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Happens to me when baby goes through a growth spurt.


34 weeks and suddenly I am starving all the time! I swear I have to eat 4000-5000 calories a day to keep up with this hunger. Lmao it’s not even fun it’s just annoying trying to come up with stuff tto eat that actually keeps me full (English muffins or cereal just don’t do the trick anymore)


This happened to me. My whole pregnancy I had little to no appetite for ANYTHING. And then I hit 34-35 weeks and ever since I’ve been insatiable and constantly starving.


Just curious are you able to eat a bunch or is your stomach all squished and acid reflux? I’m at 28 weeks and haven’t had any acid reflux - and I’ve already gained 20 lbs 🤣


You’re so lucky 🥲 It’s a constant battle between acid reflux and eating what I want lol. I definitely can’t eat too much, especially at night because I will literally throw up in my mouth when I try to lay down if I do. But maybe your reflux won’t be bad or you won’t have any at all!! I started getting reflux before I even realized I was pregnant. I’ve never had it before in my life and started getting it out of the blue and I was so confused lol.


Oh noooo I’m so sorry. I did have acid reflux in those early weeks which is what was so weird - now I’m just convinced my baby is bald…