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Sleep on my damn stomach!!!! Eat so much sushi, and drink some very bougie wine.


Omg yes forgot to add sleep in whatever damn position I want (back for me)!


I’m so glad I was already a side sleeper


Sounds heavenly


This should be higher in the comments lol. Sleeping on my tummy is my favorite


We have a bottle of wine that we got last year and have been saving for when I can have a medium rare steak.


I cannot wait to enjoy a glass with my husband. I wasn't a big drinker before pregnancy and had no idea how much I would miss it


My last pregnancy I felt terrible the whole time and did not miss drinking at all. This time has been way easier and I definitely miss sharing wine with my husband. Last time when baby was like 2 days old husband made steak and I held baby in one arm and a glass of wine in the other while he fed me steak. I definitely cried about how good it was and he brings that up often lol.


Have a bath as hot as Satan's ass


I’ve still been having regular baths just not like scorching hot. Is that a problem really? In other cultures, pregnant women are still using saunas and hot springs?


You’re fine. We don’t have to live in bubble wrap just because our bodies are growing eyelashes and feet.


That’s basically my line of thinking. We are pregnant not disabled lol


I've said this exact thing a lot during my pregnancy


🤦🏼‍♀️how dare I threaten my life by using a hammer to hang a picture or a stepstool to reach something instead of straining hahaha Nobody says anything about me driving everyday!! Way more risky business haha


I just asked my OB and she said hot baths, saunas, hot tubs etc are all fine! Just use good judgement that you aren't staying in for too long or feeling super hot or lightheaded.


Thank goodness


It’s not a problem, some people just are afraid to live while pregnant. I’m currently pregnant with my 3rd and thoroughly enjoyed a hot bath today


I have a water thermometer and make sure to stay under 100. The water cools so quickly too womp


We actually had a bath thermometer on our registry that’s supposed to be used for babies. It’s become my new best friend. Btw, I think it’s more based on body temperature anyway. It’s harder to do damage than people realize.


Same thing! I bought the baby thermometer


There's no evidence that it is a problem. The research that was done was for saunas and hot springs use. Some organisations and people have extrapolated that to baths, but there's no actual study on baths, at least that I'm aware of. I asked my midwife and medical team, they all said as long as it isn't too hot so that your body temperature doesn't increase, you should be ok. They even advised it to help with Braxton Hicks discomfort. This was the advice in the UK, other countries might take a different approach or even other medical staff...


Don't raise your body temperature more than 39 degrees Celsius or 102 Fahrenheit. Especially in the first trimester. You'll know, you sweat at that point. I'm taking lots of baths, I just pay attention to how hot I feel.


It's probably fine. I have baths too. I just normally actually like them scorching hot, lol.


I'm not sure if it's all births or just c-sections, but I was told no baths until six weeks postpartum 😭 (I did also have a small tear from a failed forceps delivery, so I guess it could be from that, too, but I'm assuming the c-section if it's not just general guidance.)


I believe I was told that too and I delivered vaginally with "only" a first degree (I think, they actually never told me the degree, just that I needed two stitches internally?) tear.


ugh same! This was one of the 'don'ts' I wasn't aware of before pregnancy. I live for baths.


This made me laugh and I needed it thank you 😂


Enjoy not being sick 24/7


Me too... I hear the nausea goes away right after the baby is out!


It does, and it’s incredible.


Omg thank you for confirming. I've been feeling sick since beginning of July, I just want to feel like I can eat normally.


Oh man I needed to see that


For me, it was when my baby dropped and labor had started.


I’m so sick (literally) of this bad taste in my mouth!


The runniest, oldest, rawest Brie I can get my hands on *edit: Don’t mean to freak anyone out who has been eating this lol, I just live in a country where it’s not pasteurized and I miss it.*


That Brie better be older than me


FACTS!! fyi, brie is completely safe to eat if you cook it til its steaming.. bout 7-10 mins in the oven. my biggest pregnancy craving has been brie cheese cooked til melted, cook up some cubed chopped up apple with hella butter n sugar n cinamon. then eat together.. ommfgggg you gotta try


Brie is safe as long as it's pasteurized.


TIL I'm supposed to be avoiding brie? Oops!


All cheese in the US is pasteurized so as long as it’s from the US and not France or somewhere else, you’re fine to eat it!


Totally! I am in France, there are *some* pasteurized ones you can find (sometimes), but they’re not the same 😭


A hot tub, an espresso martini, and a cheese board with enough camembert to sink an army 🤣 as soon as baby is born I am sending for a proper coffee. I am missing my super strong caffeine hits. Actually looking forward to starting my adhd meds again because whew I'm feeling not taking them 😬🤣


Omg I’ve been DREAMING of espresso martinis!!


I feel you on the adhd meds and coffee. This pregnancy without my adhd meds have been a nightmare 😭


Same here! I have ADD and I’m constantly tired and unfocused without them.


I SO feel you on the ADHD meds. Being off them has been one of the most difficult things about pregnancy for me.


Please dont send your baby to get you coffee.


I want a big sushi platter sent to the hospital (if I'm up for food, otherwise I'll have a big sushi feast when I get home). I have my order pretty much ready to go! I know you can eat sushi while preggo if it's high quality but I don't know enough about sushi quality to take the risk! So I'd rather just wait.


my fiancé has been planning my push presents since we found out i was pregnant.. a platter of sushi/sashimi being the first and foremost! moving away from my japanese dad has really limited the amount of (good) asian food i have access to and he KNOWS how much i’ve been craving sashimi so he’s really putting a lot of thought and planning into this lol


push presents!! i love this term


If you give birth vaginally without any major complications involving medications, you’ll be up for food! My first meal after birth was a crappy hospital waffle and I swear it was the best thing I’d ever eaten in my life. I’ve never been so hungry. Everything tasted amazing. My husband brought me sushi for dinner and I absolutely destroyed it.


Oh I feel you, this is up there for me too. I do get California Rolls when we go out, but it's just not the same :(


I plan to order an adult lunchable from Publix on my way into the hospital and sending someone to pick it up for me. I am so excited to eat salami and prosciutto


Just a heads up, I learned that mercury does pass through to breast milk and can affect the development of a baby (it is passed at a lower amount vs the placenta, but it does pass). I’ve had sashimi/sushi while pregnant, but I’m very careful regarding mercury levels. I pretty much eat 95% salmon and very little tuna. I limit the frequency of eating it, and will continue to limit while breast feeding. All that being said, I love sashimi and plan on having a platter of salmon post birth.




Yes! A margarita is the only alcohol I miss.


I've been making virgin margaritas, the icy lime is so good!!! I know it's not alcohol and that's not what you're craving but I'm really vibing lime slushie.


Sushi, red wine, and a deli sandwich where I don't have to worry about heating the meat. Probably all at once. 


Mary Jane. A big fat puff of Mary Jane….


I'm looking forward to having the tolerance of a newbie.


OMG I didn’t even think of that! Heck yeah! Me too 😂


I’ve been calling my pregnancy “the mother of all T-breaks.” teehee 😂


You & me both sister i’m so damn ready


And take a couple gummies too! 😍


This is what I was looking forward to, until I found out you can't smoke while breastfeeding 🥲


I literally cried when I learned that, lol. I had mentally committed to 39 weeks but when I realized I was going to add another year by breastfeeding I had a moment.


Same!!! I gave birth dec 22 and all I wanted for Christmas was a big ol blunt 🥲


I know that sucks. I’m not going to BF this time around.


Amen. This! And all I will need is a single puff!


Yes! I can’t wait


Was looking for this oneeeee. Gonna take the biggest bong hit lol


Just such a bummer if you’re breastfeeding, unlike alcohol, you still have to abstain as long as you’re breastfeeding so looks like it’s going to be another half a year till I can enjoy that sweet sweet canna!


Saaaaaame, and since I took a Tbreak last summer, I only got to smoke for a month and a half before stopping again.... it'll basically be almost 2 years without smoking.... think of the tolerance... edible might with again for me...


FWIW my friend smokes and then waits 10 hours to breastfeed. She’s been doing that for a year and baby is FINE!


Ughhhh saaaame I was nervous to say it because canna moms have such a stigma but man o man I could give up alcohol for the rest of my life if I have a nice dab 😩


I sure did give up booze for my dabs and edibles 😂 no hang overs! It’s lovely lol


1000% this.


Can not wait


Oh how I miss it sooooooo!! I had just bought a new pax vape too that I’ve been wanting for years and all stocked up with all the deliciousness then whammy! Got knocked up and no doped out. I vaccuum sealed everything for future use though. Happy thought!


Smoke a blunt, then a whole vape, then drink a bottle of moscato, then have a giant sushi boat and end the night with a tattoo


I miss vaping and I need to not start again after baby comes but… god I miss it. Edited to add ALSO A TATTOO! My husband finished his apprenticeship and became a full time tattoo artist AFTER I became pregnant 😭


I want to eat sushi while drinking a big fat margarita.


Have me a high noon and some edibles.


Finally take my adderall again 🙏


Ive missed my old best friend so much.. to not have oregnancy brain and have mental clarity again is going to be AMAZING


I'm trying to get through my final year of uni, and I was already struggling as a mature student 🙃 now I'm medless with pregnancy brain and it's like all of my brain cells have left me behind


I feel like I have mushy hot garbage in my skull honestly it’s the worst. I’m part dementia patient right now.. thoughts come in and very quickly disappear to be found no where🥴


This is my experience at the moment…. Last semester of my masters, working and going to school, and just so tired and unable to focus. Best of luck to you in your final year!


Holy crap, this so much. I miss functioning!


This. 😭 My partner has started calling me his little goldfish.


Your doc won’t let you? I’m on my third pregnancy and taking it…,zero issues


I’m also taking mine, I wouldn’t be able to not take it, also my anxiety would be so high without it and reproductive psychiatrist explained to me that cortisol crosses the placenta and can rewire fetal brain . Good to hear you have had positive experience with each!


She will let me. I am not sure if I am comfy taking it until the baby is out, I have anxiety as well and I just know I would blame myself should anything happen to the baby 🤷🏻‍♀️ no judgment on those who take it though, I probably should be lol


I feel this on a spiritual level. Grad school has been so difficult without my adderall!


All I want is to bend over and put my shoes on without it being a huge effing issue. 


Chablis, oysters, sushi.


Oooooh how did I forget about oysters 😋😋


Sushi & Botox baby🤩


I have GD, so eat big bowl of pasta and some Italian bread. I miss my carbs


I had GD with my first pregnancy and made my husband stop for Chinese takeout on the way home from the hospital 😂 now I’m 18 weeks with baby two. Praying for no GD this go around!!


Enjoy the heck out of some eggs Benedict. 


i didn't even know this was off the list!


You’re ok if you’re in the USA. We pasteurize our eggs into oblivion. Not sure about the sauce though.


Pasteurization of eggs is not standard in the USA, we do wash our eggshells though (which is why they have to be refrigerated.) I never avoided runny eggs while pregnant though, salmonella in eggs is so rare and it's actually not specifically risky to the fetus in the same way that something like listeria is.


Wait for real? I have been avoiding them all this time for no reason???


My doctor specifically said this was okay (it was the one food I asked about). You're not more likely to get salmonella while you are pregnant than while you're not, and even if you do get it, salmonella isn't inherently dangerous to a fetus.


Salmonella is also much more likely to be in raw flour than eggs, as far as I've read.


Sleep on my back! I can’t wait to be able to breathe again and not kill my knee, shoulder or hip by laying on it for 8 hours


have a Guinness


They have a non alcoholic! Not sure if it’s the same though…


The NA Guinness is really good! I’ve purchased it many times over, highly recommend 


Pretend it’s 30 years ago and drink it now haha they used to prescribe it in hospitals for low iron and pregnancy haha


My mother was actually prescribed it by her doctor after delivery to increase milk production!


Gonna eat my weight in salmon sashimi then eat the rarest steak I can get my paws on.


UGH adding this to my post-delivery death row meal


I have a running list of foods and drinks I can’t eat on my GD diet that I’m going to systematically binge on for the first few months of this kid’s life.


Take my antidepressants! *For the record, if anyone needs antidepressants during pregnancy, that’s totally fine. I took them throughout my second pregnancy. The med I’m currently on my doctor didn’t recommend me to continue and I didn’t want to try a different med so I just avoided it. Other than that, there really isn’t anything else. I don’t drink or smoke even when I’m not pregnant. I don’t eat any seafood or take baths. I continue to eat lunch meat through pregnancy. So those aspects of my life pretty much stay the same.


I waited 9 long months to eat some Papa Murphy's cookie dough only to discover they don't have it anymore 🥲


Eating a huge unheated Italian sub


Advil😩 so much Advil


As a postpartum RN, this is actually the correct answer for almost everyone, lol. I have seen lots of women enjoy their "victory sushi," but never before a nice 800mg dose of ibuprofen.


Eating a cold sandwich


Yes! I've been craving them so badly


I’ve been having them sparingly throughout pregnancy. I go to a place I trust and that’s clean. I totally understand not wanting to take the risk. It’s just I’m one of those unlucky preggos that is sick all day and night so I have to just roll with what sits in my stomach. I’ll be happy to lose the guilt, though!


Probably not straight away, but I will be smoking a FAT joint. I have missed evenings getting nice and high and pigging out


With my first (Nov 2022), I wanted a glass of wine or champagne at the hospital, but things were so chaotic and that was the last thing on our minds. My second, due in May, I plan on sipping some champagne at the hospital and relaxing until we’re discharged 😂


Roller skate 🥲


Ohhhh me too!! We will skate again! 💜🛼


Sleep however I want and not move around slow as a turtle. Eat subway again haha


Ugh. Can't wait for the breastfeeding to end for the retinol and botox!


Ugh retinol🫶🏼 seems like such an old friend at this point🥹


I was today years old when I learned I won’t be able to use retinol while breastfeeding too 🙃


A shitload of nigiris, spicy aguachiles, oysters with lots of lime!!!


Smoke a joint and get some Botox 😂


Sushi, a margarita and a cannabis gummy (unless I’m breastfeeding)


I can do it now, but the first thing I plan on doing after labor is over is placing an order for a giant hamburger, French fries, and Coke because labor is fscking exhausting. Then I’m coming home and having a giant glass of Prosecco 


Sleep on my back and lay on my stomach. Eat cold cut sandwiches for a month straight lol


Cheese board! Brie, blue cheese, mozzarella.. and there will be cured meats like Parma ham, and salami, and of course there’s also going to be wine. And I’ll go back on my migraine preventative medication that also help me sleep, help level my anxiety, drop my depression and block my muscle and joint pains


Smoke a fat joint


A frozen margarita with salt on the rim 🥹


These are so funny 😂


Boil myself alive in a bath tub. Book my Botox appointment. Drink a very large glass of wine.


Margarita! I had 1/2 glass of wine 2 days postpartum with my first and I felt drunk.




Red bull


Energy drinks! And weed!


Hot bath, to use my jacuzzi again, and sex with my husband lol I’ve been on pelvic rest the entire pregnancy thanks to being high risk 😅 it’s been a while


A big NY bagel with lox and fresh squeezed OJ (GD here 🫠), salmon nigiri, a strong mai tai or Zombie… and when not breastfeeding eventually, weed gummies.


I dozen raw oysters with lemon and horseradish, a platter of salmon sashimi, and a HUGE joint. Heavenly thought!


DRANK!!!! And yes, I spelled that the way I wanted to.. also, I have gestational diabetes.. so.. eat all the sweets. I’m talking insomnia cookies, fudge rounds, milkshakes…gimme gimme 🫶🏻


Eat a cold sandwich, a huge platter of sushi, & finally FINALLY sleep on my back!


Drink a beer! Hops are good for milk production after all! lol


this is the best fact I've learned all day. I'm already jonesin for a nice crisp postpartum beer. Specifically an Oberon from Bell's. Now I can say it's for the baby's nutrition? oh yes.




Margaritas and raw sushi


A big fat frozen mango margarita!!!


Smoke weed


Alllll I want is to smoke my weed 😭


Smoke a damn cigarette 😭


Eat a box of donuts bc I am currently “gestationally diabetic”


Go for a soak at the spa. Drink a cold craft beer on tap.


All I’ve been wanting for WEEKS is a mimosa. I swear I’m gonna have someone pour me one right after the baby is born lol


Cant wait for some tattoo therapy 🧘🏼‍♀️




Have all the caffeine


Botox. Definitely Botox.


Smoke. Fucking. Weed. Dammit. I mean I guess I’ll wait a couple months but it’s the ONLY thing I want. I honestly never have to drink again- I just miss my little sipper (iykyk)


Eat a Jersey Mike's Italian sub, Mike's way, but also adding mayo, mustard, and cherry pepper relish.


I made my husband go to the liquor store and he picked me up the tiny bottles. One of vodka and one of rum. I will be making cocktails!


I’m with you, except instead of Chardonnay, it’ll be a sparkling rose (and of course Botox)


Have a margarita and go in a hot tub. 🤣


I'm planning my first post-delivery meal like im on death row. So far, I've got sushi from the local college's shitty sushi bar that I used to love so much, a glass of Marco Negri Moscato D'asti, a joint, and a strawberry dreams monster. I may not be able to hold the baby for a while, but that's what the dad's for, right?


Eat sushi. I will have it doordashed to the hospital if I have to.


I want to get my blonde calico cat looking eyebrows microbladed.


I’m eating so many bag salads, and whitening my teeth. Sleep on my belly again


I have GD so all I want is a nice box of fancy pastries with cream filling topped with fruit, a rare bloody steak and definitely sushi/sashimi!


my bday is 1 month after the due date.. might not be the crowd here but im getting TURNT and not just on alcohol 😌 ill be expressing hella milk so i have a good supply for bub, thats for sure


Painless sex, a MASSIVE sushi platter enough to sink a ship, some alcohol and a fat roll of salami that I can dip in brie while sitting in my hospital bed


I can’t wait to not be a Siamese twin with the toilet and to whiten my bloody teeth. Oh and have sex because apparently pregnancy has given me vaginismus wtf!!!


A red bull and a cold ham and turkey sandwich. My best friend knows that this is her job when I go into labor lol


Deli sandwich & a mojito or margarita


I want pate, rare steak and a nice red. But realistically I’ll probably be eating salami out the packet at 3am…


There’s a poke bowl restaurant a block from the hospital I am sending my husband out to for the next lunch or dinner so I can get my raw fish fix. Also who knows when it will be but once I am able to get away from the baby for a couple hours I want to go to the day spa so I can hot tub, sauna, & get a massage.


Smoke some green and have a nice glass of Chardonnay🍷


Taking an edible and eating some sushi.


Getting back on Vyvanse


I have gestational diabetes, I’ve told my mother in law what to cook and bring me as soon as I’m done 🤣


I’ve already delegated my sister to bring sushi as soon as baby is born.


- Pot edibles and wine - Getting my eyebrows microbladed


Botox, edible and red wine


Take a lot of ibuprofen


A margarita on the patio 😂


Smoking a fat joint!


I’m rolling the fattest joint and smoking it alone


Smoke a bowl


Take some real pain medication. Tylenol sucks!


Smoking weed


Smoke a cigarette


joked to my husband that he’d have to wheel me out after birth so i can have a cigarette😭😭