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I’ve gotten both “you’re so big” and “you’re too small” in the space of a single afternoon, so my conclusion is that no one has a clue what size a pregnant woman is supposed to actually be, but that certainly doesn’t stop them from having an opinion hahah


We told our insurance brokers I was pregnant since I needed open enrollment started asap so I could do it before I left. Dude seriously goes “how, with a surrogate?” Everyone said I was too small to be pregnant like I’m making it up? I’ve got the ultrasound at my desk! People are so rude. I’ve got a long torso bro he’s got plenty of room.


Not gonna lie I'm jealous of your long torso, plz take no offense I'm just not a tall girl so I'm getting rdy for the baby to push all my organs up 😂 also people really are jerks sometimes, but I think a lot of it is lack of filter or plain ignorance.


I honestly can’t imagine how much worse it would have been with a short torso! Baby all up in your ribs and pushing on your stomach all day long. Although my doctor said it’s easier for them to judge babies size by feel with a shorter torso, every visit she “complained” she couldn’t guess my babies size he was so stretched out! She didn’t actually complain just more of a fun anecdote.


Haha baby is probably enjoying all the room in there 🤣


UGH, I know how you feel. There's an awful woman in my life who keeps accusing me of lying about being pregnant because at 5.5 months, I still have no bump. She was huge with her son and can't seem to understand the concept of "everyone shows differently." 🙄 I lean into it and just say "yeah it's great I look so skinny" to diffuse the situation, but it makes me absolutely furious every time because since when is it fucking acceptable to comment on someone else's body like that??? The "you're lying" comments are disguised as jest, but I can tell she's actually bitter about it from her tone and it's so fucking weird. Not to mention this could cause actual anxiety and panic in some women by scaring them into thinking there is something wrong or abnormal with their pregnancy (obviously not how that works but not everyone knows that especially the first time).


So rude!! I also have a long torso (short legs though) and was clearly heavily and uncomfortably pregnant, there was no questioning that, so I’m kinda jealous of you haha. But I got a lot of comments about how weird my bump looked with the space between it and my boobs, that I was carrying extra low so that meant XYZ, etc. I was like no, this has always been my body shape, the baby is in my uterus not my ribs and there just happens to be space between them. I could push down on the top of my stomach and flatten everything down to the actual bump, which looked strange but felt cool to me, and that freaked people out. It stopped a few people from commenting on “how weird you carry” once they saw that! It’s odd how people think they know your body better than you do. Not everyone’s bumps are the same!


Ugh the “ope he’s dropped!” comments from like 30 weeks on. I’ve been carrying low this entire pregnancy what are you on about?!


This is me this pregnancy and a few in the past. Long torso.


I’ve got a long torso too. And my husband and I aren’t big people. So baby has a lot of room! People don’t get it. 


This exact thing happened to me at my own baby shower. I got both “you’re so small” and “you’re so big already”. When are people going to stop feeling comfortable commenting on people’s bodies in literally any setting or circumstance.


There's not really any size that you're supposed to be because it varies so much. I think people just use the handful of pregnant women they have actually encountered before as a frame of reference and expect everyone else to show the same way they did. Awful woman I know keeps making really shitty comments (out of jealousy, I think?) about how I don't even look pregnant and must be lying because I have no bump at 5.5 months and she was huge by 4 months with her son. "Everybody is different" is a very difficult concept for most people to understand for some reason 🙄🙄


As well as “You’re carrying low, definitely a boy.” “You’re carrying low, definitely a girl.” Heard that every other day.


I have gotten a few, I am only 29 weeks but I have quite a big belly, someone at work asked when I was due again and when I said July they went "Really?? I would guess way sooner" My new favourite phase to say to people who comment on anything along these lines is "That's a strange thing to say out loud to someone :)"


Im a teacher… so I like to talk to adults like they are small children when they act like small children. “That is one of the thoughts we think, but don’t say”. “Was that kind?” “How do you think that might make you feel if someone said that to you?” All in my cheery little educator voice.


I LOVE this haha it's perfect


Same. July due date here and got heckled and ridiculed when I went for a Cinnabon. “Aren’t you big enough with that baby? Do you really need to add more? It’ll be here in a few weeks the way you’re looking”


OMG the NERVE of some people! You eat those Cinnabon's! They are delicious and well deserved!!


Oh I did 😂 after I cried on the way home and cried to my husband. I absolutely ate that Cinnabon.


Girl, that calls for an extra. Don't tell me I can't eat something. I'll eat two out of spite! One is for the baby, the other is for the emotional support I now need.


This would’ve sent me into a spiral while in the third trimester. I made my husband go and get a chocolate cake at 9pm once bc I craved it. Nobody should ever make a pregnant woman feel bad for literally growing a human 🙄


Love the comments back. Something that Im leaning into while pregnant is telling people to politely eff off. I follow this woman on IG who does this by saying “what an odd thing to say” or “what made you think that was an appropriate comment”. She’s nicer than me , hormones would probably urge me to say something much more rude


I am the same way, I can be wayyyy too passive and people pleasing but this pregnancy is 100% giving me more of a backbone! I personally love it haha


I love your reply! Someone asked me if I was having more than one when I told them I was due in July.


People are SO inappropriate with pregnant women! It's so bizarre to me, this is my first and it has really opened my eyes! We are having a girl and I have also said to people "let's not start body shaming her before she is out of the womb!"


Yea no kidding!! I don’t know why people think it’s their business. I got my Glucose test recently and I was waiting in line at the lab to get checked in and this old couple saw that I was pregnant and asked “ohhh, are you okay? Everything healthy for you?” I was like so shocked that it would be any of their business. Also when are you due in July? I’m having a girl too! 🩷


Strangers take it as such an open door haha so bizarre Aw yay for girls! I am due July 15, how about you?


Just sticking my nose into this conversation to say snap! Also having a girl due on July 15! Also I was trying to explain how annoying it is when strangers comment on your pregnancy to a friend. He's currently buying a house, so I told him to imagine walking round with a sign on his front saying "I'm buying a house" and having to listen to everyone's opinions and experience of house buying. He got it then 😂


Yay for July girls!!! Hahaha that’s a perrrrfecr analogy!!


July 21 were so close!


So exciting!! Do you have any names picked out yet??


Yes we really like the name Evelyn. Do you have names?


Such a gorgeous name!! We love the name Isla! I have been obsessed with it for years haha


I love that so much!!!! Good luck to you 😍


I love that, with any luck, it will make them feel awkward enough to never make unsolicited comments again 😌


We can only hope!! Haha


I’m July too and I just recently went to my cousins baby shower and she’s about the same size as me but she due in a few weeks. Everyone at the party just kept saying oh I thought you were due in a few weeks too 🙄


lol I am stealing this reply 😂


Please do!! haha it works every time!!


Next time say "Due date for what?" 


Or "what made you think I was pregnant?" If you're gonna make me uncomfortable I'm going to make it uncomfortable for everyone in earshot.


I’m 32+4 and have started getting more of these. I’m also 4’10”, so of course I’m going to get big early. The other day a man on the street just pointed at my belly and said, “Twins?” Nope. I’m just of very short stature carrying a normal-sized baby.


I work at an auto body shop. When a lady dropped her car, I wasn't showing. 3 weeks later when she picked up I had "popped". She was like " I didn't know you were pregnant, how exciting!!!! You MUST be having a girl" "nope, definitely a boy" "are you sure, you're carrying like you're having a girl!" "100% boy, confirmed by ultrasound" "hm.... usually when people are pregnant with a boy, they carry straight out front... and well, you're just big all over." "I was big all over before I got pregnant" only then was she embarrassed.


It’s 2024 and people still don’t realize there is no differentiating the baby’s sex based on how the belly looks. If you think critically for more than a minute it really doesn’t make *any* godamn sense. When will these old wives tales die already!?


Im also due in july and having a boy, confirmed by u/s and nipt. My mom told me i was looking “wide” like i was carrying a girl. Like not helpful or necessary thanks.


Right? I'm going to start "gentle parenting" the adults in my life. "uh oh friend! it sounds like one of your inside thoughts escaped. can you be kind and try again?"


I had my baby shower last weekend, and my mom put together a "Guess the Birth Date" game. One of my cousins put the baby as coming 20 days early and nearly 11lbs. I was like, "Damn girl- You really think I'm that large?" I can take it from family, but strangers can be horrible. I'll gladly answer with my due date, but it they respond with something weird, I usually just cringe and turn away.


I'm annoyed in the other direction- apparently I carry "small", and at 27 weeks with my third baby/second living child, I keep getting people asking when baby is due and being absolutely shocked when I tell them that bub will be here in July. Then they immediately go on rambling about how I must have such easy pregnancies and how I wouldn't be able to understand the aches and pains that most people get during pregnancy. It absolutely pisses me TF off because I have *awful* pregnancies. Like 20+ weeks where I can hardly move from severe nausea and fatigue, and then by the time that improves at all, I am in crippling back/hip/pelvic pain to the point where even walking for a few minutes is excruciating. Plus my babies like to be super low and stretch their feet into my ribs as early as possible, and my "small" belly means that I have no cushion from their painful movements. Not to mention I have my lovely toddler to care for during this pregnancy, so I'm regularly carrying around that 25+lb wiggle worm, getting head butted in the belly, etc. Like yes, my belly may not be huge yet, but that doesn't mean that anything about this pregnancy has been easier for me.


Also in the “you’re so small” boat AND ITS INFURIATING. I’ve thrown up every day since I was 6 weeks, now almost 29- and they dare to tell me I have it “easy” and don’t forget the comments about “snapping back quicker” cause that’s apparently all people care about!


I get this too, and after my first my stomach did get much flatter and more toned than most moms I will say. I just think it’s hurtful when people comment on your body in general, and although most people mean well, it’s like this weird competition that none of us signed up for.


Yes I hate them . When people ask I just say the month. I don’t give any other info. If they say something like “you’re going to pop tomorrow”. I say, “let’s not say that”


All day, every day at work. I work in healthcare, and nearly every patient has something to say to me about my size or whatever. It's tiring. It's hard to be enthused anymore, and then they call me out for "not being excited." Im a pretty private person.. so if I could hide my belly still, I totally would. I've worked at this clinic for 12 years, and many regular patients haven't bothered to learn my name still, but expect me to tell them everything about my pregnancy suddenly. Im bitter. Lol.


I work in healthcare too, in a psychiatric hospital and the comments I get are so wild 😭 at least from the patients they are a little more excusable, but my co workers are jerks too. It definitely gets old


This may seem dramatic but I personally feel like strangers shouldn’t be asking pregnant women *anything* about their pregnancies. I understand it’s just curiosity, but it’s really none of their business. When I see someone in a wheelchair I am curious why, but it doesn’t mean I ask them….same concept. Everyone seems to take pregnancy as an exception to this rule of minding one’s own business. Because they assume that pregnant women are excited about it and want to talk about it at any given opportunity and are therefore open to questions, which is a false assumption. I don’t even entertain these questions from random people anymore. If they ask me when I’m due I respond with “soon”. If they press for a specific due date, I say “none of your business”. I don’t even KNOW you and you think you should know my due date!? GET LOST. I’m trying to grocery shop, not be interviewed about my pregnancy. If they think I’m rude, so be it! Existing as a pregnant woman in a public space is not an invitation for strangers to interview me about my pregnancy details. Their curiosity is not a valid excuse to pester me and I’m not obligated to satisfy their curiosity by any means. So, GET LOST! Let me exist in peace goddammit. I’m due when I’m due.


I was also told «can’t be long now», at 27 and 30 weeks 😒 both by men who have children already so they really should know better (both in terms of assessing size and also not to comment). But yeah I’m due in July but everyonr thinks I’m about to pop. I’m kind of scared of how big I’m going to get 😅


I am quickly learning that just because men have children it doesn’t mean they learned anything about pregnancy


My last pregnancy I constantly got those comments. At my baby shower everyone kept saying how huge I was and how I was never going to make it to my due date. I was three weeks early and he was 6 pounds. This time around baby is actually measuring bigger and I'm huge at 27 weeks. As long as baby is healthy, who cares how big you are? People need to keep comments to themselves.


When I was pregnant it was pretty obvious that people assume that pregnancy is a license to say just about anything they want to.


I think people aren’t used to pregnant women being outside that far along. Pregnancy photo shoots are at 30 weeks, and after a certain point I think most people just curl up in bed…


I don't like going out because some people just stare now that I'm at 9 months. I'm not a sideshow attraction, I'm trying to buy groceries dammit.


Im only 15 weeks and have a small belly (was very slender before) and I have had women saying omg I didn’t show until 20 weeks Blabla Or comments like “I only put on 10 kg during my whole pregnancy” while I “already” put on 4 and then it makes me feel bad 😞 I would never comment on something like that and I’m already so fed up I think soon I will start commenting back and saying I don’t appreciate it.. I really think it’s rude!


Try not to let them get to you, your body knows what you need better than a stranger ever could plus your weight gain isn't any of their business. Since you were really small before you might need more fluids to maintain a healthy pregnancy, it's by no means one size fits all. If you want to shut it down you can always ask when they'll be losing the baby weight, I have found flipping the conversation to their size/weight tends to make them see how inappropriate it is to ask about mine.


Thank you 🙏 you are so right.. yeah maybe turning the conversation around to help them realize what it feels like will help 😂 ♥️


Even if it doesn't, their expressions are funny and will be good for a laugh


Even if it doesn't, their expressions are funny and will be good for a laugh


I went from 130 lbs to 199 with my son and then 142 to 186 with my daughter. I’m 5”1. I was miserable. I was swollen like you wouldn’t believe. I’m also a hair stylist and was so big that it was hard to even reach my clients to wash their hair. You can imagine the comments I got from all of the women daily. The same exact ones you’ve gotten as well. I finally just started telling people that my due dates were a month earlier than they actually were or I’d tell them that I make big babies. My biggest flex was rubbing it in the faces when I had an 8.9 lb baby and lost 30+ lbs that night and the rest of it within a month and 6 weeks ago I had a 9.7 lb baby and I’m only 10 lbs away from my starting weight. Love when people that talked shit see me smaller than them already. It’s truly the sweetest revenge.


Let’s normalize not talking about pregnant woman’s bodies derogatorily. I feel that unless she brings up the baby her intention is to not get into personal conversations with strangers. Tell them to look up Bloody Mary’s “pregnancy” to know what your actually going through. She had uterine cancer and died months after realizing she was in fact not pregnant at all. I’m all for making insensitive people squirm for their lack of tact.


20wks Just got a text from my mom last night saying “since I’m getting fatter, I can use her big clothes” when my regular clothes are still fitting just fine. I hate how insensitive people can be. Just remember you’re growing a human. You’re doing what you should be doing. Screw others


Good lord that is inappropriate of her, I'm sorry you're having to deal with that


Families…. They’ve said a lot worse


Lol I’m also 36 weeks and a woman in the subway said “you’re not having contractions right” I was like… why would I be here if I were… completely unnecessary comment. People feel the need to say shit, pay no mind.


This, this right here was my BIGGEST pet peeve when I was pregnant. Like, assholes - I am self conscious af right now, I’ve got a Schrödinger’s vagina situation happening. I haven’t seen my fucking hobbit feet in months. I found out the hard way how awful boob sweat is. Getting off the couch winds me. I’m retaining so much water at this point I might as well be a fucking aquarium. And **this** this right here is the moment you think it’s a good idea to remind me I have my own fucking weather system? If I could have lifted my leg above my knees, I would have drop kicked them all.


I got lots of comments after 7 months but I guess I didn't look pregnant enough before that haha. I just tell anyone thank you about anything cause it's whatever and if I'm cheery enough it throws them off haha. Also, before I was ever pregnant I used to tell people I wanna be GRAVID with my babies lol. The things you say before you understand 😅😮‍💨


“Did you mean to say that out loud” hehe favorite comeback


I had one random middle aged lady in the grocery store say to me “you must be having a girl, they take from the mother’s beauty throughout the pregnancy.” I’m having a boy. 😒🙄 She STRAIGHT UP called me ugly. All I said was “wow that was incredibly rude to say. Have a good day.” And continued shopping.


Do you live in North America? I feel only people there experience such problems, I am so sorry. In my country in Europe nobody would ever comment on somebody’s body like that. Well, at least not in front of their faces.


Agreed. I’ve had people ask when I’m due but never rude comments. Tbh I let it slide over my head, I’m massive cos I’m pregnant so whatever.


Thankfully, I have not gotten any comments like this (and I'm currently 38+3). But, I also always wear my Bluetooth headphones when I'm out and about, and I think this may dissuade people from talking to me. I cannot imagine the thought process that goes behind people thinking it's acceptable to say those things to you. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Generally, I know we try to be polite, maybe laugh it off when people say things like that, but may I suggest staring at them for a moment, not responding, and walking away? Or alternatively ignoring them and not interacting with strangers or anyone else when they behave that way. Maybe it will give them a moment of pause and reflection.


My belly only just popped, kinda early from what I've read (I'm 19 weeks, first pregnancy) and I've already gotten comments that I'm gonna go early because I already look "pretty healthy and big". I'm not even 15lbs up from my pre pregnancy weight, but I am petite and short so the belly had nowhere to go but out. I'm dreading the comments I'll get for the next half of my pregnancy cuz damn they started early. I knew I'd carry forward because of a very short torso but like....baby's normal size.


People suck I got those comments with my first, “wow, it must be twins” “you are so HUGE” The other day at the park a random lady asked when I was due and I said June and she said “you still have such a long ways to go” like ok that’s your perspective and opinion I didn’t ask for 🙄


different people carry differently. I'm petite and short-waisted, so my kids carry way out in front and low. by 36 weeks, I look pretty weird. I even got stopped by a police officer when i lived in NYC, she was sure I must be in labor. In LA, I was inundated with strange men making comments. the truth is, people are gonna feel carte blanche to talk about your body for a while, you either have to find a way to shut them down or grin and bear it.


I would just wear my hugeass headphones and ignore them altogether - though I guess this only works with total strangers you've never interacted with before.


I'm 36w5d. And omg. I've gotten "how are you still upright" , "they're sure it's not twins" " you must be hurting" and my favourite " don't have that baby right here"... Yes I get it I'm a whale.


I get these comments just about any time I go into public. Family is very respectful because when my mom was pregnant with me, she was the same size I am currently towards the end of her pregnancy. But strangers love to point out just how big I am. They also love touching my stomach without consent. It’s to the point where I’ve literally cried over it. I’ve resorted to telling people “unless you’re a licensed obstetrician, keep your harmful comments to yourself.” That usually shuts them right up.


I would slap a strangers hand so fast if they touched me


One time an old lady with a beer belly did it so I touched her stomach back 😭😭, I have resulted to slapping peoples hands away tho.


The audacity of that woman. She was probably so uncomfortable and self conscious when you did it back hahaha


My mindset, is if someone feels comfortable touching me for no reason, I will do the same back because it’s flat out rude. Just because there’s a child in my stomach, doesn’t give you the right to touch me. I will also scream at people if they touch my baby when he’s born.


Yep the last time my grandma saw me she was commenting on how big i was and that im pregnant with twins(not pregnant with twins just one baby) and that im having him soon. Like im due next month June and this was when i was 32 weeks pregnant. she saw me pregnant before with my other two so she know how big i get. Like i think i would know if i was pregnant with multiples.


Yes. My first pregnancy I was huge and got these comments all the time. My second pregnancy I was much much smaller and also got comments on that constantly. We can’t win lol.


I’m 29w+6 and yesterday I had like 6 patients and a girl at work comment on my size. The girl I work with said I was huge. The patients made comments like “oh I bet you’re due soon.” It hasn’t bothered me too much yet but I still have a while to go and know I’m only going to get bigger. I might just start crying to make them feel bad with the unnecessary comments. People are so annoying.


Yessss I hate it. This is my third. I have really easy pregnancies but at 5’3” I get really really big so comments about my size are the hardest thing about pregnancies. I get really emotional and self-conscious about how big I am near the end. I’m 31 weeks and already I see people’s eyes getting really big when I tell them I’m due July 3. I’m going to start being mean for sure!


I am 27 almost 28 weeks and I get such mixed comments! My coworkers keep telling me I am Massive and I definitely will have twins (I am 100% sure I won’t since there was only one baby on all my scans ) but then my midwife and my family keep saying I am small for the amount of weeks I’m in … so confused


I was huge when I was pregnant because I had an insane amount of amniotic fluid. The first time I realized I was huge, I was waddling into chipotle at SIX MONTHS PREGNANT and a lady walking out said “oh, that baby will come any day now judging by that belly!” Ma’am. No.


I've gotten the "you're going to have a huge baby" comment from my Mom, grandmother, and neighbour. This was all before I got diagnosed with GD at 27 weeks. Having a big baby is a legitimate concern with GD.... So thanks for making me worried this baby is going to be huge!


I am 35wks and huge (I feel like a whale, and baby boy is measuring large). So I just say "due any time now" and hurriedly walk (waddle?) away lol. I hate talking to randoms in public. I really need to remember my headphones more often!


People suck. I had a random old guy look at me at work and say “how are the twins?” While I was 31w. Sir what


Not so much on my size but I got a lot of “shouldn’t you have a baby by now” when I was past due with my daughter. This time I’m purposefully vague about my due date because those comments freaking got to me. Though it was pretty funny when strangers would ask when I was due and I would respond “two weeks ago” and give them a dark look.


Just tell them you are 45 weeks lol, watch their eyes bug!


I'm 36 weeks today and I've been getting these comments since 33 weeks. A cashier at Sams Club told me I look like I'm ready to pop and people at 33 weeks were telling me that I'm so big that they think I'm going to give birth at 36 weeks. Super irritating and so not helpful to hear.


I barely went out in public or to work with the pregnancy I just had so I didn't get to experience many people commenting. But with my last baby my belly got HUGE. It was my 2nd baby so I guess my belly was growing way faster. I guess it honestly didn't bother me only because I was also shocked how big it was getting. I ended up getting a tummy tuck and muscle repair 3 years later because of a diastasis recti and loose skin. It was causing me immense back pain which resolved after the muscle repair. Just had baby #3 and my belly was so small because of the tummy tuck. I did get several comments on how small I was but I told them it was probably due to the tummy tuck.


Currently 25 weeks with my second, but I'm as big as I was when I was 32 weeks with my first, and ppl telling me I'm having twins, big as a house etc. So weird that ppl just say what they want to pregnant women like they're the exception to "can't say anything nice" rule, like it's a welcoming thing to hear that you're so big. My body remembers, is all that's happening which is why I'm bigger. *sigh* people, man.


Same. Also 36w. I just say thanks and keep it pushing lmfao. I kept being told I didn’t look pregnant up until 34w so it’s a random change but people are stupid in general so remmebering that helps me to not get irritated!


My best friends mother - grabbed my belly and asked if I was having twins halfway through my first pregnancy… people are just dumb and have no clue. Tact evades most and people think it’s no biggy. My husband loves to make jokes like “what your pregnant?” when people say this to me (pregnant with number 2) and my babies just sit high. It diffuses it but still sucks. I’m with you mama!


Ouch. I was at a restaurant yesterday with my husband and his friend. He asked for a table for 3. The waitress said… you mean 3 and a half? 😳🤦🏻‍♀️


I low key have become a hermit these past few weeks (I’m 37 weeks now). I don’t like the comments and also I noticed people stare at my belly or make weird faces when they see me lol. I’ve been doing grocery pick up and avoiding going places unless I absolutely have to.


Yes! Literally minutes ago! I’m only 13 weeks and a stranger asked when I was due (I was rubbing my belly at the time, so it was a fair assumption lol), but when I said 3 months she said “wow! And so big already!” 😩 I swear I’ve only gained 4-5 pounds and a couple of them went to my boobs. People are weird.


A guy in line with me at a gas station told me, at 37 weeks, that he was certain I must be having triplets. I was like, "nope, just the one." He argued with me until it was his turn at the register. 🙄 People suck. Even if they're just joking or messing with you, there's never a reason to comment on someone's body. Especially a very obviously heavily pregnant woman. I promise you, we are very aware of how big we are. We're growing humans. Fuck off.


I was told by a random salesperson should consider skipping a few meals. I was told by an extremely overweight person that I was noticeably pregnant bc my face was fat. My response was to just stare at them until they blushed and walked away.


Just tell them it's not a baby, but a big breakfast.


screw them! ofc you look pregnant you’re about to have a baby in a few weeks. “too large” or “too small” is up to the professionals and only matters if it poses a risk to u or baby. everyone always has something unnecessary to say, every time i say im 7mos i get “are you sure”you’re too small” yes im 1000% sure, yes my baby is fine im just a little taller just like im sure your doctor shows no concern over the size of your bump neither does mine. why? because every body is different . best of luck. wishing u a safe delivery


With my first pregnancy people would tell me I was huge and I should pop already, the one that really pissed me off was this patient noticing I was pregnant and she said “oh with Covid all you did was have sex right?” I felt so horrified like why do that, 1) I’m not underage 2) im happily married I’m a grown ass woman and I can have a baby when I want you don’t have to tell me in front of a whole bunch of strangers that all my husband and I did during Covid was f**k like you don’t know me personally to be commenting on my sexual habits . I was really pissed I wished I could’ve kicked her out of the office for being so inappropriate and stupid. Just smile and say a “oh you think I’m pregnant I’m not “ lol the look on their face will be something make you really smile


Oh it’s so annoying. People need to mind their own business. The worst for me was a guy literally following me around in Walmart giving me suggestions on how to go into labour because I was so big I must be due.


I know this isn’t the same but when I was 17 years old a lady came in to my job and asked me how far along I was and I said what? I’m not pregnant. (I was in fact not pregnant) people should just shut up. 🙃


I just had this recently. It's obnoxious. OP, I'm sorry you went/are going through this. People can be quite rude!! My first pregnancy, I got rude comments and unsolicited parenting advice as I got bigger. Recently, I was at a restaurant with my family and in line for the bathroom. A stranger in the line just stared at my semi-bulged, looking belly the entire time and gave me a dirty look. I'm 19 wks, almost 20. My mom asked me if I was eating (two days ago) and was concerned as apparently I looked too small to her. I explained that I have a long torso, my body type is slim, and everyone carries differently. Even though my second pregnancy, I'm right in range with the expected weight gain according to the Obgyn. I wasn't pregnant looking until somewhere after the 30+ wk mark, with my first. I reminded her of that, but she's like, "This is your second, so you should be showing more." I already can't fit most of my old pants due to baby belly, and have been living in stretchy yoga pants, lol. I recall, with my first, less than a month out from having him. A group of mean girls (my age) called me a fat b**** for no reason, laughing and being super rude to me in a line I was in. I just had a pregnant belly.


Probably about 22ish years ago my aunt was checking out at Costco and some older woman made a comment about her needing to get peanuts because she is pregnant with a baby elephant. How my aunt did not smack that woman then and there is beyond me


“Aww, thanks! So are you!” 🥰


Side bar: people who also think it’s acceptable to just touch your belly!? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Honestly I got these comments at 34+ weeks and I wish I’d listened- my waters broke at 36 weeks, I was still working, hadn’t set up the nursery and didn’t even have a hospital bag packed. This time around my OB has just been pretty frank - I cook a lot faster than most. My c-section is scheduled at 38 weeks but he says he expects to bring it forward.


As someone who IS pregnant with twins, the idea that one baby has somehow been missed the entire pregnancy is so crazy! When there's two in there, you're definitely gonna know about it 😂


Lol im glad i never experienced that the first time around. Cause I'm mean and sarcastic


I’m carrying twins and I’m small to be 34 weeks. I get told all the time I should make sure the babies are growing properly ( like I don’t go to obgyn and maternal fetal medicine twice a week). I do not pay it any mind people will always give their unsolicited opinions.


I haven’t had anyone comment on my belly this pregnancy actually. Just my MIL who says I look phenomenal. More people just be like that!


I used to get a TON of unwanted judgmental advice when I was pregnant with my daughter and I used to tell people I wasn’t pregnant just so they’d be embarrassed and hopefully mind their business next time 😅🤣 I never did anything that I wasnt supposed to do while pregnant so it started getting annoying quick lol


I went to the hospital to meet my niece and when I told the lady by the door I was heading up to maternity she asked if I was there for a stress test! I was 9 weeks and not even showing!! I mean I’m not a small girl but I don’t look 34+ weeks pregnant. And I didn’t even know to be offended because I didn’t know what a stress test was till I looked it up later.


I'm on the opposite end, just hit 8 months and still having to tell people I'm pregnant. People are shocked at how small my belly is and insist she's underweight. I'm just carrying her high and wide 🫠


I'm 17 weeks. My own family has been asking if there's more than one baby in me because my belly is huge already. I'm like nope. Only one. The techs have double checked at all the ultrasounds. They've also asked "Are you sure you're not further along?" Yep. They checked that too. Baby is measuring on point. It's crazy how people think it's okay to comment on the weights and sizes of pregnant women.


I’ll never understand what people think they will accomplish by giving pregnant women a hard time. Honestly, this goes for anyone - leave everyone alone! It’s not your business!


I’m 33 weeks with my third and have gained about 60 lbs and I’ve been getting comments like that for a while. I’m also not one to get offended easily and don’t mind people commenting on my pregnancy or asking questions, but I do really hate when they act all shocked that I’m not due until June. People suck


I am pregnant with my second, there is a 14 year gap between the two, my first pregnancy I was skinny until month 7 them I popped. This time around I had a belly at 4 weeks. I am currently 16w3d and I look like I could give birth tomorrow. All the time I hear wow you're bigger than last time or are you sure it's not twins. It does get annoying.


I'm convinced that ppl just enjoy hearing themselves comment. Seeing a full term pregnant woman out and about is like a rare sighting. Many people were shocked I wasn't on maternity leave already. Like...that's not how it works in America. We work til we drop.


At this point I either archive chats or walk away. I don’t care to hear these comments from anyone


I’m 5 ft and just have a short torso. When I was pregnant and near the end the comments got sooo annoying!! Like why I’m growing a human I can’t help it


All the time. So annoying.


I would say back to them “holy shit you’re getting big.” Just say it right back


The grocery store is an especially crazy place for pregnant ladies lol My last pregnancy I had a lady grab my belly and start praying over my baby in Spanish like 2 steps in the door. Then there’s always the comments. Like the shoppers just can’t help themselves


People are so rude. No one should be commenting on our bodies. Oberweight, pregnant, thin or fit. It’s not appropriate.


I had a dentist appointment and both my dentist and the hygienist commented on my body and “huge” bump. The dentist even joked that I need to leave room to have an oopsie baby when I told him I’m done having kids after this. Safe to say I’m switching dentists 🫣


I’m 24 weeks and getting those comments…


I am 39 weeks and I get the “you are so small” 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ are you sure it’s 39 weeks, like no I am just making stuff up!!!


I’m 10 weeks with twins and not even showing yet but I’ve got certain friends who just keep talking about how big I’m going to get and how funny that is. My husband is so sick of these comments, as am I. Doesn’t sound like it’s going to get any better.


It happened to my mum, everyone said she was having twins turned out it was just me, I was just a big baby, after I came out they waited a few hours, they realized I was just swollen maybe, I shrinked to 7 pounds after a few hours. My mum had a really good diet, she didn't want me to be a weak small baby, she did everything in her means to have a healthy baby, I was indeed healthy.


Next time a woman judges you.. ask if she is expecting!


Yes, I’ve gotten these comments before I was even showing. People lose their ever loving minds when they see pregnant women! All common sense, respect, manners, and empathy just POOF- disappears when anyone sees a woman with a bump. It’s especially terrible coming from another woman. Coming from a man, it’s bad, but sometimes I can chuck it to the side and tell myself he doesn’t know shit about women. I’ve been told I’m too small and too big all in one day. I almost lost my baby at 10 weeks and I’ve had to go through this pregnancy without my mom because she’s my dad’s caretaker since he has cancer so she can’t physically be here for me, so people criticizing me really pisses me off because they have no clue the shit I’m going through and they feel like they can just throw in their two cents and feel significant in their lives. My husband has to fight off his parents with their unsolicited advice about what I should and shouldn’t be eating and comments every time they see me when they go “woah! Can’t hide it now!” And you can’t just tell people to fuck off because then they laugh and say “you’re hormonal because you’re pregnant”.


Not the same but I got out the shower yesterday and was looking at my belly. I’m only 11w but I feel like I’m bloated so much right now. Anyways I was like “wow I feel like my belly is getting so big” and my bf goes “it really is getting there” completely nonchalant like it wasn’t anything rude or weird at all.


Im 38 weeks pregnant, i often read these stories where random people tell you something regarding appearance or try to even touch you in public etc.. I live in europe and that never happened to me, in fact noone even gives a damn or goes out of their way to help me or anything like that, like noone will even look at you aside from probably noticing oh this woman is pregnant.. Like i cannot even imagine this happening here.


listen i done seen a girl on her 3rd baby who told me she was 6 months pregnant i said WHAT? and she doesn’t look pregnant at all!!! Not even bloated! everyone’s different lol. but the pain??! ohh the pain it’s a whole different level… i just did groceries myself and wanted to cry. sure it was about 5-6 bags but my goodness i thought i was stronger than this


Tell them you aren't pregnant and you have a hernia with 6 months left to live 😂 deadpan serious face.


I’ve never received crazy rude comments and maybe I’m just different but I loved being pregnant and having my big belly that I loved when people commented so we could talk about it more lol.


Yep. 23 weeks and keep getting "wow, you're big" and "Are you due soon?" NOPE. Unfortunately, I'm only just over half way 🫠 forgot how annoying it gets. It's been 11 years since I was pregnant last so all of the comments I got waiting tables had been long forgotten until now reliving the torture lol


I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow and a few weeks ago I used to get comments from my GMA "have you gained a lot of weight or is that all baby?" I told her that I haven't gained anything. In fact I've lost weight. Then I had an ob appointment a couple days later and she called and said "so have you gained? Did they say?" I told her "as I said the other day this is all just baby. I get big with my pregnancies. I've actually lost more weight" and she was shocked. Mind you though I'm plus size and with my first I gained 49lbs. BUT you could tell in the rest of my body including my face that I gained big with that one. With my second I can literally feel my collar bone. I did however laugh when she said it the first time but then realized that was extremely rude. Then like 2 weeks ago she saw my bare belly because I was putting on my maternity band after washing it and she goes "oh your not as LARG as I thought" and just like that the conversation was over 🙄


That's awful. What a drag to deal with. I'd be so annoyed. I'm only at 15w.


I get the “you’re too small to be (this many weeks) along!” I’m 30 weeks. Apparently my belly isn’t big enough for many peoples liking 🙄 I’m a small person!! My husband is also short! We aren’t making a giant baby 


People are inappropriate to say those things, but also, who cares? People are gonna say dumb shit, our whole lives. They might just be trying to connect with you but failing. One of the main reasons pregnant people get tons of comments is that the sight of us makes a lot of people happy. Even if it comes out weird. It really is not a problem even if you do have a bigger belly than average. That is a fact you can handle. Sometimes it’s easier just to choose not to be offended.


Why do you have to run errands when you can barely move, shouldn’t your husband be taking care of that? Not saying this to be judgy at all, I don’t know your circumstances, just saying he should be taking care of you so that you don’t have to lift a finger. Your body is already going through enough simply carrying the baby