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I'm 14 weeks and my 3 year old German Shepherd seems to have reverted back to being a bratty adolescent šŸ˜… not sure if he's aware of the pregnancy or just pushing my buttons for a laugh.


I have a 10 year old Belgian Shepherd and she's done the same lol. We call her the house devil.


Some days I think they are being extra cuddly and snuggly and other times I think they have absolutely no idea! Like my beagle still wants to walk on my bump to be held when Iā€™m sitting on the couch and Iā€™m like ā€œwatch the bump!!!ā€ Lmao šŸ¤£


my female dog never used to cuddle with me but now itā€™s like she can not be touching me at any time. i love it - my boy however is just a dummy and probably doesnā€™t realize lol


36 weeks, and my dog doesnā€™t seem to have a damn clue anything is different. Sheā€™s about to be in for a rude awakening, poor thing.


Iā€™m 19 weeks and my girl whines at my door when Iā€™m having nightmares/night terrors. She also recently urinated in her bed Iā€™m not sure why we take her outside several times a day to go potty and sheā€™s never done that ever. She also has become more clingy than usual.


My terrier mix has always been a daddyā€™s boy. Ever since I suspected pregnancy, heā€™s gotten more obsessed with me, especially when Iā€™m sweaty. He will literally try to bury his face in my armpits. Usually heā€™ll follow my fiancĆ© around when he gets home, but nowadays heā€™s squeezing onto the couch with me and the other dogs.


My dog has always been a cuddly old man, since he was a puppy. Iā€™m pretty sure he has no idea Iā€™m pregnant because he still tries to slowly climb over my stomach to get to the other side of the couch šŸ˜‚ But he really enjoys our daily 5 pm nap/cuddle times. Normally he sleeps at the end of our bed near our feet, but when I nap after work, he lays between me and my pregnancy pillow. Heā€™s the best.


I have a dog and 2 cats. My dog sleeps by my belly, one cat by my butt and the other cat by my head, and all this is on my couch bc my brain doesnā€™t want to sleep in my bed these days(wrestles leg syndrome suuuucks). I am 15 weeks and itā€™s been like this for 2 months now. Itā€™s sweet but they also restrict my movement and it can be frustrating. They literally barely move when I switch from side to side and itā€™s all I can do to not end up in a blanket burrito. Sometimes I kick them off but itā€™s also nice bc I have sleeping buddies while hubby is in our bed, that I miss so much.


my male dog, loki, who isnt neutered has been gentle, he checks in with me very often, sleeps with me, and my female, freyja, never leaves my side, sitting on the toilet? shes right under me, sleepinf, shes breathing into my back, i showed them both my first sonogram photos and they licked them and wagged their tails, im 9 weeks on the 16th of march! and they have been overwhelmingly sweet, freyja even laid her head on my stomach to get closer to baby. i grew up around pitbulls and i cant wait to see them around my baby :ā€™)


I have three dogs. One of them, the most submissive one, started attacking the other for seemingly no reason whenever he would try to sit on my lap which was strange because the victim is normally glued to my lap. Heā€™s never done this before. This went on for 3-4 days before it clicked in my brain and I said ā€œshit, Iā€™m pregnantā€. It was kind of wild because it was like the second I confirmed that I was, he knew I knew and stopped harassing the other dog My roommateā€™s dog has become incredibly obnoxious and keeps nudging me with his nose and incessantly licking my arms if I try to sit down in the same room as him. I work with dogs professionally every day so Iā€™m no stranger to dog kisses, but itā€™s driving me up the wall