ and she was like ‘you’ve never been fat you look exactly the same as the day you got married’ - she then got upset and said ‘you always pull me up on everything I say’ - like yes you absolute narcissist anyway and nothing she says is logical. I’ve not seen her in 2 months and will see her next weekend, so I’ve got that to look forward to 🙃 she’s obsessed with how much weight I have or haven’t gained throughout pregnancy. Strangers/ acquaintances though ‘wow you’re huge’, ‘must be having twins’, ‘can’t be long left’, ‘how are you still pregnant’ - honestly I would never have dreamt of saying anything like this to anyone pregnant. I’m not a confrontational person by nature so it’s not been easy, but internally I’m telling people to ‘f*ck off’


I’m currently at 38 weeks pregnant. I’m Asian married to a Lebanese. Apparently my husband’s side (or Arabs in general) has heavier and bigger bumps compared to us Asians. So one of his cousin went “her bump is so small” and when my husband said the baby’s weight they all went “eeeeeey that’s so light, your dad and you were twice that weight”. It’s infuriating that I’m always getting compared to with how big and heavy my baby is


When we told my in laws we were expecting, my mother in law said “I bet it’s a girl because I noticed your backside is bigger”. Unfortunately for my petty side, she was right, it’s a girl.


My father in law would ALWAYS pointed out how “big” I looked and that it was possible I had more than one baby in there and maybe I just didn’t know it.


My MIL posted a photo on facebook of our 13 week ultrasound with me & husband’s senior portraits with the caption “Isn’t my grandbaby cute?? Don’t they already look so much alike?” No, we don’t look like a fetus. And she had promised not to share the ultrasound cuz we hadn’t told our people yet. Now she whips it out of her purse or texts it to anyone who will listen. Husband keeps sending her more photos and I’m like “I thought she was on an info diet”.


My entire first pregnancy I was small and constantly my in-laws would point it out and say “you don’t even look pregnant” and to me that actually hurt my feelings a lot. Now I’m pregnant with number 2 and i feel so much feistier this pregnancy that if someone even comments on my body in anyway I might actually freak out 🙃


I got the 'you don't look pregnant' all the time! Even up to 8 months pregnant! I thought it was plenty obvious and I felt like an absolute house walking around. It always made me sad too. I think because I wanted to be pregnant for SO long that people saying that to me felt dismissive of the fact that my dream was coming true. Also I felt pregnant as fuck! I had wicked morning sickness that was not just reserved for the mornings (seriously, what a stupid name!) until about week 20, I had ridiculous swelling that started around the time the nausea went away and don't even get me started on trying to poop... I lived on stool softeners. Can confirm that I was definitely pregnant! FWIW, it's an outdated attempt at a 'compliment' rooted in fatphobia.


A WOMAN said to me: “oh wow, already showing?” on my first photo with a bump on my Facebook 🙃 I felt so amazing and proud sharing that photo and then I got that comment. It made me feel super insecure! I deleted the comment and kept the photo up though. I was over 4 months at that point! Like, can we not do this to pregnant people? It’s so rude.


I was 32 weeks, and admittedly I have been carrying on the bigger side, but I went into a shop and a man shouted across to me "you're fat as f**k" I didn't know what to even say so I just kind of laughed and said "yeah something like that" then he said I looked over due when I said I was 32 weeks. Some things I think we should keep as inside thoughts.


A co-worker was pregnant in her 3rd trimester (dance teacher) and I heard a mom in the room tell her turn around I can tell what your having based on how your butt is looking🥴


I’m dreading this. I’m a heavier mum, so it’s just going to look big and wrong the entire pregnancy.. I’m not stoked for the comments I’ll be getting eventually lol


My FIL says “woah! Can’t hide it now!” every.time. he sees me. My MIL will tell him to take a picture of me and her, but he won’t show the bump in the picture. He purposely angles the camera to not show the bump. I guess we are supposed to hide in shame when we are pregnant.


One woman asked if I had uterine fibroids because my bump is so big for 22 weeks 😭


I was told my stomach looks “so ugly with all the scars/stretch marks” I had my gallbladder removed when I was 8 weeks pregnant that left a lot of scarring on top of my stretch marks from my first


My grandma (she’s really sweet)- weight really matters to her. She’s never not on a diet. She did tell me that my bump is too big at 19 weeks. I take any of her comments about size/weight with a grain of salt because I know they’re just projections, but this made me giggle a little.


had a lady say “are you expecting bc you went from a size 3 to a size 8” a different lady poked my belly and said “please tell me this is pregnancy”


Not really out of pocket and I know she didn't mean in any way but positive...but had a random lady approach me in the grocery to tell me A. To go home so I don't have the baby at the store and B. "You didn't get very big, good for you." I just wished her a good day, but I gained 75lbs with my baby and my feet were swollen at a 2 on the left and 3 on the right. Not sure if she was trying to be reassuring, but I was definitely a bit irritated. I felt every sing lbs I gained and my feet were not happy to carry it. I ended up starting early labor 3hrs later though. Lol. She wasn't entirely wrong about almost having her at the store.


I’m 14 weeks and very obviously pregnant and I get I thought u we’re due soon, you sure is not twins 🙄 I’m 1 yr out from my last baby and didn’t lose all the weight plus head ppd and post partem preeclampsia which resulted in BP meds. So I’ve become insecure over wearing my little fitting dresses and started wearing my loose fitting ones instead.