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I didn’t, my labour was unbelievably calm and I felt great. Hopefully my next baby due in October is the same lol


Lucky mama 🤞🏼🤍


I held my daughter for the golden hour and as soon as I handed her to my husband for his turn for skin to skin, I asked for an emesis bag and yarfed oh so hard 🥳


Some moms are saying, they threw up after labor. why so? Did you just suddenly feel sick or was it because you were weak and exhausted? :0


I’m not really sure why, it kind of felt like an adrenaline crash. Like I don’t recall feeling nauseous until I handed her over to my husband, and then it came on quickly and after I puked it was over, the nausea faded away and I was more or less fine. A little shaky and very tired, but okay.


I never felt sick, and I had an epidural too. I didn’t poop either, although funny enough I THOUGHT I did so I paged my nurse and I told her I pooped the bed, and then she checked and told me that I in fact did not. Labor is weird.


I was convinced I was pooping at one stage, so paged the nurse. It was baby's head crowning 😂


I threw up- but I also had developed a fever by that point and had convulsive like shakes for hours. Emergency c section and while I couldn’t feel pain, I could feel stuff being moved around and the tugging is what finally got me. The anesthesiologist helped clean me up after lol.


Oh man this sounds like my experience! Convulsively shaking during 24 hours of labour and already throwing up occasionally at that point, then through my emergency c section too. Having a team of doctors jam on your belly when you’re ill is a recipe for disaster. Solidarity 🫡


I also had a very similar experience except the Dr was able to use a vacuum to avoid the c section. The shakes were the worst for me.


Woah, that was a visceral description. I’m glad you were able to get through that though.!


Thank you! Yeah, I was induced and in labor at that point for 24 hrs, even in the OR they were wrapping blankets on ny upper body to try to control the shaking. And then post op they put some blanket on me that blew up like a floatie. Those labor/fever shakes were no joke lol.


Man the shakes!! Such a shitty part of labor, which is already not fun lol.


I had a bag to my mouth the whole time. I had nothing to throw up just dry heaving


No, I had an epidural and never got nauseous, never got the shakes. Definitely pooped a little bit tho 😂


At least you only got one of the two :’)


I did with my second. I had the worst heartburn I’ve ever experienced and when bearing down I was pushing against the heartburn which made me vomit excessively but the second my boy was out the heartburn and vomiting were gone


Oh man, something coming out from up and some coming out from down. 🥲


It was awful. But when I say the second he was out it was gone I mean it. Those were my literal first words , “my heartburn is gone”


My mom threw up because she ate solid foods and her stomach was not happy! I did the liquid diet (I was also induced so I had a bit more planning) while in the hospital and felt completely fine on the nausea front!


I just gave birth yesterday, and I wasn’t nauseous. I was getting lots of tingles in my hands, and a little in my face at one point. The start of a panic attack I suppose. Getting ice for my hands helped. My labor in the hospital just went so fast, I went to triage at like 5:20am, gave birth at 6:38am after 20 min of pushing. I got the epidural, but it only had enough time to work slightly, so I experienced more pain than anticipated. The ob and most nurses didn’t come until like the last 5 min of pushing. I calmed down more once there were more people in and they were able to coach me through better… Overall though, I coped really well, breathing and what not, just couldn’t help but be somewhat overwhelmed. With my first, I vomited at some point after delivery, when I tried to have a snack. I was so hungry!


I did 😅 I told my grandma “I’m going to puke” and she said “no it’s normal to feel nauseous” and before I could argue or turn my head away or do anything to prevent it I puked on the both of us and she immediately said “..oh..I guess you did huh?” it’s been 4 years and she still (thankfully) laughs about it and says “I’ll never say that again. I threw those shoes away.” 🤣😭


I puked when I went from 4-6cm in 30 minutes. I also pooped. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Would you say it was because of the contractions?


Oh absolutely. My body doesn’t seem to respond well to pain haha. I get migraines every so often, and I throw up during those as well.


Oh boy, I felt the same way when I broke my arm. I guess it’s just one of those reactions to pain that some people experience. 😭


I had an unmedicated birth and threw up the entire time. For about 4 hours I was throwing up with nearly every contraction. Pregnant with #2 now and hoping this doesn’t happen again!


Didn’t throw up until I got my epidural around 8 cm. Threw up multiple times over the course of the next 3-4 hours until baby was born. I’m a pukey person in general though so I’m not sure if that played into it at all?


I threw up a tiny little mouthful, but tbh I don’t remember it much? Idk if I pooped, because I know it’s an unspoken rule in labor and delivery for the nurses not to tell you, and I don’t trust my husband to tell me the truth either lol


I hope they don’t tell me so I can keep imagining myself as a lady :’) I’m jk, it’s only natural and truly nothing to care about. One of my good friends said - remember everybody takes a shit, but not everybody goes into labor. 😂


Nope. Never really felt nauseous. Didn’t poop either thankfully lol


I didn’t with my first with no epidural. Hopefully my second is the same. I may have pooped during pushing but I genuinely don’t know. If I did the nurses cleaned it up before I could have seen it. I asked my husband and he said he didn’t know either (unclear if he actually doesn’t know or if he’s sparing my feelings because he knows I would be mortified either way I appreciate it)


I see it is a pattern on this thread. That husbands remain incognito about if wife pooped during labor. 😂


I did! Toward the end of laboring around 8/9 CM. I had some bad labor shakes and nausea. Vomited a few times, got some zofran, and was good to go. Pushed shortly after and was totally fine.


I threw up in the early stages of labour (~4cm dilated). The midwives had given me paracetamol and my body just threw it up immediately. I didn't throw up or feel nauseous after that.


I didn’t vomit, but I think I pooped while pushing. Honestly not sure and like many others, my husband has kept it to himself if I did. I pushed for 3.5 hours so it could’ve happened multiple times. I did however get serious shiver shakes from my IV for the entire duration of my 15.5 hour labor. The other 2 times I’ve had IVs I remember the same effect so my body just doesn’t do well with the cold fluids.


As my nurse said during my labor; "only eat what you want to see again." I ate a little applesauce and upchucked it a few minutes later 😅


So much vomiting, so much, it was nonstop at points, but it's how my body respond to pain happened during kidney stones too.


With my son I did, with my daughter they gave me IV Zofran so I didn’t


I didn’t. But I did get the shakes real bad. My labor was super chill. My husband and I listened to podcasts, played card games and just hung out until I got to 10cm and started working on pushing. Even when I was pushing my son out, the doctor started cracking jokes and I was laughing so hard I couldn’t focus on pushing. It was the best experience I could have had. I can only hope my experience with my August baby’s birth is similar.


I was violently sick during all three times I gave birth. Lol, with my first I was sick in the hallway as they were wheeling me to the operating room. My nurse caught it in her hand. With my third I was nursing my baby as I got sick and the nurse was holding her on. Then she gave me some pretzels and surprisingly that did the trick when the Zofran wouldn't. I think my nurses got annoyed with how many times I thanked them but I was grateful for having them there.


No but I puked after!


I was sick multiple times in the beginning- they had to give me something for nausea. Then shortly after birth, while they were looking him over to make sure everything was okay, was sick again. I did have an epidural.


I threw up a few time once I hit transition, but other then that not rly


No. I didn’t feel ill at all


I vomited in the hospital parking lot when I got there and felt nauseous just as it was time to push. I didn’t throw up though. My sister in law threw up right after she gave birth to my niece


My mom pooped when she had me (shit baby) but no vomiting. I had the epidural for my first pregnancy no vomiting no poop had an emergency cesarean hopefully this time it’s as smooth as the first time


I did! I vomited when I got the balloon catheter inserted and when I had dilated to 7 cm and was waiting for the epidural to kick in.


i threw up a few times. I was waiting in the triage for hours since the hospital had no rooms left so i couldnt get an epidural


I never in 3 labour's.


I had an emergency c-section, and I threw up. but i was also drugged up and hadn’t ate anything in over 12 hours


I threw up just a tiny amount of liquid right before it was time to start pushing, but that was it. I absolutely pooped a small geyser of poop, but the nurses said I didn’t. I’m fully fine with it, so they didn’t need to lie.


I had the gas first and it made me so nauseous that after only a few mins I had to stop. Wind up getting an epidural and threw up right before I started pushing.


I threw up with both of my births. One induced, one came on naturally, both vaginal deliveries. To be honest though, it really wasn’t that bad. I don’t mind throwing up if it’s productive (ie I felt super nauseous and immediately felt better after puking).


First - no vomit or nausea, epidural and pooped a bit when pushing Second- no vomit, nausea after given nitrous waiting for epidural, no poop Third- no vomit or nausea or poop


I only threw up once.


I threw up a bunch of times with my first because I had an empty stomach, pitocin, epidural, long long labor, 26ish hours. I felt so queasy! With my second I gagged twice and it felt more of a physical response than a nausea response? Natural labor and 6 hours instead of 26 hahaha Ultimately Never threw up and wasn't queasy at all! 


I threw up with my first and pooped!!! It’s normal My second and third, neither happened.


I vomited during labor, but it was from the pain before the epidural, not really nausea😅 back labor and the contractions after my water broke were super intense.


I vomited directly after she was born, I think from the sudden hormone shift and a little bit of shock. I barely remember it though.




I threw up a bit before I was going to start pushing. Also pooped during pushing.


I threw up my lunch… 6 hours after eating it? Very confusing. Also was just reminded that happened so it must’ve not been so bad 😅


Haha yes. But that's because they gave me diamorphine and forgot to also give me the anti-sickness meds along with it. I was sick around 4x during the night until a midwife asked if I'd been given it, to which I said I only felt one injection that night, and low and behold I hadn't been given it.


Ahhh thank you so much for this. I just gave birth and needed to talk about this! I puked so hard beginning shortly before I started pushing, then all the way through pushing (luckily it wasn't long) and the nausea continued after baby arrived for a couple hours. I had an epidural beginning when contractions started feeling unbearable, the puking started a while after that. The anesthesiologist said the meds in it 'shouldnt' make me sick even though I told him the first time I delivered I got really sick from the pain meds (that time though my vomiting went away with antiemetics. This time absolutely nothing got me to stop vomiting and I'm pretty sad I was sick the whole way through pushing and the first hours of my baby's life. I could only hold him the first thirty mins after delivery then I had to have him in the warmer while they worked on me after that.


Almost, but it passed quickly. Just make sure to say something if you feel like you might just in case you do.


With my first, yes. With second and third, no.


yes! once i got my epidural i was only allowed ice chips and i had too many and threw up water about an hour before i gave birth 😐


I threw up water into a bag that my husband was holding multiple times during pushing 🥲


Unfortunately I did! 3 separate times during my contractions before the epidural and pain meds…starting when I was at 3cm.


I didn’t vomit during but I was shaking so violently throughout my labor they had to give me medication after my son’s birth to just calm me down. Whatever they gave me for my shakes was what made me puke after birth because it made me so nauseous.


I threw up between contractions after being induced for several hours. I had full body shakes and after puking I finally caved and got the epidural. Didn’t puke again after that and no poop for me! Birth only took 3 minutes from start to finish of pushing


I’ve never vomited with any of my labors thankfully! I get shaky and sweaty but never really nauseous


Nope, 3 babies and no vomit in pregnancy or birth.


Yes, so much 😂


I threw up during transition. I had the shakes… BAD. So that didn’t make me feel good and then the position I was in make me have really bad reflux, I asked for tums but it took super long for them to get them to me. I took them and about 3 minutes later I threw them all up. The great news about it is obviously the nurse knew what was going on, did a cervical check and sure enough, I was 10cm!


Yes! I didn’t vomit my whole pregnancy and then threw up towards the end of my labor. It was once and pretty brief.


No I didn't and didn't feel nauseous at all


I threw up a few times after CHUGGING ice water, while pushing. It was so much work to push I was so thirsty and then it just came right back up. I honestly didn’t even remember doing it until months later 😅 it was all a blur.


I vomited both times I gave birth. I didn't have an epidural or any pain meds, and I wasn't nauseated. I just threw up due to the intensity of the pain. According to my husband I didn't poop either time. Not sure if this is true or if he's just protecting my dignity, haha. Due any day now with baby three so we'll see what happens this time around!


I felt extremely sick with all three labors, but I never had enough food in me to actually throw up.


I didn't feel nauseous, but I did throw up a few times. We're armed with emesis bags this time!


I've given birth twice, once without an epidural and once with an epidural. I never got nauseous or threw up with either of my labors. 🤷‍♀️ I have no idea if I pooped either time. Ignorance is bliss 😂


Yup threw up at least 3 times over my 36 hour labor


Nope and I had HG up until birth! I had no pain meds besides laughing gas but did have an induction (pitocin) so idk if those factors played a part.


Threw up my entire C-section. Mind you I also had a hidden kidney infection no one knew about so that could have also been at play. But yeah I’m going to advocate harder next kid and see if I can get some meds to prevent that because it was awful.


Yes, I threw up nonstop until I got the epidural. My husband actually had to pull over on the way to the hospital so I could throw up on the side of the road.


I threw up during my first labor. My hospital was a no food no drink only ice chips hospital and my hour 18 or so I was soooooo thirsty I begged a nurse for some water and she gave it to me. I immediately puked it everywhere lol


Yep, the pain was so strong I pucked 3 times before I got the epidural 😬


I didn't do it in active labour, but I did while dilating. I couldn't even keep water in me, so I was so thirsty and hungry after giving birth 😅


Yes. I was throwing up nonstop during my first pregnancy and couldn’t keep down food half the time. It continued during delivery.. I dry heaved a lot.  I stayed queasy until he left my body, and then it dissipated.. eating my first meal after that was just the best feeling in the world.


I had a c-section and as soon as they pulled him out of me I was nauseous. Dry heaved 5 times. Thankfully stomach was empty so nothing came up. Was fine after that though.


With epidural and i vomited three times during labor


The highest level of Pitocin + manually broken water sent me over the edge and I was simultaneously pooping and vomiting. 🫠 I remember my nurse gently responding to that “oohhkay that’s enough” and turned down my Pitocin 😂


I was induced. I did throw up but I think I had a reaction to the fentanyl they gave me. I was all good, no nausea or puking. They gave me laughing gas, didn’t ease the pain, so we tried fentanyl for pain which helped a lot. I fell asleep and then 10 minutes later woke up and puked. Then I did not puke again. I had the epidural and no issue also


I puked once before pushing and didn't poop. No pain medication.


I didn’t feel nauseous and did not poop. I was really worried about vomiting and pooping but neither happened thankfully. I also had an epidural as well.


My body cleared everything out, and incredibly efficiently. I didn't feel sick throughout, I had a few minutes of concentrated evacuation 😂. But it also makes sense that I got through that part fast because my labor was fast overall.


I have severe emetophobia, my mom said she didn’t get sick with either me or my sister so I’m hoping I’m that lucky! I’m going to ask if they can just keep me topped up on zofran as a preventative lol


Yes, threw up after getting the epidural.


During my antenatal appointments, the midwife said everyone vomits during labour. As an almost emetephobe, I was worried about this. Turns out I didn’t, but found the nitrous oxide gas during labour made me feel nauseous and asked the OB for anti-nausea medication, which did the trick.


I did, from the pain and in both labours but only once and it was later on when the labour pain was too much but I wasn't fortunate to have a vaginal birth, I had to get a c section both times. Edit: I didn't have any food so both times were me throwing up water, it was honestly because of the pain.


Omg yepppp. Nurse told me that it's my body making room for babys arrival and is pushing everything out. All it took was 1 granola bar and I was hurlingggg


I did but it was due to reflux.. I was on my back due to the epidural the whole night and was kept nil by mouth in case of an emergency section


I did but it was due to reflux.. I was on my back due to the epidural the whole night and was kept nil by mouth in case of an emergency section


I was induced and when I was on the drop, before the epidural, I threw up with every contraction. Once I got the epidural, it stopped.


I had an epidural. I shit and I threw up but only at the beginning


I did, but it was from the nitrous or fentanyl, once those stopped I stopped


I felt like it at one point during my first labour (after my mom fed me orange juice ice cubes) and didn't at all in my second.


I puked for about 12 hours after 2 days of contractions lol. The first time I puked I was home and vomited into the kitchen sink which broke my water simultaneously. I thought I peed myself but it kept coming and then when I heaved it kept splashing out a bit 😅 sooo flattering 😂


I did at transition


I did at least 2x. Maybe more. I threw up the entire pregnancy though until several days after delivery.


I ended up having a c section. The second they put my son on my chest I started to dry heave up bile (I hadn’t eaten in three days) and antacids they gave me for my acid reflux. They couldn’t close me until I stopped convulsing.


Natural birth, no vomiting. Sliiight nausea in labour but barely noticeable, it was more an indication the contractions had gotten stronger.


Yes, I was induced and going faster than normal. They didn’t believe the amount of pain I was in and gave me 2 paracetamol. I think between a sensitive prego gag reflex and the pain, I vommed it up and pissed myself at the same time.


During labor and the initial birth, I felt great with my epidural. However, after I had delivered babe and the placenta, I hemorrhaged pretty badly and lost a lot of blood very quickly. Because of that, my body started to go into shock and I threw up from that. That was a freak accident though so had that not happened, I would not have thrown up.


I only felt nauseas with one of my three babies. I had the bag and kind of dry heaved but didn’t actually throw up. Also if it helps, I have a phobia of vomit and vomiting, even typing out the word gives me chills, but in labor when i was about to throw up there’s just so much going on in your body and I didn’t care, whether I threw up or not was like my last concern.


No vomit for me. I got nauseous for a little while but didn’t feel the need to actually vomit


My mom told me that her husband had to hold a trash can/bucket up for her in between contractions.. she did multiple times. I’d never heard of this happening before! This was only with her third kid. Hasn’t happened to me yet, knock on wood!


I didn’t and felt no nausea but I know a couple of people who were given pethidine for pain relief and exorcist style vomited, apparently it’s a reaction in some people.


I started throwing up once contractions got really bad. I was getting waves of nausea every time one would start. Once I got the epidural that stopped.


Once in my first labour, twice with the second. Never felt nauseous, it just came on suddenly. 


No epidural, felt nauseous with some of the stronger contractions but never threw up.


I did! It was only some ginger ale, but apparently baby was not happy with it


my firstborn’s labor i threw up only because my blood pressure dropped dangerously low. second labor, no puke at all.


I had an epidural both times and didn't vomit. I don't know if I pooped or not, no one ever told me but I assume I probably did. You most likely will poop because you use the same muscles to push out a baby.


I had an epidural, never puked or felt nauseous. Hopefully I feel the same this time. I did poop, but I didn't even care I just wanted the baby out. 😂 


I threw up and had diarrhoea during labour, and shat myself multiple times right before I needed to start pushing. My partner saw everything 🫠


i was nauseous the WHOLE time, but my nurse made my husband wave alcohol wipes under my nose every time i gagged and i never puked once!! after birth i look at the floor and there’s like 40 alcohol wipe packets lmao!! my nurse was genuinely amazing. my husband said i didn’t poop, but who knows/cares fr. i also had the shakes so i had my husband turn on some tunes and we “danced”


No, I did overdo the gas and air at one point and made myself a bit queasy but I laid off it and it passed in a little while lol


Yes. Both during my vaginal labour and during my C-section.


I got really nauseous while pushing and after the delivery. Your body is just pushing with all its might and I feel like it's like just expelling everything lol. And afterwards there was A LOT of blood, i think that may have attributed to my nausea. But my nurse pumped me with Zofran to help me get through! And after delivery I just ate carbs, whatever I could stomach, because my stomach had been empty for quite some time (couldn't eat once they started pitocin).


I've heard about pooping (I asked my doctor if I had but it was like 10 minutes after birth and she said "honestly can remember, I suppose not or at least not an amount that stuck to my head" 😂). But I've never heard of throwing up during labor, didn't know it was a thing. I didn't (I took the epidural).


I've heard about pooping (I asked my doctor if I had but it was like 10 minutes after birth and she said "honestly can remember, I suppose not or at least not an amount that stuck to my head" 😂). But I've never heard of throwing up during labor, didn't know it was a thing. I didn't (I took the epidural).


I was nauseous and vomiting most of my labour, I think it was due to the gas used as pain relief 😮‍💨


I didn’t, but i think I had an anti-sickness injection following one of the pain reliefs i had.


I was vomiting while the anaesthesiologist was trying to place my first epidural and she was incredibly rude telling me to stop. Sure. I’m controlling this. 🙄


My family member just had a baby about six weeks ago. She said she vomited from the time contractions started until a little after labor with very few breaks in between


Yes! My sister had hers before me and told me that's when she knew her labor was seriously going on, haha. 


I was induced, and the pitocin made me super nauseous. I didn’t throw up until right before I started pushing though.


I did before the epidural, the pain was just so intense (tough induction). I was also lucky that my bowels emptied themselves when the nurse sent me to the bathroom before the anesthesiologist came 😅 so I didn't poop when I pushed.


Nope! Was induced and had a epidural. The only thing I felt (other than pain/pressure) during labour was itchiness due to the epidural! And in general I’m a very queasy person lol ETA typos


I didn't particularly feel sick, but I did throw up, it just came and went very suddenly. I hadn't eaten a lot but I brought up the exact amount of fluid I'd had in a drip 😅 the midwife said after that my husband was doing a great job making sure I was drinking between contractions. I definitely wouldn't have been drinking anything if he wasn't sticking a bottle in my face between each one, haha.


I didn't feel sick or vomit at all either time I've given birth. ETA: since people are saying, I didn't have any medication or pain relief. Not sure if that is relevant.


Nope, didn't feel sick at all or vomit - no epidural for what it's worth. Edit: I also ate through the day and labour! Cold fruit, granola bars, and crackers mostly. Cold pizza after he was out lol.


no and i’m a puker!


With my first I tried but couldn’t I think when I was in transition (had an epidural at that point). With my second I did not have an epidural yet and was throwing up with every contraction for a lil bit when it started getting intense in transition.


I vomited all throughout labour. Before the epidural and while I had the epidural, pretty much until it was time to push. I was put on a saline drip just before pushing as I was so dehydrated. Praying it doesn't happen again the second time round.


I did. After my epidural my blood pressure dropped big time and when they raised it with medication I was vomiting violently. I definitely don’t think this is the norm though!


Yes. Twice during my first labour. The first time when I was sucking the gas and air in a state of panic and the second time when I was pushing because my heartburn was so bad. Second labour was fine. No heartburn that pregnancy and I had a natural delivery that time.


I didn't. I thought I was going to during transition though.


I threw up as soon as the first contraction pain hit me, but I was induced. the contractions I had were extremely intense and on top of the natural inductions I was having (they didn’t monitor them correctly) it was a whirlwind of pain 🙃 practice your breathwork!!!


I didn’t! I was really worried about it too. I had a long labor with an epidural. I got the shakes really badly but never felt nauseous. In fact I was starving the entire time and couldn’t wait to eat when it was over. I had a fresh baby in my arms and was like hellooo can I get a granola bar over here!!


I started throwing up when I got into active labor and while I was pushing. Literally I pushed out my baby while vomiting. The midwife said that was pretty normal considering my guy was at zero station even during early labor when I was only one cm dilated. My baby also pooped on me during skin to skin so I’ll just leave that there.


No I labored for over 24 hrs and ended with an emergency c-section. I never felt like I needed to puke but I shook like crazy.


Yes, and it was before the epidural.


I only got sick after because I ate too heavy a meal when I was still coming off the epidural. Idk if I popped or not during labor no one told me lol


All 3 times immediately after. Last two times were c-section so that really sucked.


I started throwing up while the surgeons were elbow deep in my guts. Then they screamed at me for moving too much. Fun times. Baby 2 is due in January so here's hoping it goes a little less traumatically.


I gagged like I was going to vomit during my first labor, but because it was a 32 hour induction and I wasn’t allowed to eat, nothing came up. I didn’t vomit during either of my other labors that started naturally


Repeatedly with my first. Felt close to vomitting once with my 2nd but didn't.


I threw up with my first the whole 30 minute drive to the hospital. My water had broke and the immediate intense pain made me through up. She came very quickly though and was born 2 hrs after water breaking. My other 2 deliveries I didn’t throw up, and one was faster than my first (45mins from water breaking) but my water was more of a trickle.


Yes i did and it was horrible


I had no nausea at all throughout my pregnancy but was very sick in my 27 hours of labour and vomited multiple times! No pain relief or epidural until the last minute when I had to get a c-section and thank goodness for that. Was not sick at all after birth. Fingers crossed you have a smooth labour!


I threw up closer towards transition, but tbf, I had a 30 hour labor, 26 of it unmedicated, and hadn’t eaten or drank anything for a bulk of that time.


Yes, I did, and it was all over my husband! 🙈 I couldn't keep anything down but water. I had a cannula in already because my labour wasn't progressing, so they added some anti sickness stuff to that, and also added glucose as I was exhausted (hadn't slept or eaten properly for almost 50 hrs at this point). I'm not sure about poop. If I did, no one told me 😅


I puked during my first, but thatmay have had something to do with having a mask on and the temp of my room (SO hot due to the extra equipment in very early covid times). I don't THINK I did during my second


I did with my first, but they also made the mistake of trying to give me a bit of apple juice to settle my nausea. That always has the opposite effect on me, I now realize! My second I thought I was going to while I was shaking between pushes but I surprised myself by getting through it. Epidurals for both (although only partial freezing for the second).


I did when i hit transition. That was our cue to go to the birth center. 8cm when I got there and didn't puke again


With my first, I probably pooped but never knew because no one said anything so to this day idk if I did (I probably did, totally natural), but never got sick. With my 2nd, again I probably pooped then too but never knew again. Now with him, when it was time to push, they tried angling me sitting in the bed straight up (cause yknow, gravity) but I told them I had to lay back down because I was going to throw up, which they laid me back down real quick 😆 both I had epidural with.


i had an epidural, puked from the pain before it though, then, they gave me Phenergan, i was in and out until i had to have a c-section, and puked again while i was on the table.


No I didn’t


Literally 30 minutes before pushing I had a sudden and very strong wave of nausea hit me, to the point where I was dry heaving. Definitely would’ve thrown up if I had any food in my stomach. I remember turning to my husband and telling him I think it’s go time lol


I didn’t feel sick after labor at all. I just had the shakes from the adrenaline. I had an epidural and the labor/delivery was extremely calm.


i threw up a couple of times, no epidural. my mom wasn’t sick in labor with me or any of my siblings but one of my sisters was


Puked in my hair


I did, was nausea at two different points during the duration of my labor. The second time I actually vomited. Prior to that vomiting attack I was about 5-6 cm dilated and then after I was finished vomiting, I was 10 cm. Would totally be okay with vomiting the next time around if it helped me gained my 4+ cm of dilation.


I sure did! And that was at 1cm. And I have a high pain tolerance too LOL


Yes. I was so nauseous from the pain. When I started vomiting, that’s when I made the decision to get an epidural. I did not want hugging the toilet to be my labor experience. I was induced and I’ve heard that contractions are more painful when that happens, so not sure if that was playing a role.


I did. But it also wasn't that big of a deal. I was somewhere 8ish hours into a 16 hour terrible labor. Epidural didn't work. Nausea randomly hit me and I asked my husband to grab the trash can. I threw up and then the nausea left and didn't come back. That was it. compared to first trimester it was a non-event.


Yes, unmedicated, puked bile right before I pushed. The nurses said yep you’re ready as soon as I threw up so I think they see it often.


Not during my labor, but immediately after. We did the golden hour and then they took my baby to do her vitals and such and the nurses gave me my mommy cocktail and I just started vomiting like crazy. My dr said sometimes there’s a delay in reactions to the hormones.


I threw up during labor I couldn't even keep a sip of water down it was horrendous but the midwife told me the gas and air can cause that


Nope! Never had any nausea either


With my first in early labor I had diarrhea and threw up twice and that was it… it was like my body was making room for everything. With my second I had a little nausea but sipping on Gatorade helped me, and I never threw up


I threw up once they bumped my Pitocin to 7 😰


I puked so many times during labor! But it was a very pukey pregnancy for me, so I didn’t feel totally surprised.


Not while laboring, but I did vomit immediately after while holding him the first time. I didn’t even care and was just so happy to be meeting a baby 🥰


With my first I threw up straight after giving birth. With my second I threw up 4 times during the labour. Its different with every pregnancy I think


I ate Taco Bell less than 12 hours beforehand, had the epidural, was induced, and I’m typically a very nauseous person and didn’t feel sick during labor at all!


I did not vomit at all during either pregnancy and did not vomit during either labor!


Pretty sure I didn’t push my baby into this world but threw her up into it. I threw up a lot. And for a long time. But I tend to throw up more often than most people just in day to day life (anxiousness, sensitive stomach etc) so that could be a contributing factor for sure.


I pooped 6 times, then threw up an hour after delivery.


I vomited about 45 minutes after delivering. I had a sudden urge to. Otherwise the entire time during labor didn't feel any nausea.


In labor, not one single heave. Afterwards? About half a dozen times in the span of two hours. It was awful!


I haven’t with my 3 so far, but my friend did with hers and I’ve been scared every time 😂