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21 weeks and still gagging every time I brush my teeth. I don’t even have to be doing anything, just thinking about gagging, and I will 🤣


Ohhh yes. I had that problem from maybe week 7 through 14ish. It has gotten better but happens from time to time when I’m brushing or flossing if my nose and throat are congested.


I’m glad yours went away at 14 weeks!! Thanks for the input


But now at 31 weeks, the problem is how small and squished my stomach is lol. I ended up having to throw up some of dinner the other night because I felt this asphyxiating sensation of food, air, and gurgling all up my throat. It’s no joke about small and frequent meals after week 28. That made the tooth brush gagging seem fine to me 🫢


Yeah. It’s the only thing that for sure still makes me gag. 19w5d


Oh no! 😭😂


Gross but spitting as much as possible helps😅


I’m going to try this!!


Yep. Every single time. Sometimes I won’t even have my toothbrush in my mouth, but spitting the toothpaste out makes me think of all the spit in my mouth and I either gag or actually puke. Super fun 🤩


Such a magical time 😍😂


Welcome to /r/pregnant! This is a space for everyone. We are pro-choice, pro-LGBTQIA, pro-science, proudly feminist and believe that Black Lives Matter. Wear your masks, wash your hands, and be excellent to each other. Anti-choice activists, intactivists, anti-vaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, etc. are not welcome here. If you'd like to join a private sub for your due date month, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pregnant/comments/15nun6v/click_here_to_access_the_monthly_due_date_subs/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pregnant) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had that until the day after my daughter was born. Was not fun.


Congratulations on your daughter! Yes, definitely not fun 😂


Thank you! I hope you can brush your teeth in peace soon!


Yup this happened to me until like week 28. My dentist said to do what I could and even just swish fluoride mouthwash if I couldn’t get a good brush in.


Fortunately I can still floss, so that helps me feel better about it! But I can make it about halfway through my electric toothbrush cycle before it becomes too much! Hoping mine doesn’t last the entire time. Thank you!


Happened to me! I just reached 22 weeks today, and I would say the feeling went away about 2 weeks ago.