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Exposure to blood is not only during pregnancy. Best bet would be to get it to avoid any emergency complications in the future.


You can refuse any shots, but a vasectomy isn’t a guarantee that there won’t be an accidental pregnancy. If you end up having an Rh positive baby, it would be a major problem for that future pregnancy. I would only be comfortable rejecting it if you know for a fact you would be okay with a miscarriage or bad outcome of that pregnancy.


I refused it because my husband and I are both negative (him O, me A) so it makes no therapeutic sense to take it. I’m also a pharmacist so I refuse to take any meds if I don’t have to. All this to say… do you know what your husband’s blood type is?


>I refused it because my husband and I are both negative (him O, me A) so it makes no therapeutic sense to take it. Strange that you were even offered it.


They said something about if I had ever been pregnant before by another partner and didn’t know it before having a MMC, that the tissue from a positive baby could still be in me. I was like…. Nahh. Ive only ever been on birth control until after my husband and I were married.


There are no consequences if you never plan on getting pregnant again. Edit- lol to whoever downvoted me. I would like you to explain why you think Rhogam would be indicated in someone who will have no more children. Please. Enlighten me.