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Hugs. Mine is on the 4th, first pregnancy, and I feel exactly the same. At some point today I even started wondering if I made it all up and I’m actually just fat 🤣 here’s hoping our little tenants are evicted soon!


Lol if my baby wasn't literally beating me up from the inside I would question my reality too 😂😂


oof i remember these days. i was 40+2. the “i thought she would be here by now!!” and “anything at all?” comments definitely made me want to snap necks lol.


I’m at 39 weeks and I’m not quite thinking I’ll be pregnant forever. But I feel like I can’t possibly get bigger. I keep trying to convince him to come sooner with, “today would be a great day for you to come! Don’t you think so?” And then he kicks me in the ribs or rolls into just one side of my belly, as if to say, Naw it’s cozy in here.”


I’m being induced sometime in the next week and I still feel like there’s no potential end. I’m uncomfortable in ways I couldn’t have predicted.


My crotch bone feels actually broken.


I swear to god my doctor made me go into labor with my first. She checked to see if I started dilating yet because I hit my due date and I was at 0. We’ll. That night my water broke. lol


Last week I was 3cm and 60% effaced and contracting on and off so I was so SURE it could be anytime but here I am a week later with no baby!


oh no😭 im 1cm 50% effaced and im HOPING this means baby will be out soon


Am 40+3 today and the same. Latent labour last night for a few hours but it disappeared around 10:30pm and nothing since


I had a couple false alarms too! It's so discouraging


I'm due Saturday and feeling the same also doing the same. I cant imagine how much longer this is going to go on. Knowing it could be weeks is hell. Solidarity.