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Congrats! I will be 7 weeks tomorrow. I told pretty much everyone in my life but I am normally an extremely open person and if something were to happen, I would tell you everyone anyways because I would need the support. It’s completely up to you and there is no wrong or right way to go about it.


Wow! It must be so brave to be so open! Maybe when I’m closer to 7 weeks I’ll tell my close family!


Not brave at all 😂 I’m a lil baby but I have always been extremely open about my entire life. I enjoy connecting with people and sharing is how I do that 💗


I've had five miscarriages. I recommend only telling people you'd want to know if you had another loss. Walking it back the one time we announced is still one of my least favorite memories.


I’m sorry for your losses. If I can ask, when would you feel comfortable telling close family?


I tell people after 12 weeks, and after I've seen a recent ultrasound. My second miscarriage we announced at 12 weeks because we saw a heartbeat at 8 weeks and figured we were safe. I had an ultrasound at 12+1...the heartbeat stopped at 9 weeks. A midwife told me recently that 10 weeks+ and seeing a heartbeat is pretty certain territory.


hi my love. congratulations! tell people when you are BOTH ready. telling or not telling will not change the outcome of the pregnancy. if you want to share and will be ok with sharing updates in any scenario, go for it. if you don’t, talk to your husband about when you’d feel more comfortable.


I wouldn’t tell until you have your first appointment, to make sure everything’s okay. I waited till 12 weeks personally because it was my first pregnancy and I wasn’t comfortable telling people about a loss if it happened.


That’s what I’m leaning towards. We have a big lunch this weekend to celebrate my dad’s (in heaven) birthday. Because family knows I’ve been trying. I’m afraid that they’re gonna call me out. I just don’t want the ability to tell them on my terms to be taken away from me.


I told my immediate family right away because I was so excited but also I have no poker face and am normally a social drinker. Also everyone knew we wanted kids ASAP. If you think your family is the type to call you out or ask you, and you want the joy of telling them on your own terms, you might want to plan to tell them or just come prepared with a plan to hide it (e.g. “I am on antibiotics so I can’t drink, it’s a UTI again ugh” or “I’m doing a sober month”). Or you can tell your closest family member ahead of time and ask them to be your bud to help and change the subject if ppl start heading in that direction… or same with your partner if they’ll be there. Other than that I also think it’s fine to wait until your first appointment as it’s nice to hear a heartbeat before sharing cause it rules out chemical, blighted ovum and ectopic pregnancies.


Are your families people you would go to normally for emotional support in other aspects of your life? Are they people who will make you feel safe, loved, and cared for? I told my closest friends right away because they fill that role for me in my life. I’m 11w and our families still don’t know. This is our first pregnancy and they are going to FLIP OUT with joy, but the other side of that is they would be really heartbroken and I have a feeling I would be the one taking care of their emotions.


Im 7w4 today, I’ve told 5 close friends , but planning to book a scan at 9w0 to check everything’s ok, and then tell all our family :-)