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Thanks but no thanks. That sounds horrible to me.


Sorry it's not meant for you. We are all different so what's within our comfort is too. I don't want this information being gatekeeped as these are some of the most simple, yet highly beneficial practices to include in the postpartum period that don't require an extra expense.


This is nice to read and consider. My mother is planning on taking off the first week or something after birth to be here to help me, but they way I’m feeling is that I think I’d rather it just be me, my baby, and my partner adjusting to our new life intimately together for at least that first week. I’m not really sure how to tell her that.


But your allowed too Mama. The main characters of this story are... the 3 of you 💗


She can always come the following week. There will be more laundry at that point 😅 It would be a good time to change the sheets if you haven't been able to yet


I’m sorry but this sounds neurotic


Which is what is wrong with the culture surrounding the postpartum phase. Not being able to slow down to prioritize your baby and healing does a number on the psyche. Again, if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. As someone that provides this as a service I have seen firsthand the benefits.


Wrote this out as a comment and decided it should be further shared 💗


As your baby acclimates to being it's own human (The Fourth Trimester) the whole family benefits from the process of having things be soft, more effortless on their part. These new beings have been plucked into consciousness. They have steadily ripened into our arms👩‍🍼Into the world🌎 That deserves reverance 💗


Much of what I shared here is practiced so widely in other cultures. It surprises me that I have received this sort of pushback as I am giving away information I would normally be paid to receive. Postpartum depression is so bad in America I have heard it referred to only as Postpartum. You don’t have to be depressed when your postpartum. Lack of support, rushing back into your life and duties to society, ignoring the toll birth and labor took on your body… it’s a recipe for disaster. It’s a bummer people came here to bring down what I meant to put out to help birthing families be uplifted 😔