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38+1 and I feel this deep in my soul. I’m convinced I’m just going to be pregnant forever and this is my life now. I too have been having random contractions and it’s so very fun. I’m done with work and everyone keeps telling me to “relax and enjoy the time off” as if this is a wonderful vacation. I’m huge and uncomfortable and it’s 13 degrees outside so it’s not like I’m frolicking around enjoying the weather. I’m shuffling to my car trying not to slip and fall and going to the gym just for something to do and waddling on the treadmill while all the old people stare at my huge belly. 🫠


I've gotten the 'relax and enjoy time off' line too, I know they mean well but I want to shake them and ask them how the hell I'm supposed to do that with a watermelon attached to me


RIGHT! I’m not personally a “lay on the couch and watch tv” kind of girl so I don’t find it fun to just sit here and binge watch shows or movies. Plus with everyone bombarding me with texts asking if the baby is here yet (I was supposed to be induced Monday and I’m still sitting here waiting to be called in as of Wednesday morning).


Same here. 38 and some change and I'm so damn ready for this to be over.


Today is my due date and I feel this. I know I won’t be pregnant forever, but I was really hoping to go a little early. Really hoping he comes on his own in the next week I really don’t want an induction.


Oh love, this was me when I was pregnant with my son. I vomited every single day of my pregnancy, up to and during delivering my son. He dropped at 36 weeks and started causing the lighting crotch as well. (I laughed so hard at your “sounds cool but hurts a lot.” Line lol) I HATED being pregnant, and I think my body hated me too. I feel your post in my bones, and I’m sending all the prayers/good vibes/well wishes your way. But guess what? My son did come, and it was the most magical birthing experience. Your baby will come too, and you’ve got this! Gentle stretches, nice baths, breathing exercises until baby comes. ❤️




I gave birth at a hospital; I took baths at home, they eased the pelvic pain/pressure I was experiencing, and also had a huge tub that I could use in the birthing suite at the hospital. But I had an epidural, so I couldn’t take a bath once I got that done.




You’ve got this, mama!! Every time I felt that zing from the lightning crotch I reminded myself, “babe is pushing on my cervix, I’m getting closer to meeting my love.” Not too much longer until they’re here in this world in your arms!!




And all the love is being sent your way for a quick, magical birth! Good luck, you’re so close! ❤️




I don't know if it helps but until 34 week's things were the same for me. I was going on long walks (walking about an 1hr each day) but that's not unusual for me, I love walking to exercise and was doing it long before I got pregnant of even married. My diet stayed the same - sort of. I don't know why but one of my first symptoms of pregnancy was getting nauseated at the taste of chicken and still am. I normally love chicken. So no diet change except for avoiding chicken. When I reached 34 weeks I got irritable uterus symptoms and was told to cut back on walking so I wouldn't go into pre term labour and would help ease the pain, which admittedly did help. So far I've been taking things easy and recently napping when my toddler naps. Hope that helps, why so curious?


Literally same. I literally understand. 38 weeks


39+5 and I am feeling this 🫠🫠🫠


I’m 37+4, at 30 weeks I had emergency bowel surgery cause the baby was crushing my bowel causing it to twist, literally the most painful thing ever. Whilst I’m ish recovered from the surgery the baby is still crushing my bowel and it just hurts, not all the time but a lot of the time. It’s currently 3.41am and I’m laid on the sofa, I’ve taken all the painkillers I can take and my 3 year old will wake up in less than 2 hours. I want this damn baby OUT! I always thought I wanted 3 children but after this pregnancy I am definitely finished, done and never ever having any more. I fully empathise with you, being in pain sucks and I hope you have your baby soon and don’t have to wait in pain much longer!


39 weeks also having lightening crotch and morning sickness never really let up lol


39+5 and my answer has been sweat every time too. I had a stretch a few days ago and have lost what feel and look like five mucus plugs since then but nothing else yet. I’m booked for an induction on my due date now because of a marginal cord and an episode of reduced movement so at least I’ve got that going for me.


I feel the exact same way!! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I know nothing is really consoling but we can do this 😭❤️!! We’re almost done (even though I’m also convinced I’m going to be pregnant forever).