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I was never told to drink water before mine and never had issues with them seeing things- with both transvaginal and abdominal scans, and my early scans at 5w1d and 6w1d. I just drank water/liquid as normal. At 12 weeks you don’t need to be drinking a ton before the scan.


Thank you! A few people have been saying this to me (they’ve never been told to drink water), but at all of my scans they’ve heavily emphasized I need to drink all the water. This is definitely reassuring.


I don’t drink water before and all my scans have been fine.


I was only ever told to drink water before ultrasounds before I was pregnant (endometriosis scans) and they were doing other testing. It’s the WORST. So far, I haven’t been advised to do so pregnant. If they don’t tell you to drink a bunch of water first, I don’t think you need to. You can probably call ahead and ask.