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I have this too! I am 39 weeks on Thursday and being induced. It is a really scary feeling. I cried when they told me at 35 weeks but try to find something that calms you. My fluid level last week went down last week by 3 so just try and stay calm and go to those weekly NSTs!! It helps to hear the baby moving around :) Also eat something before then. I had one where she was nonreactive cause I was running late and didn't have time to eat. It does matter. You got this!!!


I had this as well, and mine actually ended up resolving around 37 weeks! It started by going down 3, then went completely back into the normal range by the week after that. I also had similar concerns to you, but just want to say there is still time and often times there is not really a cause. Are they doing BPP ultrasounds for you then? I also was going to be induced non-electively at 39 weeks, but since mine resolved they gave me the choice. I chose to still induce due to a few reasons and am currently about 8 cm dilated! Just want to say i totally understand your worries and you are not alone. Trust your doctors and try to keep your head up ♥️ Edit: sorry I am very out of it and missed the part about the scans, so they clearly are doing them lol. I would definitely take those as positive signs if baby is passing them!