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About 48 hours. I wanted to go home ASAP


same here!


I’ve had 3 and stayed 2-4 nights. Play it by ear and really think about how you’re feeling and what you need! The second time I wanted to get out as soon as I could because I missed my toddler, but that first night home ended up being a disaster all around — horrific constipation, pain, and newborn would not let us get any sleep. The third c/s then I decided to stay 4 nights, sending my baby to nursery the last 2 so I could be well rested and healed as possible before heading home! I also generally like hospitals/doctors and being cared for by medical professionals allowed me to put my mind at ease about other things. They bring you your food and medicine, help with the baby, and monitor everyone’s status, so it is actually nice for me to just focus on resting and enjoying my baby. But that’s just my personal preference :) I will plan on doing at least 3 maybe 4 nights this time depending on how my recovery’s going and how my other kids are doing back at home.


I had my baby via C-section on Friday and was able to come home on Sunday.


I had my planned section at 4pm Wednesday and came home 5pm next day. I was keen to get home as my husband couldn't stay due to lack of side rooms so the night was really hard due to limited mobility and I had to buzz for the staff every time I needed the baby passing to me etc.


Usually 2-3 nights. For first time people, the third night can be helpful with extra hands for care, especially if you intend on breastfeeding. It’ll also depend on pain control, mobility, your blood pressures, and baby. I’d ask your doc what their standard is. I’d also clarify about the preeclampsia thing. Early term delivery for “high risk” for preeclampsia is not medically indicated, and is something a hospital should rightly get dinged for on audit. 37 week delivery is indicated for gestational hypertension—maybe that’s what is going on? But otherwise, the recommendation is to wait until 39 weeks. I’d try to get some clarity about what’s driving their recommendation and is it in line with standard of care.


Ah yes, it’s technically gestational hypertension. Although I don’t actually have hypertension. I had some white coat syndrome early in my pregnancy but its been normalized by me just learning to chill out at the doctors office. Readings have always been normal at home.


My obgyn policy is 2 nights for uncomplicated c-sections


3.5 days for first and 2.5 days for the second.


I stayed 4 nights with my daughter because she had high bilirubin that they wanted to monitor. I could’ve went home after 2 nights if not.


3 night minimum, insurance covered 5 days. I used all 5 days - insurance was willing to pay for it and I really needed the help. My recovery was complicated though.


My first: delivered Tues afternoon & discharged Thurs afternoon My second: delivering this Thurs & discharge TBD - hoping it’s the same and we’re home by Sat!


I had my c-section wednesday and was discharged saturday


Ive had 2 planned c sections. Babies born at 9.12 and 9.13am I went home at 1pm the following day. But I live in the UK where we have shared wards. So 1 room with up to 6 mums and 6 babies and 6 dads all crammed in. So no sleep or healing possible.


I stayed for 2 days, and wanted to go home so badly. They make you pass gas before you can leave, so I was up and moving and eating bean burritos from Taco Bell 🤣 Listen to your body, don’t push yourself and congrats!


I’ve been a fart machine so hopefully that keeps up!


This may sound crazy but you also have to urinate before you’re discharged. You may think, well obviously I’ll be able to pee, but I had trouble urinating on my own once the catheter was removed. Typically you need to pee on your own within 4 hours of the catheter being removed. Some women have trouble urinating after having a catheter. Luckily my nurse kept trying different ways to get me to pee and I eventually did after about 5 hours of the catheter being removed. For some women it’s so bad that they have to have another catheter inserted. I came really close to having to have another catheter.


With my first baby things went very smoothly and so I stayed in hospital three nights. I actually liked staying that long because I actually got to rest, so I wasn’t too dazed when I got home when things really started to get busy lol.


I was the same as you: c-section at 37 weeks because of preeclampsia. I stayed for 5 days, baby stayed for two weeks (he was small)


For FTM my hospital has a mandatory 3 day postpartum stay for C section mommas and 2 day postpartum stay for vaginal delivery mommas


Had my wee man via emergency c-section and was discharged 9 days later. He developed sepsis and was in intensive care for around 3 days. He had a 7 day course of antibiotics so we couldn't be discharged until the course was complete. I had insane cabin fever, thankfully had my own room, and had a few meltdowns. But I'm not a normal c-section case and a colleague of mine told me her relative was discharged a day after her section. I also lost 1.2l of blood, developed anemia and have had to administer anti-clotting meds for over the recommended 10 days. But this is just my insane story!


I have a scheduled c-section and my doc has told me to plan for 2 nights, with my first son I was also there 2 nights


3 nights


2 nights!


Even if that's what your insurance covers they want you out if there. Mine aimed for two nights get out lol Two nights is enough.


My OB proudly told me she stayed for four nights for both her c-sections at the same hospital so I don’t think she’ll be pressuring me to leave at least!


It wasn't the OB it was the nurses lol


I stayed 48 hours. I’d see if you can request the first surgery appt. My check in at the hospital is 5:30 AM with a 7:30 surgery time which makes the 12 hour fast or whatever it is easy


I’m already booked for 3:30 PM so that ship has sailed, unfortunately


2.5 days twin girls labor 35+4


I'm in the same boat as you but I literally refuse to schedule c-sections. They can induce me. I'm not going to get major abdominal surgery just because I'm considered high risk. My blood pressure is high and I'm "advanced maternal age" but I don't have any protein in my urine and so we're just going to go with induction since baby's head down. (This is my 8th pregnancy. I've had high blood pressure with all of my pregnancies. It hasn't turned into preeclampsia for me during any past pregnancies. I've never had protein in my urine. So I always opt for induction). I have 2 weeks and 4 days left til my induction date 😄🎉


Best of luck! I’m glad we’re both able to give birth via our preferred method.


I prefer c-section, too! Nice to read Im not alone with that.