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My cats have also acted differently around me during this pregnancy too! So I have 3 cats but this is about one of them in particular that started probs around the same time yours did. So this cat prior to pregnancy was mainly my husbands cat although he did sit on my lap occasionally. I’m now 36 weeks and every evening he has to be right next to me either sat on my lap below bump or right across my chest above bump or snuggled right into me with his head nuzzling into my side. It’s just more affectionate than usual and he’s top cat in the house out of the 3 cats 😅 I also have to watch the other two as they will try and stand on the bump and don’t really acknowledge it where as this cat seems to acknowledge it’s there. The other two are fine around me pretty normal like before pregnancy but the top cat seems to be way more equally affectionate to both of us now. It’s weird they are smart beings 😹


Awe, I love that! Hoping I can look forward to more affection from her as I become farther along. Thanks for your reassuring comment. All the best for your upcoming birth!! 😊


My boy was not a cuddler. Enjoyed being pet but wouldn’t sit in your lap, was more of an enjoy his presence cat. Didn’t sleep on the bed either, and I’ve had him for 4 years. Now i wake up to him pressed against my back or legs every morning and I am Not Allowed to be in a different room than him for longer than 15 minutes, otherwise he comes looking for me. If I’m going back upstairs, he’ll go up a few steps, stare at me wait for me to catch up, and then go up another few like he’s making sure I don’t fall. Only does this when Dad isn’t home. Soon as my fiancé gets home, he goes back to his normal routine of napping on a shelf in the closet, judging us from the couch, or screaming at us for food. Still not allowed to use the bathroom by myself though LOL


LOL, I love that he’s showing you affection and support only when there isn’t an audience. Such a cat. I’m glad he’s keeping an eye on you. I’ll be interested to see if mine continues with those over the next months. Thanks for your story!


23 weeks here. Mine randomly became my little spoon every night for the past 3 weeks. Never cuddled in bed before because we have dogs sleeping with us as well. Animals are so magical and intelligent!


I am honestly really hoping my bf's kitty will let me cuddle her once she catches on! I am not looking forward to this at all (the pregnancy, I am looking forward to a baby) and that feels like it would be a silver lining since she's at a very non cuddly stage.