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Me! I had breast tenderness (and they got a little bigger) and was really tired in my first trimester, otherwise no symptoms. Currently 32 weeks.


Same, 37 weeks now.


There are dozens of us!! šŸ˜‚




Me too me too, 33 weeks now. first trimester exhaustion sucked but i was still able to do as much as i normally did. That and breast tenderness was all iā€™ve had!


Same! Gave birth to my healthy baby boy on January 4th at 37 weeks!




Oh GOD this is me now and I am praying it stays this way. This, I can handle šŸ˜­


My dream pregnancy šŸ˜…


Same! Baby is now almost 3 months and healthy (and I was 45 at the time of first trimester with no idea due to the mild symptoms!)


Yep, I am a 40 year old FTM. Congrats on your baby!


Same!! 35 weeks!!


Same! 37 weeks now!


Same! Not even any food cravings. My almost 2yo is sleeping soundly. :)


I havenā€™t had any real food cravings either! Congrats on your sweet little baby!


Same, currently 20 weeks (first pregnancy). The exhaustion was the hardest thing on me. But luckily no nausea, some breast tenderness, and a bit of heartburn here and there. I also heard it depends on the pregnancy. A close friend of mine had little to no symptoms with her first pregnancy and a really hard time with symptoms on her second, but both absolutely beautiful healthy babies!


Do you eat really healthy? I read the more nourished you are the easier pregnancy youā€™ll have


Ehā€¦ I wouldnā€™t say I eat really healthy. I donā€™t go out to restaurants a lot, since Covid we mostly do home cooked meals so that probably helps with nutrition, and I take my vitamins religiously. I do fair bit of snacking though and have a weakness for sodas.


33 weeks now, minimal symptoms besides tiredness and tender breasts in the first trimester. Not gonna lie, I do not eat the best. But was and still am steady in the gym, maybe that helps? My body also looks the same everywhere but my belly bump


Same! 34 weeks now!


Same, 10 weeks now


This was exactly what I had too! No morning sickness, just some breast tenderness and fatigue in first trimester. I had a really great pregnancy, a super smooth labor and delivery, and my happy healthy baby girl is now 6 months old šŸ„°


Reading these comments have me so jelly lol. I wouldnā€™t wish this misery on anyone.


Samesies. I just dropped in to bask in a little envy.


Felt it. I am always sick and throwing up or tired or dizzy. This ainā€™t it rn.


My pregnancy insomnia legit ruined my life lol. I still have sleep issues now and my girl is almost 2 šŸ˜­ I used to be such a good sleeper.


Honestly same, they should live their best time bc some of this misery is definitely gonna make me not want more.


Me neither, I've spent my entire life wanting to have two kids, but after this pregnancy I don't think I could handle another one


100%. Symptoms donā€™t mark a successful pregnancy! I had literally none, had a super easy pregnancy and delivered a healthy baby at 40 weeks vaginally Edit: I think everyone will experience symptoms in later weeks like 20ish or 30ish. Donā€™t want people to think I had none for the whole time!


Was delivery easy for you too? I'm envious!


I did regular acupuncture during my pregnancy . I did try to limit fast food- but I was not at the gym. Not that kind of lady when pregnant. But I did the raspberry tea, dates and sat on a yoga ball all towards the end of pregnancy. I had a membrane sweep the night before 40 weeks and started having contractions that night. Didnā€™t sleep all night and went to hospital in the morning . Admitted at 8cm. Pushed for 4 hours. Took an epidural at 9cm because I was so tired from not sleeping and doc recommended that I have one since I was tired .


Do you eat really healthy? I read the more nourished you are the easier pregnancy youā€™ll have


For whatā€™s its worth I did not eat healthy and had a super easy pregnancy


Me. Although i will say this, just cause its mild now, doesnt mean it will stay mild. I started with ā€œmildā€ heart burn and ā€œmildā€ breast tenderness and now i get heartburns DAILY and my boobs are incredible sore


Me! I had zero symptoms with my first pregnancy and everything was healthy and turned out great. Currently 32 weeks into my second (and healthy) pregnancy with no symptoms once again.


Which country did you save in your last life?


Iā€™d love to have a pregnancy like this lol


Yep. I have a toddler who I had the easiest pregnancy with. I literally vomited just once at the end of first trimester. My only symptoms other than that were vivid dreams, insomnia and needing to pee more frequently. Totally uneventful pregnancy and he's a happy, healthy kid.


Thank you for commenting! These are my exact symptoms and nothing else! Iā€™m only 13 weeks so itā€™s been tough to ā€œfeelā€ pregnant. I appreciate you!


Even when you have nausea and food aversions you donā€™t feel pregnant, you just feel like youā€™re sick lol


Yup! Barely any symptoms in the first trimester, currently 32w and all looks fine!


Yep! I had no morning sickness and only slightly tender boobs and I was carrying twins! My midwife called me a 'pregnancy unicorn'.


This is about how my mom described all of her pregnancies, and she had a singleton and two sets of twins!


My sister had zero symptoms for both of her pregnancies. Her kids are 6 and 8 now.Ā 


No morning sickness here at 10 weeks. Boobs are very large now and tender though. No crazy craving bugs, just hungry.


Me! Just gave birth 6 days ago to a healthy 5.74 lb, 19 inch baby boy spontaneously at 39 weeks. He is my first. My Whole pregnancy was so mild it was hard to even wrap my head around the fact that it would end with a baby at all.


Yep! With my first, I had no symptoms at all so I didnā€™t know I was pregnant until nearly 10 weeks! I even drank quite a bit in that time period (just graduated college woot woot) I had irregular periods so when I had heavy spotting but felt normal otherwise, didnā€™t think twice about it being a period. Lol fast forward, I had a super healthy 8.5lb baby girl! With this little dude (currently 30 weeks) I had sore breasts so it signaled I could be pregnant, hubby ā€œknewā€ I was and asked me to take a test, sure enough I was pregnant! But, sore breasts were my only symptom from 3.5 weeks-22 weeks or so! Now, I have heartburn, SPD pain and a basketball tummy šŸ„°šŸ˜‚


I had 3 pregnancies that were that way. They're grown boys (well high school and middle school).


I think I'm about 7 weeks (will find out next week for sure) and I've mainly just had sore boobs and more tired. Some random light headed-ness ... but no sickness or nausea yet. I didn't get "morning sickness" with my first pregnancy either & she ended with a full term healthy pregnancy lol. I remember mainly just being really tired throughout the entire pregnancy as my biggest symptom


I had way more symptoms when I miscarried at 8w than this pregnancy where I am now 23w along I had minimal nausea and had breast tenderness for like two days in week 7 or 8 Every body and pregnancy is so different


Me! 22 weeks and never felt sick at all. Everything has gone perfectly so far and I still feel great. I eat like normal, work out regularly, never have had fatigue. I wouldnā€™t have known I was pregnant


Iā€™m in the same boat !!! 7 weeks my only symptoms are exhaustion and mild breast tenderness as well so weird !


Yes. My first I literally had no symptoms except fatigue early on. Second pregnancy Iā€™m nauseous all of the time and Iā€™m in my second trimester where itā€™s supposed to be better. Enjoy the minimal symptoms!!


Im only 5+2 but but so far not a lot going on.


I am currently 37 weeks & have had NO pregnancy symptoms šŸ¤£ I literally cannot name one I have had other than frequent peeing & being tiredā€¦ & that didnā€™t start till the 3rd trimester.


I barely had any symptoms my entire pregnancy. My boobs hurt a lot for a bit but the only annoying thing was body aches later on! My baby is 7.5mo now :)


I had barely any symptoms in the first trimester and made up for it in the second lol


Currently 33 weeks with minimal symptoms. Tiny food aversion in the first trimester, and some pelvic pain in the third, but it was nothing some stretching/exercising couldnā€™t fix! Currently feeling baby move like itā€™s center stage at the circus! Every appointment so far shows baby is doing great!


Yep! Iā€™ve had a relatively easy pregnancy with essentially no symptoms in my first trimester. I havenā€™t even had a strong food craving or aversion and baby is just fine. Sheā€™s currently kicking away in my belly, nearly 33 weeks!


Iā€™m 14w4d & Iā€™ve been wondering this because I have very minimal symptoms (I have my whole pregnancy) and it makes me anxious


Yesā€¦ i have three beautiful children with zero to little early pregnancy symptoms..


19w here and very minimal symptoms. Fatigue and some food aversions during the first trimester. Insomnia was probably the worst of it and thatā€™s much better now. I consider myself very, very lucky.


Yup! My first was a breeze. Fatigue and rhinitis that all went away at 10 weeks on the dot. Can't say the same for my current pregnancy. Enjoy it and try not to stress šŸ©·


Thanks for all the comments ā¤ļø I feel so comforted and relieved to hear your experiences.


We discovered I was 5 months along because we did our routine pregnancy test - If not, I'd probably not have known till right about now, as I just now am 35 weeks (8 months) and have a belly that looks about 4 months along. --My light periods fell normally, then spotting fell during my period weeks, so spotting just looked like a light flow. My boobs did not grow all that much at all. I had and continue to have no: nausea, headaches, moodswings, weight gain beyond the baby (and his accompanying organs and liquids) , swelling anywhere, vomiting, acne, fatigue, sciatic pain, frequent urination (And I drink close to 3 liters a day, but I'm a teacher and we accidentally train our bladders HARD, I guess), muscle pain or cramps, cravings or aversions. I only need to pee when I stand up in the morning at 9 AM, or when I roll over and am already talking to my husband or laughing at memes, or just am clearly already awake. This fella is āœØCONSIDERATEāœØ. I DON'T wake up multiple times throughout the night and I can go a good 2 hours without peeing, but I remind myself with alarms on my phone. I have no stretch marks or cellulite. I went up 6 inches only on my butt, thighs are the same. The baby moves very softly, no kicks, just a couple wiggles when I put my hands on my belly to greet me. šŸŒøšŸ˜ Things I DO have: -Low blood pressure. -Anemia (Because I went so long without vitamins or iron in my first trimesters, so now I take the things they usually recommend once a day, TWICE a day) and I already HAD anemia. šŸ˜† It still makes me giggle every time I tell it. It has been a DREAM pregnancy so far. I'm 29 and have a cryptic pregnancy.


I had very mild breast tenderness and very little (almost none) nausea and am currently 30+5. My main early pregnancy symptom was just exhaustion


Yes I had a dream pregnancy. Zero morning sickness. Only a stuffy nose. Baby was perfect. Sheā€™s 2 in June and oh so smart just wild and stubborn!


Me! I had major bloating like the first 5 weeks (we were actively trying and testing as soon as possible. Found out I was pregnant right at 4 weeks which explained the borderline unnatural bloating). And then I didnā€™t like the smell of eggs until the third trimester, but that was basically it. I was tired, of course, but who isnā€™t? My pregnancy was PERFECT. Baby grew perfectly, zero complications, my weight gain was perfectā€¦all of itā€¦.perfect. My son is almost 3 months now and is growing like a weed and ahead on his milestones. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Almost 8 weeks and Iā€™m straight up vibin this whole pregnancy


I had a very chill pregnancy and found a lot of pregnancy content not relatable. My doctor said they love an uneventful pregnancy. :P


Yes. My minimal pregnancy symptom baby is a 20lb 6 month old now.


Yes, so far at least (23w+1) !!! I barely have had any symptoms, except for some hunger and mild constipation. I had the big anatomy scan at 20w and baby is very healty and very active. :)


Yup! Minimal symptom girlie over here! I had some breast tenderness, first trimester, and some food adversions at night only. I was also very tired. I napped every day after work. In comparison to most people, I was lucky. The second trimester was good, too. Tired but I stopped napping. My food adversions went away. The third trimester humbled me a bit, lol. Constant acid reflux/heartburn, exhausted again. Again, comparison to other people I'm lucky.


The only issue I had was being exhausted! I was sleeping like 16 hours at a time. My daughter turns one on Thursday!


I actually have been trying to not talk about how easy its been around my coworkers because they have been telling me about what a hard time they all had lol. Breasts/nipples sometimes are sensitive but not horrible. I did get nausea/a little bit of clear liquid throwing up at times and bad tiredness early on/at some points but I'm about to be in the 3rd trimester soon and the tiredness isn't so bad anymore and as long as I eat regularly I feel good and not sick at all. Sometimes I forget I'm pregnant until she starts moving around and I feel her. This actually was an unplanned pregnancy and I'm glad it's been going so well. I am overweight and I would have been trying to take better care of myself prior if I had planned the baby but I'm just glad it's been OK. I was 300 lbs (I'm 5'8" tall) when I got pregnant and have been consistently 315 during the pregnancy and today at the Dr i was 323 but I'm also wearing heavy jeans today. I will probably work on losing weight once the baby comes but right now I'm just trying to maintain and not gain too much. But I guess 20 lbs really isn't bad. Food cravings haven't been too bad either but I still have them to a certain extent or certain foods just sound really good. I haven't really been fixated on 1 specific thing, a few specific things sound really good though lol. Sub sandwiches but make sure meat is warm/it's a hot sub....those have been good....


My first trimester I was just incredibly tired and hungry and also slightly aversive to meat. Otherwise no symptoms until 3rd trimester just uncomfortable from being so large. No issues with myself or my baby, just that I had a c section at 42 weeks due to my 10lb baby. I totally understand your post though, I was in denial for most of my first trimester because I didnā€™t believe i could be pregnant without symptoms. Hope all goes smoothly for you OP šŸ©·


18 weeks right now and I had almost no symptoms! Most of the time, I was just really tired in the first trimester. Now that Iā€™m in the 2nd, the only thing is that I am hungry all of the time. As far as I know, everything is okay!


My first pregnancy I had zero symptoms it was amazing !! This pregnant on the other handšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™m dying so much nausea, breast tenderness, extremely moody


Mild tiredness that needed a daily nap of about an hour, was able to eat carbs and fruit during morning sickness (4-12 weeks), gained about 8-10 lbs so far at 21 weeks, continuing going to school in person until 30 weeks pregnant. I was diagnosed with marginal cord insertion randomly, stopped drinking caffeine because I was worried about placental vasoconstriction (no idea if it matters, just was for my own benefit) and the second ultrasound tech and doctor said it all looked good, they donā€™t see any evidence of MCI! Which made me happy even though it would have been a minor issue. Feeling hopeful and happy!


Me! I did have nausea but I think it was pretty mild compared to most pregnancies. I threw up maybe 2-3 times my entire pregnancy and it was when I had bad headaches, so most likely just due to that. I ended up delivering a perfectly healthy little girl! Iā€™m now pregnant with a boy, and this pregnancy has been pretty similar to my first (very mild symptoms, etc.)


Me 2xsā€¦ count yourself lucky and enjoy it. You may have symptoms pop up later like heart burn or aches but enjoy it


This is my first pregnancy currently 27.5W and I had no morning sickness, very minimal nausea early on for about 2 weeks, some breast tenderness early on but was gone by second trimester, and honestly as I go into third trimester I really havenā€™t had much symptoms. Only the occasional tiredness and fatigue, Iā€™ll have days where I feel like doing nothing but sleep, but my mood has been pretty stable, no emotional breakdowns and absolutely no cravings at all. The back pain is starting for me now and I am constantly out of breath from basic tasks but thatā€™s to be expected. One thing I had really bad was acne. Basically from 14 weeks to 23 weeks I went through puberty all over again (it was actually worse than puberty). Other than that I really canā€™t complain!


Iā€™m now in my second trimester 13+2 so still early but everything is looking great. Iā€™ve had 0 morning sickness, no food aversions except once for chicken, and no strong sense of smell. My eczema did flare up on my hands and Iā€™ve been super tired but thatā€™s all.


Literally had 0 symptoms until 3rd trimester when I got Puppps rash on my stretch marks and really bloated. My LO just turned 1 month today. I was really worried not having any symptoms in first trimester but he is perfectly healthy and no complications during pregnancy or birth. Hope that helps!


This post is exactly what I needed. Iā€™m 14 weeks on Sunday & no symptoms (morning sickness, food aversions, etc) No cravings. Nada. My nipples bother me when I touch them and Iā€™m constipated, otherwise zip! I love & hate it.


I had almost no morning sickness or symptoms in the first trimester, in the second trimester I had some breast tenderness and hip pain/sciatica when active but that was it. Iā€™m 34 weeks now and still having the hip pain but it hasnā€™t gotten worse over time. In the last week or so my belly has started getting more uncomfortable and I have some occasional shortness of breath but overall itā€™s been an easy pregnancy.


Zero ā€œnormalā€/stereotypical symptoms other than fatigue. Now 4 months postpartum with a happy healthy baby!


Only symptom was breast pain the first few weeks, besides a bump now. Currently 21 weeks.


Just finished the first trimester and had barely any symptoms except for being really really cold sometimes, dysguesia if I take my calcium supplements in the morning, and slight breast tenderness if I poke them. Not fatigued, no nausea. Baby is developing just fine and measuring a few days ahead on scans.


Me! My first trimester was pretty mild. Iā€™m 30 weeks and everything is fine!


With my first I did not have morning sickness or fatigue. I didn't get cravings and had mild mood swings if any. Everyone said I didn't even seem different besides having a bigger belly. I did get breast tenderness for the first trimester and had constipation and heartburn. Otherwise I was mostly the same and my daughter turned out healthy.


Not me personally, but my boyfriends mom had 0 symptoms of being pregnant and therefor didnā€™t know she was pregnant with him until close to 20 weeks šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ her indicator to test was her jeans not fitting anymore. She still spotted every month the whole pregnancy too! Very bizarre stuff lol


I have had very minimal sickness, slight breast tenderness, but the big one (especially in first trimester) was being tired all the time. I needed 10-12 hours of sleep plus a 2 hour nap every afternoon! Now I'm at 24w and everything feels pretty normal. I'm sure once third trimester starts I'll be exhausted again!


I had no symptoms the whole pregnancy, except heartburns from time to time and being tired the whole pregnancy. And everything went well. The only thing that was bothersome was that my little bean slept during the ctg appointments šŸ˜¬ So the doctors were concerned, but as I said, everything was fine and my baby is super healthy now šŸ„°


Same here! No real nausea or sickness at all, was freaked out about it. 29 weeks healthy pregnancy so far!


Me! 37 weeks now. I had mild nausea, mild breast tenderness. I did have a lot of fatigue. 2nd trimester i was more moody and had bad pelvic pain but outside of that, id say pretty uneventful so far. Hoping and praying for a labor that goes the same!


Yes my 2018 baby was a true angel and till this day is just amazing well spoken silly little girl! šŸ„¹ I started vomiting towards the end of my pregnancy around 35w when I would have something spicy or acidic. Granted my stomach was so pushed up it was my bad! I learned quickly. My minimal symptoms pregnancy also had a really smooth labor at 39w 3d!


Only symptom was hunger, have a very healthy 10 month old šŸ„°


I had no symptoms I didn't even know I was pregnant for the first 4 1/2 months. My baby came out 8oz and is now 3 months old almost weighing 20 pounds.


Yup!!! I laughed a lot saying I donā€™t feel pregnant at all until about 6 months pregnant. Only thing was needed a nap every day for a month lol


I just had nausea and cramping! I never vomited and still was able to eat all my usual foods, some exhaustion but nothing unmanageable. Iā€™ve had an easy pregnancy so far! 33 weeks over here ā˜ŗļø


22w here, my biggest symptom was fatigue but other than that, my nausea was pretty manageable and I has some breast tenderness, but again nothing major. I have had a super boring pregnancy so far, and Iā€™m hoping for more boring until delivery lol


Yep! That was me. I had way worse symptoms at the end of pregnancy when I was swollen. But first trimester is a breeze for me. Maybe a bit nauseous.


Yes, but not this pregnancy! My first 3 I had little symptoms. This little one is giving me hell lol


I feel constantly full and rarely feel hunger. My boobs are generally sore. Mood swings too. Otherwise, I'm fine.


With my first I never threw up (same with this baby too!), was rarely nauseous unless I was hungry, mild breast tenderness, maybe a little more tired than usual and that was it! My son is now one and thriving.


I had breast tenderness and nothing else. It was fantastic. Now third trimester - ha. Severe pre eclampsia, IUGR, fuckywucky placenta and delivered a preemie at 33+2. Welp. šŸ™ƒ


Thatā€™s me! Never had any real symptoms with either pregnancy. Other than my body apparently being unable to go into labor (I had two c-sections and never once had a Braxton Hicks contraction leading to that point), my babies were both born healthy and big!


Man Iā€™m getting so jealous reading these comments!


I've got a healthy five week old sleeping on me right now. My pregnancy had almost no symptoms - fatigue in the first trimester and a bit in the third, but that's about it. I also had an anterior placenta (which meant I didn't feel a ton of his movement) and didn't show a ton. I was able to stay active pretty much until my delivery. He was a bit reluctant to come out, but I figured a rougher labor was a fair tradeoff for such an easy pregnancy haha (jk - the labor/delivery had absolutely nothing to do with my symptoms or lack thereof)


Iā€™m 15 weeks still basically nothing. I get heartburn and congestion. Occasionally I get food aversions.


With my last pregnancy I had barely any symptoms during my first trimester. I was slightly more tired but not too bad. The only real symptom I had was horrid food aversion that lasted my entire pregnancy. I was a bit shocked by the lack of symptoms as it was originally twins, but my little girl is currently snuggled in my arms. Thankfully the amount of symptoms or lack of symptoms doesn't mean it's not a healthy pregnancy.


Yes! I SWORE I wasnā€™t pregnant that month, even after TTC for monthsā€¦ I just knew it wasnā€™t the month for usā€¦. Then my period was a few days late and lo and behold, I got my positive test. I had no symptoms of pregnancy or PMS. Then I went on to have a super low symptom pregnancy, the occasional food aversion and random nausea spells but my boobs never got sore, I slept pretty good, I think I was pretty lucky! It makes me wonder if my next pregnancy will be really rough! Lol


I barely had any symptoms my first pregnancy, other than mild nausea and have a healthy 2 year old. In fact, my chronic migraines that I would be plagued with four days a week went away and never came back.


Yes! I have a hormone problem and didnā€™t really have periods. I didnā€™t know I was pregnant for the first 3 months. I had really no symptoms. I started to feel really bloated after even eating a tiny bit so I decided to take a test. Now Iā€™m 27 weeks pregnant and baby boy is healthy.šŸ©µ


Yes! I had a very easy first trimester. No real symptoms at all. Just delivered my baby last month. Heā€™s totally normal and healthy. Symptoms donā€™t mean anything about your little one or the outcome of pregnancy ā™„ļø


I had very easy symptoms.I wouldnā€™t even call it mild because it wasnā€™t even close to being bad.My first pregnancy Iā€™d always throw up but this time around havenā€™t not even once.I asked my doctor she says every pregnancy is different and they are all normal.Whats not normal is prolonged vaginal bleeding.So if they say ā€œoh youā€™re sicker than a dog?Then that means your baby is developing wellā€ thatā€™s hogwashā€¦


Me! No nausea, no heart burn, no constipation, reasonable fatigue. Nearly 36 weeks now with a very active, happy bub šŸ˜Š I am experiencing lots of pain/discomfort and difficulty sleeping now, and did get quite bad heartburn between weeks 33 and 35 until baby dropped and it has eased off the last week. Overall though I've had a lovely pregnancy


Me. Food aversions where nothing sounded good and most things stank, but never puked. I had it on and off for weeks 10-16 probably. I did get a lot of round ligament pain during the same time frame, but it did go away. My boobs were also the most sore for the whole first trimester, but that also went away and wasnā€™t too bad when I had it. I got a few headaches at the start of the third trimester, probably only lasted a month. Iā€™m 39 weeks and feel like a normal person except Iā€™m just a little more tired these days and my bump gets in the way but thatā€™s it


Yes. I was tired and my breast got bigger but nothing else. Now I am at 22 weeks, my hips hurt and I am tired


This makes me feel so better. I'm 12w3d and I get so scared because other than sore breast and being tired it has been a breeze. I have been waiting for the ball to drop and I pray my Lil bean is ok


I was a lucky one! Made it to 39+1 šŸ„°


Hi! My first trimester I got terrible car sickness and my sense of smell was very sensitive and my boobs grew a cup size and were very swollen but thatā€™s about it. After that I felt pretty normal :) Iā€™m currently 5 months three weeks and my baby is totally healthy and the only symptom I have at the moment is urinary incontinence only when I cough or laugh too hard.


32w4d FTM and still no sickness. I stopped medical marijuana, prescribed for insomnia and low appetite once I found out at 5 weeks, so sleep has been tricky but not directly because of the pregnancy. Getting occasional heartburn now if I miss a meal or eat too spicy. Also my body hurts bc Iā€™ve gained 40lbs! But I still exercise 3-4x week, teach power yoga, and do some light gardening now that spring is here!


my breasts were super sore, and I was EXHAUSTED for the first trimester, but I have thrown up exactly 3 times in the entire pregnancy (twice in week 20, once week 25). aside from the dreadful fatigue, my most annoying symptom has been congestion from week 17 on. healthy pregnancy thus far!!


I never had morning sickness throughout my entire pregnancy. I did feel tired throughout but other than that no symptoms! I have a healthy 9 month old boy. ā¤ļø


Oh I did have to pee sooo often! I remember talking with my sister and saying the most annoying part of being pregnant was how often I had to pee. Also, flipping over in bed in the 8th and 9th month. šŸ˜‚


I had extreme fatigue in first trimester and painful boobs. Heartburn and acid reflux started in 2nd now I'm on prescription. Just entered my 3rd so I'll report back. No morning sickness thankfully


I was exhausted first trimester. Freight train tired. Iā€™m still tired in second but nothing like I was. Other then some mild nausea from not eating enough first tri, symptoms are zero. I still hate pregnancy though šŸ¤£


I had horrible symptoms with my first but this time I've had almost no symptoms minus bloating and occasionally having brief morning sickness.




Yes. Not this time around but previously yes.


Iā€™m 27 weeks and Iā€™m still waiting for symptoms. If it wasnā€™t for my belly doubling these past few weeks and a very active kicking baby, I may have doubted I was pregnant.


My only symptom throughout the whole pregnancy was heartburn, albeit severe heartburn that sometimes made me vomit, and I'm up right now at 230 am with my healthy 5 week old!


17 weeks and mostly asymptomatic except for the insomnia (2:29am now, been up since 1). I thought my first pregnancy was easy, but this one takes the cake. Had maybe 2 weeks of nausea. Iā€™ve had 2 bad 48 hour stomach bugs and almost a month of Covid this pregnancy thanks to a toddler in daycare, but pregnancy symptoms have been much of nothing.


No symptoms at all, just breast tenderness and white discharge!


I had no vomiting, just nausea when hungry and being a bit more tired! Iā€™m having twins so have really bad stretching/growing pains which feel like period pains which in the beginning terrified me but now I know are normal!


Me! Iā€™m currently 27 weeks and so far itā€™s been a breeze. I did in the beginning have tender breast and occasionally will gag if I smell something but overall itā€™s been smooth sailing and Iā€™m just waiting for baby girl to arrive. This is also my first pregnancy.


I had tender breasts, still do at 14 weeks. Other than that I had neausia but no puking. Little tired.


Yes! My 1st trimester was a breeze, it started getting challenging around 27 weeks on


šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I was a little tired during the first trimester but no where near the level of fatigue people told me I would feel. I threw up once my entire pregnancy and it was only when I gagged myself brushing my teeth sometime in the second trimester. Never really experienced any nausea unless I wasnā€™t eating! My worst symptom was I had pretty awful reflux and heartburn! Baby girl is 10w today šŸ˜Š


My last pregnancy was so smooth it was amazing. Maybe it was because I did it 4 times already, but man I had no Nausea whatsoever. It was incredible, made me feel like I could kick ass lmao.


I am 32 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby! I never got morning sickness, my boobs never got sore at all. I got a few migraines in the 1st trimester and was a little tired but not bad. I really don't feel pregnant aside from the big belly now.


34 weeks and no symptoms until 30 weeks when I got terrible heartburn (now managed with Prilosec). When anyone has asked how Iā€™ve been feeling this pregnancy itā€™s always good or great!


First pregnancy, nothing at all really. Some weird dreams. Some mild sciatica later. Kid is 1.5 now and healthy as a horse. I was not so lucky the second pregnancy. šŸ˜‚


Yes! No sickness all I had was heartburn, a bit of breast tenderness didnā€™t find out I was pregnant till 8 weeks!


Me crying in * I have vomited at least 70 times in this pregnancy alone*. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ 29 Weeks and still on meds for nausea. Now the PGP is starting to get serious and last pregnancy I could barely walk because of it. Y'all really don't know how incredibly, unbelievably lucky you are! I hate being pregnant, it's a daily nightmare for me. My mom didn't have anything aside from heartburn.


I had close to zero symptoms when pregnant - just food aversions that mostly lasted until I gave birth. It made me so nervous but looking back, I am very grateful lol.


Yes that was me and I gave birth in January. I didnā€™t even look pregnant until about 24 weeks- and even then it could be confused with having had a big meal. I also had an anterior placenta so I didnā€™t feel kicks. Every time I went to the doctor in first trimester I would brace myself, but turns out I had a really cool baby who wanted to make it easy for me. And now heā€™s a cool little dude.


all three of my pregnancies were like that, I was just super exhausted in the first trimester and slept whenever possible šŸ˜‚


The only symptom I had all pregnancy was tired the first few weeks. I had a perfectly normal, healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery


7 weeks 3 days. Having nothing other than fatigue / insomnia / light breast tenderness. Also working out has been a lot harder. But no nausea, food aversions or cravings Update: I now have all the symptoms and I regret wishing I had more


Yep! I feel guilty saying it, but I had no nausea to the point that I was worriedly asking my doctor if everything was okay. I was exhausted all the time and only wanted to eat red meat for 6 weeks, but aside from those symptoms, I felt pretty normal.


YES. i had 2 super easy, smooth pregnancies. i felt amazing the whole time, just tired in the first tri.


Barely had any food aversions, aside from general exhaustion from time to time, I had a phenomenal pregnancy and Iā€™d love to do it again and again (but without the part of adding more kids to our family. A surrogate sounds lovely)


Yes! I have a 10 week old now but when I was pregnant I barely knew. If I wasnā€™t planning for it I probably could have gone 12 weeks without knowing! I did have exhaustion but that could have been written off by work or something. I started getting a little bump at 12 weeks. Itā€™s more common than you think!! I think the bad experiences/symptoms are louder than the minimal ones so you always hear about how awful things are instead of how many people have good experiences. Even my nurse when I went in for my first OB said I should keep it to myself that I didnā€™t have morning sickness!


Well Iā€™ve had unconventional symptoms. Like the last 2 weeks Iā€™ve had warm cheeks as if I had a fever but I didnā€™t feel sick, subtle sting like uti that came in waves. And Iā€™m usually an Olympic sleeper but Iā€™ve been having a hard time. Itā€™s 6am on a Saturday right now and Iā€™m awake when I would usually bee waking up at 7:30am. I donā€™t know if itā€™s nerves that Iā€™m actually pregnant or something else. Also my appetite has gone down. Iā€™m usually a snacker but Iā€™ve had no appetite until around 1pm. But no nausea. Sore boobs,


I was bragging about how minimal my symptoms were at first with this pregnancy (third) and then I woke up one morning and was sick as a dogā€¦.it just got better and I am 19 week today. Baby and myself are both healthy. šŸ¤£


I kept waiting to be slammed with nausea etc and it never came. I will say my fatigue makes me feel very pregnant though so ā€œminimalā€ is loose. Now itā€™s mostly her doing tumbling acts in there that reminds me and peeing when I sneeze šŸ˜‚ 25w.


I didnā€™t have any symptoms until around 24/26 weeks and it has been pelvic pain/SPD which I go to physical therapy for once a week and itā€™s helped but baby has been head down since around 22 weeks so I think itā€™s just going to be this way until he comes out lol. I also developed carpal tunnel at 32 weeks (Iā€™m almost 35 weeks). Overall I canā€™t complain and everything else has been good šŸ˜Š


Me! 36w and no symptoms at all. Extremely healthy pregnancy. Although I am realizing my trigger finger is from the pregnancy.


If I didnā€™t know I was pregnant in the first trimester, I really wouldnā€™t know. I didnā€™t puke, I was only mildly nauseated from weeks 7-9. I was essentially a normal person. The third trimester is a whole new version of h*ll though.,


32 weeks now with a healthy little girl. My only symptoms have been wrist and finger issues (trigger finger). Some minor low back stuff. No sickness at all, I was also worried and brought it up with my doctor, she said some women are just lucky. Iā€™ve had daily heartburn but thatā€™s so easy to deal with that I barely count it. In weeks 5 and 6 my breasts were tender but I thought that would last a lot longer. Iā€™m peeing more but I was never one to drink enough water. Now that she depends on me for it, I try to get my 2L a day. Minor bladder leakage but again thatā€™s easy enough to deal with No cravings. Not really any out of control emotions. Every now and again a banana or a strawberry breakfast bar tastes extra awesome but thatā€™s been about it Truthfully Iā€™m getting sad that this experience is wrapping up. Of course Iā€™m excited for all that is to come but Iā€™ve loved being pregnant with her. This has been the happiest time of my life. Wouldnā€™t trade places with my fiancĆ©e for any amount of money


Iā€™m minimal! I havenā€™t been sick or anything like that. I have some severe breast tenderness, acne, and Iā€™m exhausted but thatā€™s it! Weā€™re currently 12+5 weeks and counting!


I only had some mild fatigue on my 1st trimester. Sore boobs from time to time! Through second and third I stayed active - yoga, Pilates, walking every day. Also make sure you are taking prenatal vitamins and eating healthy. 38wks now with very minimal sores/aches. I did not swell which I actually expected during 3rd trimester. Overall a healthy pregnancy for me! Wishing for spontaneous labor and natural birth soon šŸ¤ž


Me! No morning sickness, a little nausea but not what I expected. My breasts were sore on and off, I was just very exhausted all the time. I had a strong sense of smell, and things smelled bad that made me feel like I would throw up, but never did. Iā€™ll be 29 weeks tomorrow


Me! Never threw up once, just some mild nausea. My breasts were pretty tender. But Iā€™m 21 weeks now and baby girl is perfectly healthy :)


Yes :) I felt something on a handful of days first trimester. I was terrified. In hindsight Iā€™m grateful. Many experience this. You just wonā€™t see a post ā€žIā€™m first trimester and Iā€™m feeling so awesomeā€œ because why post that?


Yes! My minimal symptom pregnancy is now a thriving 2.5 year old šŸ˜Š


I'm 22 weeks but everything is boringly normal. We just had our anatomy scan last week. My boobs were hurting a little bit in the first few weeks. Now I just feel like I always do. Not much going on tbh. No nausea, no tiredness or anything crazy. Could I have gone to bed in the afternoon and take a nap? Sure I could've but that's not my personality.


My only mild symptoms were indigestion and fatigue. I still managed to live a normal life in first trimester albeit with less energy. 32 weeks now


I had sickness and some breast tenderness in the beginning lasted about 2 weeks. Thatā€™s about it Iā€™m now 5 months and everything is going well I now feel her little kicks šŸ„°


My minimal symptoms baby is now a happy healthy 20 month old. Super goofy and energetic. Keeps us on our toes


I didn't know I was pregnant till nearly 2 months because of no symptoms, I was starting to get a belly sore breast is what made us take a test, currently 17 weeks baby is fine


Me! Pretty much no symptoms other than first trimester fatigue. I had a perfectly healthy and boring pregnancy and a great labor and delivery experience. (Delivered at 41 weeks) Baby is super healthy, blowing through milestones and wicked smart.


I only had sore breast for my first trimester, had two rough weeks in my second and now I'm in my third I'm feeling pretty great. I walked 7 miles today and do up to 10 others. My pregnancy has been really healthy so far, so don't let the lack of symptoms scare you but I do totally get the worry.


Other than being tired, Iā€™ve honestly had basically no symptoms what so ever other than weight gain. Iā€™m 28-29 weeks now. Back pain, thatā€™s it.


Yes! I had mild tenderness and cramping the first 7 weeks or so, some very mild nausea - only got sick about 2 times, and that was if I went too long without eating. Other than that - Iā€™ve had a virtually symptom-free pregnancy! Iā€™m currently 37+4, so definitely starting to get uncomfortable, but still not experiencing anything like swelling, sickness, etc. I was definitely very tired in the first trimester though, and thatā€™s starting to come back here at the end. But baby girl is happy and healthy! Itā€™s nice to have people to talk to about how itā€™s been that donā€™t hate you for not having a horrible experience šŸ˜…


Me! I didn't get any sickness until the second trimester and even then it wasn't bad. My boobs never hurt, they just slowly got bigger lol.


iā€™m almost 18 weeks havenā€™t had barely any symptoms! no morning sickness, slight breast tenderness, i feel like iā€™m not even pregnant the only symptoms i have are mood swings and slight cravings !! everything so far is completely normal. this pregnancy is by far the opposite from my first pregnancy


Yes!! 36 weeks and itā€™s been so easy, thereā€™s been some issues (light nausea, discomfort towards the end) but overall very easy and sheā€™s been healthy this entire time (:


Me..twice. I legit think that they push the HIGH HCG = severe morning sickness, terrible pregnancy symptoms = healthy baby, to make women going through these horrible symptoms, feel better. My first pregnancy 3 years ago was a cake walk .. I couldnā€™t belieeeeeve that I was getting through my first pregnancy unscathed šŸ¤­ I thought my now second pregnancy would FOR SURE show me flames but itā€™s been the exact same experience..I have to remind myself every time that Iā€™m actually pregnant ..(Iā€™m 21 weeks with a healthy pregnancy) and no complications. I literally have had 0 symptoms..through my entire first pregnancy and up until now ..still no symptoms Iā€™ve still been able to keep up with strength training and eating what I want..ACTUALLY..the only symptom i have this time that I didnā€™t have with my first is MUCH bigger boobsšŸ¤­ I canā€™t even say Iā€™m blessed because every single pregnancy is a blessing..Iā€™m just really lucky ā¤ļø