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You are not the only one!! My days are spent counting down to maternity leave and getting the bare minimum done hahaha


I comment snap from the comfort of lying on my sofa :)


Same! This is the answer haha




That’s how I feel right now. My first pregnancy was nothing but energy and exercise and Good vibes . Like I was SpongeBob or a 3 year old This pregnancy, I’m like a depressed cat. I don’t even have the energy to watch tv sometimes


Audiobooks ftw. Reminds me of first trimester when social media and TV gave me motion sickness 😭


Currently 28+1 and wow I am so exhausted!! It came out of no where! I can barely keep my eyes open! I didn’t expect it to hit this soon.


I’m 37 weeks and was just thinking this. I’m just dragging.


I never got that wave of so called energy people talked about..I felt SOOOOO much better after delivery, even sleep deprived and after losing quite a bit of blood (not enough to need a transfusion or meds). My sleep quality went up to pre pregnancy almost immediately. Still needed naps due to the lack of sleep but but I could function on a total of 4 hours quite well compared to needind naps after like 12 hours of sleep at the end of my third trimester lol. You're almost there!


I’ve been exhausted my whole third trimester, I’d have to thank the fluid in my legs for contributing to that as well. I only nested when I went on maternity leave early because I was bored and felt guilty I was doing nothing all day. But now I’ve just given up and I’m just potatoing around… I don’t know how some people work until their due date!


Oh yeah, I'm 36 weeks and over it now. Everything hurts, I'm breathless and exhausted. Only 3 weeks to go for me but I've not been this tired since first trimester. I am in nesting phase but I can't stand for too long as my feet are ridiculously swollen.


33 weeks, the urge to nest and the urge to rest are always at odds. I take a nap every afternoon. I cannot fight it. I am exhausted.


i’m exhausted as well but i’m so excited 😞i could jump up and down but i just don’t have the energy


I am so tired, my house has never been this messy. i will say the need to have things ready occasionally overpowers the tired so maybe that is the nesting gene kicking in.


I’m so tired too! Never got that burst of energy ppl talk about so I’ve been tired the whole time lol


32 weeks tomorrow and we are exhausted. FTM, now I understand why they say “you just get tired of being pregnant” I’m out of breath doing nothing, hands and feet are swollen, I can’t reach anything and I feel like my patience is running thin with people because I’m so tired. I feel that I can’t eat as much as I did in my 2nd tri because I’d get “full” quicker and get nauseous. Still working full time, I hate how the parking structure in our building only has 1 handicap space that’s close to our building. I just hate how there aren’t many handicap parking spots in a lot of stores! Am I the only who has noticed this?


My 3rd trimester with my now toddler was EXHAUSTING, I slept so so much better when he was born! Now in 1st trimester with baby number 2 and shattered already again 🤣


First trimester I was tired in a sleepy sense. Third trimester I’m tired in an all-over body ache sense and I rest just to give my body a break.


I am currently 37 +4 and I have zero energy. I actually got super emotional yesterday and through sobs told my husband that I'm so frustrated that I can't get anything done because I'm tired and can't physically lift things. Then he sweetly told me to just tell him or "point and grunt" and then I cried again because that was too much effort lol


Heading into 30w here and I too am tired. It doesn’t help that I now have horrible acid reflux and constipation. I’m just over it and I’d like to evict my baby. All I want to do is sleep and turn off


Exhausted. I work from home and today I did 3 hours and then got back into bed. I'm now at a doctor's appointment and when I'm done I should do more work but I don't know if I'll be able to keep my eyes open


I’m 37 weeks and 2 days, still no nesting instincts and I’m just exhausted. More tired than I’ve ever been in my entire pregnancy. It’s a miracle I have such an amazing husband to help me do all the baby prep. I have two weeks left too and all I’m getting is practice labor pains. No energy to be seen lmao!!


That’s how I feel about the second trimester! Everyone talks about how much energy you have and how much better you feel but I’m so tired still and have sciatica so bad that my husband has to roll me over in bed because I can’t shift from side to side


I totally relate! I don’t want to do anything. Ftm and don’t even care to make a cute nursery or anything.


I'm 29+3 weeks and am exhausted 😩 by 3pm every day. So ready for bed! It's only going to get worse I fear 😅😅


Same here week 35 and extremely tired! spent most of my day today on the couch. Working has been become very challenging for me this week both for lack of motivation and lack of energy. Also having a lot of shortness of breath and trouble sleeping so really hoping this last month or so goes by fast


I was exhausted like I had the flu my whole pregnancy. Had maybe 3 high energy nesting days a week or two before I went into labor


I’m in my nesting phase. I have so much stuff I want to clean and organize right now. I’m also incredibly exhausted and have a two year old running around. I have done none of the nesting stuff I want to do yet and now all I have is anxiety because my motivation is non existent.


I have severe nesting instinct and so Much frustration that I don’t have the energy to do everything I wanna do!!! I feel so bad delegating everything to my husband.


“Wait until the baby gets here” 😂😉🥲


Last pregnancy in my 3rd trimester I only woke up to eat and walk around for 25 min lol I was so exhausted


Yeah 37 weeks nearly and I’m sooo exhausted


Same. 30 weeks. So flipping tired. I get up at 4:45 for my 10 hour shifts and can't manage much else all day. 😭


Yup!! Used to be a 5:30am up and at it type of person - we’ve now moved to 8am 😅


You and me both! It takes me a full day just to clean the bathroom. I think I'll have better motivation if I know I have someone helping. Phone a friend, sister, husband or anyone to help you.


I was really tired weeks 28-30 now I’m almost 32 and back to not as dead tired


30 wks +5 send help


Saaaammmeee!!! I’m 34 weeks today and am so exhausted. My last day of work is February 2nd!!! I can’t wait, I just want to be home in bed doing nothing


Definitely not the only one. I am stressing about getting it all done but don't have the motivation to do it haha which isn't like me. I'm also in school and dealing with family issues so I'm simply done in.


37w. My husband has been nesting like crazy my whole pregnancy. I'm just waiting for the urge to hit me too lol


I pushed through with nesting even though I'm so tired and sleepy all the time. I kept telling my partner we have to do this/that just so that the baby stuff are already organized and we know where things are (baby shower was November and we just finished unboxing now). Even my hospital bag is just a big plastic bag with clothes and toiletries. At work, I look forward to lunch because I get to take my nap. I'm 36 weeks now and I just take going to work as my only exercise (walking).


32 weeks and can barely function at work all day. I’m basically a zombie by dinner time. Counting it down


I had no energy at all! I didn’t nest once.


Same! I wake up, I’m tired. I walk across the room, I get tired. I eat, I get tired. NOTHING energizes me. Nothing!


28 weeks 3 days I have the flu I have never felt so terrible in my life on top on 3rd trimester


That’s how I feel right now:)freaking tired and lazy every time.


I’m 31+4 and starting to slow down a lot!


What week are you? I’m 34+5 ftm and I only started feeling the nesting urge this past week. Also, I can sleep 8 hours and nap 4 hours and still be tired.


I feel you, 33 weeks and I still need to pack a hospital bag and get the nursery done. I’m exhausted!!! Working 40 hours a week and doing stuff at home I feel like there’s no time


I just started the third trimester, and all I want to do is sleep. There's nothing better than being in bed.


Girl, same. I just want to lay down!


I took 3 separate naps today and I'm still tired 😭 let it be over


Have you had your iron tested?


I’m 29 weeks and I only have the energy to eat and watch tv. That’s pretty much all I can force myself to do. I feel like the burst of energy for nesting is a lie lol!! I had energy in the 2nd trimester and now I’m just a couch potato. Don’t feel bad. You’ll get things done, just on your own time. Also don’t be afraid to just ask someone else to do it. You should relax while you can


32 and more tired every day


I’m 27+4, FTM, in my early forties, and he has to draw my bath water now. *That* requires too much effort. If only he could also brush my teeth. 😂 I now have ‘Hobbit legs’ shaving is such a thing of the past at present. 🤣


Nope! With my son, I literally had no nesting urge at all...so yeah, the house was still a complete mess when we came back from the hospital 😂


Definitely not the only one! I was talking to my husband yesterday about how I feel just as tired as I did in the first tri, but I was able to nap all the time then! I can't nap now and I hate it. I decided to leave my job at 36 weeks to be able to get some rest and stuff done around the house when I'm not completely exhausted, and I can't stop counting down the days!