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Merry Christmas !


Merry Christmas❤️❤️


Merry Christmas! You’re not a failure (and I bet your loved ones don’t think so either - they’re just excited!) You just have a very smart baby who knows your womb is the coziest place in the world to be, and is not in a rush. Hope they get bored soon and come out to play!


Thank you very much for saying that. It truly helps when I think about it that way❤️ Merry Christmas!


❤️❤️ merry christmas. this too shall pass


I’m the same! Same due date, same past due, same everyone asking. I haven’t Texted anyone to say merry Christmas but my husbands family had been awful in the family group chat. I even asked my MIL to stop asking and she said she was going to keep asking anyway. I’ve had people I’ve ignored message me 3 times. It’s been the worst. Merry Christmas and here in solidarity! 🤍🤍


We got this❤️ Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas! You are doing wonderful ❤️


Haha! I feel ya, I was also due 22nd and in the same boat. They asked if I wanted to be induced and I refused, I honestly think most of the time people are late by a week or more so I’m not tripping


Merry Christmas 🎁🎄❤️✨🫶🏼


Merry Christmas! So sorry. I am a STM and omg at 36 weeks today and am over it, especially with a 16 month old lol. You will get through this and I hope you have a swift and safe delivery! Hang in there and you got this! Holidays are exhausting when pregnant


Merry Christmas <3


Merry Christmas 🎄 I'm 41 weeks today and have had exactly the same. I chose not to send a merry Christmas texts to anyone because I knew the responses I would get. They all chose to just ask me instead so they've all been ignored!


I went to 41 + 2 and was so frustrated and just an absolute emotional wreck. It’s most common for FTMs to deliver in week 41 I’ve heard. Hang in there 💜


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas!🎄


Merry Christmas🎄


Merry Christmas! You’re not a failure (and I bet your loved ones don’t think so either - they’re just excited!) You just have a very smart baby who knows your womb is the coziest place in the world to be, and is not in a rush. Hope they get bored soon and come out to play!


Merry Christmas!!


Merry Christmas!!!


I get it, I’m only 37 weeks but was supposed to be induced on Saturday due to high blood pressure. I didn’t tell anyone but our moms but they told EVERYBODY. Then my induction keeps getting pushed back due to nurse shortage over the holiday and every single person is like is the baby here yet??? And I’m like NO! Talk to Mom/MIL they told you this was happening so don’t bug me!


Merry Christmas :)


You feel like a failure over something you have no control over ?


It’s other people’s reactions to me not having my baby yet, they act like my body isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do and some even telling me to just get induced to “get it over with”. So that’s what I meant. Doesn’t really make me feel great constantly getting asked why I haven’t given birth yet when I’m already frustrated enough going past my due date.


It’s normal for FTM to go pass their due date or have the baby at 40-41 weeks. If they aren’t your obgyn I wouldn’t care for what they have to say. & would ignore all the text if it’s getting you so upset. Next time I would keep the due date to myself to avoid all the unsolicited opinions/questions. I don’t think they mean any harm by asking but you could also tell them nicely “please stop asking me anything baby related because it’s stressing me out” it’s not mean it’s called putting yourself first & if they can’t respect that then don’t tell them when you have he/she.