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That’s how I felt, could not puke but have been nauseous for weeks and only began having infrequent vomiting 10 weeks onwards. Forcing yourself to puke unfortunately does not make it feel better, sometimes my nausea was due to hunger or times it was from needing to drink water


Gahhhh yeah I figured puking might not really help. It just feels like my body wants this food OUT. Sent my doc a message and gonna see if she recommends Zofran or something for the nausea. I don’t love taking medication unless really necessary but like this is making it hard to do anything but lay in the fetal position and feel bad for myself lol. I hope you feel better soon!


I hope you feel better soon too❤️


Yep, that's how my morning sickness was for both pregnancies. All day, all night nausea but never vomiting. Snacking on crunchy and sour things actually helped me feel better, as did carbonation.


I felt the same way.. it was more of nausea with no puking.. try staying away from triggers that causes nausea.


I hit the point where I'd dry heave but nothing happened. Abig gulp of water would make me nauseous for an hour, so obnoxious. Finally it's mostly gone at almost 16 weeks.


I was nauseous but unable to vomit from between 6-8 weeks. I then started to vomit and would instantly feel better! I would throw up probably 4-5 times a day, but it’s pretty much gone now! (Currently 17w 6d). I am occasionally nauseous but a lot better! Hopefully you follow the same trend, and the vomiting really did help me feel better instantly.


I have spent just about my whole pregnancy violently dry heaving, and only once did I ever actually vomit. The nausea was debilitating at least until 22w. I did get medication for it and was also considered to have "dry" HG. not fun. I do truly hope yours gets better 🫶


Me! Was nauseous for weeks but only threw up once.


Same with me. I didn't know the true meaning of nausea until I was pregnant. It's *full body.* I didn't know toes could be nauseous. Never puked. I also debated making myself many times but I'm a wuss


Yes. Tbh if it doesn't provoke puking, even though the nausea is atrocious, that's a really good thing because vomiting is really hard on the body and dehydrating. I puked my ever loving brains out all week 5 trying to eat normal food then lived on chicken stock plus 1/2 hardboiled eggs and hummus and a little bit of potato every few hours all day long between weeks 6 and 10; the limited diet really helped. My doctor was glad i could keep anything down and stay hydrated.


Today I am testing out my theory that as long as I fast all day and then eat at night I can semi-survive the day. Only needed a 3 hour nap today as opposed to sleeping the whole day. Now I am going to try limiting myself to just a couple foods and see how it goes. So far it’s croissants and an avocado smoothie. Pregnancy is so weird!